Mar 15, 2025  
2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin

Forms, Deadlines and Filing Instructions

Helpful Links

Application for Graduation

Every candidate for graduation must file an application for graduation in the Office of Academic Records by May 1 for December graduates and October 1 for May graduates. August candidates must file by March 1. There is a fee for late filing. See Tuition, Financial Aid and Scholarships  in this Bulletin.

All requirements applicable toward the degree must be completed and on record in the Office of Academic Records by the end of the first week of June for May degrees, the end of the first week of January for December degrees, the end of the first week of September for August degrees.

Change of Address

Students must report a change of their home or local address to the Office of Academic Records immediately. Change of address can also be processed through Hofstra Online.

Change of Major/Minor/Specialization/Concentration/Degree

In order to facilitate orientation and advisement of a student to his or her new major, students must report any change in their major, minor, specialization, concentration, or degree on the official Change of Curriculum form in the student portal. Any change requires approval from the new department, indicating that the student has notified the new department and has been made aware of all requirements. Students are not required to obtain approval from the program or major they are leaving.

Change of Program

Students will be permitted to make program changes in accordance with the published University deadlines.

Attending Other Colleges

Once matriculated, current students may not take courses at other educational institutions. Only in rare cases and for exceptional and extenuating circumstances will a request to attend another educational institution be considered. To request a waiver from this policy, please contact the appropriate Dean’s Office, who must approve any waiver in advance. Please note that documentation of the extenuating circumstance(s) may be required.

Study Abroad courses taken at other institutions are the exception. Students studying abroad either directly at foreign institutions or under the auspices of other U.S. institutions may still arrange to have their credits counted toward the completion of Hofstra degree requirements. It is important to remember, however, to get permission from the Office of Study Abroad Programs to transfer those credits BEFORE going abroad.

Students with junior or senior standing (60 or more hours) are not permitted to enroll for courses at junior or community colleges offering two-year terminal programs. (See Transfer Credit Policy  for complete requirements.)

Refund Policy

See the Tuition, Financial Aid and Scholarships  section of this Bulletin.