Mar 31, 2025  
2004-2005 Graduate Bulletin 
2004-2005 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Faculty Listing

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as of April 2004

Stuart Rabinowitz , BA, 1966, CUNY at City; JD, 1969, Columbia
President; Professor of Law; Andrew M. Boas and Mark L. Claster Distinguished Professor of Civil Procedure

Herman A. Berliner
, BA, 1965, City College ; PhD, 1970, CUNY
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Professor of Economics; Lawrence Herbert Distinguished Professor

M. Patricia Adamski
, BA, 1971, Wisconsin ; JD, 1974, Virigina
Senior Vice President for Planning and Administration; Professor of Law; Adolph J. and Dorothy R. Eckhardt Distinguished Professor

Bernard J. Firestone
, BA, 1970, Yeshiva; MPhil, 1979; Ph.D.,1979, CUNY
Dean of Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Professor of Political Science

David C. Christman
, BA, 1962, Hofstra; MA, 1966, Columbia
Dean of New College; Dean, School for University Studies; Associate Professor of Art History

DelGaudio, Sybil A.
, BA, 1965, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA,1966, Northwstrn Univ; MPh, 1983, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1986, Columbia Univ
Interim Dean of the School of Communication

James R. Johnson
, AB, 1965, Duke; MS, 1970; PhD, 1972, Pennsylvania State
Dean of the School of Education and Allied Human Services

Ralph S. Polimeni
, BS, 1966; MBA, 1969, Long Island ; PhD, 1973, Arkansas ; CPA, 1973, CCA, 1983, New York State
Dean of the Frank G. Zarb School of Business; Professor of Accounting; Chaykin Endowed Chair in Accounting

Resnick, Alan N.
, BS, 1969, Rider Univ; JD, 1972, Georgetown Univ; LLM, 1974, Harvard Univ
Interim Dean of the School of Law ; (as of June 1, 2004 ) Professor of Law; Professor, The Benjamin Weintraub Distinguished Professor in Bankruptcy Law

Daniel R. Rubey
, AB, 1962, Union College ; MLS, 1981; PhD, 1981, Indiana U.
Dean of Library and Information Systems

Rosann Kelly
, BS, 1978, Molloy; MS, 1981, Stony Brook; MBA, 2001, Hofstra
Executive Director of University College for Continuing Education; Associate Dean for Systems and Budget

Carole Ferrand
, BA, 1981, Witwatersrand South Africa ; MS, 1981; PhD, 1989, Pennsylvania State
Chair, Senate Executive Committee; Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences

Seabold, Daniel E.
, BA, 1988, Western Maryland Coll; PhD, 1996, Univ Calif Berkeley
Speaker of the Faculty; Associate Professor, Mathematics

Abelack, Alvin, BA, 1957, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1962, CUNY Brooklyn Coll.; MA, 1972, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Abraham, George, BA., 1967, Rhodes Coll; MA, 1968, Miss Coll; PhD, 1976, Univ Mississippi
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Abraham, Margaret, BA, 1982, Univ Delhi; MA, 1984, Univ Delhi; PhD, 1989, Syracuse Univ
Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Abraham, Teresa Taisha, BA, 1974, Univ Delhi; MA, 1976, Univ Delhi; PhD, 1990, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Associate Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Abram, Blanche S., BA, 1945, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Professor, Music

Abrams, Les, BA, 1969, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1976, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Abrams, Vivien H., AA, 1985, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1988, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Acampora, Ralph R., BA, 1988, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1988, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1992, Emory Univ; PhD, 1996, Emory Univ
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Adamczyk, Magda A., BA, 1994, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Affisco, John F., BE, 1968, Pratt Institute; MBA, 1973, CUNY Baruch Coll; MPhil, 1980, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1981, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Agnone, Anthony M., BS, 1963, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1967, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; PhD, 1973, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Associate Professor, Engineering

Ahmad, Hussain S., MBA, 1994, Hofstra Univ; MS, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor ,Marketing and International Business

Ahr, Johan, BA, 1986, Harvard Univ; MA, 1989, Yale Univ; MPhil, 1990, Yale Univ; PhD, 1999, Yale Univ
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Ajello, Elaine G., BA, 1963, Muhlenberg Coll; MA, 1987, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Ajemian, Matthew J., BS, 2003, Boston Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Akawie, Molly, BAEd, 1962, CUNY Queens Coll; MSEd, 1968, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Akbik, Safwan, BS, 1980, Damascus Univ; MS, 1984, New York Univ; PhD, 1988, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Mathematics

Akin-Little, Karen Angeleque, BA, 1987, San Francisco State Univ; MA, 1997, Univ Southern Mississippi ; PhD, 1999, Univ Southern Mississippi
Adjunct Assistant Professor ,Psychology

Akulich, Helen, BA, 1975, Univ Leningrad; MEd, 1979, Univ Leningrad; MLS, 1985, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

Albert, Edward H., BA, 1971, New York Univ; MA, 1974, Univ North Carolina Greensboro ; PhD, 1978, York Univ
Professor, Sociology

Alberts, Carol L., BS, 1974, Northestrn Univ; MS, 1976, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; EdD, 1985, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Associate Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Alesandro, Michael J., BME, 1983, Georgia Inst Technology; MBA, 1985, Univ Pennsylvania
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Alexander, Lisa, BM, 1985, Peabody Institute; MMA, 1992, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Allison, Ronald, BS, 1955, SUNY Coll Oswego; MS, 1960, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1967, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1978, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mathematics

Almirall, Jean H., BA, 1955, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1968, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Alper, Gerri L., BS, 1977, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1996, Adelphi Univ; PD, 1998, Dowling Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Altenberg, Evelyn, BA, 1971, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1976, CUNY Hunter Coll; PhD, 1981, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Alter, Iska S., BA, 1963, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1964, Univ Wisconsin ; PhD, 1977, New York Univ
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Altiere, Mary ,BS, 1996, SUNY Coll Plattsburgh; MS, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Altman, Ira, BA, 1966, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1974, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 1978, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Alvarez, Ronald J., BCE, 1957, Manhattan Coll; MCE, 1960, Univ Washington; PhD, 1967, New York Univ
Professor, Engineering

Amdur, Jonathan T., BA, 1987, Univ Delaware ; DC, 1991, New York Chiropractic Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Amideo, Ann M., BS, 1983, SUNY Coll Cortland; MA, 1991, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1998, Immaculate Conception Seminary
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Anand, Vivodh Z.J., BA, 1966, Bloomfield Coll; MA, 1969, New York Univ; PhD, 1980, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Anastasio, Maria Jose, BA, 1991, Univ of Salamanca; MA, 1997, SUNY Coll Buffalo; PhD, 2000, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Ancona , Richard C, BA, 1963, Hiram Coll; MD, 1975, Univ Bonn
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Anders, Lynn R., AB, 1992, Dartmouth Coll; JD, 1986, Univ Washington
Clinical Instructor, Law

Anderson, Ann E.,BA,1978, CUNY Queens Coll; MD, 1982, NY Medical Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Anderson, Charles B., BA, 1956, Bucknell Univ; MA, 1970, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Anker, Michael S., BA, 1993, Univ Washington; MA, 2002, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Annino, Eileen M., BA, 1990, St Josephs Coll Patchogue; MA, 1992, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Anson-Cartwright, Mark, BAM, 1991, Univ Toronto; PhD, 1998, CUNY City Coll
Assistant Professor, Music

Antwil, Augustin, BS, 1979, Univ Quebec; MS, 1981, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; MS, 1999, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Apollo, Richard, BS, 1992, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MBA, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Apostoli, Beth Dempsey, BS, 1981, Adelphi Univ; MEd, 1982, Boston Coll; CAS, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Apostoli, Michael J., BA, 1975, Iona Coll; MS, 1977, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Aranda, Roy ,BA, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll; PsyD, 1982, Rutgers Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Arndt, Joan M., BA, 1955, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Ashby, Ruth S., BA, 1974, Yale Univ; MA, 1976, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Atwood, Joan D., BA, 1973, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1975, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1977, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1981, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MSW, 1984, Adelphi Univ
Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Austin, Leonard B., AB, 1974, Georgetown Univ; JD, 1977, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Austin, Vance, BA, 1991, SUNY Empire State Coll; MS, 1993, Coll New Rochelle; PhD, 2000, Fordham Univ
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Babic, Annessa Ann, BA, 1998 Kentucky Wesleyan Coll; MA, 2000, New Mexico St. Univ Univ Park
Adjuunct Instructor, History

Backhaus,Frederick, BM, 1974, Lawrence Univ; MM, 1976, Eastman Schl of Music
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Baehr, Amy R., BA, 1988, Dickinson Coll; MA, 1994, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1997, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Baglio, Benedict, BA, 1968, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1972, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Bajakian, Mark A., BA, 1994, Harvard Univ; PhD, 2002, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Balantic, Jeannette, BA, 1990, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1994, CUNY Queens Coll
Special Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Bales, Gioia P., BS, 1979, Syracuse Univ; MBA, 1986, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Finance

Ballerini, Kim A., BA, 1989, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Balsam, Emily, BS, 1976, Kiev Institute; MS, 1981, Univ Illinois Chicago
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Bannon, Michael J., BA, 1960, Catholic Univ America ; MS, 1969, Univ Notre Dame
Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry

Barak, Benny Z.,BS, 1972, Calif St Univ Hayward; MBA, 1973, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1979, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Baranello, Suzanne M., BS, 2000, Univ Delaware
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Barbarello, Matthew P., BA, 1989, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1997, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Baretto-Velazquez, Norberto, BA, 1986, Univ Puerto Rico Rio Piedras; MA, 1993, Univ Puerto Rico Rio Piedras
Adjunct Instructor, History

Barley, Linda R., BA, 1973, St Francis Coll NY; MS, 1975, CUNY Hunter Coll; EdD, 1980, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Barnes, Donna R., BS, 1962, Boston Univ; MA, 1964, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1971, Rutgers Univ
Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Barnes, Michael J., BA, 1973, Colgate Univ; MA, 1976, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1980, Hofstra Univ
Associate Professor, Psychology

Barnett, Carol Ellen, BA, 1964, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1975, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Barnett, Emily, BA, 1969, CUNY Queens Coll; MFA, 1976, Louisiana State Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Baron, Ellen Deborah, BA, 1969, CUNY BrooklynColl; MSEd, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Baron, Renee, BA, 1986, Amherst Coll; MA, 1989, Yale Univ; PhD, 1999, George Washington Univ
Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Barr, Valerie B., BA, 1977, Mount Holyoke Coll; MS, 1979, New York Univ; PhD, 1996, Rutgers Univ
Associate Professor, Computer Science

Barron, Barbara J., BA, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MA, 1977, Columbia Univ; JD, 1984, Hofstra Univ
Legal Writing Instructor, Law

Barth, Rosalba A., BA, 1968, Ithaca Coll; MA, 1973, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Basile, Anthony, BBA, 1983, Hofstra Univ;MS, 1992, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; CPA, 1985, PhD, 2001, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Basile, Donna C., BFA, 1979, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1984, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Basile, Maria, BA, 1997, Hofstra Univ; MSEd, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Bass, Stuart L., BA, 1968, Adelphi Univ; MPA, 1972, New York Univ; JD, 1979, Hofstra Univ
Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Basso, Donna, BA, 1968, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MLS, 1992, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Library Services

Battaglia, Jack, BS, 1966, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1970, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Beaudrie, Ronald A., BA, 1971, Dowling Coll; MLS, 1972, Columbia Univ; PD, 1981, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

Becher, Nancy ,BS, 1953, Kutztown Univ of PA; MSEd, 1975, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1990, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Beck, Kathleen Anne, BS, 1975, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MA, 1978, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Becker, Howard, BS, 1966, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1971, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Becker, Jonathan D., BA, 1994, Duke Univ; MEd, 1997, Boston Coll; JD, 1997, Boston Coll
Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Becker, Norman, BS, 1962, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1965, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Becker, Robin K., BA, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Beckett, Kathleen M., BA, 1955, Goucher Coll; JD, 1975, Fordham Univ
Legal Writing Instructor, Law

Beckmann, Avalee G., BMus, 1981, Univ Western Ontario; BAE, 1983, Univ Toronto
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Begel, Andrea A., BA, 1994, Davidson Coll; MA, 1996, Columbia Univ; MPhil, 1998, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Fine Arts

Begley , Lydia M, BS, 1982, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1987, Hofstra Univ; CAS, 1992, Coll New Rochelle; EdD, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundation, Leadership and Policy Studies

Belfi, Mary G., BS, 1969, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MA, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Ben-Merre, Diana, BA, 1961, Brandeis Univ; MA, 1964, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1975, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Associate Professor, New College

Ben-Yosef, Elite, BA, 1973, Hebrew Univ; MA, 1982, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1990, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; MS, 1994, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Bengels, Barbara S., BA, 1965, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1969, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Bennington , Gail K., AA, 1990, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1992, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Geology

Bennington , J. Bret, BS, 1985, Univ Rochester; PhD, 1995, Virginia Polytech Inst & State
Associate Professor, Geology

Berard, Jesus M., BM, 1984, New England Conservatory Music; MM, 1990, New England Conservatory Music; MA, 1992, Columbia Univ; MPhil, 1997, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Berardinelli, Paula, BS, 1963, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1979, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PhD, 1992, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Berg, Seymour, BS, 1959, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1961, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1970, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

Berger, James A., BA, 1976, Columbia Univ; MA, 1981, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1994, Univ Virginia
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Berka, Marianne G., BS, 1966, Ithaca Coll; MS, 1968, Ithaca Coll; EdD, 1990, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Berkson, Rhoda F., RN, 1967, Brooklyn Schl of Nursing; BS, 1990, St Josephs Univ; MA, 1992, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Berliner, Sharyn, BS, 1969, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1972, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Berlinerblau, Jacques D., BA, 1986, New York Univ; MA, 1988, New York Univ; PhD, 1991, New York Univ; MA, 1993, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Associate Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Berman, Barry, BBA, 1966, CUNY Baruch Coll; MBA, 1968, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1973, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor, The Walter H. “Bud” Miller Distinguished Professor in Business Marketing and International Business

Berman, Felix, BA, 1953, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1957, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Bermeo, Sarah B., BA, 1997, Univ Rochester; MPA, 2001, Princeton Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Economics and Geography

Bermudez, Marta Z., BA, Towson State Univ; MA, 1978, Univ Arizona ; PhD, 1988, Univ Arizona
Special Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Bernstein, Nathan R., BA, 1972, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1975, New York Univ; MA, 1985, NewSchl/Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Bernstein, Robert, BA, 1979, New York Univ; MA, 1987, New York Univ; MS, 1995, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor,Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Bernstein, Sheila H., AA, 1974, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1976, SUNY Coll Brockport; MA, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Bernstein, Stan, BA, 1962, Brandeis Univ; MA, 1964, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1970, Harvard Univ; JD, 1973, Rutgers Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Bhargava, Mira, BA, 1959, Rajasthan Univ; MA, 1960, Rajasthan Univ; MS, 1962, Syracuse Univ; PhD, 1965, McGill Univ
Associate Professor, Mathematics

Bhuiya, Tawfiqul A., MD, 1980, Dhaka Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Biancavilla, Robert P, BA, 1978, Long Island Univ, CW Post, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; JD, 1986, St Johns Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Bieber, Amy E., BS, 1988, Johns Hopkins Univ; PhD, 1995, Univ Rochester
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Biel , William, BS, 1950, Northwstrn Univ; MA, 1955, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Binbasioglu, Meral, BS, 1979, Mid East Technical Univ; MBA, 1981, Mid East Technical Univ; MPhil, 1984, New York Univ; PhD, 1986, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Binns, Patricia C., BA, 1978, George Washington Univ; MLS, 1994, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Library Services

Bishnoi, Rahul K., BE, 1974, Univ Roorkee; MBA, 1977, Indian Institute of Management; PhD, 1984, Univ Mass Amherst
Associate Professor, Finance

Black, Judith P., BS, 1968, Springfield Coll MA; MA, 1973, Vanderbilt Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Blaine, Bruce E., BS, 1980, Houghton Coll; MA, 1989, St Bonaventure Univ; PhD, 1994, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Associate Professor, Psychology

Blakeman, Bruce A., AA, 1978, Coll Desert; BS, 1980, Arizona State Univ Tempe; JD, 1983, California Western Schl of Law
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Blixt, Kathleen F., BS, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MM, 1978, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Blonder, Mauritz D., BBA, 1966, CUNY City Coll; MBA, 1969, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1976, CUNY Baruch Coll
Associate Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Bloom, Joyce A., BA, 1988, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1990, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Bloom, Ronald L., BS, 1976, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MA, 1977, Univ Maine Orono; PhD, 1990, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing- Sciences

Bloomgarden, Joan, BA, 1958, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1979, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1995, The Union Institute
Associate Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Blum, Martin, BA, 1968, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1973, CUNY Hunter Coll; PD, 1975, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Blumenthal, Ralph H., BA, 1945, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1949, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1956, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Chemistry

Blumm, Robert M., BA, 1974, MA, 2001, Thornewood Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Bochman, Svetlana, BA, 1995, Columbia Univ; MA, 2000, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Bochner, Brett D., BS, 1991,Calif Institute Tech; PhD, 1998, Mass Institute Technology
Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Bock, Richard, BA, 1984, Syracuse Univ; JD, 1996, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Bodie, Matthew T., BA, 1991, Princeton Univ;JD, 1996, Harvard Univ
Associate Professor, Law

Boffert, Joyce D, BS, Univ State NY Regents Coll; DC, 1988, New York Chiropractic Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Bogard, Cynthia J., BSc, 1978, Univ Wisc Madison; MSW, 1991, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1993, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1995, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Associate Professor, Sociology

Bogdanich, Walt, BA, 1975, Univ Wisconsin ; MA, 1976, Ohio State Univ Columbus
Adjunct Associate Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Bohannon, Barbara J., AS, 1973, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1975, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1977, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1986, Adelphi Univ
Associate Professor, Mathematics

Bohl, Robert F., AAS, 1964, SUNY Coll Tech Farmingdale; BS, 1997, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MBA, 1998, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Bolnick, Jay M., BS, 1972, Quinnipiac Coll; MBA, 1974, Univ Hartford; MPH,1980, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Bonakdarian, Mansour, BA, 1983, Univ Iowa; MA, 1985, Univ Iowa ; PhD, 1991, Univ Iowa
Special Assistant Professor, History

Bonura, Michelle M., BS, 1974, Univ Mass Amherst; MA , 1976, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1992, Dowling Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Bonuso, Carl Anthony, BS, 1966, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1971, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1981, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations Leadership and Policy Studies

Boonshaft, Peter L., BM, 1979, Univ Hartford; MME, 1981, Univ Hartford; DMA, 1991, Univ Hartford
Professor, Music

Booy, Simon Van, BA, 2000, Univ Plymouth; MFA, 2002, Long Island Univ Southampton
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Borden, Gwendolyn, BA, 1952, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1953, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor; MSW, 1979, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, New College

Borowsky, Betty M., BS, 1964, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1969, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1978, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Bory, Steven J., BS, 1979, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1987, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Botwinik, Ruth E., BS, 1963, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1969, Hofstra Univ; PD, 1975, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1995, Northrn Arizona Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Bowe, Frank G., BA, 1969, Western Maryland Coll; MA, 1971, Gallaudet Univ; PhD, 1976, New York Univ
Professor, The Dr. Mervin Livingston Schloss Distinguished Professor for the Study of Disabilities Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Bowen III, Robert E., BM, 1988, Univ Dayton; MM, 1998, Manhattan Schl Music
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Boyle, Elizabeth , BA, 1983, Catholic Univ America ; MBA, 1989, New York Univ; MPhil, 2001, New York Univ
Special Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Bozek, Carol J., BA, 1963, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1968, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Bozzarelli, Annemarie, BS, 1977, CUNY Coll of Staten Island ; BS, 1986, Long Island Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Brack, Terry L., BS, 1969, CUNY City Coll; MEd, 1971, Temple Univ ; PhD, 1990, Univ Arizona
Associate Professor, Chemistry

Bradley, Mary K., BA, 1984, SUNY Coll Plattsburgh; MA, 1986, Hofstra Univ; AuD, 2001,Univ Florida
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language- Hearing-Sciences

Brand, Dana A., BA, 1976, Columbia Univ; MA, 1977, Yale Univ; MPH, 1979, Yale Univ; PhD, 1981,Yale Univ
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Brandenberger, Stormy S., BA, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Associate Professor, Drama and Dance

Bratter, Benjamin P., BS, 1999 Georgetown Univ; JD, 2002, Brooklyn Law School
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Bratter, Warren, BA, 1964, Hamilton Coll NY; MA, 1972, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Braun, Aaron, BA, 1978, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1994, CUNY Coll of Staten Island
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Braun, Timothy A., BA, 1988, Hamilton Coll NY ; BA, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Finance

Brenin, Barry L., SB, 1959, Mass Institute Technology; MS, 1959, Mass Institute Technology
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mathematics

Brennan, Alison L., BA, 1992, Holy Cross Coll; MA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Brennan, Lawrence J., BS, 1969, St Josephs Coll Patchogue; MS, 1973, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1977, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Professor, Law

Bresticker, Samuel, BS, 1944, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1948, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Brice, Jeff, BS, 1984, Tuskegee Univ; MBA, 1992, Clark Atlanta Univ; PhD, 2002, Miss State Univ
Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Briscoe, Valerie D., BA, 1989, Univ Missouri Kansas City ; BA, 1996, Univ Central Florida; MA, 1998, Johns Hopkins Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Broadhurst, Denise J., BS, 1992, Univ Minnesota Minneapolis ; MA, 1995, Univ Minnesota Minneapolis
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Brock, Michelle A., BS, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Brockway, Robert E., BS, 1946, Hofstra Univ
Senior Executive-in-Residence, Marketing and International Business

Brodsky, Harris J., BA, 1959, Columbia Univ; MBA, 1960, ColumbiaUniv; MS, 1962, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies; Health Studies, Sports Sciences, and Physical Education

Brodsky, Rochelle A., BA, 1967,CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1970,CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Brogger, Erik A., BA, 1974, Univ Minnesota Minneapolis
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Brooks, Jacqueline Grennon, BA, 1975, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1979, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1984, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1987, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Brown, Gayle M., AAS, 1972, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany; MBA, 1975, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Brown, Nancy A., BA, 1980, Denison Univ; JD, 1985, Univ Pennsylvania
Legal Writing Instructor, Law

Brown, Vincent R., BA, 1984, Carleton Coll; PhD,1991, Univ Calif Irvine
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Bryant, John L., AB, 1971, Univ Chicago; AM, 1972, Univ Chicago;PhD, 1975, Univ Chicago
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Bryant, Lillian, BSE, 1985, SUNY Coll Cortland; MS, 1995, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor,Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Brygider, Brandon R., BS, 1978, Colorado Schl Mines; MS, 1980, Colorado Schl Mines; JD, 1985, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Engineering

Bubenas, Joseph W., BS, 1970, Florida State Univ; MS, 1973, Florida State Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Buck, Cathy C., BA, 1976, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Buda, Richard BA, 1978, CUNY John Jay Coll Criminal; MA, 1980,CUNY John Jay Coll Criminal; PhD, 1984, Stevens Institute Tech
Associate Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Buddenhagen, Anne, BA, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1969, Boston Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Bueno, Patricio E., BS, 1982, Univ Guayaquil; MS, 1998, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Buono, Marilyn F., AA, 1972, El Camino Coll; BA, 1974, Calif St Univ Dominguez Hills; MA, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Burghardt, M. David, BS, 1965, United States Merch Marine Aca; MS, 1968, Univ Connecticut PhD, 1971, Univ Connecticut
Professor, Engineering The Jean Nerken Distinguished Professor in Engineering

Burke, Alafair S., BA, 1991, Reed Coll; JD, 1994, Stanford Univ
Associate Professor, Law

Burke, Dennis , MA , 1981, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1986, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Burke, Jacqueline A., BBA, 1990, Hofstra Univ ; CPA, 1993, MBA 1993, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 2000, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Burke, Jr., Alexander J., BA, 1953, Holy Cross Coll; MA, 1956, Fordham Univ; PhD, 2002, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Burke, Margaret G., BA, 1990, Hofstra Univ; MLS, 1993, CUNY Queens Coll
Instructor, Library Services

Burke, Russell, BS, 1981, Ohio State Univ; MS, 1987, Univ Florida ; PhD, 1994, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Associate Professor, Biology

Burton, Cynthia K., BA, 1979, Manhattanville Coll; MS, 1987, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor , Curriculum and Teaching

Busch, Ronald E., BA, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll; MA,1980, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, New College

Bush, Robert A., BA, 1969, Harvard Univ; JD, 1974, Stanford Univ
Professor, The Harry H. Rains Distinguished Professor in Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Settlement Law

Bussell-Thompson, Billy , AB , 1964, Carson-Newman Coll; MA, 1965, Univ Tennessee Knoxville ; PhD, 1970, Univ Virginia
Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Butler , Alan M., BS, 1955, SUNY Coll Cortland; MS, 1956, Springfield Coll MA
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Byrnes, Jeanne, BA, 1993, Dowling Coll; MS, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Caccavale, Susan P., BA, 1980, Univ Hartford; MBA, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Marketing and International Business

Cafarelli, Claudia A., AAS, 1986, SUNY Fashion Inst Tech CC; BS, 1989, SUNY Fashion Inst Tech CC; MBA, 1996, CUNY Baruch Coll
Special Instructor, Marketing and International Business

Califano, Gina Marie, BA, 1992, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1994, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Camenzuli, Cheryl A., BS, 1977, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1979, Fordham Univ; PhD, 1983, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Cammarata, Doreen T., AA, 1989, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1990, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Campbell, Bruce R., BS, 1971, Syracuse Univ; MS, 1978, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Media Studies

Campbell, Robert D., BA, 1965, Yale Univ; MBA, 1968, Univ Pennsylvania ; PhD, 1999, Univ Connecticut
Associate Professor, Finance

Cantor, Jonathan I., BA, 1981, Vassar Coll; MFA, 1992, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Cao, Antonio F., AB, 1965, Univ Miami; MA, 1967, Univ Calif Berkeley; PhD, 1975, Harvard Univ
Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Capitano, William, BS, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Capria, Craig P., BSME, 1993, Hofstra Univ; MSEE, 2000, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Engineering

Caprioglio, Joseph E., BA, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1978, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Caputi, Mauro, BE, 1981, Manhattan Coll; MS, 1984, Virginia Polytech Inst & State; PhD, 1991, Virginia Polytech Inst and State
Associate Professor, Engineering

Caputo, Laura, BA, 1986, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1991, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Carey, Lois J., BA, 1973, Columbia Univ; MSW, 1974, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Carl, Sheryl, BA, 1979, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Carlin, Glenn, BA, 1988, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; BS, 1990, SUNY Health Sci Cntr Brooklyn
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Carlock, Margaret, BA, 1987, Molloy Coll; MA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Carr, Joel L., BA, 1948, Williams Coll; LLB, 1951, Yale Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Carsey, Jean M., BA, 1987, Hartwick Coll; MA, 1990, American Univ DC ; JD, 1990, American Univ DC
Adjunct Professor, Law

Carson, Alison S., BA, 1995, Franklin Marshall Coll; PhD, 2000, Boston Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Carson, Paul, BA, 1993, Manhattan Coll; MA, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Carter, Jerald BA, 1974, Fisk Univ; JD, 1977, Howard Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Carter, L. Chandler, BA, 1984, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hill ; MM, 1986, Boston Univ; PhD, 1995, CUNY Gr Sch and Univ Cnt
Associate Professor, Music

Carter, Marc L., BA 1987, Loyola Univ New Orleans; MA, 1990, Univ Calif Irvine; PhD, 1992, Univ Calif Irvine
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Carter, Mary K., BSc, 1956, Ohio State Univ Columbus; MA, 1965, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Casadei, Berwind, Daniela , MA , 1998, Univ Milan
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Casbon, Linda M., BA, 1981, Univ Colorado Boulder ; MFA, 1986, Kent State Univ Kent
Adjunct Associate Professor, Fine Arts

Cassese, Lenore G., BA, 1965, Hofstra Univ; MSE, 1966, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1989, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Cassidy, David C., BA, 1967, Rutgers Univ; MS, 1970, Rutgers Univ; PhD, 1976, Purdue Univ
Professor, Chemistry

Castrataro,Nicholas A., BS, 1959, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1960, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Cavalieri, Fred L., BS, 1988, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1994, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Cavanaugh, John T., BS, 1978, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MSEd, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Cavello, Richard A., BS, 1970, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1973, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; MBA, 1976, Fordham Univ; MSEd, 1996, Pace Univ New York City
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Cayirli, Tugba, BA, 1992, Bogazici Univ; MBA, 2001, CUNY Baruch Coll
Special Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Cebenoyan, Ahmet S., BA, 1976, Bogazici Univ; MA, 1978, Bogazici Univ; MPhil, 1982, New York Univ; PhD, 1986, New York Univ
Professor, Finance

Cerbone, Hannah M., AA, 1984, SUNY Nassau CC
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Cevallos, Elena E., BA, 1970, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1973, Columbia Univ; MA, 1975, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; DLS, 1992, Columbia Univ
Professor, Library Services

Chaiken, Martha Leah, BA, 1976, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; PhD, 1986, Rutgers Univ
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Chaleff, Paul I., BA , 1969, CUNY City Coll; MFA, 1971, CUNY City Coll
Professor, Fine Arts

Chandra, Mahesh, BS, 1963, Agra Univ: MS, 1966, Univ Delhi; DSc, 1978, George Washington Univ
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Chang, Julie A., BS, 1996, Univ Calif San Diego; MS, 2000, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Chang, Tai, BA, 1988, Univ Illinois Urbana; AM, 1994, Univ Illinois Urbana ; PhD, 1999, Univ Illinois Urbana
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Chapman, Kathryn, BS, 1987, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1993, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Charlow, Robin D., AB, 1971, Vassar Coll; JD, 1981, Cornell Univ
Professor, Law

Charnov, Bruce H., BA, 1968, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MA, 1972, Jewish Theol Seminary America ; PhD, 1976, United States Intl Univ; MBA, 1981, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Teane; JD, 1990, Hofstra Law Schl
Associate Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Charnow, Sally D., BA, 1982, New York Univ; MA, 1988, New York Univ; PhD, 1999, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, History

Chase, Colleen M., BA, 1999, Springfield Coll MA; MSEd, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Checola, Mark W., BS, 1990, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1995, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Cheese, Melissa, BA, 1994, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MS, 1998, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Cherukupalli, Nehru E., MA, 1954, Univ Madras; MA,1959, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1963, Univ Madras
Adjunct Professor, Geology

Chiarella, Gael, BA, 1977, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Choi, Haeryun, BA, 1986, Seoul National Univ; EdM, 1990, SUNY Coll Buffalo; PhD, 2001, Univ Illinois Urbana
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Christensen, Paul P., BS, 1967, Utah State Univ; MS, 1971, Univ Wisc Madison; PhD, 1976, Univ Wisc Madison
Associate Professor, Economics and Geography

Christman, David, BA, 1962, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1966, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, New College

Christophides, Sally, BA, 1979, Hofstra Univ; MSEd, 1983, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Cinnamon, Howard, BA, 1970, CUNY City Coll; AM, 1973, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1984, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Associate Professor, Music

Clagnaz, Stephanie, AA, 1976, SUNY Suffolk Co CC Selden; BA, 1981, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1990, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Clark, Bruce G., AB, 1962, Colgate Univ; JD, 1965, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Clark, Clarence, BA, 1971, Fordham Univ; MSW, 1975, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Clark, Robert S., BSBA, 1969, Calif St Univ Northridge; MS, 1999, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Clements, Rhonda L., BS, 1977, Univ Maine Orono; MEd, 1984, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1988, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Clemons, Heather L., BS,1998, Alfred Univ; MS, 2000, Oregon State Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Clendening, Beverly, BS, 1974, Coll New Rochelle; MS, 1981, American Univ DC ; PhD, 1990, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Associate Professor, Biology

Cobb, Lia Stephanie, BA, 1992, Baylor Univ; MAR, 1994, Yale Univ
Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Coblens, Eileen, BA, 1959, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1972, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 2001, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Cohen, Barbara, BA, 1966, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1977, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PD, 1984, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1988, Hofstra Univ
Special Assistant Professor, Literacy Studies

Cohen, Dori L, BA, 1979, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MS, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Cohen, George M., AB, 1955, Harvard Univ; AM, 1958, Harvard Univ; PhD, 1962 , Boston Univ
Professor, Fine Arts

Cohen, Jonas C. ,BA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; MFA, 1996, Univ Nebraska Lincoln
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Cohen, Lynn E., BA, 1972, Syracuse Univ; MA, 1984, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Cohen, Michael, BA, 1971, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; MA, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Cohen, Stuart J., BS, 1965, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1967, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1970 ,CUNY Brooklyn Coll; EdD, 1975, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Cohn, Alfred , AB , 1958, Harvard Univ; PhD,1964, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, New College

Colaninno, Peter M., BS, 1980, St. Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1991, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Cole, Michael, BS, 1989, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1992, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1996, Univ Chicago
Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Coleman, Mark N., BA, 1999, Univ Tennessee Knoxville
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Colesanti, J Scott, BA, 1985, Adelphi Univ; JD, 1988, Fordham Univ; LLM, 1997, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Colker, Wren, BA, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Colletti, Lorenza, BSEd, 1964, St Johns Univ; MAEd, 1966, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Collier, Curt E., BA, 1983, Texas A&M Univ Kingsville; MS, 1991, Texas Tech Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Collins, Marianne, AA, 1988, SUNY Nassau CC
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Comer Debra R., BA, 1982, Swarthmore Coll; MA, 1984, Yale Univ; MPhil, 1985, Yale Univ; PhD, 1986, Yale Univ
Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Conk, Donna M., BA, 1973, Mount St Marys Coll; MS, 1977, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; EdD, 2001, Nova Southeastern Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Conley, Catherine V., BS 1994, SUNY Genesee CC; MSEd, 1995, SUNY Binghamton
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Connolly, Leonard J., BA, 1959, St Francis Coll NY; LLB, 1963, Cornell Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Contreras, Heidi, BA, 1992, Hofstra Univ; MSEd, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, New College

Conway, Kathleen, BA, 1959, St Joseph’s Coll; MS, 1966, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1973, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; EdD, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Conway, Vincent J., BA, 1967, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MBA, 1972, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Finance

Cook, Matthew A., BA, 1994, Univ Calif Santa Cruz; MA, 1998, Univ Texas Austin
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Coombs, Timothy P., BA, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Cooper, Rochelle, BA, 1984, Barnard Col Columbia Univ; MA, 1986, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; MPh, 1988, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1989, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Copeland, Sherry M., BA, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1973,Tufts Univ; EdD, 2003, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor , Curriculum and Teaching

Coplin, Jennifer A. ,BA, 1991, Univ Central Florida; MA, 1998, Univ Central Florida; MBA, 2001, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Anthropology

Coppenger, Royston P., BA, 1981, Univ Tennessee Knoxville ; MFA,1984, Yale Univ; DFA, 1998, Yale Univ
Associate Professor, Drama and Dance

Corda, Bernard A., BA, 1978, CUNY Queens Coll; MEd, 1980, Boston Coll; PsyD, 1991, Pace Univ New York City
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Cortina, Mary, BA, 1976, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll; MA, 1978, Fordham Univ; PhD, 1990, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Sociology

Cosares, Steven T., BS, 1982, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1984, Univ Calif Berkeley; PhD, 1988, Univ Calif Berkeley
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Costa, Vincent J., BA, 1973, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1986, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Costello-Herrera, Lynda A., BA, 1992, Virginia Wesleyan Coll; MA, 1993, Villanova Univ; MS, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Costello, Robert G., BA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1995, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; JD, 1997, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1999, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Costenoble, Steven R., BS, 1981, Mass Institute Technology; MS, 1982, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1985, Univ Chicago
Professor, Mathematics

Cottman, Joan M., BS, 1971, Mills Coll; MS, 1973, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1988, Univ Mass Amherst
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Cotty, Richard G., AAS, 1963, CUNY Queensborough CC; BS, 1966, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 1972, NY Medical Coll
Adjunct Professor, Biology

Couser, G. Thomas, BA, 1968, Dartmouth Coll; PhD, 1977, Brown Univ
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Cox, Brian D., BA, 1982, Florida State Univ; PhD, 1989, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hill
Associate Professor, Psychology

Cox, James T., BSEd, 1949, New Jersey City Univ; MA, 1952, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Cox, Mark K., BBA, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Craig, Jenise P., BA, 1976, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1977, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Crance, Gina-Lyn, BA, 1989, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Crici, Richard J., BS, 1990, SUNY Coll Cortland; MA, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Crispino, Colleen Ann , BS, 1991, Boston Univ; MA, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Cronin, Marcia, BA, 1955, Skidmore Coll; MA, 1964, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Crosby, Kathleen , AAS, 1989, SUNY Fashion Inst Tech CC; BA, 1992, Hofstra Univ; MSEd, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Cross-Hansen, Jody L., BA, 1978, Yale Univ; MDiv, 1982, Yale Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Cullen, Susan, BS, 1981, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1984, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Curcio, John J., BA, 1990, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MA, 1992, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Madis; MPhil, 1999, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1999, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Curtiss, Rychard L., BA, 1987, Eastern Connecticut St Univ; MFA, 1996, Northrn Illinois Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Cutler, Jody B., BA, 1981, New York Univ; MA, 1996, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 2001, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Cutolo, Johanna, BA, 1980, Coll St Mary; MA, 1986,Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

D’Acierno, Pellegrino, BA, 1965, Columbia Univ; MA, 1967, ColumbiaUniv; PhD, 1973, Columbia Univ
Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

D’Amelia, Ronald P., BS, 1965, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1967, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1978, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Chemistry

D’Andrilli, Susan, BA, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1977, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

D’Angelo, Diane, AA, 1992, SUNY Coll Tech Farmingdale; BA, 1994,SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1999, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

D’Angelo, Joseph J., BA, 1964, St Bonaventure Univ; MDiv, 1975, Christ King Girls Secondary Sc; MS,1982, New York Inst Tech
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

D’Innocenzo, Michael, BA, 1957, Union Coll NY ; MA, 1959, Columbia Univ
Professor, The Harry H. Wachtel Distinguished Teaching Professor for the Study of Nonviolent Social Change History

D’Onofrio, Anthony, BA, 1961, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MA, 1970, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Da Silva, Zenia S., BA, 1944, New York Univ; MA, 1945, Univ Calif Berkeley; PhD, 1955, New York Univ
Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Dachtera, Stephen R., BSEE, 1968, CUNY City Coll; MSEE, 1972, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Daher, Adel H., BA, 1963, New York Univ; MA, 1965, New York Univ; PhD, 1967, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Dallas, Keith M., BA, 1991, Univ Delaware; MA, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Daly, Theodore J., MD, 1983, Thomas Jefferson Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Dandridge 3rd, Manning H., BA, 1978, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1979, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Daniel, Peter C., BS, 1979, Coll Charleston; MS, 1982, Univ Maryland ; PhD, 1986, Univ Maine Orono
Associate Professor, Biology

Danowski, John E., BS, 1976, Rutgers Univ; MS, 1977, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Dardis, Anthony B., BA, 1977, Columbia Univ; MA, 1983, Univ Calif Berkeley; PhD, 1990, Univ Calif Berkeley
Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Daub, Carol L., BS, 1976, Southrn Connecticut State Univ; MA, 1995, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Davey, Linda D., BS, 1971, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MA, 1977, Goddard Coll; MEd, 1992, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 2001, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Davis, Jennifer I., BS, 1989, Curry Coll; MEd, 1995, Boston Coll
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

deJong-Lambert,William Robert, BFA, 1990. Emmerson Coll; MA, 1992, Claremont Grad Sch&Univ Ctr.; MA 2000, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

De Frece, Robert J., BS, 1969, Univ Alberta; BSEd, 1975, Univ Alberta ; MMus, 1982, Univ Oregon ; PhD, 1988, Univ Oregon
Adjunct Associate Professor, Music

De Motta, Linda, BA, 1983, St Josephs Coll Patchogue; MS, 1988, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Debler, Jennifer, BA, 1996, Molloy Coll; MA, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Degliomini, Nidya, BS, 1980, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1983, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Del Gandio, Jason C., BA, 1997, Kean Univ; MS, 1999, Southrn Illinois Univ Carbonda; PhD, 2002, Southrn Illinois Univ Carbonda
Special Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Delamater, Jerome H., BA, 1964, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1971, Northwstrn Univ; PhD, 1978, Northwstrn Univ
Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Delliquanti, Joy P., BA, 1981, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1987, Middlebury Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

DelGaudio, Sybil A., BA, 1965, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1966, Northws trn Univ; MPh, 1983, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1986, Columbia Univ
Professor, Audio/Video/Film

DelGiudice,Thomas S., BA, 1979, SUNY Coll Old Westbury; PhD, 1991, Univ Mass Amherst
Adjunct Associate Professor, Economics and Geography

Demas, Kenneth R., BS, 1967, Long Island Univ; MS, 1976, Coll New Rochelle
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Demertzis, Efstratios, Dipl, 1959, Salonica Univ; MA, 1963, New York Univ; MA, 1968, New York Univ; PhD, 1979, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Demetriou, Homer J., BS, 1961, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1970, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Demleitner, Nora V., BA, 1989, Bates Coll; JD, 1992, Yale Univ; LLM, 1994, Georgetown Univ
Professor, Law

Dere, Melissa E., BA, 2000, Hofstra Univ; MA, 2003, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Desbonnet, Aline C., AB, 1947, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Desmond, Edmund J., BA, 1967, Fordham Univ; MS, 1973, Fordham Univ; PD, 1980, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Deutsch, Herbert A., BSEd, 1956, Hofstra Univ; BM, 1960, Manhattan Schl Music; MM, 1961, Manhattan Schl Music
Adjunct Professor, Music

Devine, Daniel R., MFA, 1988, Bard Coll
Associate Professor, Fine Arts

DeCarlo, John , AB , 1979, Brandeis Univ; MDiv, 1983, Union Theological Seminary
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

DeFreitas, Gregory E. ,BA, 1971, Stanford Univ; PhD, 1979, Columbia Univ
Professor, Economics and Geography

DeGennaro, Michael G., BS, 1960, Manhattan Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

DeMarco, Lillian M., AA, 1972, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1974, AdelphiUniv; MS, 1976, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

DeMarzo, Jenine M., BS, 1986, SUNY Coll Cortland; MA, 1987, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1996, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

DeNicola, Paul, BA, 1997, New York Univ; MA, 2000, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

DeRiso, Rosemary T., BS, 1987,St Johns Univ; MBA, 1991, St Johns Univ; MA, 2001, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Economics and Geography

DeVillacian, Christina, BA, 1991, SUNY Binghamton ; JD, 1994, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Diamond, David A., AB, 1959, Harvard Univ; LLB, 1962, Harvard Univ; LLM, 1963, New York Univ
Professor, Law

Diaz, Armand M., BA, 1984, Columbia Univ; MA, 1990, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language- Hearing-Sciences

Diaz, Mary E., AAS, 1983, Suffolk County CC; BA, 1993, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Dickman, Bernard H., BS, 1964, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1966, New York Univ; PhD, 1970, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Dickstein-Pipe,Sheryl L., BA, 1988, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1991, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1992, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Diebold, Jeffrey ,BA, 1996, Lawrence Univ; MA, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Dieffenbach, William P., BA, 1978, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MSEd, 1982, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Geology

Dieguez, Michael, BS, 1966, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll; PD, 1989, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Dill, Charles A.,BA,1976, Franciscan Univ Steubenville; MA, 1978, Xavier Univ LA; PhD, 1981, Univ Houston Main Campus
Associate Professor, Psychology

Dillon, Kathleen M., BA, 1992, Fairfield Univ; JD, 1996, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Dippel, Christopher, BA, 1993, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MFA, 1998, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Ditchik, Carol, BA, 1959, Antioch Coll Yellow Springs; MS, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Divakaran, Srikrishnan, BE, 1990, Calcutta Inst Tech; PhD, 2001, Rutgers Univ
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

DiFonzo, J. Herbie, BS, 1974, St Josephs Univ; MA, 1977, Univ Virginia; JD, 1977, Univ Virginia; PhD, 1993, Univ Virginia
Professor, Law

DiGaetani, John L., BA, 1965, Univ Illinois Urbana ; MA, 1967, Northrn Illinois Univ; PhD, 1974, Univ Wisc Madison
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

DiMaggio, Charles J., BS, 1984, St Johns Univ; MPh, 1993, Columbia Univ; PhD, 2002, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

DiMaio, Michael John, AS, 1984, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1988, Palmer Coll Chiropractic; DC, 1988, Palmer Coll Chiropractic
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

DiNapoli,Thomas P., BA, 1976, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1999, Parsons Schl Design
Adjunct Instructor, History

Doboli, Simona, BS, 1995, Univ Timisoara; MS, 1996, Univ Timisoara; PhD, 2001, Univ Cincinnati Cincinnati
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Dobran, Flavio, BSEE, 1971, New York Univ; MSEE, 1974, New York Univ; PhD, 1978, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Professor, Engineering

Dobrin, Arthur, BA, 1964, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1971, New York Univ; DSW, 1988, Adelphi Univ
Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Dobski, Bernard J., BA, 1995, Boston Coll; MA, 1997, Michigan State Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science

Dodson, Lillian Twardowicz,
Adjunct Professor, Fine Arts

Dolan, Deborah V., BA, 1984, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1988, Univ Maryland; MLS, 2001, CUNY Queens Coll
Assistant Professor, Library Services

Dolce, Jack, BS, 1969, Siena Coll; MBA, 1971, Univ Dayton
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Dolgin, Janet L., BA, 1968, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MA, 1971, Princeton Univ; PhD, 1974, Princeton Univ; JD, 1981, Yale Univ
Professor, The Jack and Freda Dicker Distinguished Professor in Health Care Law

Dolina, Beata Z., BA, 1988, Univ Warsaw; MA, 1998, Hofstra Univ; MA, 2000, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Dolinski, Tomasz , MS , 1996, UMCS, Poland; MS, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science

Donahue, Neil H., BA, 1979, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1983, Rutgers Univ; PhD, 1987, Rutgers Univ
Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Donsky, Elizabeth, BFA, 1985, Schl Art Inst Chicago; MA, 1996, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Doolittle, Sarah A., BSEd, 1976, Northestrn Univ; MEd, 1982, Boston Univ; EdD, 1988, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Doubleday, Simon R., BA, 1988, Univ Cambridge; PhD, 1996, Harvard Univ
Associate Professor, History

Dransite, Robert S., BM, 1956, Univ Rochester; MS, 1967, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Associate Professor, Music

Dreyer, Don, BA, 1971, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Drucker, Naomi L., BS, 1957, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Drucker, Susan J., BA, 1979, CUNY Queens Coll; JD, 1982, St Johns Univ; MA, 1985, CUNY Queens Coll
Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Drummer, Carol J., BA, 1964, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1966, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Druyan, Nitza, BA, 1973, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1974, New York Univ; PhD, 1980, Bar Ilan Univ
Adjunct Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Duarte ,Eduardo M., BA, 1988, Fordham Univ; MA, 1991, NewSchl/ Eugene Lang Coll; PhD, 1997, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Associate Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Dudek, Carolyn, BA, 1993, Canisius Coll; MA, 1996, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh ;PhD, 1999, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Assistant Professor, Political Science

Dunbaugh, Edwin L., BA, 1950, Franklin Marshall Coll; MA, 1951, Univ Pennsylvania; PhD, 1960, Univ Pennsylvania
Adjunct Professor, School for University Studies

Dunn, Dennis M., BA, 1970, Fairfield Univ, B E I Sch. Eng; MS, 1971, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Dushman, Bernard J., AB, 1969, Boston Univ; JD, 1973, Boston Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Dwyer, Lauren Ann, BS, 1997, Manhattan Coll; MA, 1998, CUNY John Jay Coll Criminal; MS, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Dylla, Kelly A., BM, 1997, Rice Univ; MM, 2000, Juilliard Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Ebarb, Therese, BA, 1986, Siena Coll; MA, 1989, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; JD, 1993, Touro Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Edelman, Malka P., BA, 1970, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1976, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MSEd, 1985, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Edmonds , Ennis Barrington, BA, 1981, Jamaica Theological Seminary; MA, 1983, Western Evangelical Seminary; PhD, 1993, Drew Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Edwards, Mark A., BS, 1980, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1982, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; PhD, 1985, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Edwards, Susan I. , AA, 1976, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1979, Univ Tulsa; MA, 1989, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Egan, Mary Therese, BA, 1963, St Joseph ‘s Coll; MA, 1967, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Ehrlich, Sultana S., BA, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1977, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Eichenholtz, Susan G., BA, 1971, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook;MS, 1973, Wright State Univ Daytn; PD, 2000, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Eisen, Audrey, BA, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1975, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1976, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Eisenberg, Carolyn, BA, 1967, Univ Chicago; MA, 1969, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1971, Columbia Univ
Professor, History

Eisner, Robert, BA, 1966, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Elefterion, Edward, BFA, 1992, New York Univ; MFA, 1998, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Elijah, Rosebud S., AB, 1988, Mount Holyoke Coll; MS, 1990, Univ Toledo; PhD, 1996, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Elkin-Scott, Gail, BS, 1988, Cornell Univ; MPS, 1993, Pratt Institute
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Elson, Suzanne K., BS, 1968, George Peabody Coll; MS, 1980, Coll New Rochelle
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Elston, Gillian Z., BS, 1989, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; PhD, 1995, Univ Calif Berkeley
Associate Professor, Mathematics

Emmer, Charles E., BFA, 1989, Indiana Univ Bloomington; PhD, 2002, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Eng, Sidney, BA, 1972, Bishops Univ; MLS, 1974, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1977, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

Epstein, Bonnie, BA, 1975, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1977, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Erickson, Christopher, BA, 1994, Siena Coll; MS, 1996, Hofstra Univ; CAS, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Escamilla, Guillermo, BA, 1986, Cornell Univ; DC, 1990, New York Chiropractic Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Escamilla, Monica, BA, 1995,Marymount Manhattan Coll; MA, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Esposito, Michael J., BA, 1982, New York Univ; MD, 1989, Northestrn OH Univ Coll Med
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Estrin, Morton,
Adjunct Professor, Music

Eswarathasan, Arulappah, BSc, 1967, Univ Sri Lanka ; MSc, 1974, Univ Sri Lanka; MS, 1981, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1985, Adelphi Univ
Associate Professor, Mathematics

Evans, Joel R., BA, 1970, CUNY Queens Coll; MBA, 1974, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1975, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor, Marketing and International Business The RMI Distinguished Professor in Business

Evans, Linda L., BA, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1977, CUNY Queens Coll; MBA, 1983, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Fabus, Renee L., BA, 1990, New York Univ; MS, 1992, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Facciolo, Francis J., BA, 1974, Columbia Univ; MA, 1977, CUNY Hunter Coll; MPh, 1979, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; JD, 1983, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Fagan, Cathy E., BA, 1972, Lemoyne Coll; MSEd, 1974, Fordham Univ; MA, 1992, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 2002, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Fagin, Alane S., BS, 1974, SUNY London Ctr; MS, 1981, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Fahey, Ed, BS, 1998, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 2000, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Falkowski, Olga G., MD, 1985, First Moscow Med Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Fanning, Susan G., BA, 1979, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1993, St Johns Univ Jamaica; PhD, 2001, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Fantasia, John E., AB, 1971, Coll Holy Cross; DDS, 1975, Emory Univ; CAS, 1978, Emory Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Biology

Farid, Mamdouh I. , BS, 1961, Naval Maritime Academy; CACP, 1976, SUNY Maritime Coll; MS, 1977, SUNY Maritime Coll; MBA, 1982, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1988, CUNY Baruch Coll
Associate Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Faris, Tommy L., BA, 1980, Judson Coll IL; MDiv, 1984, Northrn Bapt Theological Sem; MA, 1997, Indiana Univ Purdue Univ Indpl
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Farley, David G., BA, 1991, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1995, Univ Tulsa; PhD, 2001, Univ Tulsa
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Farmer, Peter M., AB, 1965, Univ Pennsylvania; MD, 1969, Thomas Jefferson Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Biology

Faulding, Anita, BA, 1972, SUNY Binghamton; MS, 1984, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Fay, Mark A., BFA, 1972, Pratt Institute; MA, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Fazeli, Massoud, BA, 1977, National Univ Iran ; MA, 1981, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Economics and Geography

Federici, Silvia, BA, 1965, Universita degli Studi di Bolo; MA, 1970, SUNY Coll Buffalo; PhD, 1980, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Federman, Francine , MS , 1990, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1994, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MPhil, 1996, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1996, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Feire, Sandra, BA, 1972, SUNY Coll New Paltz; MS, 1977, SUNY Coll New Paltz
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Felber, Jill, BS, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1970, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Feldman, Anita, BA, 1973, Univ Illinois Urbana; MA, 1980, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Feldman, Heather L., BM, 1995, Mannes Coll Music; MFA, 2001, Brandeis Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Feldman, Leslie D., BA, 1980, Cornell Univ; MA, 1983, New York Univ; MA, 1988, Cor nell Univ; PhD, 1990, Cornell Univ
Associate Professor, Political Science

Fellman, Malcolm, BBA, 1958, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1981, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, The Honey and Arthur Sorin Distinguished Teaching Fellow in Business Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Fendrich, Laurie, BA, 1970, Mount Holyoke Coll; MFA, 1978, Schl Art Inst Chicago
Professor, Fine Arts

Feola, Michael S., BA, 1996, Univ Richmond; MA , 1998, Univ Calif Berkeley
Adjunct Instructor ,Philosophy and Religious Studies

Ferrand, Carole, BA, 1970, Witwatersrand Univ; MS, 1981, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; PhD, 1989, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park
Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Ferrara , Samuel J., BA, 1991, Boston Univ; MA, 1991, Boston Univ; JD,1994, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Ferro, Joan, AA, 1986, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1988, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1990, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Ferryman, Kevin R., BS, 1994, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MBA, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Finance

Feuerstein, Sandra, BS, 1966, Univ Vermont; JD, 1979, Yeshiva Univ New York
Adjunct Professor, Law

Fichtelberg, Joseph, BA, 1975 Michigan State Univ; MA, 1983, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1987, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Fierro, Marilyn
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Filadelfo, Gary, BA, 1977, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Filippi, Lisa, BS, 1978, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1991, Saga Univ; PhD, 1995, Kagoshima Univ
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Finkelstein, Harold J., BBA, 1961, CUNY City Coll; JD, 1967, Brooklyn Law School ; LLM,1970, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate, Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Finkle, Hannah R., BA, 1972, CUNY York Coll; MS, 1999, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Finucane, Margaret A., AB, 1972, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Finzel, Rodney B., BS, 1973, Eastern Michigan Univ; MS, 1977, Eastern Michigan Univ; PhD, 1981, Northwstrn Univ
Associate Professor, Chemistry

Fioretta, Josef V., BA, 1986, New York Univ; MA, 1992, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Fiorini, Marcelo O., BA, 1989, Bennington Coll; MA, 1997, New York Univ; MPhil, 1999, New York Univ; PhD, 1999, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Firestone, Bernard J., BA, 1970, Yeshiva Univ New York ; MPh, 1979, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1979, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor, Political Science

Fischbach, Myrna, BA, 1959, Roosevelt Univ; MS, 1973, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Fischer, Timothy A., BA, 1973, Niagara Univ; JD, 1981, SUNY Univ Cntr Buffalo
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Fisher, III, Victor H., BA, 1986, Univ Wisc Madison; BA, 1987, Univ Wisc Madison
Adjunct Professor, Law

Fisher, Maxine, BA, 1968, CUNY Hunter Coll; PD, 1972, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1972, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Fitzgerald, Melissa A., BS, 1989, Louisiana St Univ Baton Rouge; MA, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Fixell, Maria, BA, 1969, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Fizer, Irene Ivanivna, BA, 1984, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1992, Univ Pennsylvania ; PhD, 1996, Univ Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Flaton, Robin A., BA, 1981, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1983, Univ Chicago; JD, 1986, St. Johns Univ Jamaica ; MPhil, 1996, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1999, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Fleischman, Charles W., BA, 1967, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MA, 1969, Univ Maryland; PhD, 1975, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Fletcher, Carol T., BA, 1976, Yale Univ; MA, 1978, Univ Calif Berkeley
Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Flickstein, Dan, BA, 1966, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1969, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Flurkey, Alan D., BA, 1980, Univ Calif Irvine; MA, 1987, Arizona State Univ Tempe; PhD, 1997, Univ Arizona
Assistant Professor, Literacy Studies

Flurkey, Jane M., BA, 1979, Arizona State Univ Tempe; MEd, 1987, Univ Arizona
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Flynn, David M., BA, 1973, Univ Mass Amherst; MBA, 1974, Univ Mass Amherst; PhD, 1979, Univ Mass Amherst
Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Folso, Michael J., BA, 1970, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1980, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Fonfeder, Robert, BS, 1970, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MBA, 1971, CUNY Baruch Coll; CPA, 1974, MPhil, 1979, CUNYGr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1980, CUNY Baruch Coll
Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Forman, Andrew M., BA, 1977, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; PhD, 1985, Univ Tennessee Knoxville
Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Formisano, Joan M., BA, 1961, Coll New Rochelle; MA, 1964, Fordham Univ; EdD, 1987, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Forrest, Esther H., BA, 1968, Manhattan Schl Music; MA, 1973, CUNY Hunter Coll; PGD, 1990, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Forsberg, Charles H., BSME, 1966, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; MSME, 1967, Columbia Univ; MPhil, 1975, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1976, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Engineering

Forte, Noel L., BA, 1994, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MA, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Franciscovich, Daniel, BS, 1991, Fordham Univ; MA, 1995, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Frank, Linda M., BSEd, 1962, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MSEd, 1964, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Franklin, David N., BA, 1992, Univ Illinois Urbana ; MFA, 1995, Univ Texas Austin
Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Fratangelo, Lauren M., BA, 2001, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 2002, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Fredericks, Robert F., BA, 1966, St Johns Univ; MA, 1969, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1975, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1977, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Freedman, Eric M., BA, 1975, Yale Univ; MA, 1976, Victoria Univ; JD, 1979, Yale Univ
Professor, Law

Freedman, Monroe H., AB, 1951, Harvard Univ; LLB, 1954, Harvard Univ; LLM, 1956, Harvard Univ
Professor, Law

Freedman, Morris, BS, 1952, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1956, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1962, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Freese, Melanie L., BS, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1969, Hofstra Univ; MLS, 1977, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Associate Professor, Library Services

Freitas, John, BA, 1983, St John Fisher Coll; MA, 1986, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Fretz, Joan R., BS, 1977, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam; PD, 1982, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Friedkin, David L., BA, 1972, Richmond CC; MA, 1996, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Friedlander, Douglas R., BA, 1969, Boston Univ; MA, 1970, Univ Calif Los Angeles; PhD, 1985, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Friedlander, Terri P., BS, 1980, New York Inst Tech
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science

Friedman-Adler, Laurie, BM, 1975, Manhattan Schl Music; MA, 1977, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Friedman, Enid G., BA, 1969, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1970, Michigan State Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Friedman, John K., BA, 1986, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; JD, 1994, Yeshiva Univ New York
Adjunct Professor, Law

Friedman , Leon , BA, 1954, Harvard Univ; LLB, 1960, Harvard Univ
Professor, The Joseph Kushner Distinguished Professor in Civil Liberties Law

Friedman, Michele D., BA, 1967, Goucher Coll; MA, 1969, Univ Virginia
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Friedman, Nora G., BS, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1974, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Friedman, Steven H., BA, 1968, Worcester Poly Institute; MS, 1974, Long Island Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Frierman, Steven H., BS, 1985, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1988, Univ North Texas ; PhD, 1992, Univ North Carolina Greensboro
Associate Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Frisina, Ellen T., BA, 1977, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1996, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Frisina, Warren G., BA, 1976, SUNY Coll Purchase; MA 1979, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1987, Univ Chicago
Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Fritz, Alicia, BA, 1997, SUNY Binghamton ; MFA, 1999, Sarah Lawrence Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Fromberg, Doris, BA, 1957, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1959, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1965, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Fruehwald, Edwin Scott, BM, 1977, Univ Louisville; MA, 1979, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; PhD, 1984, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ CNT: JD, 1989, Univ Louisville; LLM 1994, Univ Virginia
Legal Writing Instructor, Law

Frye, Thomas J., BA, 1977, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1983, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Fryling, David N., BM, 1996, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MM, 1998, Susquehanna Univ; PhD, 2002, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Assistant Professor, Music

Fuchs, Alexander S., BS, 1965, Inst Mariano Moreno; MD, 1973, Univ Buenos Aries
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Fuchs, Jeanne A., BA, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1977, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Fuchs, Lois E., BS, 1993, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1995, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Fujimoto, Mari, BA, 1995, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Fuller, J. Ryan, BA, 1996, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; MA, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Funk, Claudia, BA, 1990, Dowling Coll; MA, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Funk, Sherry I., BS, 1958, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1979, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Furey, Joan Elizabeth, AB, 1990, Univ Chicago; MA, 1994, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Assistant Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Fusco, Esther, BS, 1963, SUNY Coll Potsdam; MEd, 1967, Hofstra Univ; PD, 1979, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1983, Hofstra Univ
Special Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Futter, Victor , AB , 1939, Columbia Univ; JD, 1942, ColumbiaUniv
Adjunct Professor, Law

Gaab, Jeffrey S., BA, 1985, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1987, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1992, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, History

Gable, John A., BA, 1965, Kenyon Coll; PhD, 1972, Brown Univ
Adjunct Professor, New College

Gaddes, Amy K., BS, 1978, Ithaca Coll; MSEd, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Gaeta , Lisa M., BA, 1996, Marist Coll; MSEd, 2000, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Galgano, Michael J., BA, 1978, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1993, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, History

Gallagher, Maura A., AA, 1997, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Galler, Linda, BA, 1979, Wellesley Coll; JD, 1982, Boston Univ; LLM, 1986, New York Univ
Professor, Law

Galofaro, Manuel S., BS, 1993, Univ Complutense of Madrid ; AAS, 1997, Suffolk County CC ; MALS, 1998, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Gannon, Joseph B., BS, 1970, Newark Coll
Adjunct Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Gans, Mitchell M., BBA, 1971, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1974, Hofstra Law Schl
Professor, Law

Gao, Li-Lian, BS, 1983, Shanghai Inst of Mech Engg; MBA, 1986, Indiana Univ Bloomington ; PhD, 1989, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Associate Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Gao, Tao, BS, 1985, Hebei Univ of Tech; MS, 1988, Harbin Inst of Technology; PhD, 1998, Virginia Polytech Inst & State
Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Garcia Osuna, Alfonso J., BA, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1977, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1989, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Garcia-Obregon, Andrea, BS, 1997, MA, 1999, Colegio Superior; PhD, 2002, Univ Arizona
Assistant Professor, Literacy Studies

Garcia, Susan, BS, 1982, SUNY Coll Cortland
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Garland , James A., BA, 1989, Univ Alabama Birmingham ; JD, 1993, Harvard Univ
Legal Writing Instructor, Law

Garuthara, Rohana, BS, 1972, Univ Ceylon; PhD, 1986, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Gaughan, Frank Patrick, BA, 1993, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1995, Univ Mass Boston
Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Gebbia, Melissa I., BA, 1990, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1995, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1999, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Geiger, Brad D., BS, 1993, York Coll PA; MBA, 1998, Kutztown Univ of PA
Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Gellman, Estelle S., BA, 1962, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1965, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1968, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Gennaro-Evans, Liza
Adjunct Instructor, Drama and Dance

Genovese, Frank, BA, 1967, Columbia Univ; MA, 1969, Columbia Univ; PD, 1975, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; PhD, 1979, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; PD, 1990, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Gershon, Peter R., BA, 1973, Boston Univ; MS, 1981, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1991, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Associate Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Geyer, Patricia, BS, 1984, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MA, 1986, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Ghafarian, Melissa, BBA, 2000, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Ghani, Navid , MA , 1979, Univ Oslo; MA, 1999, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 2003, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Special Assistant Professor, Sociology

Ghorayeb, Sleiman, BS, 1983, Iowa State Univ; MS, 1986, Iowa State Univ; MS, 1988, Iowa State Univ; PhD, 1992, Iowa State Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Engineering

Giannattasio, Gerard E., AB, 1968, Brown Univ; MA, 1975, Hofstra Univ; MSLS, 1976, Case Western Reserve Univ; JD, 1979, Yeshiva Univ New York ; PhD, 1994, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, History

Gibbons, John J., BA, 1963, Pace Univ; MA, 1972, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Geology

Gibson, Martin J., BCE, 1952, Manhattan Coll; MBA, 1966, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Giebel, Jean Dobie, BA, 1982, Baldwin- Wallace Coll; MFA, 1997, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Associate Professor, Drama and Dance

Gifford, III, Clarence Hamilton, BA, 1990, Brown Univ; MA, 1995, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Gilbert, Gail,
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Ginsberg, Arthur P., BS, 1967, Rensselaer Poly Institute; MS, 1968, Rensselaer Poly Institute; PhD, 1974, Rensselaer Poly Institute
Adjunct Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Ginsberg, William R., BA, 1952, Antioch Coll Yellow Springs; JD, 1955, Yale Univ
Professor, The Rivkin Radler Distinguished Professorship Law

Gionesi, Robert A., BA, 1982, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1990, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Giordano, Michael, BS, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 2000, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Giuliani, George A., BA, 1987, Coll Holy Cross; MS, 1992, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; JD, 1992, CUNY Queens Coll; PsyM, 1996, Rutgers Univ Univ Coll New Brn; PsyD, 1997, Rutgers Univ Univ Coll New Brn
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Godlove Jr., Terry F., BA, 1977, Oberlin Coll;MA, 1979, Univ Chicago; MA, 1982, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1984, Univ Chicago
Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Gold, Elissa M., BA, 1965, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Gold, Nathan L., BA, 1969, Johns Hopkins Univ; DMin, 1974, Rabbinical Coll Beth Shraga; CAS, 1976, Univ Pennsylvania
Adjunct Instructor, Finance

Gold, Ruth F., BA, 1953, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1955, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1973, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Goldberg, Stuart, BA, 1967, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1971, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PD, 1987, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Golden, Kristie L., BA, 1989, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Goldman, Scott B., BA, 1996, Tulane Univ; MA, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Goldstein, Arthur E., BMus, 1950, New England Conservatory Music
Adjunct Professor, Music

Goldstein, Kenneth, BA, 1997, Hofstra Univ; MFA, 2000, Brandeis Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Goldwasser, Eugene T., BBA, 1964, CUNY Baruch Coll; MS, 1967, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Goldwasser, JoAnn, BSEd, 1966, MS, 1975, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Gonzalez-Dolginko, Elizabeth C., BFA, 1974, Coll New Rochelle ; MPS, 1976, Pratt Institute
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Goodman, Debra L., BA, 1976, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MA, 1985, Oakland Univ; PhD, 1999, Michigan State Univ
Assistant Professor, Literacy Studies

Goodman, Kenneth S., AB, 1949, Univ Calif Los Angeles ; MA, 1952, Calif St Univ Los Angeles ; EdD, 1963, Univ Calif Los Angeles
Adjunct Professor, Literacy Studies

Goodstone, Michael S., BS, 1983, Syracuse Univ; MA, 1986, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1989, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology

Gordon, David E., BS, 1992, Univ Illinois Urbana ; BS, 1997, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1999, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Gordon, Emily R., BA, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1975, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Gordon, Robert F., BS, 1964, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1965, Carnegie Mellon Univ; PhD, 1969, Carnegie Mellon Univ
Executive-in-Residence, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Gordon, Tatiana , MA , 1978, St. Petersburg Jr Coll; MS, 1992, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1998, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Gorin Jr., Robert M., AB, 1970, Xavier Univ OH; MA, 1970, Xavier Univ OH; MS, 1974, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1980, St Louis Univ MO
Adjunct Assistant Professor, History

Gorman, Bernard S., BA, 1964, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1967, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1971, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Gorman, Joanne M., BS, 1993, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MSW, 1994, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Gould, Pauline A., AA, 1976, SUNY Nassau CC; BBA, 1981, CUNY Baruch Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Grabelsky, Rose G., BA, 1943, Temple Univ; MA, 1966, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Graber, Andrew H., BS, 1982, SUNY Binghamton
Adjunct Instructor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Grafstein, Ann Julie, BA, 1974, Bryn Mawr Coll; PhD, 1984, McGill Univ; MLIS, 1989, Univ Western Ontario
Assistant Professor, Library Services

Granat, Bonnie M., BS, 2000, Univ State NY Regents Coll; MSEd, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Granet, Arlene J., BA, 1952, New York Univ; MEd, 1964, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Granizo-O’Hare, Marti, BA, 1985, Coll Notre Dame MD; JD, 1988, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Grant, Andrew J., BA, 1967, SUNY Binghamton; MA, 1970, New York Univ; MCP, 1975, New York Univ; PhD, 1984, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Granz, Amy L., BA, 1997, Hofstra Univ; MS, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Grass, Robin B., AAS, 1971, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1975, Molloy Coll; MA, 1987, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Grassi, Peter M., BS, 1976, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1978 , Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; PhD, 1981, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Professor, Mathematics

Grasso, Joanne, BA, 1985, SUNY Coll Old Westbury; MA, 1989, St Johns Univ Jamaica; DA, 2003, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science

Graves Jr, Howard E., BA, 1973, Bucknell Univ; MLS, 1975, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1980, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Library Services

Greaney, George L., BA, 1969, New York Univ; MA, 1974, New York Univ; PhD, 1992, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Green, Cumer S., BS, 1984, Univ Idaho ; MBA, 1989, Harvard Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Finance

Green, David M., BA, 1980, Univ Calif Riverside; MA, 1982, Univ Calif Riverside; MA, 1994, Univ Illinois Urbana; MA, 1996, Univ Wisc Madison; PhD, 1999, Univ Wisc Madison
Assistant Professor, Political Science

Green, Richard A., BA, 1968, Univ Rochester; MS, 1973, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Greenbaum, Joanne, BA, 1975, Bard Coll
Adjunc Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Greenberg, Elayne E, BA, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1975, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; CAS, 1979, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1994, Touro Law Cntr
Adjunct Professor, Law

Greenwald, Robert A, BA, 1964, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch Med; MD, 1967,Johns Hopkins Univ
Adjunct Professor, Biology

Greenwell, Raymond N., BA, 1974, Univ San Diego; MS, 1976, Michigan State Univ; MS, 1979, Michigan State Univ; PhD, 1979, Michigan State Univ
Professor, Mathematics

Gregory, John D., BA, 1952, Howard Univ; JD, 1959, Harvard Univ
Professor, The Sidney and Walter Siben Distinguished Professor in Family Law and Torts Law

Greifer, Gloria, BA, 1955, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS,1958, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MS,1978, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Grib, Sonia G., BA, 1957, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Griffin-Woodall, Yanique L., BA, 1999, Hofstra Univ; MA, 2001, Seton Hall Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Griffin , Charles B., BA, 1990, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1992, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1995, Univ Minnesota Minneapolis
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Groarke, Edward J., BA, 1969, St Francis Coll NY ; MA, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; JD, 1979, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; LLM, 1983, New York Univ; LLM, 1994, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Grosskopf, Christopher J., BS, 1993, York Coll PA; MS, 1995, Calif Univ of PA
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Grossman, Bruce D., AB, 1958, Yale Univ; MA, 1961, Duke Univ; PhD, 1964, Duke Univ
Adjunct Professor, New College

Grossman, Heather T., BA, 1985, Univ Pennsylvania; MA, 1988, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Grossman, Joanna L., BA, 1990, Amherst Coll; JD, 1994, Stanford Univ
Associate Professor, Law

Grossman, Stuart , MS , 1991, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Grossman, Wayne, BS, 1983, SUNY Binghamton; PhD, 1996, Texas A&M Univ Coll Station
Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Grove, Amanda N., AA, 1996, Sauk Valley CC; BS, 1999, Southrn Illinois Univ Carbonda; MS, 2001, Southrn Illinois Univ Carbonda
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Grunberger, Lisa, BA, 1988, Univ Rochester; MA, 1990, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1997, Univ Chicago
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Guarascio, Julie M., BA, 1999, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Guarnaccia, Vincent J., BBA, 1964, CUNY City Coll; MSEd, 1966, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 1970, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Psychology

Guiahi, Farrokh, BS, 1967, Univ London; MS, 1970, London Schl Economics; PhD, 1975, Stanford Univ
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Guilbert, Anthony R., BA, 1995, Long Island Univ Southampton; MA, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Guldmann, Rony H., BA, 1995, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MA, 2000, Indiana Univ Bloomington; PhD, 2002, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Gullen, Walter P., BA, 1971, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1972, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Gulli, Anthony V., BS, 1966, Univ Dayton; MS, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Gungor, Figen, BA, 2000, Hofstra Univ; MPA, 2001, Syracuse Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science

Guthman, John C., BS, 1980, Northestrn Univ; MA, 1985, Western Michigan Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Guttmann, Robert P., BA, 1972, Univ Vienna (Wein); MA, 1974, Univ Wisc Madison; PhD, 1979, Thames Polytechnic
Professor, Economics and Geography

Gwirceman, Orit, BA, 1986, Tel Aviv Univ
Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Hafner, Harry ,BS, 1956,C I Parhon Univ; MS, 1957,C I Parhon Univ; PhD, 1972, Babes-Bolyai Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Hagenbruch, Harriet A., BA, 1957, CUNY Hunter Coll; MLS, 1986, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Assistant Professor, Library Services

Hahn, Christopher M., BA, 1994, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; JD, 1999, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Haight, Anne Barry, BA, 1961, CUNY Hunter Coll; MLS, 1969, St Johns Univ; PD, 1980, St Johns Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Hakola, John W., BAE, 1961, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1965, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Associate Professor, Engineering

Hale, Benjamin S., BA, 1994, Kalamazoo Coll; MPA, 1997, Univ Arizona
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Hall, Robert L.,BA,1964, Swarthmore Coll; PhD, 1969, Univ Chicago
Adjunct Associate Professor, New College

Halliday, Nancy E., BS, 1973, Phila Coll Bible; MS, 1975, Arizona State Univ Tempe; PhD, 1992, Temple Univ
Associate Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Hallissy, Jennifer L., BA, 1994, New York Univ; MA, 1997, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Halper, Emanuel B., BA, 1954, CUNY City Coll; JD, 1957, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Hamann, Trent H., BA, 1993, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1996, SUNY Binghamton; PhD, 2003, SUNY Binghamton
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Hamezopoulos, Angela, BS, 1997, Univ Rochester; MS, 2000, Univ Calif Irvine
Adjunct Instructor, Anthropology

Hanley, Marsha, BA, 1973, Hofstra Univ; MFA, 1985, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Hardiman, John A., BEE, 1960, Manhattan Coll; MS, 1965, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1970, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn; PD, 1978, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Special Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Harned, Marguerite, BS, 1969, East Stroudsburg Univ PA; MA, 1975, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Harpel-Burke, Pamela K., BA,1982, Ohio State Univ Columbus; MLS, 1988, Florida State Univ
Instructor, Library Services

Harrington, Phyllis S., BA, 1979, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1980, Adelphi Univ; EdD, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Harris, Carole K., BA, 1984, Duke Univ; MA, 1987, Yale Univ; MPhil, 1989, Yale Univ; PhD, 1993, Yale Univ
Special Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Harris, Richard C., AB, 1967, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; MA, 1968, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; PhD, 1974, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil
Adjunct Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Harris, Robert C., BA, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; JD, 1978, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Harrison, Russell T., BA, 1967, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1976, SUNY Binghamton ; PhD, 1983, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Harshbarger, Scott B., BA, 1983, San Francisco State Univ; MA, 1986, San Francisco State Univ; PhD, 1991, Duke Univ
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Harvey-Salaam, Dyane M.,
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Harvey, Laurie A., BS, 1981, Illinois State Univ;MS, 1987, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PD, 1989, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MBA, 1991, Dowling Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Hastings, Harold M., BS, 1967, Yale Univ; MA, 1969, Princeton Univ; PhD, 1972, Princeton Univ
Professor, Mathematics

Hawkey, Richard J., BA, 1949, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1975, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Hayden, Grant M., BA, 1989, Univ Kansas; MA, 1991, Univ Kansas ; JD, 1995, Stanford Univ
Associate Professor, Law

Healy, Peter, BS, 1983, Columbia Univ; MS, 1984, Columbia Univ; MBA, 1992, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Engineering

Heath, Julie Anne, BS, 1993, Univ Calif Davis; MS, 1996, Boise State Univ; PhD, 2002, Univ Florida
Assistant Professor, Biology

Heckelman, Stacey, BA, 1998, Drew Univ; MS, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Heckman, Diane, BA, 1977, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; JD, 1980, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Hedstrom Jr, Lars, BS, 1974, Univ Nebraska Omaha ; MCA, 1982, New York Inst Tech
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Heinssen, Barbara A., BA, 1982, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Heller, Kythe L., BA, 1997, Reed Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Hellerman , Leon , BA, 1953, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1958, CUNY Queens Coll; EdD, 1972, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Political Science

Henderson, David, BFA, 1989, Carnegie Mellon Univ; MFA, 1994, Carnegie Mellon Univ
Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Hendler, Kenneth R., BS, 1962, New York Univ; MA, 1965, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Henner, Murray, BA, 1973, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1976, Western New England Coll
Adjunct Associate Professor, New College

Henry, Jeanne M., BS, 1981, Indiana St Univ Terre Haute ; MFA, 1983, Bowling Green St Univ Bowling; EdD, 1992, Univ Cincinnati Cincinnati
Associate Professor, Literacy Studies

Henwood, Kenneth A., BA, 1967, Univ Colorado ; MA, 1969, Univ Toronto; PhD, 1975, Univ Toronto
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Herbert, Diane, AA, 1990, SUNY Coll Tech Farmingdale; BA, 1992, St Josephs Coll Patchogue; MA, 1994, Fordham Univ; PhD, 2000, Fordham Univ
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Herman, Andrew, BS, 1970, Indiana St Univ Terre Haute ; MA, 1972, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Hernandez-Cabrera, Heriberto J., BA, 1995, Univ Complutense of Madrid ; MA, 2001, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Hernandez, Annamaria, BA, 1998, Pavia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Herold, Conrad M., BA, 1982, Morningside Coll; MA, 1987, Univ Texas Austin; PhD, 1994, Univ Texas Austin
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Herzbach, Richard, BA, 1970, Univ Cincinnati Cincinnati ; JD, 1973, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Herzog, Jonathan C., BA, 1983, Clark Univ; JD, 1991, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Hettrick, Jane S., AB, 1963, CUNY Queens Coll; MM, 1966, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor; DMA, 1972, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Adjunct Professor, Music

Hettrick, William E., BMus, 1962, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MA, 1964, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; PhD, 1968, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Professor, Music

Heuermann, Patricia, PD, 1956, Curtis Institute Music
Adjunct Professor, Music

Hey, Damian W., BA, 1991, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1996, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Hickey Jr., James E., BS, 1966, Univ Florida ; JD, 1970, Univ Georgia Athens; PhD, 1977, Univ Cambridge
Professor, Law

Hickey, Deborah, BA, 1975, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1976, Univ Pennsylvania ; PhD, 1978, Univ Pennsylvania ; JD, 1985, St Johns Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Higa, Teruyuki, BA,1967, RyukyuUniv
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

High, Robert V., BA, 1968, Adelphi Univ; MBA, 1974, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1976, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1982, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1987, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mathematics

Hill, Robert V., BS, 1997, Hofstra Univ; MS, 2002, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Hillebrand, Randal K., BS, 1989, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Audio/Video/Film

Hilson, M. Douglas, BFA, 1963, Cranbrook Academy Art; MFA, 1965, Univ Washington
Professor, Fine Arts

Himelfarb, Richard I., BA, 1985, Univ Maryland; MA, 1988, Univ Rochester; PhD, 1993, Univ Rochester
Associate Professor, Political Science

Himmelstein , Virginia R., BA, 1965, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1973, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Hines, S. Maxwell, BS, 1983, CUNY York Coll; EdM, 1988, SUNY Coll Buffalo; PhD, 1993, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Hinton, John H., BA, 1961, Washington Univ; MA, 1965, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PD, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Hipshman, Anna, BA, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll; MSEd, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Hittleman, Rita, BA, 1964, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1967, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Hochman, Jessica L., BA, 1996, Univ Wisc Madison; MA, 2001, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Hodge, G Derrick, A, 1992, Suffolk Univ; MDiv, 1996, Union Theological Seminary; MPh, 2002, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Hodnett, Mary P., BA, 1956, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1957, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1971, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Hoffman, Daniel L., BA, 2000, Yeshiva Univ New York ; MA, 2003, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Hoffman, Peter M, BA, 1988, SUNY Binghamton; JD, 1991, Albany Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Hogan, John J., BA, 1966, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MBA, 1969, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Finance

Holfester, Christopher F., BA, 1993, SUNY Coll Plattsburgh; MA, 1997, Auburn Univ Auburn
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Hollander, Alan, BAM, 1975, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Hollander, Martha, BA, 1980, Yale Univ; MA, 1985, Univ Calif Berkeley; PhD, 1990, Univ Calif Berkeley
Associate Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Hollander, Philip A., BA, 1991, Columbia Univ; MA, 1999, Columbia Univ; MPhil, 1999, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Holley, Danielle Ren, BA, 1996, Yale Univ; JD, 1999, Harvard Univ
Associate Professor, Law

Hom, Edward,AS, 1984, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1987, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science

Homer, Christopher M., BFA, 1984, Adelphi Univ;MA, 1988, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Honig, Gerald, BS, 1962, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MA, 1970, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Hornstein, Barry, BA, 1963, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1972, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Horowitz, Steven A., BA, 1981, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1984, Hofstra Law Schl; MBA, 1989, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Horvath, Patricia L., BA, 1983, Emerson Coll; MFA, 2001, Univ Mass Amherst
Special Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Howard, Thomas A., BS, 1971, Southrn Connecticut State Univ; MS, 1977, Adelphi Univ; PD, 1988, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Htyte, Nay, BS, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Huckins, Nancy A., BA, 1975, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MPA, 1981, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1992, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor, Finance

Huffman, Carol C., BMEd, 1973, Indiana Univ; MAEd, 1988, Baldwin-Wallace Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Hughes, Angela D., BA, 1945, St Joseph’s Coll; MA, 1947, Brown Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Hunter, Margaret A., BS, 1989, Rice Univ; MS, 1993, Rice Univ; PhD, 1996, Rice Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Engineering

Hyman, David B., BA, 2000, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Hymes, Elliot R., BA, 1969, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Hymowitz, David, BA, 1985, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MSW, 1987, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Iannone, Lauren M., BS, 2003, Molloy Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Immerso, Sandra, BA, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1979, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Impagliazzo, John, BS, 1964, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1966, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1978, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1983, Adelphi Univ
Professor, Computer Science

Inal, Vedit ,BS, 1976, Technical Univ; MS, 1979, State Academy of Engg & Arch; MA, 1986, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Economics and Geography

Infield, Warren R., BA, 1962, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1964, CUNY Hunter Coll
Professor, Fine Arts

Ingles, Gregory A., BA, 1995, Oberlin Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Ingles, Kristine K., BM, 1993, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MM, 1997, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Intrieri, Barbara E., AS, 1981, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1983, Hofstra Univ; MSEd, 1984, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Ippolito, Anna A., BA, 1996, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1997, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Ippolito, Margaret M., BS, 1987, Molloy Coll; MA, 1988, Hofstra Univ; PD, 1994, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Isaacs, Howard M., BA, 1972, Lake Forest Coll; MA, 1979, Univ Chicago
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Isabel, Lonnie, BA, 1974, Amherst Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Ismailescu, Dan, BS, 1990, Univ Bucharest; PhD, 2001, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Iverson, Marsha A., BS, 1968, CUNY Baruch Coll; MS, 1972, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Jaccarino, Victor, BA, 1968, Allegheny Coll; MA, 1973, Hofstra Univ; PD, 1984, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Jacob, Bernard E., BA, 1954, St Johns Coll MD; JD, 1960, Univ Calif Berkeley; MA, 1979, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Professor, Law The Alexander M. Bickel Distinguished Professor in Communication Law

Jacobs, Harvey M., BS, 1964, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MBA, 1966, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Jaffe, Barbara E., BA, 1964, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1979, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Professor, Fine Arts

James, William L., BS, 1971, McGill Univ; MS, 1974, Purdue Univ; PhD, 1981, Purdue Univ
Professor, Marketing and International Business

Jamison, Sr., Alexander, BA, 1986, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; MDiv, 1990, Andover Newton Theological Sch; DMin, 1994, United Theological Seminary
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Janer, Zilkia, BA, 1992, Univ Puerto Rico Rio Piedras; PhD, 1998, Duke Univ
Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Janssen, Ronald R., BA, 1967, Augustana Coll; MA, 1971, Univ Kentucky ; PhD, 1977, Univ Kentucky
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Jarvis, Scott E., BA, 1984, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Javadi, Mohammad, BE, 1982, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; ME, 1986, Manhattan Coll; MS, 1989, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Jean, Denis-Jacques, BS, 1967, Centrl Connecticut St Univ; MA, 1969, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; PhD, 1974, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; JD, 1989, Hofstra Law Schl
Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Jensen, Richard A., BE, 1966, Cooper Union; MS, 1967, Columbia Univ; DSc, 1975, Columbia Univ; MBA, 1981, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Associate Professor, Engineering

Jensky, Arthur, BA, 1967, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Jewell, Jerald J., BS, 1954, SUNY Coll Cortland; MA, 1961, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Jill-Rito, Jacqueline, BA, 1974, St Joseph Coll CT; MA, 1977, Middlebury Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Johnson, Craig A., BA, 1985, Colgate Univ; MS, 1990, Syracuse Univ; PhD, 1993, Syracuse Univ
Associate Professor, Psychology

Johnson, Keisha M., BA, 1997, SUNY Coll Old Westbury; MS, 2002, Iona Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Johnson, Laurie S., BA, 1972, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MSEd, 1973, SUNY Coll Oneonta; PhD, 1985, Hofstra Univ
Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Jones, Richard C., BS, 1979, Drexel Univ; CPA, 1981, PhD, 2001, Rutgers Univ
Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Jose, BiJu K., BA, 1999, Touro Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Joseph, Patricia M., BA, 1952, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1958, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Kabalin, Svjetlana, BM, 1975, North Car Schl Arts; MM, 1976, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; DMA, 1986, Manhattan Schl Music
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Kabuto, Bobbie J., BS, 1995, Univ Richmond; MS, 2003, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Kahn, Leonard B., MD, 1960, Witwatersrand Univ
Adjunct Professor, Biology

Kallaur, Constantine H., BS, 1958, Columbia Univ; MA, 1966, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1981, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Kamberova, Gerda L., MS, 1982, Univ Sofia; PhD, 1992, Univ Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Kanatsu, Takashi, LLB, 1990, Hokkaido Univ; MA, 1992, Georgetown Univ; MPhil, 1996, Columbia Univ; PhD, 2002, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor, Political Science

Kang, Sung-Hak, A., 1977, Sogang Univ; PhD, 1990, Univ Texas Austin; MA, 1996, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Kapit, Ellen M., A, 1971, Emerson Coll; MA, 1975, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Kaplan, David, BS, 1975, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MBA, 1979, Pace Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Kaplan, Ira T., BA, 1955, New York Univ; MA, 1956, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1959, Columbia Univ
Professor, Psychology

Kaplan, Janet E., BA, 1979, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll; MFA, 1995, Sarah Lawrence Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Kaplan, Jeanie D., BS, 1962, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Kaplan, Nancy , BA, 1973, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Associate Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Kapp, Kristin E., BA, 1994, Long Island Univ Southampton; MA, 1998, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Kappenberg, John W., BS, 1964, Fairfield Univ; MA, 1968, New York Univ; EdD, 1985, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Karabatos, Elena, BA, 1983, Tufts Univ; JD, 1986, Brooklyn Law School
Adjunct Professor, Law

Karagozoglu, Ahmet K., BS, 1992, Bogazici Univ; MBA, 1994, Univ Wisc Oshkosh; PhD, 1999, CUNY Baruch Coll
Assistant Professor, Finance

Karmen, Jessica A., BA, 1967, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1973, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll; MSW, 1985, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Sociology

Karofsky, Amy D., AB, 1990, Univ Pennsylvania; MA, 1992, Univ Virginia; PhD, 1997, Univ Virginia
Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Karp, Susan M., BS, 1985, New York Univ; MA, 1990, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Karpe, Charlotte K., BS, 1965, New York Univ; MPS, 1979, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Karpe, Henry R., BA, 1970, CUNY Baruch Coll; MS, 1972, Univ Wisc Milwaukee
Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Karpf, Maureen, BS, 1989, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1994, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physics and Astronomy

Kasle, Annette L., BA, 1974, Univ Pennsylvania; JD, 1977, Wayne State Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Kasmir, Sharryn, BA, 1984,Univ Mass Amherst; MPhil, 1988, CUNY Hunter Coll; PhD, 1993, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor, Anthropology

Kass, Irma F., BS, 1951, Syracuse Univ; MS, 1972, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Kassinove, Howard, BA, 1963, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1965, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1970, Adelphi Univ
Professor, Psychology

Katz, Neil D., BA, 1988, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1991, Univ Pennsylvania ; LLM, 1994, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Katz, Robert, BBA, 1961, CUNY City Coll; LLB, 1965, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; LLM, 1971, New York Univ
Professor, The Chaykin Distinguished Teaching Professor in Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Katzman, Phil, AAS, 1970, Suffolk County CC; AAS, 1975, SUNY Fashion Inst Tech CC; BA, 1977, Empire Coll; MA, 1980, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Kaufman, Celeste, BA, 1980, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; JD, 1983, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Kaufman, Freya H., BS, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1977, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Kaufman, Judith S., BA, 1978, Clark Univ; PhD, 1989, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Kaufman, Neil, BA,1961, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1971, New York Univ; MS, 1974, Pace Univ New York City
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Keenan, Joanna M., BA, 1993, Ithaca Coll; MSEd, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Keister, Stephen, BFA, 1971, Temple Univ; MFA, 1973, Temple Univ
Adjunct Professor, Fine Arts

Keller, Joan, BA, 1952, Notre Dame Coll; MS, 1964, SUNY Coll New Paltz; PhD, 1977, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Kellner, Irwin L., BA, 1960, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1964, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1973, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Professor, Finance; The Augustus B. Weller Chair

Kelly, Barbara M., BA, 1976, St Josephs Coll Patchogue; MA, 1981, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1988, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Associate Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Kelly, Rosann, BS, 1978, Molloy Coll; MS, 1981, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Kemp, Susan, BA, 1969, Fordham Univ; BA, 1978, CUNY Hunter Coll; JD, 1993, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Kenmore , Robert H., BA, 1980, Stanford Univ; MBA, 1993, Univ Chicago; PhD, 2002, Univ Chicago
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Kennedy, Patricia L., BA, 1974, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MEd, 1975, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Kerasiotis, Bernadina, AAS, 1988, CUNY Queensborough CC; BSN, 1994, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll; MS, 1997, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Kern, Louis J.,AB, 1965, Clark Coll WA; MA, 1967, Clark Coll WA; PhD, 1977, Rutgers Univ
Professor, History

Kershner, Gregory, BA, 1977, Univ Calif Santa Barbara; MA, 1980, Univ Calif Santa Barbara; PhD, 1989, Univ Calif Davis; MIA, 2000, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Kessler, Lawrence W., AB, 1964, Columbia Univ; JD, 1967, Columbia Univ
Professor, The Richard J. Cardali Distinguished Professor in Trial Advocacy Law

Khattry, Barsha, BA, 1992, Ohio Wesleyan Univ; MA, 1997, Univ Mass Amherst; PhD, 2002, Univ Mass Amherst
Assistant Professor, Economics and Geography

Kim , Wi Saeng, BA, 1972, Kyungnam Univ; MBA, 1975, Georgia State Univ; PhD, 1981, Georgia State Univ
Associate Professor, Finance

Kinard, Joelene-Lynette, BS, 1973, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MA, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

King, Peter W., BA, 1973, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

King, Susan Lynn, BA, 1966, Univ Toronto; MEd, 1985, Univ Toronto; EdD, 2000, Univ Toronto
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Kirchgaessner, Rozella G., BSEd, 1968, Indiana Univ Pennsylvania ; MA, 1976, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; CAS, 2002, Mass Coll Liberal Arts
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Kirk, Michael, BA, 1969, Rutgers Univ; MFA, 1973, Pratt Institute
Adjunct Associate Professor, Fine Arts

Kitaeff, Paulette M., BA, 1975, CUNY Queens Coll; MSW, 1978, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Klause, John L., AB, 1967, Spring Hill Coll; MA, 1971, Univ New Orleans ; PhD, 1976, Stanford Univ
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Klein, Esther E., BBA, 1979, CUNY Baruch Coll; MBA, 1987, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1996, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Klein, Harold A., BA, 1949, Long Island Univ; MS, 1952, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Klein, Spencer D., BA, 1986, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; JD, 1989, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Kliman, Merwin, BS, 1954, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MSEE, 1959, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Klinger, Ronald F., BS, 1978, Pace Univ New York City; MD, 1982, Wake Forest Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Klinkowstein, Thomas, BS, 1971, Rochester Inst Tech; MS, 1975, Syracuse Univ
Associate Professor, Fine Arts

Klugman, Paula G., BA, 1968, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1971, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Knauth, Michael G., BA, 1974, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1976, Hofstra Univ; MSLS, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Associate Professor, Library Services

Knee, David I., BS, 1956, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 1962, Mass Institute Technology
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

Knight, Jeffery R., BA, 1985, Holy Cross Coll; JD, 1993, Boston Univ
Legal Writing Instructor, Law

Knobel, Gary F. ,BA, 1974, SUNY Coll Buffalo; JD, 1977, DePaul Univ; LLM, 2000, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Knowlton, Steven R., BA, 1969, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; MA, 1981, Univ Missouri St Louis; MA, 1985, Washington Univ; PhD, 1987, Washington Univ
Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Kobets, Ilka A., BA, 1967, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1972, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Koch, Janice, BS, 1967, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1987, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1992, New York Univ
Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Kolb, James J., BA, 1966, St John Fisher Coll; MA, 1968, New York Univ; PhD, 1974, New York Univ
Professor, Drama and Dance

Kolesar, Adam J., BA, 1987, Univ South Carolina Columbia ; MSpP, 1990, Univ South Carolina Columbia
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Konfino, Sheila R., BS, 1961, SUNY Coll Cortland; MA, 1980, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Konstantatos, Theodosia, BA, 1998, Hofstra Univ; MA, 2001, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Konstas, Despina D., BA, 1997, New York Univ; MA, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Koplik, Irwin J., BA, 1951, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1956, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1966, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Korn, Tracy A., BS, 1993, Ohio Univ Athens; MA, 1996, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Kottkamp, Robert B., AB, 1966, Depauw Univ; MAEd, 1973, Washington Univ; PhD, 1979, Washington Univ
Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Kourtides, Dianne, BS, 1966, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; MA,1996, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Kozik, Karen K., BA, 1983, Univ Virginia; MA, 1986, Syracuse Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Kozlov, Nicholas N.,BA, 1976, American Univ DC ; PhD, 1988, Univ New Hampshire Durham
Associate Professor, Economics and Geography

Krantz, Steven, BA, 1970, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MSW, 1974, Adelphi Univ; DSW, 1990, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Krapp, John, BA, 1987, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1991, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1996, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Associate Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Krause, Laurence A., BA, 1977, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1985, Univ Mass Amherst; PhD, 1988, Univ Mass Amherst
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Economics and Geography

Krause, Maureen K., BS, 1985, Univ North Carolina Wilmington ; PhD, 1992, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Assistant Professor, Biology

Krauze, Agnieszka A., BA, 1994, Warsaw Polytechnic; MA, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Krauze, Tadeusz K., MA, 1955, Univ Lodz; PhD, 1974, New York Univ Professor, Sociology Krein, Catherine C., BS, 1960, Fordham Univ; MA, 1994, CUNY Queens Coll
Associate Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Kreisel, Martha J., BA, 1970, Alfred Univ; MLS, 1972, Univ Chicago; MA, 1977, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Associate Professor, Library Services

Kremin, Daniel P., BA, 1967, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Teane; MA, 1974, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Teane; MS, 1975, Yeshiva Univ New York ; PhD, 1978, Yeshiva Univ New York
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Krendel, Veronica S, AB, 1987, Georgetown Univ; JD, 1992, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Kreniske, John E., BA, 1968, San Francisco State Univ; MA, 1972, Columbia Univ; MPh, 1979, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1984, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Kreutzberger, Marvin, BA, 1967, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1971, CUNY Brooklyn Coll;PD, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Krieg, Joann P., BA, 1974, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1975, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1979, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Krieger, Stefan H., BA, 1968, Univ Chicago; JD, 1975, Univ Illinois Urbana
Professor, Law

Kronenberg, Jean-Paul, BA, 1955, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MSEd, 1962, Bank Street Coll of Education
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Krull, Linda A., BA, 1975, Hofstra Univ; MIM, 1981, Thunderbird-Amercn Grad Schl
Adjunct Instructor, Marketing and International Business

Krull, Steven B., BS, 1977, Cornell Univ; MBA, 1984, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1990, CUNY Baruch Coll
Associate Professor, Finance

Krupnik, Mikhail, BBA, 1988, CUNY Baruch Coll; MSEd, 1995, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Ku, Julian G., BA, 1994, Yale Univ; JD, 1998, Yale Univ
Associate Professor, Law

Kubinyak, Eric A., BS, 1981, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Fine Arts

Kurland , Lawrence G., BE, 1963, New York Univ; JD, 1966, Brooklyn Law School
Adjunct Professor, Law

Kurth, Darleen C., BS, 1966, SUNY Coll Brockport; MS, 1968, SUNY Coll Brockport; MA, 1985, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Kurtz, Toby G., BA, 1967, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1971, CUNY City Coll; JD, 1979, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Kussin, Steven, BA, 1969, Cornell Univ; MS, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll;PhD, 1976, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Kutnowski, Martin, BA, 1992, Conservatory Music-Buenos Aire; MA, 1997, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 2003, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Kutscher, Eugene B., BA, 1968, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Kwong, Wing C., BS, 1987, Univ Calif San Diego; MA, 1989, Princeton Univ; PhD, 1992, Princeton Univ
Associate Professor, Engineering

Kyriacou, Corinne M., BA, 1991, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MPH, 1995, NY Medical Coll; PhD, 1999, Brandeis Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Labenberg, Laura J., BA, 1986, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1989, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Labiento, Aleta I. , BS, 1989, SUNY Coll Old Westbury; MS, 1991, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1996, Walden Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Lago, Rinaldo, *Bacc, 1953, Havana Univ; MA, 1970, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Lalama, David S., BM, 1976, Youngstown State Univ; MA, 1983, New York Univ; DA, 1998, New York Univ
Professor, Music

Lally, Laura H., BA, 1978, CUNY Queens Coll; MBA, 1984, CUNY Baruch Coll; MPhil, 1987, New York Univ; PhD, 1992, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Lampl, Kenneth H., BA, 1986, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1992, Rutgers Univ; DMA, 1996, Juilliard Schl
Assistant Professor, Music

Landis, Mark L., BA, 1966, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 1973, Columbia Univ
Professor, Political Science

Lane, Amala, BA, 1995, Skidmore Coll; MFA, 2001, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Lane, Eric, BA, 1965, Brown Univ; MA, 1966, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; JD, 1970, Fordham Univ; LLM, 1979, New York Univ
Professor, Law The Eric J. Schmertz Distinguished Professor in Public Service and Public Law

Langus, Andrew M., BS, 1972, Rider Univ; MS, 1983, Pace Univ New York City
Adjunct Instructor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Lanzilotta, Roseanna, AA, 1972, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Laraque, William Alain, BA, 1969, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1976, Univ Southern California
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Laskin, Richard L., BBA, 1985, George Washington Univ; MBA, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Marketing and International Business

Latour, Michael V., BA, 1998, Univ Montreal; MA, 2003, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Latzman, Gerald, BA, 1966, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1974, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Lauer, Darrell L., BA, 1962, Ohio Wesleyan Univ; BM, 1965, Ohio Wesleyan Univ; MM, 1970, Michigan State Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Lawrence, Stephen S., BA, 1988, Univ Chicago; MS, 1990, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor; PhD, 1994, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Lay, Ethna D., BA, 1983, SUNY Binghamton; MA, 1987, New York Univ; MPhil, 1995, New York Univ; PhD, 1998, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Lazar, Liliane, BA, 1965, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1969, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1989, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Lazar, Zachary L., BA, 1990, Brown Univ; MFA, 1993, Univ Iowa
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Lazarus, Harold, BA, 1949, New York Univ; MS, 1952, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1963, Columbia Univ
Professor, The Mel Weitz Distinguished Professor in Business Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Lazow, Robert B., BA, 1972, Emerson Coll; MSW, 1975, Fordham Univ; DrPH, 1985, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

LaMarca, Regina , BA, 1962, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1970, Hofstra Univ; PD, 1986, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

LaRocca, Regina , BA, 1989, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA,1993, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Le Blanc, Bernadette K., BS, 1968, New York Univ; MS, 1975, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Leboff, Irma, BA, 1951, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1969, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Lechowicz, Joseph S., BA, 1959, St Johns Univ MN ; MA, 1966, Fordham Univ; PhD, 1973, Univ Georgia Athens
Associate Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Leclair, Jacqueline F., BM, 1988, Eastman Schl of Music; MM, 1990, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Lederer, Barbara, BS, 1978, Ithaca Coll; MS, 1980, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech- Language-Hearing-Sciences

Lee, James W., BA, 1993, Hope Coll; MFA, 1996, Univ Delaware
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Lee, Keun S., BA, 1979, Hankuk Univ; MBA, 1983, Univ Northrn Iowa ; DBA, 1987, Univ Kentucky ; MA, 1990, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Lee, Patrick S., BS, 1995, Carnegie Mellon Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science

Lefkowitz, Amy B., BA, 1975, New York Univ; PhD, 1984, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Legasa, Francisco J., MA, 2000, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Lehman, Cheryl R., A, 1975, CUNY Queens Coll; MPhil, 1982, New York Univ; PhD, 1985, New York Univ
Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Lehman, Marilyn J., BS, 1975, Hofstra Univ; MM, 1977, Manhattan Schl Music
Adjunct Associate Professor, Music

Leibowitz, Ivy Leslye, BA, 1971, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll; JD, 1988, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Lekarew, Mark D., BS, 1982, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MA, 1992, Free Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Lekatsas, Barbara, BA, 1971, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1973, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 1985, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Leland, Richard G., BS, 1971, Cornell Univ; JD, 1974, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Lenaghan, Janet A., BBA, 1988, Adelphi Univ; MBA, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Instructor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Lenzi, Christine, BS, 1997, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1999, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Leonard, Robert A., BA, 1970, Columbia Univ; MA, 1973, Columbia Univ; MPh, 1973, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1982, Columbia Univ
Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Lettini, Pat L., BBA, 1980, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1984, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Levin, JoAnn, BA, 1970, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MSEd, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Levin, Phillis, BA, 1976, Sarah Lawrence Coll; MA, 1977, Johns Hopkins Univ
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Levin, Stacey S., BFA, 1997, New York Univ; MS, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Levine, Alice , BA, 1968, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MA, 1972, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1979, Univ Chicago
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Levine, Charles M., BA, 1963, Columbia Univ; MA, 1967, Indiana Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Levine, Elliott P., BA, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Levine, Gregory C., BA, 1983, Columbia Univ; MA, 1985, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1989, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Levine, Joseph M., BS, 1969, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1977, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Levinson, Donna D., BA, 1967, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1970, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Special Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Levinthal, Charles , AB , 1967, Univ Cincinnati Cincinnati ; MA, 1968, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; PhD, 1971, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Professor, Psychology

Levy, Brooke, BS, 1977, Syracuse Univ; MA, 1978, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Levy, James P.,BA, 1987, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1990, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll; PhD, 2001, Univ Wales
Special Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Levy, Maurice A., BA, 1998, Univ Wisc Madison; MA, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Lewis, Dawn K., BA, 1995, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1999, Michigan State Univ
Special Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Lewis, Stefanie, BA, 1976, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1978, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Liang, Chuck C., BS, 1989, Univ Oregon ; PhD, 1995, Univ Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Libresco, Andrea, BA, 1980, Swarthmore Coll; MAT, 1982, Brown Univ
Special Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Licata, Robert, AA, 1979, CUNY Queensborough CC; BFA, 1981, New York Univ
Special Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Lichtenberger, Diane C., BFA, 1967, Juilliard Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Lichtneger, Lilka, BS, 1967, SUNY Coll Cortland; MA, 1977, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Lieblich, Myra , BS, 1957, Jersey City State Coll; MS, 1969, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1980, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Liebling, Richard S., BA, 1960, Columbia Univ; MA, 1961, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1963, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Geology

Liebmann, Theodor S., BA, 1990, Yale Univ; JD, 1995, Georgetown Univ
Clinical Instructor, Law

Light, Gerald, BA, 1980, Univ of Guadalajara
Executive-in-Residence, Marketing and International Business

Liguori, Richard J., BS, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1973, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Lindgren, Claire K., AAS, 1957, SUNY Fashion Inst Tech CC; BA, 1968, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1970, Columbia Univ; MPh, 1973, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1976, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Fine Arts

Lisi, Michelle J., BS, 1989, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

List, Rachel, BA, 1994, Empire Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Little, Steven G., BA, 1976, Tulane Univ; MS, 1979, Univ New Orleans ; PhD, 1987, Tulane Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology

Liu, Yi, BA, 1984, Northwest Univ ; MA, 1989, Northwest Univ ;MS, 2003, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science

Lloyd, David A., BS, 1964, Univ Illinois Urbana; PhD, 1969, Univ Calif Berkeley
Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Loeb, Hortense, BA, 1947, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Loftus, Thomas, BA, 1962, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor ,New College

Lombardi, Robert J., BA, 1980, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MS, 1982, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Lonergan, Michael R., BA, 1977, Manhattan Coll; MS, 1979, St Johns Univ Jamaica; PD, 1986, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Longmire, Linda A., BA, 1974, Univ Calif San Diego; PhD, 1988, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Looney, Joseph J., BS, 1979, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1986, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Lopate, Phillip, BA, 1964, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1979, The Union Institute
Professor, English and Freshman Composition;The John Cranford Adams Chair in the Humanities

Lopatin, Laurie J., BA, 1971, Wilson Coll;MLS, 1973, Drexel Univ; MS, 1985, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Associate Professor, Library Services

Lorin, Harold, S., 1955, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Computer Science

Lorsch, Susan E., BA, 1972, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; AM, 1975, Brown Univ; PhD, 1977, Brown Univ
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Loscialpo, Jennifer E., BA, 1996, Siena Coll; MSEd, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Loucif, Sabine, DEA, 1990, Sorbonne, The; MAEd, 1991, Carthage Coll; PhD, 1999, Univ of Paris
Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Love, Lewis, BA, 1949, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1951, New York Univ; MS, 1965, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Lozny, Ludomir R., MA, 1980, Warsaw Polytechnic
Adjunct Instructor, Anthropology

LoPresti, William F., BA, 1975, Hofstra Univ; MPA, 1978, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Lubowich, Donald A., BA, 1970, Northwstrn Univ; MS, 1977, New Mexico St Univ Univ Park ; MSE, 1982, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Luciani, Kristen A.,BS, 1996, Fordham Univ; MBA, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Ludwig, Michael J., BS, 1976, SUNY Coll Cortland; MS, 1981, SUNY Coll Cortland; PhD, 1994, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park
Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Lufrano, Nancy, BA, 1981, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MA, 1983, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Lukaschek, Richard J., BS, 1960, Univ Dayton; MS, 1969, Univ Miami
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mathematics

Lukaszewski, Angela R., BA, 1969, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1973, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Lukeman, Barbara A., BA, 1997, Hofstra Univ; JD, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Lyn, Esmeralda O., BS, 1969, St Theresas Coll; CPA, 1970, MBA, 1972, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; PhD, 1982, CUNY Baruch Coll
Professor, Finance

Lynch, Barbara L. ,BA, 1970, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MA, 1975, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Lyons, Brian C., BS, 1987, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MPA, 1989, Golden Gate Univ; BA, 1993, Univ Mississippi ; PhD, 1996, Univ Mississippi
Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Maccarrone, Eugene T., BBA, 1976, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1981, Hofstra Law Schl
Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Macedonio, Michele, BA, 1996, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Macher, Columbine, BFA, 1993, Marymount Manhattan Coll; MFA, 1996, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

MacArthur, Amy Lee, BA, 1999, Adelphi Univ; MS, 2000, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

MacCary, W. Thomas, BA, 1963, Dartmouth Coll; MA, 1965, Univ Cambridge; PhD, 1969, Stanford Univ
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

MacDonald, Andrea F., AA, 1973, SUNY Dutchess CC; BA, 1975, SUNY Coll Oswego; MFA, 1989, Univ New Orleans
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Maggi-Fruda, Patricia, BA, 1993, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1996, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Mahon , Malachy T., BA, 1954, Manhattan Coll; LLB, 1960, Fordham Univ
Professor, Law The Siggi B. Wilzig Distinguished Professor in Banking Law

Maida, Gary G., BS, 1979, St Johns Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Main , Suzanne C., BA, 2000, Cornell Univ; MA, 2003, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Maizel, Richard D., BS, 1976, Univ Pennsylvania; MBA, 1980, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Finance

Maloney, Judith Mathers, BA, 1981, Marymount Manhattan Coll; JD, 1984, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Mancini, Nicholas J., BA, 2000, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Mandair, Arvind-pal Singh, PhD, 1989, Aston Univ; MA, 1994, Univ Warwick; PhD, 1999, Univ Warwick
Assistant Professor, The Sardarni Kuljit Kaur Bindra Endowed Chair in Sikh Studies Philosophy and Religious Studies

Mandel, Lewis R., AB, 1969, Cornell Univ; JD, 1972, Albany Law Schl; LLM, 1976, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Mandery, Mathew M., BS, 1965, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1971, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; EdD, 1990, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Maney, Gregory M., AB, 1989, Brown Univ; MSc, 1994, Univ Mass Amherst ; PhD, 2001, Univ Wisc Madison
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Maniscalco, Michelle L, BA, 1996, Gettysburg Coll; MA, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Mankes, Howard A., BBA, 1968, CUNY City Coll;PD, 1973, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1973, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Manning, Emily Susan, BA, 1991, Evergreen State Coll; MA, 1995, Johns Hopkins Univ; PhD, 2002, Johns Hopkins Univ
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Manteen, Sabir, BBA, 1985, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1986, Wagner Coll; MS, 1987, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1994, CUNY Queens Coll
Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Mantell, Abraham S., BS, 1987, Rensselaer Poly Institute; MS, 1990, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Marchesi, Donatella G., BA, 1987, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Marchesi, Ilaria, BA, 1994, Univ Florence; MA, 1999, Rutgers Univ; PhD, 2002, Rutgers Univ
Assistant Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Marder, Galina S, MD, 1987, Novosibirsk State Med Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Mare, Rosette J., BA, 1971, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1973, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1991, Pace Univ New York City ; DA, 2002, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Maresca, Sonja A., BS, 1987, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MBA, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Margulis-Navas, Emily F., BBA, 1985, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1992, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Marine Tena, Carme, MA, 2003, Univ Barcelona
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Marinelli, William J., AA, 1970, SUNY Suffolk Co CC Selden; BA,1972, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1979, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1990, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Marinucci, Kimberly A., BA, 1992, Smith Coll; MA, 1994, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 2001, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Special Assistant Professor, History

Mark, Philip H., BA, 1964, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1966, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1972, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Professor, Chemistry

Markley, David J., BFA, 1967, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; MFA, 1972, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Markus, Julia, BA, 1961, Boston Univ; MA, 1962, Boston Univ; PhD, 1976, Univ Maryland
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Marlow, Lenard, BA, 1954, Colgate Univ; JD, 1958, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Marron, Paula S., BBA, 1975, Iona Coll; MSEd, 1980, Fordham Univ; MSEd, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Marsh, Richard S., BS, 1970, New York Univ; MA, 1972, New York Univ; PD, 1977, St Johns Univ; PD, 1991, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Marshall, Amy G., BA, 1992, Goucher Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Marshall, John C., BS, 1995, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Marsicovetere, Dominic A., BA, 1969, CUNY Queens Coll; CPA, 1972, MBA, 1973, Pace Univ New York City
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Martens, Prisca A., BA, 1972, Valparaiso Universty; MEd, 1980, Valparaiso Universty; PhD, 1994, Univ Arizona
Adjunct Associate Professor, Literacy Studies

Martin, Jonathan D., BA, 1995, Univ Colorado ; MS, 2003, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Martin, Susan L., AB, 1963, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; JD, 1987, Hofstra Univ
Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Martinelli, Frank M., AB, 1991, Cornell Univ; MFA, 2000, Columbia Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Martinez , Katty, BA, 1996, SUNY Coll Plattsburgh; MA, 1998, Middlebury Coll; MA, 2000, Univ Complutense of Madrid
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Martorella, Georgina , BS, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MBA, 1991, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MLS, 1996, CUNY Queens Coll
Assistant Professor, Library Services

Marx, Michele A., BS, 1999, Boston Univ; MS, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Mascia, Nancy A., BS, 1983, Nazareth Coll of Rochester ; MA, 1985, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Masheck, Joseph D., AB, 1963, Columbia Univ; MA, 1965, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1973, Columbia Univ; MLitt, 2001, Univ Dublin Trinity Coll Dubli
Professor, Fine Arts

Masnick, Amy Michele, BS, 1994, Cornell Univ; PhD, 1999, Cornell Univ
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Mason-Egan, Pamela D., BA, 1990, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1992, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Masrour, Mustapha, BA, 1979, Univ Mohammed V-Agdal; MEd, 1985, Univ Wales; PhD, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Massa , Nicholas, BS, 1949, New York Univ; MA, 1951, New York Univ; PhD, 1962, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Mathur, Anil, BS, 1972, Univ Calcutta; MS, 1975, Univ Delhi; MBA, 1978, Indian Institute of Management ; PhD, 1991, Georgia State Univ
Professor, Marketing and International Business

Matthews, William Evan, AA, 1980, Walker Coll; BMEd, 1983, Univ Montevallo; MA, 1997, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Maurer, Suanne S., BS, 1986, Canisius Coll; MS, 1988, Canisius Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Maxwell, Yvonne V., BA, 1969, Fisk Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Mazzocco, Dennis W., BA, 1976, Seton Hall Univ; MA, 1991, Calif St Univ Fresno; PhD, 1996, Univ Calif San Diego
Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Mazzoleni, Roberto , MA , 1990, Univ Sussex; PhD, 1994, Stanford Univ
Associate Professor, Economics and Geography

McCabe, Edward G., BS, 1955, Fordham Univ; LLB, 1957, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

McCarthy, Jonathan, BA, 1996, Sacred Heart Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

McClain, Linda C., AB, 1980, Oberlin Coll; AM, 1981, Univ Chicago; JD, 1985, Georgetown Univ
Professor, Law

McCloskey, Patrick Lawrence, BA, 1965, Villanova Univ; JD, 1968, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Professor, Law

McCoy, Bernadette, BS, 1949, Fordham Univ; MA, 1956, Fordham Univ; PhD, 1971, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

McDermott, Michael E., BS, 1977, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; JD, 1980, Southwstrn Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

McDonald, Mary E., BA, 1992, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1996, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

McDonald, Michael K., BS, 1981, Boston Univ; MS, 1986, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

McDonaugh, G. Renoir, BA, 1982, San Diego State Univ; MS, 1986, Purdue Univ; PhD, 1994, Purdue Univ
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

McEvoy, Mark V., BA, 1992, Trinity Coll; MA, 1996, Tulane Univ; PhD, 2003, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

McFeely, Maureen C., BA, 1965, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1967, Brown Univ; PhD, 1981, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

McGinnis, Theresa A., BA, 1980, Univ Calif Los Angeles ; EdM, 1994, Loyola Marymount Univ; PhD, 2002, Univ Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor, Literacy Studies

McGuire, Deirdre C., BA, 1967, Hofstra Univ; Dipl, 1968, Manchester Coll; MFA, 1974, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park
Adjunct Associate Professor, Drama and Dance

McGuire, William L., BBA, 1972, St Bonaventure Univ; JD, 1977, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Professor, Law

McKeough, William J., AB, 1957, Fordham Univ; MS, 1963, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1968, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

McKnight-Taylor, Mary, BS, 1967, Coppin State Coll; MEd, 1969, Univ Virginia; EdD, 1974, Univ Virginia
Adjunct Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

McLaren, Joseph, BA, 1970, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1974, CUNY City Coll; AM, 1977, Brown Univ; PhD, 1980, Brown Univ
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

McLaughlin, Donna, BS, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

McLaughlin, Terry R., AS, 1989, Norwalk St Tech Coll; BS, 1995, Temple Univ ; MS, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

McLean, Ron, BA, 1982, Fayetteville State Univ; MS, 1989, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; PhD, 1999,St Louis Univ MO
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

McMellon, Charles A., BBA, 1968, CUNY Baruch Coll; MBA, 1994, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1997, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

McMullan, Debra I., BS, 1975, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

McNair, Nora de Marval, LLB, 1955, Univ Buenos Aries; AM, 1970, New York Univ; PhD, 1977, New York Univ
Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

McNeill, David Neil, BA, 1989, St Johns Coll MD; PhD, 2001, Univ Chicago
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

McPartland, Donald S., BA, 1974, St Johns Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

McPhee, Martha S., BA, 1987, Bowdoin Coll; MFA, 1997, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

McVey, Merry E., BA, 1994, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Meehan, James E., BS, 1974, SUNY Coll New Paltz; MSW, 1998, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Melkonian, Martin, BA, 1956, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1964, New Schl/ Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Associate Professor, Economics and Geography

Meller, Paul J., BA, 1982, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1984, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1988, Syracuse Univ
Associate Professor, Psychology

Melucci, Ranier W., BA, 1973, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1975, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; CAS, 1979, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; EdD, 1990, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Mendes, Rafaela, BA, 1991, SUNY Coll Old Westbury; MA, 1994, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Merguerian, Charles, BS, 1972, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1977, CUNY City Coll; MPh, 1983, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1985, Columbia Univ
Professor, Geology

Merrill, Lisa, BA, 1976, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1977, New York Univ; PhD, 1985, New York Univ
Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Messner, Malka, BS, 1995, Touro Coll; MPA, 1995, Univ Nebraska Medical Cntr
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Metlay, William, BA, 1960, Southrn Illinois Univ; MS, 1962, Lehigh Univ; PhD, 1967, Lehigh Univ
Professor, Psychology

Metzger, Edgar M., BA, 1967, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1973, New York Univ; CAS, 1976, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Meyer-Gimpl, Elisabeth, AA, 1991, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1993, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Michaels, Aileen, S., 1968, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1970, Stevens Institute Tech; PhD, 1973, Stevens Institute Tech
Associate Professor, Mathematics

Michelini, Brenda G., BA, 1981, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1985, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Middlebrook, Walter T., BS, 1976, Boston Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Migdol, Donna, BA, 1979, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MS, 1985, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Mihailovic, Alexandar, BA, 1981, Columbia Univ; MA, 1985, Yale Univ; PhD, 1993, Yale Univ
Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Miletta, Maureen M., BA, 1950, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MA, 1954, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1980, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Miller, Norman, BA, 1972, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1975, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1977, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Miller, Paulette B., BA, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1974, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Miller, Ricki, BA, 1970, CUNY Queens Coll; MEd, 1971, Boston Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Miller, Solomon, BS, 1949, Temple Univ ; PhD, 1964, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Anthropology

Millon, Anthony A., BBA, 1962, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1967, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Milstein, Doron, BA, 1989, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1991, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 2001, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Assistant Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Mimy, Sybil, BA, 1995, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Mince, John A., BA, 1967, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1970, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ;PhD, 1980, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Mintz, Warren, BA, 1958, Alfred Univ; PhD, 1971, New York Univ
Associate Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Missan, Richard, BA, 1955, Yale Univ; LLB, 1958, Yale Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Mitchell, Carmencita C., BA, 1998, New York Univ; MA, 2001, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Mitchell, Winston F., BS, 1979, SUNY Coll Brockport; MMC, 1994, Arizona State Univ Tempe
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Mitelman, Meir, BA, 1968, Univ Texas Austin; MS, 1976, Yeshiva Univ New York; MSW, 1982, Yeshiva Univ New York
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Mitus, Jamie S., BS, 1990, Illinois Institute Tech; MS, 1993, Illinois Institute Tech; PhD, 2003, Illinois Institute Tech
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Moghadam, Fatemeh E., BA, 1967, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MA, 1968, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1979, Oxford Univ
Professor, Economics and Geography

Molina, John F., BS, 1973, Northestrn Univ; PhD, 1977, Univ New Orleans
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Molloy, Brian W., BA, 1971, SUNY Coll Fredonia; MA, 1976, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PD, 1983, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Mondschein, Marcia R., AB, 1959, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1977, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Monsour, Jennifer Marie, BA, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Montagano, Patricia A., BS, 1982, CUNY Queens Coll; MEd, 1984, Bowling Green St Univ Bowling
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Montauredes, Mary Ellen, BA, 1998, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Montello, Louise, BA, 1982, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1985, New York Univ; DA, 1989, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Montemurro, Silvia A., BA, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll;MA, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Moody, Dianne K., BA, 1963, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1992, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Moor, Susan P., BS, 1967, Fordham Univ; MA, 1976, Manhattan Coll; MEd, 1983, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1987, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Moore, Benjamin J., BFA, 1990, Univ Louisville; MFA, 1998, Carnegie Mellon Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Moore, Robert B., BMus, 1977, SUNY Coll Potsdam; MA, 1983, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Moore, Rusty M., BS, 1963, Northwstrn Univ; MA, 1964, Tufts Univ; MALD, 1965, Tufts Univ;PhD, 1969, Tufts Univ
Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Morales, Xavier, A., 1972, CUNY Coll of Staten Island; MS, 1977, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Moreland, Rawleigh E., FA, 1976, Valdosta State Univ; MFA, 1981, Univ Cincinnati Cincinnati
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Morgenstern, Nora J., MD, 1989, Univ Buenos Aries
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Morris, David O., BA, 1982, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1984, New York Univ; PhD, 1991, New York Univ; MA, 1996, Bank Street Coll of Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Morris, Jeffrey C., BA, 1970, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1973, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; EdD, 1999, St Johns Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Morrissey, John F., BA, 1982, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1985, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1991, Univ Miami
Associate Professor, Biology

Morrow, Douglas A., BA, 1987, New York Inst Tech; MBA, 1990, New York Inst Tech
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Moser, Zelda, A, 1955, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1956, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Mott, Anne M., BA, 1957, Cornell Univ; MLS, 1963, Pratt Institute
Adjunct Instructor, Library Services

Motta, Robert W., BA, 1969, Northestrn Univ; MA, 1973, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Professor, Psychology

Movsesian, Mark L., BA 1985, Harvard Univ; JD, 1988, Harvard Univ
Professor, Law

Mozawalla, Farrah B., BA, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Munz, John F., BA, 1996, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1999, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, History

Murillo, Mario A., BA, 1988, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Murphy, John W., BS, 1968, SUNY Coll Oswego; MSEd, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Murphy, Maureen, BS, 1962, SUNY Coll Cortland; AM, 1968, Indiana Univ Bloomington; PhD, 1970, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Murphy, Raymond, BA, 1983, Hofstra Univ; MS, 2000, Manhattanville Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Murphy, Susan M., BA, 1977, Temple Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Audio/Video/Film

Murray, Christine A., BA, 1967, CUNY Hunter Coll; MSEd, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Musnik, Larry J., BS, 2000, Syracuse Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Mwaria, Cheryl B., BA, 1970, Univ Pennsylvania; MA, 1974, Columbia Univ; MPh, 1974, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1985, Columbia Univ
Professor, Anthropology

Nagel, Paul J., BS, 1981, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MS, 1982, SUNY Binghamton ; MS, 1987, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Namdar, Reuben, BA, 1994, Hebrew Univ; MA, 2000, Hebrew Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Nand-Kumar, Bhuall, BS, 1968, Govt Training & Regents Coll; PhD, 1994, Pacific Western Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Nasoff, Lisa M, BA, 1983, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1986, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Nasri, Farrokh, BS, 1974, Iranian Inst Adv ACC; MBA, 1977, St Johns Univ; MBA, 1982, CUNY Baruch Coll; MPhil, 1986, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1986, CUNY Baruch Coll
Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Nass, Barry N., AB, 1974, Princeton Univ; MA, 1976, Princeton Univ; PhD, 1978, Princeton Univ
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Nathan, Suriyan, BA, 1983, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1989, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Navarra, Patricia Cregan, AA, 1977, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1979, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MA, 2000, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Naveh, Sharon, BA, 1992, Lehigh Univ; MA, 1998, Villanova Univ; MA, 2000, Jewish Theol Seminary America
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Naymark, Aleksandr , MA , 1982, Moscow State Univ; PhD, 2001, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Neelankavil, James P., BSc, 1961, St Thomas Aquinas Coll; MBM, 1972, Asian Inst of Management; PhD, 1976, New York Univ
Professor, Marketing and International Business

Ner, Sylvia E., BA, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Neumann, Richard K., BA, 1969, Pomona Coll; PGD,1971, Stockholm University ; JD, 1975, American Univ DC ; LLM, 1978, Temple Univ Schl of Law
Professor, Law

Neville, Diane, BA, 1969, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Newman, Alina M., BA, 1972, Pace Univ New York City; MS, 1975, Long Island Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Newman, Herbert, BSEE, 1953, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1958, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Engineering

Newman, Michael B., BS, 1965, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1966, Syracuse Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Newman, Roslyn H., BA, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MA,1973, Hofstra Univ; PD, 1982, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Newmark, Sharon A., BA, 1997, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MA, 1999, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Neziroglu, Fugen A., BA, 1974, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1976, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1977, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Ng, Luke C., BBA, 1975, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1977, Harvard Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Nikbakht, Ehsan, BBA, 1972, Tehran Univ; MBA, 1975, Iran Ctr Man Studies; DBA, 1981, George Washington Univ
Professor, Finance

Nirode, William F., BA, 1995, Baldwin- Wallace Coll; PhD, 2000, Univ Tennessee Knoxville
Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Nocella, Richard A., BS, 1961, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1969, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Norris, Fredi L., BS, 1972, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1974, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Noschese, Christine, BA, 1968, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1975, Goddard Coll
Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Nouryan, Lola D., BA, 1971, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1973, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

O’Brien, Richard M., BA, 1967, Franklin Coll IN; MA, 1969, West Virginia Univ Morgantown; PhD, 1972, West Virginia Univ Morgantown
Professor, Psychology

O’Brien, William J, BA, 1978, Fordham Univ; JD, 1981, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

O’Byrne, Anne E., BA, 1993, Univ Virginia; BA,1994, Univ Warwick; PhD, 1999, Vanderbilt Univ
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

O’Connor, Varley, BFA, 1975, Boston Univ; MFA, 1989, Univ California-Irvine
Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

O’Dette, Carol, AA, 1976, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1978, Adelphi Univ; MSW, 1982, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

O’Dwyer, Terry F., BS, 1960, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1967, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Professor, Physics and Astronomy

O’Neill, Anne H., BA, 1956, Coll New Rochelle; MSEd, 1959, CUNY Hunter Coll; EdD, 1990, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

O’Neill, Denise, BA, 1987, Moravian Coll; MA, 1992, Marist Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

O’Sullivan, Virginia , BA, 1966, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; AS, 1982, SUNY Nassau CC; MA, 1997, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Ocko, Beth S., BA, 1977, Oberlin Coll; MFA, 1988, Yale Univ
Associate Professor, Fine Arts

Ohr, Phyllis S., BA, 1976, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MA, 1979, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1990, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Associate Professor, Psychology

Oldis, Ray E., BS, 1971, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1974, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Olin, Jill A., BS, 1997, Univ New Hampshire Durham
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Orion, Loretta L., BA, 1974, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1986, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1990, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Orlic, Ivan Dean, BBA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Finance

Orlic, Kimberly A., BA, 1990, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Orr, William F., BS, 1966, Calif Institute Tech; MS, 1967, Univ Wisc Madison; PhD, 1974, Univ Wisc Madison
Associate Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Osterman, Karen F., BA, 1967, Emmanuel Coll; MPIA, 1970, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh ; PhD, 1984, Washington Univ
Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Ostheimer, Gretchen, BA, 1979, Wellesley Coll; PhD, 1996, Rutgers Univ
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Ostling, Edward G., BA, 1964, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1966, Purdue Univ; PhD, 1971, Lehigh Univ
Professor, Mathematics

Ostrick, Barbara G., BA, 1963, Connecticut Coll; MA, 1983, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Ostroske, Walter,
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Otis, Laura C.,BS, 1983, Yale Univ; MA, 1988, Univ Calif San Francisco ; MA, 1989, Cornell Univ; PhD, 1991, Cornell Univ
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Ott, Mary Beth T, BS, 1996, New York Univ; JD, 1996, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Otto, Christiana G., BA, 1985, College Economics & Politics; MA, 1990, Univ Hamburg; PhD, 1997, Univ Hamburg
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Sociology

Owens, Shane Gregory, BA, 1997, Drew Univ; MA, 1998, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 2003, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Pace, Darra A., BS, 1971, Boston Univ; MS, 1972, Adelphi Univ; CAS, 1997, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Packard, Rae M., BA, 1973, Rosemont Coll; MS, 1996, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

Paknejad, M. Javad, BS, 1975, Tehran Intl Schl; MBA, 1978, Univ Bridgeport; MBA, 1982, CUNY Baruch Coll; MPh, 1986, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1986, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Paolucci, Janine, BA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Papa, Louis J., BA, 1980, SUNY Coll Buffalo; JD, 1984, Brooklyn Law School ; MBA, 1989, CUNY Baruch Coll
Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Papaioannou, George J., BS, 1971, Schl of Economics & Business; MBA, 1973, Duquesne Univ; PhD, 1979, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park
Professor, Finance

Papazahariou, Pelagia, BA, 1986, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1992, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology

Paretta, Joseph R., BA, 1989, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Parisi, Lisa A., BS, 1985, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MS, 1988, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Parker, Heather, BA, 1990, Univ Calif Los Angeles; MA, 1993, Univ Calif Los Angeles; PhD, 1996, Univ Calif Los Angeles
Adjunct Assistant Professor, History

Parkoff, Linda S., BA, 1965, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MA, 1968, Northestrn Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Parris-Fitzpatrick, Heather, BA, 1989, CUNY Queens Coll; MSEd, 1994, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Parvulescu, Adrian , MA , 1966, Univ Bucharest; PhD, 1976, Univ Bucharest
Adjunct Associate Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Paskus, Robert, BS, 1971, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1975, CUNY City Coll; MBA, 1982, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science

Pastor, Silvia C., BS, 2000, St Peters Coll; MA, 2002, Montclair State Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Pastrana, Gabriel B., AB, 1963, Inst de Filosofia Santo Thomas; MA, 1976, Georgetown Univ; PhD, 1979, Univ Santo Tomas
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Patel, Dilip V., BS, 1973, MS Univ Baroda; MD, 1979, M S Univ Baroda
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Paternostro, RoseMarie, BS, 1961, SUNY Coll Cortland; MS, 1963, SUNY Coll Cortland
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Patton, Barbara, AAS, 1976, CUNY Kingsborough CC; BA, 1979, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1982, Hofstra Law Schl
Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Paul, Hadassah, BA, 1961, Hebrew Univ; PhD, 1966, Wayne State Univ
Professor, Psychology

Payne, Anneliese, BS, 1989, Eastern Illinois Univ; MS, 1990, Eastern Illinois Univ; PhD, 1997, Indiana St Univ Terre Haute
Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Pecan, David E.,BA, 1989, Bennington Coll; MA, 1999, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Pedersen, Frederick O., BA, 1961, Gettysburg Coll; MA, 1966, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Pelaez, Alexander, BA, 1992, New York Univ; MS, 1997, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science

Pell, Gregory M., BA, 1991, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1995, Rutgers Univ; PhD, 2000, Rutgers Univ
Special Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Pellegrino, Patrick P., BA, 1969, Rutgers Univ; MS, 1978, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Pellegrino, Vincent P., BA, 1973, SUNY Coll Oswego; MA, 1975, New York Univ; PhD, 1992, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Perotti, Rosanna, BA, 1982, Point Park Coll;PhD, 1989, Univ Pennsylvania
Associate Professor, Political Science

Perrotto, John A., AS, 1980, SUNY Nassau CC; DC, 1984, New York Chiropractic Coll; BS, 1986, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MS, 1988, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Peters, Waverlyn L.J., BS, 1972, Fordham Univ;MA, 1973, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; MEd, 1982, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1986, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Petersen, Christine P., BA, 1969, CUNY Queens Coll; PD, 1974, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Petra , Steven T., CPA, BS, 1975, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1982, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PhD, 2002, Rutgers Univ
Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Petruzzi , Leon T., BM, 1981, SUNY Coll Fredonia; MS, 1986, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PhD, 1993, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Pezone, Michael P., BA, 1980, Brown Univ; MS, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Phillips, Trudy A., AAS, 1971, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1974, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1988, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Pierce, Ilona, BFA, 1988, Ithaca Coll; MFA, 1993, National Theatre Conservatory
Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Pietro, David A., BM, 1987, Univ North Texas ; MA, 2001, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Pillaipakkamnatt, Krishnan, BE, 1989, Andhra Univ; PhD, 1995, Vanderbilt Univ
Associate Professor, Computer Science

Pillar, Marjorie P., BA, 1973, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MFA, 1987, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Pincus, Clifford, BBA, 1983, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1985, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Pinhasi-Vittorio, Limor, BEd, 1995, State Teachers Coll; MA, 1998, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Pinti, Rosanne Alicia, BA, 1996, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1998, CUNY John Jay Coll Criminal; MS, 1999, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Pinzone, Caterina, BA, 1988, CUNY Queens Coll; BS, 1990, Touro Coll; MA, 1996, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Pioreck, Richard J., BA, 1980, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1986, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Pirone Jr., James J., PD, 1959, Juilliard Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Plath, Robert, BA, 1995, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MFA, 1997, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Platt, Neal R., BS, 1975, Cornell Univ; JD, 1978, Hofstra Law Schl; LLM, 1982, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Platt, Rona L, BS, 1985, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1994, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Plotnick, Charlotte, BA, 1956, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1984, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language- Hearing-Sciences

Polidoro, Michael, BS, 1991, William Paterson Univ; MS, 1993, Univ Florida
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Porr, Carol J., AA, 1987, SUNY Nassau CC; BA, 1991, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Posthauer, Patricia E., BA, 1988, Dowling Coll; MS, 1991, Dowling Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Pounds, Keith C., BA, 1995, Southwstrn Univ; MS, 1996, Southrn Illinois Univ Carbonda; PhD, 2002, Southrn Illinois Univ Carbonda
Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Powell, David A., BA, 1973, West Virginia Univ; MA, 1978, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; PhD, 1985, Univ Pennsylvania
Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Price, Eloise, BA, 1950, Normal School Teachers; MA, 1954, Univ Havana; BA, 1963, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Price, Julie E., BS, 1980, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MA, 2000, New York Inst Tech
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Prigozy, Ruth M., BA, 1951, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1962, New York Univ; PhD, 1969, CUNY City Coll
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Prinz, Marc, AA, 1972, CUNY Queensborough CC; BA, 1975, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1982, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Puerzer, Richard J., BS, 1989, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh ; MS, 1991, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh ; PhD, 1997, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Engineering

Pugliese, Stanislao G., BA, 1987, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1990, CUNY City Coll; MPhil, 1991, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1995, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor, History

Puglisi, Matthew T., BA, 1999, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Pulis, John W., BA, 1972, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1979, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll; PhD, 1990, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Pumo, Dorothy E., BS, 1973, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MS, 1974, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; PhD, 1976, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Professor, Biology

Punnett, Asha J., BFA, 1999, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MFA, 2001, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Pusateri, Angelo, AAS, 1968, CUNY Baruch Coll; BBA, 1972, CUNY Baruch Coll; MBA, 1977, CUNY Baruch Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Pushkin, David S., BFA, 1985, San Francisco Art I MFA, 1990, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Pustovoit, Igor V., BA, 1985, Kiev State Univ; MA, 1992, Kiev Institute; DA, 2000, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Quimby, Thomas R., BS, 1969, Charleston Southern Univ ; MA, 1973, Morehead State Univ; EdD, 1982, Boston Univ
Adjunct Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Quirk, Michael J., BA, 1976, Fordham Univ; MA, 1980, Fordham Univ; PhD, 1984, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Quitoni, Linda V., BS, 1968, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1971, Long Island Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Rabbany, Sina Y., BSE, 1985, Univ Pennsylvania; MSE, 1986, Univ Pennsylvania; PhD, 1991,Univ Pennsylvania
Professor, Engineering

Rabinowich, Nathan D., BA, 1977, CUNY City Coll;MA, 1980, New York Univ; PhD, 1997, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Radcliffe, Dennis, BS, 1960, Univ Durham; MS, 1964, Univ Alberta ; PhD, 1966, Queens Univ
Professor, Geology

Radigan, C. Raymond, BA, 1957, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; JD, 1961, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Professor, Law

Radin, Tara J., BA, 1989, Univ Virginia; MBA, 1993, Univ Virginia; JD, 1993, Univ Virginia; PhD, 1999, Univ Virginia
Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Rahim, Habibeh, BA, 1978, Univ Toronto; MTS, 1980, Harvard Univ; AM, 1982, Harvard Univ; PhD, 1989, Harvard Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Rai, Anoop, BA, 1975, Univ Delhi; MA, 1977, Univ Delhi; MBA, 1980, Univ Notre Dame; PhD, 1987, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Professor, Finance

Rakas, Frank G., MA, 1973, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Ramek, Joseph, BS, 1974, Stanford Univ; MD, 1978, Stanford Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Ramsey, Wayne T., BA, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1981, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Raship, Manush, BSEE, 1956, New York Univ; MSEE, 1959, New York Univ; EngSD, 1964, New York Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Engineering

Rastegar, Kamran D, BA, 1992, Hampshire Coll; MA, 2000, Columbia Univ; MPhil, 2001, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Ratajczak, David C., BM, 1980, Eastman Schl of Music
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Rear, Michael C., BA, 1982, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1985, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science

Rebolini, Carlo J., BA, 1982, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll; MA, 1987, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Redlich, Lila C., BA, 1970, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1988, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Reedy, Matthew R., BS, 2000, Ball State Univ; MA, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Reesman, Linda L., BS, 1972, New York Univ; MS, 1974, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; MA, 1991, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; DA, 1997, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Reichler, Richard , AB , 1955, Columbia Univ; LLB, 1957, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Reilly, Elizabeth T., BA, 1952, D’Youville Coll; MA, 1955, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1979, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Reinfeld, Barbara, BA, 1958, Carleton Coll; AM, 1959, Columbia Univ; MPh, 1977, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1979, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, History

Reismiller, Brian J, BS, 1998, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Reiter, Levi A., BA, 1970, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1972, Univ Connecticut ; PhD, 1978, Univ Rochester
Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing- Sciences

Reiter, Sherry L., BA, 1972, Emerson Coll; MA, 1976, New York Univ; MSW, 1988, Yeshiva Univ New York
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Reither, Barbara B., BS, 1969, Univ Bridgeport;MS,1973,Coll New Rochelle
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Resnick, Alan N., BS, 1969, Rider Univ; JD, 1972, Georgetown Univ; LLM, 1974, Harvard Univ
Professor, Law The Benjamin Weintraub Distinguished Professor in Bankruptcy Law

Resnick, Jerald W., BS, 1967, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh ; MS, 1971, Adelphi Univ; PD, 1975, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1981, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Reyer, Lillian C., BSEd, 1972, Hofstra Univ; MSEd, 1980, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Fine Arts

Rezvani, Reza, BA, 1998, SUNY Binghamton; JD, 2001, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Rich, Carole J., BA, 1959, Beaver Coll; EdM, 1961, Temple Univ
Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies The Lawrence Stessin Distinguished Professor in Journalism

Rieppi, Pablo, BA, 1992, George Mason Univ; MA, 1994, Juilliard Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Ritter, Garry S., BS, 1990, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Rivera-Hurst, Irene, BA, 1976, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1983, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Roberson, Gloria, BS, 1981, Adelphi Univ; MLS, 1985, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1988, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

Roberts, Jr., Marty P., BA, 2000, Fordham Univ; MA, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

Roberts, Linda W., BS, 1978, Univ Vermont; MPH, 1982, Boston Univ;BS, 1996, Touro Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Robertson, Margaret A., BBA, 1985, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1990, Fordham Univ;JD, 1996, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Robin, Michael, BS, 1964, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1970, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Robinson, Georgiena C., BA, 1976, Univ Denver; MA, 2003, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Robinson, Nathalie G., BS, 1976, Western Connecticut State Univ; MS, 1980, Temple Univ ; EdD, 1995, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor, Music

Rodahan, Marilyn M., BA, 1973, CUNY Queens Coll;MS,1985, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PD, 1989, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PD, 1995, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Rodman, George R., BA, 1970, Rowan Univ; MS, 1971, Illinois State Univ; PhD, 1975, Univ Southern California
Adjunct Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Rodrigue, Jean-Paul, BS, 1989, Univ Montreal; MSc, 1991, Univ Montreal; PhD, 1994, Univ Montreal
Assistant Professor, Economics and Geography

Rodriguez, Maureen Brady, BA, 1991, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1992, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Rodriguez, Mercedes M. de, PhD, 1955, Univ Havana; PhD, 1974, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Romano, Jeffrey L., BA, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, New College

Rooney, David M., BS, 1974, North Car State Univ Raleigh; MS, 1976, North Car State Univ Raleigh; PhD, 1978, North Car State Univ Raleigh
Associate Professor, Engineering

Rosati, Robert J., BA, 1980, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1981, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1985, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology

Rosen, Daniel, BA, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1973, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Rosen, Efrem, BSc, 1957, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MSc, 1961, Long Island Univ; PhD, 1966, Rutgers Univ
Adjunct Professor, New College

Rosen, Kara Michelle, BS, 1996, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MSEd, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Rosenblum, Marc, BA, 1982, CUNY Queens Coll; MPhil, 1990, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1994, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Rosendale, Lori A., BA, 1978, CUNY Queens Coll; MSEd, 1992, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Rosenfeld, Jeffrey P., AB, 1968, Univ Rhode Island; MA, 1970, Amherst Coll; PhD, 1977, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Professor, Anthropology

Rosenman, Beth I., BS, 1984, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1986, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Rosenthal, Cindy D., BA, 1976, Tufts Univ; MA, 1989, New York Univ; PhD, 1997, New York Univ
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Roskin, Alexander J., BFA, 1994, Alfred Univ; MFA, 2000, Rhode Island Schl Design
Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Rosman, Howard, BA, 1951, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MA, 1952, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; PhD, 1958, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Chemistry

Ross, Holli W., BMus, 1979, Mannes Coll Music
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Rowley Jr., Martin, BS, 1969, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1975, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MBA, 1981, New York Inst Tech
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Rubey, Daniel R., AB, 1962, Union Coll NY; MLS, 1981, Indiana Univ; PhD, 1981, Indiana Univ
Professor, Library Services

Rubinowitz, Ben B., BA, 1978, Boston Univ; JD, 1981, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Rugg, Betty A., BA, 1965, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1970, CUNY City Coll; JD, 1983, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Ruggiero, Jennifer L., BA, 1991, Univ Toledo; MEd, 1996, Univ Toledo
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Rundel, Judith A., BA, 1961, Coll St Rose; MA, 1963, John Carroll Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Russell, Douglas A., BA, 1978, SUNY Coll Oswego; MA, 1981, Long Island Univ; MA, 1983, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1988, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology

Russell, J. Stephen, BA, 1973, Johns Hopkins Univ; MA, 1975, Johns Hopkins Univ; PhD, 1978, Johns Hopkins Univ
Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Russell, Larry E., BA, 1965, Purdue Univ; MDiv, 1969, Harvard Univ; PhD, 2001, Southrn Illinois Univ Carbonda
Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Rustici, Craig M., AB, 1986, Lafayette Coll; MA, 1987, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1992, Univ Chicago
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Ryan, Dennis P., BS, 1968, Harvey Mudd Coll; MS, 1972, Yale Univ; MPh, 1974, Yale Univ; PhD, 1977, Yale Univ
Professor, Chemistry

Ryan, Jean G., BS, 1967, Shippensburg Univ PA; MEd, 1972, Shippensburg Univ PA; CAS, 1980, Millersville Univ PA
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Sabatini, Louis, BA, 1973, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1977, CUNY Hunter Coll; CAS, 1993, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PD, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Sacks, Stacey E., AA, 1996, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1998, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 2001, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Saff, Grant R., BA, 1984, Univ Cape Town; BA, 1986, Univ Cape Town; MSc, 1989, Witwatersrand Univ; PhD, 1996, Rutgers Univ
Associate Professor, Economics and Geography

Saint-Louis , Lynouse D., BA, 1982, State Univ of Haiti ; BA, 1993, Univ Haiti ; MA, 1996, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Saladino Jr., Charles F., BA, 1965, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1966, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1971, Iowa State Univ
Adjunct Professor, Biology

Salerno , Judith, BS, 1966, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1970, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Salmaggi, Robert V., BA, 1999, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 2002, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Salzinger, Kurt , AB , 1951, Columbia Univ; AM, 1952, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1954, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Salzman, Michael J., BM, 1983, Indiana Univ; MM, 1985, Mannes Coll Music
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Sampedro-Vizcaya, Benita, Bacc, 1989, Univ of Santiago ; MA, 1990, Univ Colorado Boulder ; PhD, 1997, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Sanabria-Hernandez, Lillian, BA, 1986, Fordham Univ; MS, 1993, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Sander, Peter , AB , 1957, Brandeis Univ; MFA, 1962, Carnegie Mellon Univ
Professor, Drama and Dance

Sanders, Stephen M., BS, 2000, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Sanderson, William C., BA, 1982, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1988, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany
Professor, Psychology

Sanford, Christopher P.J., BSc, 1982, Univ London; PhD, 1988, Univ London
Associate Professor, Biology

Sankary, Carole, BA, 1992, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Sarabia, Teresa C., BA, 1975, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1978, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Sargent, Robert B., BA, 1961, Davidson Coll; MA, 1963, New York Univ; PhD, 1972, New York Univ
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Sarra, Joseph D., BS, 1980, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1983, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1985, St Johns Univ Jamaica; PhD, 1991, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Satkalmi, Jyoti V., BS, 2000, Maharaja Sayajirao Univ Baroda ; MS, 2002, Maharaja Sayajirao Univ Baroda
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Satler, Gail R., BA, 1972, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1985, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Associate Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Saul, Stephanie, BA, 1975, Univ Mississippi
Adjunct Associate Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Sawhney, Sabina, BA, 1982, Univ Delhi; MA, 1984, Univ Delhi; PhD, 1993, Bryn Mawr Coll
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Sawyer, Janice M., BA, 1968, Marymount Manhattan Coll; MS, 1978, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; EdD, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Sayegh, Zeina R., BA, 1995, American Univ Beirut; MA, 2003, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Saylani, Najib, BS, 1991, CUNY York Coll; MA, 1996, CUNY Hunter Coll; PhD, 2000, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Scalingi, Vera, BA, 1971, CUNY City Coll; MPS, 1974, Pratt Institute
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Scardapane, Joseph R., BA, 1978, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1979, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1983, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Scavelli, Cynthia, BA, 1976, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1978, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Schaefer, William P., BA, 1974, George Washington Univ; JD, 1987, American Univ DC
Adjunct Professor, Political Science

Schaffer, Risa, BA, 1993, SUNY Binghamton; MS, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Schaffer, Sylvan J., BS, 1974, Yeshiva Univ New York ; BA, 1974, Yeshiva Univ New York; JD, 1981, Columbia Univ; MA, 1984, American Univ DC ; PhD, 1984, American Univ DC
Adjunct Professor, Law

Schain, Linda J., BA, 1971, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll; MS, 1974, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll; MBA, 1979, Iona Coll; CPA, 1981,
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Schare, Mitchell L., BA, 1978, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1982, SUNY Binghamton ; PhD, 1985, SUNY Binghamton
Professor, Psychology

Scharf, Steven A., BA, 1983, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1987, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Schepard, Andrew, BA, 1968, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1969, Columbia Univ; JD, 1972, Harvard Univ
Professor, Law

Schmelkin, Liora P., BA, 1971, New York Univ; MA, 1974, New York Univ; PhD, 1979, New York Univ
Professor, Psychology The Leo A. Guthart Distinguished Professor in Teaching Excellence

Schmertz, Eric J., AB, 1948, Union Coll NY; JD, 1954, New York Univ; LLD, 1978, Union Coll NY
Adjunct Professor, Law

Schmidt, George, BID, 1963, Pratt Institute
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Schmitt, Lois, BA, 1968, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1969, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Schmitt, Roy A., BS, 1970, CUNY City Coll; MSEd, 1973, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1988, CUNY City Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Schneider, Sharon L., BS, 1974, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MS, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Schneider, Sheila, BA, 1974, CUNY Hunter Coll; MS, 1977, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Schneider, Stephen Z., BA, 1965, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1967, Hofstra Univ; PD, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll; PD, 1975, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1978, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Political Science

Schneiderman, Jason A., BA, 1998, Univ Maryland; BA, 1999, Univ Maryland ; MFA, 2001, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Schnepf, Christopher M., BA, 1994, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MS, 1997, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; PhD, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Schoen, Rosanne, BA, 1968, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1970, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Schoenberg, Ronald L., BBA, 1967, CUNY Baruch Coll; JD, 1970, SUNY Coll Buffalo; LLM, 1976, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Schottenfeld , Lorraine , BA, 1949, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1964, Adelphi Univ; EdD, 1976, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Schreiber, Emily G., BS, 1965, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1988, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Schrynemakers, Michael A., BS, 1989, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1994, Univ Notre Dame
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Schuster, Leslie, BA, 1966, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1968, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1979, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Associate Professor, Political Science

Schwab, Gail M., BA, 1972, Syracuse Univ; MA, 1974, CUNY Hunter Coll; PhD, 1982, Bryn Mawr Coll
Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Schwaeber, Henry T., BS, 1955, New York Univ; JD, 1959, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Schwager, Susan M., BA, 1969, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1970, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1983, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Schwartz, Diane C., BA, 1964, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1967, CUNY Hunter Coll; EdD, 1992, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Associate Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Schwartz , Israel M., BA, 1975, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1987, CUNY Hunter Coll; PhD, 1991, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Schwartz, Laurence C., BFA, 1983, Boston Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Schwartz, Maria M., BA, 1991, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1995, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Schwartz, Sydney L., BA, 1952, Antioch Coll Yellow Springs; MEd, 1954, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; EdD, 1965, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Schwartzman, Kenneth, BA, 1949, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1974, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School for University Studies

Sciarra, Daniel, BA, 1973, Fairfield Univ; MA, 1987, Boston Coll; PhD, 1994, Fordham Univ
Associate Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Scibilia, Glenn D., BS, 1981, Purdue Univ; MD, 1987, Univ del Noreste
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Scott, Kimberly A., BA, 1991, Smith Coll; MS, 1995, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Scott , Virginia L., BA, 2002, Shippensburg Univ PA
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Seabold, Daniel E., BA, 1988, Western Maryland Coll; PhD, 1996, Univ Calif Berkeley
Associate Professor, Mathematics

Seagull, Robert W., BSc, 1973, Univ Windsor; MSc, 1975, Univ Windsor; PhD, 1979, York Univ
Professor, Biology

Sebel, Sheldon J., BS, 1965, CUNY City Coll; MBA, 1975, CUNY Baruch Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Secter, Charles, BS, 1975, CUNY John Jay Coll Criminal; MA, 1979, CUNY John Jay Coll Criminal; MLS, 1991, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

See, Joan, BA, 1955, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Seeley, William P., BA, 1988, Columbia Univ; MFA, 1992, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Seibert, Richard E., AS, 1983, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1986, Los Angeles Coll Chiropratics; DC, 1986, Los Angeles Coll Chiropratics
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Seidl, Claire, BFA, 1973, Syracuse Univ; MFA, 1982, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Seidman, Seth, BS, 1983, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1986, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Seliger, Herbert W., BA, 1960, Hebrew Univ; MA, 1964, Temple Univ ; EdD, 1969, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Seltzer, Jeffrey L., BS, 1978, Univ Pennsylvania; JD, 1981, Georgetown Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Sengupta, Kaushik, BE, 1988, Jadavpur Univ; MBA, 1991, Indian Institute of Management; MA, 1996, Indiana Univ Bloomington; PhD, 1997, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Serper, Mark R., BA, 1985, SUNY Binghamton; MA, 1989, SUNY Binghamton; PhD, 1991, SUNY Binghamton
Associate Professor, Psychology

Sessions, David N., BSc, 1970, London Univ; MBA, 1979, Adelphi Univ; MPhil, 1984, New York Univ; PhD, 1987, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Sexton, John T., BBA, 1967, Iona Coll; MBA, 1969, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Sganga, Fred S., BS, 1981, CUNY Hunter Coll; MPH, 1984, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Shaham, Meira, BSc, 1965, Hebrew Univ; MSc, 1968, Hebrew Univ; PhD, 1983, Hebrew Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Shahani-Denning, Comila, BA, 1983, St Xavier Univ; MA, 1986, Rice Univ; PhD, 1988, Rice Univ
Associate Professor, Psychology

Shakeshaft, Charol S., BA, 1972, Univ Nebraska Lincoln; MS, 1978, Texas A&M Univ Coll Station; PhD, 1979, Texas A&M Univ Coll Station
Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Shanies, Stanley A., BA, 1962, Hofstra Univ; MD, 1967, Universita degli Studi di Bolo
Adjunct Associate Professor, Biology

Shapiro, Brian, BA, 1993, San Diego State Univ; MA, 1995, San Francisco State Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Shapiro, Evelyn, BA, 1967, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1971, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Shapiro, June, BA, 1956, CUNY Hunter Coll; MSEd, 1964, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1979, Union Experimenting Coll/Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Shapiro, Terri C., BA, 1986, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1988, Hofstra Univ;PhD, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Sharland, Alexander P., BA, 1981, Univ Stirling; MBA, 1983, Virginia Polytech Inst & State; DBA, 1993, Florida State Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Sharpe, Alexander E., BM, 1991, Mannes Coll Music; MM, 1994, Juilliard Schl; DMA, 1996, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Shatz, Steven, BA, 1996, CUNY Queens Coll; PsyD, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Shebes, Matthew L., BS, 1981, Long Island Univ Brooklyn
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Sheehan, Evelyn B., BA, 1966, Lemoyne Coll; MS, 1978, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Shelby, Karen D., BA, 1989, Coll Wooster; MA, 1997, Ohio State Univ Columbus
Adjunct Instructor, Fine Arts

Shenoy, Chitra M., MD, 1974, Univ Mysore
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Sherman, Elaine, BA, 1961, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MBA, 1978, Hofstra Univ; MPhil, 1982, CUNY Baruch Coll; PhD, 1983, CUNY Baruch Coll
Professor, Marketing and International Business

Sherman, Lisa A., BSEd, 1988, SUNY Coll Cortland; MSEd, 1990, Univ South Carolina Columbia
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Shieh , Frances , A., 1964, National Chengchi Univ; MLS, 1968, Atlanta Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Library Services

Shih, Johanna, BA, 1994, Wesleyan Univ; MA, 1996, Univ Calif Los Angeles ; PhD, 2001, Univ Calif Los Angeles
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Shin, Jin Yong, BA, 1987, Pusan National Univ; MA, 1990, Bradley Univ; MA, 1995, Univ Illinois Chicago; PhD, 1999, Univ Illinois Chicago
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Sichko, Jr., Michael, BS, 1963, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1966, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1970, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; EdD, 1977, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Geology

Sieber, Mena B., BS, 1964, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MA, 1968, Adelphi Univ; MLS, 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Associate Professor, Library Services

Siegel, Jerome, BA, 1955, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1957, New York Univ; PhD, 1963, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Sigda, Pamela D., BA, 1961, Univ Virginia; MA, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1985, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PD, 1991, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PhD, 2001, Berne Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Sigda, Robert B., BS, 1957, Worcester State Coll; MEd, 1964, Univ Mass Amherst; PhD, 2001, Berne Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Sikorski, Henry, BA, 1970, Univ Miami; MA, 1975, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1992, Univ New Mexico Albuquerque
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Silber, Norman I., BA, 1972, Washington Univ; PhD, 1978, Yale Univ; JD, 1986, Columbia Univ
Professor, Law

Silberfeld, Jeffrey, BA, 1969, Princeton Univ; JD, 1975, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Silberger, Sylvia, BA, 1992, SUNY Coll New Paltz; PhD, 1998, Wesleyan Univ
Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Silberman, Mark A., BA, 1981, Univ Calif Santa Cruz ; JD, 1990, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Sills, Adam G., BA, 1991, Hamilton Coll NY ; MA, 1999, SUNY Coll Buffalo; PhD, 2001, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Silon, Bryan Robert, BA, 2002, Cornell Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Silver, Marc L., BA, 1973, SUNY Binghamton ; MA, 1974, Georgia State Univ; PhD, 1981, Columbia Univ
Professor, Sociology

Silverman, Ronald H., BA, 1961, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; JD, 1964, Univ Chicago
Professor, Law The Peter S. Kalikow Distinguished Professor in Real Estate

Silverman, Wendy C., BA, 1980, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MS, 1982, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Silverstone, Leo E., A, 1953, Columbia Univ; MS, 1959, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; MS, 1967, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Silverstone, Robert B., BS, 1962, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1966, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Simha, Yosef ,
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Simon, Carol R., BA., 1967, CUNY Queens Coll; MLS, 1990, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 2003, CUNY Queens Coll
Assistant Professor, Library Services

Simon, Roy D., BA, 1973, Williams Coll; JD, 1977, New York Univ
Professor, The Howard Lichtenstein Distinguished Professor in Legal Ethics Law

Simone, Joseph R., BA, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll; JD, 1974, Fordham Univ; LLM, 1977, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Simons, Eileen, BA, 1962, Marymount Coll; MA, 1986, Hofstra Univ; CAS, 1987, Hofstra Univ
Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Singer, Alan J., BA, 1971, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1974, Rutgers Univ; PhD, 1982, Rutgers Univ
Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Singer, Ira J., AB, 1983, Princeton Univ; PhD, 1990, Univ Calif Berkeley
Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Singer, Judith, BA, 1966, Rutgers Univ; MS, 1976, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1998, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Singh, Annemarie B., BA, 1990, La Salle Univ PA; MLS, 1996, Drexel Univ
Instructor, Library Services

Singh, Mandeep M., MA, 1992, Jawaharlal Nehru Univ; MPhil, 1995, Jawaharlal Nehru Univ; MBA, 1995, International Management Inst; MA, 1999, St Marys Univ TX
Adjunct Instructor, Economics and Geography

Singhel, Scott J., BS, 1989, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1994, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Singletary, Donald H., BA, 1973, Sarah Lawrence Coll; MA, 1979, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Sipos, Astrid, BBA, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1971, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1976, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MS, 1983, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll; MA, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Siracusa, Frank, 0., BA, 1960, Columbia Univ; MS, 1961, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Sisson, Patricia A., BA, 1982, St Francis Coll NY ; MA, 1985, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Skehan, William M., BA, 1961, Holy Cross Coll; MBA, 1963, Rutgers Univ; JD, 1968, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Skripkin, Mikhail V., MS, 1986, Moscow State Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Slavin, Nathan S., BS, 1969, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MBA, 1971, CUNY Baruch Coll; CPA, 1974, PhD, 1980, CUNY Baruch Coll
Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Sledgianowski, Deb, BS, 1994, Pace Univ; MBA, 1997, Pace Univ
Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Sloan, Richard D., BA, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1969, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Sloyer, Shirlee, BA, 1946, New York Univ; MA, 1966, New York Univ; EdD, 1979, New York Univ
Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Smagler, Diana D., BBA, 1981, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1984, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Smith, Amanda L., BA, 1966, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; MA, 1970, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; MA, 1972, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Smith, Charles H., BS, 1968, La Salle Univ PA; MBA, 1972, Syracuse Univ; PhD, 1985, Syracuse Univ
Associate Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Smith, Gregory Stuart, BS, 1973, Ball State Univ; MA, 1977, Univ Missouri Columbia
Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Smith, Kathleen M., BA, 1977, Molloy Coll; MA, 1978, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1993, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Associate Professor, Sociology

Smith, Patricia, BA, 1986, Calif St Univ Dominguez Hills; MA, 1991, Univ Calif Los Angeles; PhD, 1995, Univ Calif Los Angeles
Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Smith, Rebecca A., BA, 1986, Univ Calif Los Angeles; MPhil, 1993, Columbia Univ; MA, 2003, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Smith, Sally A., BA, 1965, Coll New Rochelle; MSEd, 1972, Bank Street Coll of Education; MS, 1978, Bank Street Coll of Education; PhD, 1998, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Smith, Timothy H., AB, 1957, Princeton Univ; EdM, 1961, Rutgers Univ; EdD, 1968, Rutgers Univ
Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Smyth, Brian W., AA, 1998, SUNY Coll Tech Delhi ; BA, 2001, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

So, Gerald T., BA, 1996, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1998, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Sobel, Carol, BA, 1963, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; EdM, 1965, Boston Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Sobel, Ronald, BA, 1962, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1963, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1975, Yeshiva Univ New York
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Sobel, Sabrina G., BA, 1987, Pomona Coll; PhD, 1993, Univ Calif Berkeley
Associate Professor, Chemistry

Sobnosky, Matthew J., BA, 1980, Youngstown State Univ; MA, 1986, Univ Nebraska Lincoln; PhD, 1990, Univ Nebraska Lincoln
Associate Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Soliman, Khalid S., BS, 1986, Ain Shams Univ; MBA, 1993, Murray State Univ
Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Soll, Beth, BS, 1965, Univ Wisconsin ; PhD, 1999, Boston Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Solomon, Marilyn R., BS, 1964, New York Univ; MS, 1968, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Soloway, Jerome, BA, 1973, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ; MS, 1995, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Somma, Gea, JD, 1995, Univ Milan
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Sonfield, Matthew C., AB, 1964, Cornell Univ; MBA, 1966, Harvard Univ; PhD, 1976, New York Univ
Professor, The Robert F. Dall Distinguished Professor in Business Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Sorrentino, Filomenia, AA, 1996, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 2001, New York Univ; MA, 2003, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Souchet, Theresa Ann, BA, 1986, SUNY Binghamton; MA, 1989, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; MS, 1994, Purdue Univ West Lafayette; PhD, 2001, Univ Illinois Urbana
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Southern, Richard A., BA, 1964, Univ Texas El Paso ; MA, 1966, Wayne State Univ; JD, 1984, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Spagnoli, Ilya, BA, 1986, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1990, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Spector, Sheila A., BA, 1968, Towson State Univ; MA, 1970, Univ Maryland Coll Park ; PhD, 1976, Univ Maryland Coll Park
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Spencer, Karin J., AB, 1972, Mount Holyoke Coll; MA, 1979, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Spencer, Patricia L., BM, 1965, Oberlin Coll
Adjunct Associate Professor, Music

Spero, Jan N., BA, 1955, Sarah Lawrence Coll; MS, 1982, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Spiegel, Kevin M., BA, 1978, SUNY Coll New Paltz; MBA, 1987, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Spieler, Andrew C., BS, 1991, SUNY Binghamton; MBA, 1993, SUNY Binghamton; MS, 1996, Indiana Univ Bloomington; PhD, 2001, SUNY Binghamton
Assistant Professor, Finance

Spira, Robert, BS, 1987, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MA, 1998, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry

Spiro, Peter J., BA, 1982, Harvard Univ; JD, 1987, Univ Virginia
Professor, Law

Spitaliere, Noelle, BA, 1992, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1993, Emerson Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Srivastava, Sandhya D., BA, 1989, New York Univ; MS, 1992, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MLS, 1998, CUNY Queens Coll
Assistant Professor, Library Services

St. Angelo, Carol J., BS, 1981, Miss Univ For Women; PhD, 1988, Cornell Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

St. Jean , Patricia, BS, 1982, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MS, 1987, Dowling Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Stacki, Sandra L., BA, 1979, Univ Idaho ; MA, 1981, Univ Idaho ; MS, 1992, Univ Southern Maine ; PhD, 1998, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Stambuk, Andrew M., BA, 1978, Creighton Univ; MA, 1980, Univ Chicago
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Stanley, Barbara E., BS, 1979, Indiana Univ Bloomington ; MPH, 1984, Indiana Univ Bloomington
Adjunct Instructor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Star, Erns t, BA, 1970, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1977, Temple Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Stark, Elias, BA, 1959, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1964, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Starykh, Oleg , MS , 1988, Moscow Inst Physics/Tech; PhD, 1991, Inst High Pressure Physics
Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Staudt, John G., BA, 1991, Hofstra Univ; MPhil, 1999, George Washington Univ
Adjunct Instructor, History

Steger, Cecelia, BA, 1967, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1977, New York Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Stein, Amy R., BA, 1985, Tufts Univ; JD, 1988, Fordham Univ
Legal Writing Instructor, Law

Stein, Kathryn E, BA, 1987, Boston Univ; JD, 1991, Albany Law Schl
Clinical Instructor, Law

Stein, Margaret, BA, 1977, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MPA, 1979, New York Univ; MA, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Steinman, Maxine, BFA, 1985, Adelphi Univ; MFA, 1995, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Stern, Nancy, BA, 1981, Coll William Mary In Virginia ; MPhil, 1997, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 2002, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Stern, Nancy , AB , 1965, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MS, 1968, New York Univ; MA, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1978, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods The Brodlieb Distinguished Professor in Business

Stern, Sheryl B., BA, 1972, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Stevans, Lonnie K., BS, 1978, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1980, Oklahoma State Univ; PhD, 1983, Oklahoma State Univ
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Stevens, Thomas J., BM, 1998, Manhattan Schl Music
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Stillwaggon, James B., BA, 1997, Loyola Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Stollwerk, Susan S., BA, 1971, Hofstra Univ; MSLS, 1972, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1975, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

Stone, Richard J., AA, 1977, Cuyahoga CC Western Campus; BM, 1980, Berklee Coll Music; MA, 1991, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Storch, Robert L., BA, 1965, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1970, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Straub, Terri A., BS, 1986, Iona Coll; MBA, 1990, Iona Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Streit, Mary C., BS, 1989, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1991, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Strothkamp, Ronald E., BS, 1971, CUNY City Coll; MPh, 1975, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1977, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor, Chemistry

Subramaniam, Prithwi Raj, BS, 1988, Univ Malaysia ; MS, 1994, Purdue Univ West Lafayette; PhD, 1998, Univ Illinois Urbana
Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Subramanian, Narayanan, BS, 1988, Birla Institute Tech; ME, 1992, Univ Delhi; MS, 1997, Louisiana St Univ Baton Rouge; PhD, 2003, Univ Texas Dallas
Assistant Professor, Engineering

Sukhodolsky, Denis , MS , 1991, St Petersburg State Univ; MA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Sulcer, Jr., Robert P., BA, 1990, Southrn Illinois Univ Carbonda; MA, 1992, Univ Texas Austin; PhD, 1997, Univ Texas Austin
Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Sullivan, Camille M., BA, 1971, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MSEd, 1974, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Sullivan, Daniel M., BA, 1975, Univ Notre Dame; JD, 1978, Syracuse Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Sullivan, Dolores M., BA, 1985, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1992, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Summers, Marc D., BA, 1967, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1968, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1974, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology

Super, Reed W., BA, 1985, Duke Univ; MBA, 1992, Univ Virginia; JD, 1992, Univ Virginia
Adjunct Professor, Law

Sushman, Reuben L., BA, 1985, Rutgers Univ; MBA, 1994, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Finance

Sutterlin, Gregory J., BA, 1975, Wagner Coll; MDiv, 1978, Yale Univ; MSW, 1988, Fordham Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Swift, William J., BA, 1960, Valparaiso Universty; AM, 1962, Washington Univ; PhD, 1969, Washington Univ
Adjunct Professor, Economics and Geography

Sylver, Peter T., BS, 1994, CUNY John Jay Coll Criminal; JD, 1997, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Law

Tafti, Mohammed H. A., BS, 1970, Pahlavi Univ; MS, 1975, Pahlavi Univ; DBA, 1984, George Washington Univ
Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Takahashi, Yoshie, BA, 1975, Seijo Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Talton, Benjamin Albert, BA, 1996, Howard Univ; MA, 1998, Univ Chicago; PhD, 2003, Univ Chicago
Assistant Professor, History

Tanguay, Lillian H., BA, 1971, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MA, 1980, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1993, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Associate Professor, Geology

Tartell, Lottie, BA, 1947, Univ Manitoba ; AM, 1949, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Economics and Geography

Taylor, Denalene C., MEd, 1977, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1980, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; DEd, 1981, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Professor, Literacy Studies

Taylor, Eunice J., BA, 1965, Coll William Mary In Virginia ; MA, 1975, Goddard Coll; PhD, 1984, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil
Adjunct Associate Professor, Anthropology

Tedesco, Anthony C., BM, 1978, Berklee Coll Music; MM, 1992, Manhattan Schl Music
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Tedesco, Barbara C., BA, 1979, Univ Virginia; MS, 1990, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Teehan, John P., BA, 1984, St Josephs Coll Brooklyn ; MA, 1987, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1992, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Teich, Ira, AAS, 1970, SUNY Nassau CC; BS, 1972, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MBA, 1973, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Teller, Gayl F., BA, 1967, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1969, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; MA, 1981, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Tepper, Arthur S., BS, 1968, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1971, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Terazawa, Yuki, BA, 1986, Ochanomizu Univ; MA, 1990, New York Univ; PhD, 2001, Univ Calif Los Angeles
Assistant Professor, History

Terens, Thelma, BA, 1948, New York Univ; MS, 1977, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Tersigni, Delfina E., BA, 1990, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Testa, Marie L., AA, 1983, SUNY Nassau CC; BFA, 1986, New York Inst Tech; MS, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Thakur, Shanti K., BA, 1986, Ottawa Univ; BA, 1988, Concordia Univ; MFA, 1999, Temple Univ
Special Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Thelen, Shawn T., BSBA, 1983, Univ Baltimore; MIM, 1987, Thunderbird- Amercn Grad Schl; PhD, 2002, Old Dominion Univ
Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Theodore, Lea A., BA, 1997, SUNY Binghamton ; MA, 1999, St Johns Univ; MA, 2000, Univ Connecticut ; PhD, 2002, Univ Connecticut
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Thompson, Eustace G., BA, 1966, CUNY City Coll; MS, 1973, Long Island Univ Brooklyn; MA, 1978, New York Univ; PhD, 1991, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Thompson, Rachel S., BA, 1993, SUNY Coll New Paltz; MSEd, 1997, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Thompson, William C., BA, 1988, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Tiedemann, Edwin, BA, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Tiefenbrun, Susan W., BS, 1965, Univ Wisconsin ; MA, 1966, Univ Wisconsin ; PhD, 1971, Columbia Univ; JD, 1986, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Tiscornia-Wasserman, Patricia G., MD, 1983, Univ Buenos Aries
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Toledo , Wanda M.,BA,1983,CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1986, CUNY Queens Coll; PD, 1990, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Toren, Peter J., BA, 1981, Bowdoin Coll; JD, 1985, Univ San Francisco; MIA, 1989, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Torff, Bruce A., BA, 1981, Univ Iowa ; MM, 1984, New England Conservatory Music; EdM, 1990, Harvard Univ; EdM, 1991, Harvard Univ; EdD, 1995, Harvard Univ
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Torpey, Sarah Beth, AB, 1995, Princeton Univ; PhD, 2001, Univ Calif Berkeley
Assistant Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Torres-Baumgarten, Gladys M., BA, 1977, Univ Pennsylvania ; MBA, 1981, Columbia Univ; PhD, 2002, Rutgers Univ
Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Tracht, Marshall, BA, 1983, Yale Univ; MBA, 1990, Univ Pennsylvania ; JD, 1990, Univ Pennsylvania
Professor, Law

Trapani , Paul, BA, 1994, SUNY Coll Geneseo
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science

Trasciatti, Mary Anne, BA, 1985, Providence Coll; MA, 1991, Emerson Coll; PhD, 1999, Univ Maryland
Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Trevithick, Alan M., BA, 1979, George Washington Univ; MA, 1981, Univ Wisconsin ; PhD, 1988, Harvard Univ
Adjunct Professor, Anthropology

Troisi, Thomas J., BA, 1983, Temple Univ ; MS, 1989, CUNY Queens Coll; EdD, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Trubiano, Frank M., BA, 1973, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1990, Fordham Univ; MLS, 1994, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

Tsytsarev, Sergei,*Bacc, 1977, Leningrad State Univ; PhD, 1982, V M Bekhterev
Professor, Psychology

Tucker, Robert S., BA, 1968, Hampton Univ; MA, 1971, Hampton Univ; PD 1980, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Tucker, Vicki L., BA, 1985, Rollins Coll Winter Park; MS, 1988, Florida Institute Tech; PhD, 2001, The Union Institute
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Tudor, Doyna S., MS, 1968, Univ Bucharest
Adjunct Instructor, Physics and Astronomy

Tunjian, Joan L., BSN, 1970, Adelphi Univ; MS, 1973, Hofstra Univ; MSN, 1986, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Turner, Devon R., BA, 2000, Washington Univ; HS, 2003, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, History

Ucok, Inci Ozum, BBA, 1995, Mid East Technical Univ; MA, 1998, Texas Tech Univ; PhD, 2002, Univ Texas Austin
Assistant Professor, Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Uddin, Mohammed N., MS, 1980, Dhaka Univ; MS, 1987, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Ullmann, John E., BSc, 1948, Univ London; MS, 1951, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1959, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Ultsch, Lori J., BS, 1987, Univ Rhode Island; MA, 1989, Rutgers Univ; PhD, 1996, Univ Calif
Berkeley Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Unruh, Elizabeth S., BA, 1971, Molloy Coll; MS, 1981, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1986, Hofstra Univ
Associate Professor and Teaching Fellow, School for University Studies

Urbanczyk, Sara R., AS, 1996, SUNY Finger Lakes CC; BA, 1998, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany
Adjunct Instructor, Engineering

Urgo, Rosetta, BA, 1975, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1979, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Uruburu, Paula M., BA, 1979, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; PhD, 1983, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Utell, Janine M., BA, 1996, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MA, 1998, Catholic Univ America
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Vaccaro, Frank J., BA, 1965, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ; MS, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1984, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Vahey, Mary F., BA, 1994, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1997, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Valenti, S. Stavros, BS, 1978, Georgetown Univ; MA, 1981,Univ Connecticut ; PhD,1983, Univ Connecticut
Professor, Psychology

Valerius, Karyn M., BA, 1991,Villanova Univ; PhD, 2000, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Assistant Professor and Teaching Fellow, New College

Vallier, Laura Gene, BS, 1976, Univ Texas San Antonio; MA, 1988, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1993, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor, Biology

Van Tassell, James L., BS, 1969, Wagner Coll; MS, 1975, Adelphi Univ; MA, 1996, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt; PhD, 1998, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Van Wie, Paul D., BA, 1978, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1986, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PhD, 1989, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Adjunct Associate Professor, Political Science

Vargas, Christine, BA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; MSEd, 1994, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Varisco, Daniel M.,BA, 1973, Wheaton Coll; MA, 1975, Univ Pennsylvania ; PhD, 1982, Univ Pennsylvania
Associate Professor, Anthropology

Vaswani, Ashok N., MD, 1970, Univ
( Bombay ) Mumbai
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

Vecchiarelli, Theresa A., BA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Venuti, Elizabeth K., BS, 1986, Cornell Univ; CPA, 1988, MPh, 1996, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1997 Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor, Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business

Verbit, Adina, BA, 1995, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1998, New York Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Verbsky, Franklin, BA, 1965, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1981, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Music

Vestigo, Robert W., BA, 1977, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1982, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Viswanathan, Kalpathy G., BE, 1984, Regional Eng Coll; MBA, 1986, Western Michigan Univ; PhD, 1991, Univ Tennessee Knoxville
Associate Professor, Finance

Voight, Richard J, BA, 1972, Yankton Coll; MA, 1974, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Volta, Jennifer, BA, 1994, SUNY Coll Oneonta; MA, 2001, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Vomacka, Jill E., BS, 1976, SUNY Coll Cortland; MA, 1980, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Vote, Melanie J., BA, 1995, Iowa State Univ; MFA, 1998, New York Academy Art
Adjunct Assistant Professor, New College

Wachter-Jurcsak, Nanette M., BS, 1982, St Lawrence Univ; MS, 1990, Old Dominion Univ; PhD, 1995, Univ Connecticut
Associate Professor, Chemistry

Wachter, Ann-Mari, BS, 1957, Technical Coll of Helsinki ; BA, 1979, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PhD, 1988, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Wagner, Jeffrey D., BA, 1994, Hofstra Univ; BS, 1998, Touro Coll; MPA, 2003, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Biology

Wagner, Roselin S., AB, 1950, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MS, 1952, New York Univ; PhD, 1956, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Chemistry

Wahba, Samira, BA, 1968, Ain Shams Univ; MEd, 1989, Univ Manchester; PhD, 2002, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Literacy Studies

Waldman, Lawrence J., BA, 1968, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1974, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Walker, Vern R., BA, 1967, Univ Detroit Mercy; MA, 1969, Univ Notre Dame; PhD, 1975, Univ Notre Dame; JD, 1980, Yale Univ
Professor, Law

Wallace, Kathleen A., BA, 1972, Rosemont Coll; PhD, 1983, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Walsh, John A., BA, 1968, Coll Holy Cross; MA, 1978, Univ Texas Austin; PhD, 1984, Univ Texas Austin
Associate Professor, History

Walsh, John M., BA, 1958, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MA, 1966, CUNY Brooklyn Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Walter, Kathleen Z., BA, 1970, SUNY Coll Brockport; MA, 1973, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Wanderman, Miriam, BA, 1970, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll; MLS, 1972, Pratt Institute;MA, 1975, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Library Services

Waner, Stefan,BS, 1971, Witwatersrand Univ; BS, 1975, Univ Liverpool; MS, 1976, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1978, Univ Chicago
Professor, Mathematics

Warner, Paul D., BS, 1951, New York Univ; MBA, 1954, New York Univ; JD, 1958, New York Univ; LLM, 1961, New York Univ; PhD, 1981, New York Univ
Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Warner, Steven J., BS, 1996, CUNY Coll of Staten Island ; PhD, 2001, Rutgers Univ
Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Warren, Barbara, BS, 1974, St Johns Univ Jamaica ; MA, 1977, Hofstra Univ; DEd, 1988, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Warren, Dorothea, BA, 1978, Coll New Rochelle; MS, 1990, Coll New Rochelle
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Wasserman, Bennett J., BA, 1968, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1971, CUNY Hunter Coll; JD, 1974, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Professor, Law

Waxman, Geffrey M., BA, 1972, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MS, 1975, Richmond Coll; PD, 1981, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Wayne, David, BS, 1977, CUNY York Coll; MS, 1979, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1987, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Weeks, Electra I. , BA, 1989, New York Univ; MA, 1991, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll; PhD, 2002, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Weiner, Joan, BA, 1969, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1974, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Weinreb, Janet L., BA, 1972, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1973, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; MSEd, 1976, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Weinstein, Estelle, BS, 1958, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1977, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1983, Hofstra Univ
Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Weintraub, Joel , AB , 1961, Columbia Univ; MD, 1965, Columbia Univ; JD, 2000, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Weisel, Martha S., BA, 1967, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1969, CUNY Queens Coll; JD, 1981, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Associate Professor, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business

Weiss, David M., BA, 1964, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; MA, 1967, Vanderbilt Univ; PhD, 1977, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Associate Professor, Health Professions and Family Studies

Weiss, Marysia, BA, 1972, CUNY Herbert H Lehman Coll; PhD, 1978, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor, Mathematics

Weissman, David E., BA, 1960, New York Univ; BSEE, 1960, New York Univ; MSEE, 1961, New York Univ; PhD, 1968, Stanford Univ
Professor, Engineering

Weissman, Rhonda L., BS, 1971, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1976, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; EdD, 1995, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Welch, Patricia M., BA, 1983, Smith Coll; AM, 1991, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor; PhD, 1998, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor
Assistant Professor, Comparative Literatures and Languages

Wenderoff, Alan J., BA, 1974, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1979, CUNY Hunter Coll; MSEd, 1982, Pace Univ New York City ; PhD, 1998, Walden Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Westby, Christopher M., BBA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Westergard, Lance, BFA, 1967, Juilliard Schl
Associate Professor, Drama and Dance

Westlake , Tuula A., BS, 1993, SUNY Coll Old Westbury; MBA, 1997, CUNY Baruch Coll
Adjunct Instructor, Marketing and International Business

Wetter, Felicitas V., BFA, 1976, North Texas State Univ; MFA, 1979, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Fine Arts

Whitaker, Linda Hobbs,BS,1978,Russell Sage Coll; MA, 1997, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook
Adjunct Instructor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

White, Harvey, BS, 1950, New York Univ; MS, 1957, SUNY Coll New Paltz; PhD, 1963, New York Univ
Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Whittelsey , Frances Cerra, BS, 1967, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1968, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Whitton, Sharon, BS, 1966, Florida State Univ; MA, 1973, Emory Univ; PhD, 1976, Georgia State Univ
Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Wiley, James E., BA, 1970, Rutgers Univ; MA, 1972, Ohio State Univ; PhD, 1991, Rutgers Univ
Associate Professor, Economics and Geography

Wilkow, Murray E., BS, 1948, SUNY Coll Oswego; MA, 1949, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1962, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Wilkowski, Kenneth, BS, 1976, CUNY York Coll; MA, 1981, Johns Hopkins Univ; PhD, 1981, Johns Hopkins Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Chemistry

Willey, Joanne M., BA, 1981, Univ Pennsylvania ; PhD, 1988, Mass Institute Technology
Associate Professor, Biology

Williams, Jason D., BA, 1995, Franklin Marshall Coll; MS, 1997, Univ Rhode Island ; PhD, 2000, Univ Rhode Island
Assistant Professor, Biology

Williams, Nichole G, BA, 1996, Temple Univ ; MA, 1998, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Wilson, Gloria Lodato, BA, 1973, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1977, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1993, New York Univ
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Wilson, Patricia T., AB, 1978, CUNY City Coll; MA, 2003, Jones Intl Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Wink, Jr., Wayne H., BA, 1991, Hofstra Univ; JD, 1996, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Adjunct Assistant Professor,Political Science

Winston, Elaine R., BS, 1981, Syracuse Univ; MBA, 1987, Fordham Univ; MPhil, 1998, CUNY Baruch Coll
Assistant Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Winter, Fred J., BS, 1982, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MS, 1986, Polytechnic Univ Farmingdale; PhD, 1992, Polytechnic Univ Farmingdale
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Wissner, Aileen, BA, 1948, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1962, New York Univ; ME, 1982, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Curriculum and Teaching

Wolf-Klein, Gisele P., MD, 1976, Univ Geneva-Faculty Medicine
Adjunct Associate Professor, Biology

Wolf, Jonathan, BA, 1980, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1982, Univ Rochester; EdM, 1996, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Wolf, Karin A., BA, 1980, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1990, CUNY Hunter Coll
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Wolfangle, Karla,
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance

Wolfarth, Edward, BA, 1965, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Wolfert, Kristina N., BS, 1998, Hofstra Univ; MS, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

Wolff, Benjamin A., BA, 1993, Columbia Univ; MM, 1997, Rice Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Music

Wolff, Manfred P., BS, 1961, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1963, Univ Rochester; PhD, 1967, Cornell Univ
Professor, Geology

Wondolowski Gerstein, Christine R., BA, 1972, Emmanuel Coll MA; MM, 1979, Ithaca Coll; MLS, 1983, SUNY Coll Geneseo
Associate Professor, Library Services

Wood, Vivian F., BA, 1967, Howard Univ; MA, 1969, Catholic Univ America ; MLS, 1974, Rutgers Univ
Assistant Professor, Library Services

Wranek, Marilyn F., BS, 1969, St Francis Coll NY; MS, 1970, CUNY Hunter Coll; EdD, 1984, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Wren, Lauris P., BA, 1988, Williams Coll; JD, 1993, Columbia Univ
Clinical Instructor, Law

Wright, Joann M., BA, 1989, Arizona State Univ Tempe; MA, 1991, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology

Wu, Yihren, BA, 1977, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1977, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 1982, Mass Institute Technology
Professor, Mathematics

Wurm, Robert C., BA, 1973, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1976, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1993, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Wyatt, Kenneth C., BS, 1986, Norfolk State Univ; MFA, 1999, Temple Univ
Assistant Professor, Audio/Video/Film

Yellen, David N., BA, 1979, Princeton Univ; JD, 1984, Cornell Univ
Professor, The Max Schmertz Distinguished Professor Law

Yerys, Scott D., BS, 1997, Ithaca Coll; MA, 1999, Adelphi Univ; MS, 2001, New York Inst Tech
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Yip, Ken Y., BS, 1991, McGill Univ; MA, 1995, Concordia Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Yohn, Susan M., BA, 1979, Mount Holyoke Coll; MA, 1986, New York Univ; PhD, 1987, New York Univ
Associate Professor, History

Yoo, Boonghee, BA, 1987, Dongguk Univ; MS, 1992, Univ Illinois Urbana ; PhD, 1996, Georgia State Univ
Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Zagano, Phyllis, BA, 1969, Marymount Coll; MS, 1970, Boston Univ; MA, 1972, Long Island Univ, CW Post Cam ; PhD, 1979, SUNY Univ Cntr Stony Brook; MA, 1990, St Johns Univ Jamaica
Special Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Zaki, Mahfouz H., MD, 1949, Cairo Univ; MPH, 1959, Alexandria Univ; DrPH, 1962, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Professor, Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Zaleski, Joan M., BA, 1967, CUNY Hunter Coll; MLS, 1979, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1997, New York Univ
Associate Professor, Literacy Studies

Zapata, Miguel-Angel, BA, 1981, Univ Nacional Mayor San Marco; BA, 1985, Calif St Univ Chico; MA, 1990, Univ Calif Santa Barbara; PhD, 1995, Washington Univ
Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures

Zappala, Frederick G., BA, 1978, Boston Coll; MS, 1980, Centrl Connecticut St Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Zappala, Sheri B., BS, 1986, Univ Delaware ; MEd, 1989, East Stroudsburg Univ PA
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Zebroski, Dawn, AA, 1998, SUNY Suffolk Co CC Riverhead; BA, 2000, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, School for University Studies

Zhang, Yong, BA, 1982, Univ Intl Business & Economy; MA, 1984, Univ Intl Business & Economy; MBA, 1988, Univ Houston Main Campus; PhD, 1992, Univ Houston Main Campus
Associate Professor, Marketing and International Business

Zhou, Zuyan, BA, 1982, Fudan Univ; MA, 1984, Fudan Univ; PhD, 1996, Washington Univ
Assistant Professor, ComparativeLiteratures and Languages

Zilbert, Allen B., BA, 1978, CUNY Queens Coll; MBA, 1980, St Johns Univ Jamaica; EdM, 1986, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1988, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Zimmerman, Lee, BA, 1977, Univ Calif Los Angeles ; PhD, 1984, Univ Calif Los Angeles
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Zimmerman, Paul, BA, 1977, Bennington Coll; MFA, 1991, Yale Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Zimmerman, Randee L., BA, 1995, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1997, Coll New Rochelle
Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Studies

Zimmerman, Shari A., BA, 1978, SUNY Binghamton ; MA, 1981, SUNY Coll Buffalo; PhD, 1984, SUNY Coll Buffalo
Associate Professor, English and Freshman Composition

Zirogiannis, Lewis D., BA, 1998, Adelphi Univ; JD, 2001, Hofstra Law Schl
Adjunct Professor, Law

Zito Finn, Mary, BA, 1993, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1995, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Zito, William F., BS, 1974, Hofstra Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor, Music

Zuccaro, Frank A., BBA, 1972, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1976, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business

Zucker, Anita B., BA, 1976, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1980, St Johns Univ Jamaica; MBA, 1987, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science

Zulli, Jerilyn, BA, 1981, Coll William Mary In Virginia ; MA, 1994, Adelphi Univ
Adjunct Instructor, English and Freshman Composition

Zwiebel, Michael, BFA, 1976, SUNY Coll Buffalo; MFA, 1995, Pratt Institute
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

Zwiren, Linda D., BA, 1968, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1970, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; EdD, 1981, Univ Georgia Athens
Professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Zwirn, Susan, BA, 1972, Clark Univ; MAT, 1974, Rhode Island Schl Design; EdD, 2002, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Zychowicz, Edward J., BA, 1981, Syracuse Univ; MBA, 1984, SUNY Binghamton ; PhD, 1989, SUNY Binghamton
Associate Professor, Finance



Ackerman, Carolyn S., BA, 1938, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1940, Columbia Univ; MLS, 1966, Long Island Univ
Associate Professor Emerita Library Services

Adkinson, Bruce, BA, 1943, Pomona Coll; MA, 1949, Princeton Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Political Science

Agata, Burton C., AB, 1947, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; JD, 1950, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; LLM, 1951, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Law

Agnello, Eugene , AB , 1941, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; PhD, 1950, Univ Rochester
Professor Emeritus Chemistry

Alpert, Harvey , AB , 1950, Boston Univ; MEd, 1954, Univ Florida ; EdD, 1955, Univ Florida
Professor Emeritus Literacy Studies

Barash, Meyer, BSS, 1937, CUNY City Coll; MA, 1938, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Sociology and Anthropology

Barnes, Leo, BSS, 1931, CUNY City Coll; AM, 1933, Brown Univ; PhD, 1948, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Professor Emeritus Finance

Block, J. Richard, BA, 1952, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1962, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Psychology

Braun, Robert M., BA, 1940, New York Univ; MA, 1941, Columbia Univ; MBA, 1948, New York Univ; CPA, 1951, PhD, 1980, New York Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Accounting, Taxation, and Business Law

Browder, Jr., Lesley H., BA, 1957, Lehigh Univ; MA, 1959, Cornell Univ; MEd, 1959, Cornell Univ; EdD, 1965, Cornell Univ
Professor Emeritus Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Bumcrot, Robert J., BS, 1959, Univ Chicago; MS, 1960, Univ Chicago; PhD, 1962, Univ Missouri Columbia
Professor Emeritus Mathematics

Cernic, David, BA, 1961, Immaculate Conception Seminary; MA, 1967, Fordham Univ; PhD, 1970, Fordham Univ
Professor Emeritus Philosophy and Religious Studies

Chalfant, Edward A., AB, 1942, Dartmouth Coll; MA, 1947, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1954, Univ Pennsylvania
Professor Emeritus English

Charlesworth, Geoffrey, BA, 1942, Cambridge Univ; MA, 1943, Cambridge Univ
Professor Emeritus Mathematics

Charney , Leon , BS, 1950, New York Univ; MA, 1956, San Diego State Univ; PhD, 1959, Syracuse Univ
Professor Emeritus Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Churchill, Frederick J., BA, 1939, Clark Univ; MA, 1947, Middlebury Coll; PhD, 1952, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Comparative Literatures and Languages

Cohn, Alfred , AB , 1958, Harvard Univ; PhD, 1964, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus New College

Davis, Jerry B., BA, 1954, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1955, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1961, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Curriculum and Teaching

Deutsch, Herbert A., BSEd, 1956, Hofstra Univ; BM, 1960, Manhattan Schl Music; MM, 1961, Manhattan Schl Music
Professor Emeritus Music

Dittemore, Edgar E., BMEd, 1959, Univ Kansas ; BM, 1960, Univ Kansas ; MM, 1963, Univ Kansas ; PhD, 1968, Univ Iowa
Professor Emeritus Music

Dunbar, Georgia S., BA, 1941, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MA, 1945, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1953, Columbia Univ
Professor Emerita English

Dunbaugh, Edwin L., BA, 1950, Franklin Marshall Coll; MA, 1951, Univ Pennsylvania ; PhD, 1960, Univ Pennsylvania
Professor Emeritus School for University Studies

Dykstra, David L., BE, 1936, Univ Wisc River Falls ; MA, 1941, Univ Minnesota Minneapolis ; PhD, 1951, Univ Wisconsin
Professor Emeritus History

Easton , Allan, BS, 1957, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1964, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Enzer, Hyman A., AB, 1938, Union Coll NY ; MA, 1955, New York Univ; PhD, 1963, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Sociology and Anthropology

Erb, Kenneth, BA, 1961, Goshen Coll , MS , 1964, West Virginia Univ; PhD, 1966, West Virginia Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Biology

Felsten, Eveline, BA, 1949, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1950, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emerita Curriculum and Teaching

Fernandez, Sinesio J., BA, 1942, Havana Univ, PhD, 1947, Univ Havana, PhD, 1975, New York Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Spanish

Fuchs, Jeanne A., BA, 1971, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1974, CUNY Queens Coll; PhD, 1977, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor Emerita Comparative Literatures and Languages

Gewirtz, Arthur D., AB, 1948, New York Univ; AM, 1949, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1975, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus English

Giallombardo, Sylvia R., BS, 1957, Boston Univ; MS, 1964, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1979, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Giannone, Luigi, Dipl, 1959, Univ Perugia; BS, 1963, Columbia Univ; MA, 1967, New York Univ; PhD, 1979, New York Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Romance Languages and Literatures

Gilbert, Charles, BS, 1949, New York Univ; MA, 1950, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park ; PhD, 1963, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Finance

Gillman, Irene S., BA, 1957, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1966, New York Univ
Associate Professor Emerita Psychology

Gold, Ruth F., BA, 1953, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1955, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1973, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Professor Emerita Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Goldberger, Avriel H., BA, 1949, Univ Pennsylvania ; MA, 1951, Bryn Mawr Coll; PhD, 1960, Bryn Mawr Coll
Professor Emerita French

Goldstein, Stanley P., BS, 1949, Univ Oklahoma ; MS, 1956, New York Univ; PhD, 1969, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Professor Emeritus Engineering

Gotz, Ignacio L., BA, 1956, Pontifical Athenaeum; BA, 1963, St Marys Coll, MA; 1965, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1968, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus and Teaching Fellow New College

Greenbaum, Howard H., BS, 1939, Columbia Univ; CPA, 1942, MS, 1945, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1952, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Grossman, Bruce D., AB, 1958, Yale Univ; MA, 1961, Duke Univ; PhD, 1964, Duke Univ
Professor Emeritus Elementary and Early Childhood Education; Teaching Fellow New College

Harper, Paul F., BA, 1960, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh ; PhD, 1969, Cornell Univ
Professor Emeritus Political Science

Holmes, Richard R., BA, 1942, Oberlin Coll; PhD, 1950, Univ Minnesota Minneapolis
Professor Emeritus Chemistry

Hunerberg, Catherine, BA, 1948, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1950, CUNY Queens Coll; EdD, 1957, Columbia Univ
Assistant Professor Emerita Curriculum and Teaching

Iezzi, Frank, BA, 1948, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1949, Univ Wisconsin ; PhD, 1954, Univ Wisconsin
Professor Emeritus Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Jackson, George , AB , 1951, Harvard Univ; MA, 1953, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1961, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus History

Jeanneney, John, BA, 1957, Dartmouth Coll; MA, 1960, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1969, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus History

Jeffrey, Mildred, BA, 1935, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1962, Adelphi Univ
Associate Professor Emerita English

Jennings , Vincent J., AB, 1961, Fordham Univ; MA, 1964, Fordham Univ; MLS, 1966, Pratt Institute
Associate Professor Emeritus Library Services

Kaplan, Eugene , BS, 1954, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1956, Hofstra Univ; PhD, 1963, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Biology

Keane, Robert N., AB, 1955, Dartmouth Coll; MA, 1957, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1965, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus English

Keener, Frederick M., BA, 1959, St Johns Univ; MA, 1960, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1965, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus English

Kertzner, Stanley , AB , 1949, Cornell Univ; ScM, 1952, Brown Univ
Professor Emeritus Mathematics

Knee, David I., BS, 1956, CUNY City Coll; PhD, 1962, Mass Institute Technology
Professor Emeritus Mathematics

Langer, Shirley, BA, 1943, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1952, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emerita Psychology

Levantrosser, William F., AB, 1950, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MA, 1951, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MA, 1964, Rutgers Univ; PhD, 1965, Rutgers Univ
Professor Emeritus Political Science

Ligon, Mary G., BA, 1942, Wellesley Coll; MS, 1943, Wellesley Coll; EdD, 1956, Columbia Univ
Professor Emerita Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Marcus, John T., BA, 1946, Univ Cincinnati Cincinnati ; MA, 1947, Univ Cincinnati Cincinnati ; PhD, 1954, Cornell Univ
Professor Emeritus History

Mason, Richard F., BS, 1950, Boston Univ; MS, 1952, Univ Wisc Madison; PhD, 1963, Univ Wisc Madison
Professor Emeritus Drama and Dance

McBrien, William A., BA, 1952, St Johns Univ; MA, 1954, St Johns Univ; PhD, 1959, St Johns Univ
Professor Emeritus English

McCourt, Robert P., AB, 1950, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; MS, 1952, Ohio State Univ Columbus; PhD, 1954, Ohio State Univ Columbus
Professor Emeritus Biology

McKeough, William J., AB, 1957, Fordham Univ; MS, 1963, Adelphi Univ; PhD, 1968, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Mathematics

McKnight-Taylor, Mary, BS, 1967, Coppin State Coll; MEd, 1969, Univ Virginia; EdD, 1974, Univ Virginia
Professor Emerita Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation

Meier, Marie M., AB, 1940, CUNY Hunter Coll; MA, 1941, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1947, Univ Maryland
Professor Emerita Psychology

Mendelsohn, Fred V., BA, 1946, New York Univ; MA, 1950, New York Univ; PhD, 1972, St Johns Univ
Professor Emeritus Music

Montana , Patrick J., BS, 1958, Long Island Univ; MS, 1959, Long Island Univ; MBA, 1974, Univ of Cincinnati ; PhD, 1966, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Management, Entrepreneurship and General Business

Moore, John C., AB, 1955, Rockhurst Coll; PhD, 1960, Johns Hopkins Univ
Professor Emeritus History

Nathan, Rhoda B., BA, 1946, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1947, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1973, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor Emerita English

Naylor, Natalie A., AB, 1959, Bryn Mawr Coll; MA, 1962, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1971, Columbia Univ
Professor Emerita Foundations of Education; Teaching Fellow New College

Panzeca, Philip J., BS, 1957, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1964, Hofstra Univ; MS, 1970, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Professor Emeritus Engineering

Parker, Ellen A., BA, 1955, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1964, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; PhD, 1976, CUNY Gr Sch & Univ Cnt
Professor Emerita Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Parsons, Thomas W., BA, 1952, Univ Wisconsin ; BSEE, 1959, Univ Wisconsin ; MSEE, 1965, Columbia Univ, PhD, 1975, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Professor Emeritus Computer Science

Pavalow, Melvin, BEE, 1951, New York Univ; MS, 1954, New York Univ; PhD, 1972, Adelphi Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Physics and Astronomy

Porinchak, David D., BS, 1953, State Teachers Coll; MEd, 1955, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park
Professor Emeritus Fine Arts
P ressel, Gene B., BS, 1950, Long Island Univ; MA, 1953, Univ Alabama Tuscaloosa ; PhD, 1971, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences

Rawlinson, John L., AB, 1942, Oberlin Coll; MA, 1949, Harvard Univ; PhD, 1959, Harvard Univ
Professor Emeritus History

Raymond, Beth J., BS, 1963, Tufts Univ;PhD, 1968, New York Univ
Associate Professor Emerita Psychology

Raywid, Mary Anne, AB, 1949, Univ North Carolina Greensboro ; MA, 1950, Univ Illinois Urbana ; PhD, 1959, Univ Illinois Urbana
Professor Emerita Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies

Reynolds, Elsie E., BA, 1948, Hofstra Univ; MA, 1949, Univ Illinois Urbana ; MLS, 1952, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emerita Library Services

Rodriguez, Mercedes M. de, PhD, 1955, Univ Havana; PhD, 1974, New York Univ
Professor Emerita Romance Languages and Literatures

Rosen, Efrem, BSc, 1957, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MSc, 1961, Long Island Univ; PhD, 1966, Rutgers Univ
Professor Emeritus Biology; Teaching Fellow New College

Rosenbaum, Herbert D., BSEd, 1949, New York Univ; MA, 1951, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1967, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Political Science

Rosman, Howard, BA, 1951, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; MA, 1952, SUNY Univ Cntr Albany ; PhD, 1958, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Chemistry

Rothstein, Arnold M., BS, 1950, New York Univ; MA, 1951, New York Univ; PhD, 1960, New York Univ
Adjunct Professor Emeritus New College

Roukis, George S., BS, 1957, New York Univ; MA, 1963, New York Univ; PhD, 1973, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business

Rubenstein, Sondra M., BA, 1972, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Teane; MA, 1974, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Teane; MPh, 1979, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1983, Columbia Univ
Professor Emerita Journalism and Mass Media Studies

Salzinger, Kurt , AB , 1951, Columbia Univ; AM, 1952, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1954, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Psychology

Sandel, Lenore, BA, 1943, CUNY Hunter Coll; MSEd, 1963, Hofstra Univ, PD, 1965, Hofstra Univ, EdD, 1970, Hofstra Univ
Professor Emerita Literacy Studies

Schleich, Miriam M., AB, 1937, Ohio Wesleyan Univ; MA, 1943, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1958, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Professor Emerita Literacy Studies

Schmertz, Eric J., AB, 1948, Union Coll NY ; JD, 1954, New York Univ; LLD, 1978, Union Coll NY
Professor Emeritus Law The Samual M. Kaynard Distinguished Visiting Professor in Labor and Employment Law

Schneiweiss, Jeannette, BS, 1958, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MA, 1961, New York Univ; PhD, 1963, New York Univ
Associate Professor Emerita Biology

Scott, Wilbur S., BA, 1939, Columbia Univ; MA, 1942, Princeton Univ; PhD, 1943, Princeton Univ
Professor Emeritus and Teaching Fellow New College

Shapiro, David
Professor Emeritus and Teaching Fellow New College

Shepherd, David L., MS, 1941, Univ Maryland Eastern Shore ; MA, 1947, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1954, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Literacy Studies

Silverman, Bertram, BA, 1953, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1955, Univ Illinois Urbana ; PhD, 1967, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Economics and Geography

Silverstein, Ethel B., BA, 1944, CUNY Brooklyn Coll; MBA, 1947, New York Univ; MSEd, 1971, St Johns Univ
Adjunct Associate Professor Emerita Finance

Sirefman, Josef P., BA, 1950, CUNY City Coll; LLB, 1953, New York Univ; MBA, 1961, New York Univ; PhD, 1973, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Accounting, Taxation, and Business Law

Smith, Nathalie J., BS, 1962, Northestrn Univ; MS, 1968, Hofstra Univ; EdD, 1975, Univ Southern California
Associate Professor Emerita Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Sparberg, Esther B., BS, 1943, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; MA, 1946, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1958, Teachers Coll, Columbia Univ
Professor Emerita Chemistry

Stone, Thomas, BA, 1941, Milligan Coll; MS, 1948, Univ Tennessee Knoxville ; EdD, 1956, Univ Tennessee Knoxville
Professor Emeritus Curriculum and Teaching

Studholme, Janice M., BA, 1946, Beaver Coll; MA, 1949, Temple Univ ; EdD, 1961, Columbia Univ
Professor Emerita Literacy Studies

Swift, Jeannine M., BA, 1958, Webster Univ; MA, 1965, Boston Coll; PhD, 1969, Mass Institute Technology
Associate Professor Emerita Economics and Geography

Swift, Leonard F., BA, 1937, Swarthmore Coll; MA, 1939, Harvard Univ; PhD, 1958, Univ Illinois Urbana
Professor Emeritus Secodary Education

Tanaka-Matsumi, Junko, BA, 1971, Osaka Univ Foreign Studies; PhD, 1978, Univ Hawaii Manoa
Professor Emerita Psychology

Tanyzer, Harold J., BS, 1951, Univ New Haven; MA, 1955, Univ Connecticut ; PD, 1957, Univ Connecticut ; PhD, 1962, Univ Connecticut
Professor Emeritus Literacy Studies

Tenenbaum, Marcel, BA, 1954, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1956, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1969, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Economics and Geography

Tepper, Albert, BM, 1947, New England Conservatory Music; MM, 1948, New England Conservatory Music
Professor Emeritus Music

Thorn, Linton S., BA, 1951, Swarthmore Coll; *BL, 1954, Oxford Univ
Professor Emeritus History

Toledano, Henry, BA, 1959, Wayne State Univ; PhD, 1969, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Comparative Literatures and Languages

Tulin, Mariam, BS, 1937, St Johns Univ, PhD; 1943, Yale Univ
Professor Emerita Drama and Dance

Twardowicz, Stanley
Associate Professor Emeritus Fine Arts

Ullmann, John E., BSc, 1948, Univ London; MS, 1951, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1959, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods

Van Wart, James , AB , 1948, Middlebury Coll
Professor Emeritus Drama and Dance

Vassalotti, Alfred G., BS, 1951, CUNY Queens Coll; MS, 1963, Polytechnic Univ Brooklyn
Associate Professor Emeritus Mathematics

Vogel, Nicholas, BS, 1946, Hofstra Univ; MBA, 1948, New York Univ; CPA, 1950, JD, 1967, Brooklyn Law School
Professor Emeritus Accounting, Taxation, and Business Law

Vun Kannon, Charles R., BA, 1953, Yale Univ; BMus, 1954, Yale Univ; MMus, 1955, Yale Univ
Professor Emeritus Music

Wagner, C. Roland , AB , 1947, Bucknell Univ; MA, 1952, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1952, Yale Univ
Professor Emeritus Philosophy; Teaching Fellow New College

Wagner, Roselin S., AB, 1950, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MS, 1952, New York Univ; PhD, 1956, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emerita Chemistry

Waltcher, Azelle B., BA, 1945, Barnard Coll Columbia Univ; MA, 1946, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1954, New York Univ
Professor Emerita Mathematics

Wattel, Harold L., BA, 1942, CUNY Queens Coll; MA, 1947, Columbia Univ; PhD, 1953, New Schl/Eugene Lang Coll
Professor Emeritus Economics and Geography

Weissman, Jacob I., AB, 1936, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; JD, 1936, Univ Michigan Ann Arbor ; PhD, 1956, Univ Calif Berkeley
Professor Emeritus Economics and Geography

Whitehouse, Frederick A., BA, 1932, St Johns Univ; MA, 1940, Columbia Univ; EdD, 1952, New York Univ
Professor Emeritus Special Education and Rehabilitation

Yanowitch, Murray, BSS, 1947, CUNY City Coll, PhD, 1960, Columbia Univ; MA, 1997, Columbia Univ
Professor Emeritus Economics and Geography

Zaccone, June M., AB, 1951, Boston Univ; AM, 1954, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil; PhD, 1963, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hil
Associate Professor Emerita Economics and Geography

Zalma, Ralph, BS, 1961, CUNY City Coll; MSEd, 1963, CUNY City Coll; EdD, 1971, Columbia Univ
Associate Professor Emeritus Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation