Feb 19, 2025  
2021-2022 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2021-2022 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

School of Health Professions and Human Services

Office: Room 118 Hagedorn Hall
Telephone: 516-463-5318

Holly J. Seirup, Dean
Jacklyn T. Kuehn, Senior Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs
Susan M. Madden, Senior Assistant Dean of Administration and Budget
Nicolle Tumminelli, Senior Assistant Dean of Graduate Recruitment
Halee Rischert, Assistant Dean of Graduate Recruitment
Ariana Murphy, Assistant Dean of Accreditation and Assessment
Anthony Porcelli, Senior Assistant Dean of Communication, Advancement, and Engagement
Jessica Liu, Administrative Assistant


The mission of the Hofstra University School of Health Professions and Human Services (HPHS) is to educate students in the theory and practices of their specialized area of study, with a strong foundation in the natural, social and behavioral sciences. Through competency-based instruction, field experience, and research training, students are educated to become effective and compassionate clinicians, evidence-based practitioners, policymakers, managers, and advocates who promote health equity. Students learn to provide therapeutic and developmental services; prevent, diagnose and treat illness and disabilities; and design, implement, administer and evaluate health promotion programs, policies, and systems. Students receive clinical education in approaches that maximize occupational, communicative, biological, psychological, social, and interpersonal development across the lifespan. Students are prepared to work in settings that include the home, the school, the clinic, the hospital and other health care facilities, the workplace, the government and community agencies. The School of Health Professions and Human Services serves as a community resource by offering continuing education opportunities, promoting collaborative clinical and research initiatives, advocating for underserved populations, and providing services that model best practices. For more information about our mission, please visit https://www.hofstra.edu/academics/colleges/health-human/hshs_visionmission.html.


The Hofstra University School of Health Professions and Human Services will become a nationally recognized interdisciplinary center of excellence. Health Professions and Human Services will be partnered with arts and sciences, medicine, education, business, communication, and law to develop programs that are responsive to the dynamic relationship among scientific research, policy, and therapeutic practice in health care, community, and educational settings. Undergraduate and graduate students will develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to conduct and translate research into evidence-based practice for culturally and linguistically diverse individuals across the lifespan. Students will become reflective clinicians and practitioners, researchers, educators, advocates, and leaders who are well versed in theory, ethics, policy, and best clinical practices. Graduates will be able to adapt to the changing health care, community, and educational environments and, be dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of populations, locally, nationally, and globally.  For more information about our mission, please visit https://www.hofstra.edu/academics/colleges/health-human/hshs_visionmission.html.

Our Graduate Programs

The School of Health Professions and Human Services offers 30 graduate-level programs through the Departments of Counseling and Mental Health Professions, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Allied Health and Kinesiology, and Population Health. Our graduate programs combine content-based instruction with an experiential learning component alongside training in research. These graduate programs lead to various degrees in health, including counseling and mental health counseling, creative arts therapy counseling, health informatics, marriage and family therapy, rehabilitation counseling, health administration, health professions education, gerontology, public health, sports science, occupational therapy, audiology, and speech-language pathology. The school also offers advanced certificates and professional diplomas that provide advanced and specialized study for those who hold a master’s degree.


Policy on Ethical and Professional Performance

Students are expected to behave in an ethical and professional manner according to the guidelines for student conduct and academic honesty at Hofstra University and to the professional standards identified in their respective programs in the School of Health Professions and Human Services. Satisfactory interpersonal behavior and professional performance in classes and meetings, internships, and practica are expected.  If a report is received concerning an ethics violation or an incident of inappropriate behavior as defined by the individual program handbook and/or Student Judicial Code, established procedures will be followed to investigate the issue and determine the course of action. A written remedial plan, including designated corrective action, may be instituted at the discretion of the program director.

It is our policy that if a student is dismissed from one placement before and/or during the semester of internal and external placements, that student may be counseled or dismissed from the program.  If the student is dismissed from two placements, this will constitute being dismissed from the program.  In addition, the program requirements will not be met and the student will not be recommended for certification by Hofstra University.

Allied Health and Kinesiology

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Counseling and Mental Health Professions

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Population Health

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Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences

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