Jan 02, 2025
MKT 275 - Advanced Strategic Planning in Marketing With a Global Perspective Semester Hours: 3 Periodically
This course will cover both the domestic and global aspects of marketing strategy. A thorough examination of strategic planning in marketing, the process by which sustainable, customer-driven, competitive advantages are achieved over time by building relationships, offerings, timing, and resources. Particular emphasis placed on planning, integrating, implementing, and analyzing marketing strategies; the context of strategic marketing management within a firm; alternative strategic approaches to marketing; such marketing models as Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy (PIMS); the value chain; benchmarking; customer satisfaction; strategic marketing audits; ethical dimensions of marketing strategies; and other key concepts. In addition, there is a significant portion of class time devoted to the global context of strategic marketing including strategies for communication, buyer behavior, and entry into a market. Individual and group assignments, including a computer simulation.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: MKT 203 and 9 additional credits of graduate business courses. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements. (Formerly Strategic Planning in Marketing.)
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