Mar 15, 2025  
2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin

Prior Learning, Standardized Testing, Credit by Examination

Credit for Prior Learning

This program permits students to seek undergraduate credit for college-level knowledge that has been acquired in nontraditional ways. An interested student should first apply to the coordinator of the Prior-Learning Program, HCLAS Dean’s Office. If the coordinator approves the application, the appropriate department(s) will be requested to assess the student’s knowledge. The method of assessment may be decided by department policy or may be determined after consultation with the student. Credits which may be earned in this program are restricted by the following conditions:

  1. Credit is awarded for particular courses or elective areas of study offered at Hofstra; credit is not awarded for life experience in general.
  2. Prior-learning credit is normally granted with the Pass grade. If a letter grade is necessary to meet graduation requirements, or if the student wishes to apply this credit toward major requirements, special permission of the department in which the course is given and the approval of the appropriate academic dean must be obtained.
  3. Credits earned in the Prior-Learning Program may not exceed 50 percent of the required number of major credits, may not exceed 50 percent of the required number of minor credits and may not exceed a total of 60 credits in a baccalaureate degree. The total allowed for an associate degree is 30 credits. On the average, however, six credits have been awarded.
  4. Prior-learning credits granted in other institutions may not be transferred to Hofstra except in cases where a formal agreement exists between Hofstra and the other institution.
  5. Credit will be entered on the student’s record only after a minimum of 18 semester hours with at least a 2.0 average in residency at Hofstra have been completed. These 18 credits may not be counted toward a student’s last 30 semester hours in a degree program.
  6. Credits earned under this program may not be considered credits taken in-residence at Hofstra.

The total semester hours earned under Credit by Examination, Credit for Prior Learning and other written standardized testing programs may not exceed 60 credits. There is a fee for earning credits in this program, see Tuition, Financial Aid and Scholarships .

Credit by Examination for Standardized Testing Programs

A student may earn up to 30 semester hours of course credit by taking standard written examinations such as the College-Level Equivalency Program (CLEP); such standardized tests are not given at Hofstra. For credit to be granted, the student must have taken the examination prior to the start of their junior year, and scores must be in accordance with the scoring guidelines that have been established by the Office of Admission in consultation with departments. No credit is awarded for standardized test program exams taken in foreign language or business.

For students already enrolled at Hofstra, credits earned under standardized testing programs may not be used to meet or reduce core or distribution course requirements.

The total semester hours earned under the Hofstra University Credit by Departmental Examination, Credit for Prior Learning and other written standardized testing programs may not exceed 60 credits.

Hofstra University Departmental Credit by Examination

  1. No more than 12 semester hours may be earned under this program.
  2. For an examination administered by a department within the University, credit may only be earned for a course offered by that department, and must be recorded with a letter grade. A grade of C- or better on the examination is necessary for credit to be granted.
  3. A student may not take credit by examination in an elementary course in a department once he/she has received credit from an advanced course in that specific area in that department.
  4. Students are not permitted to apply for credit by examination for a course in which they have previously enrolled on a credit or noncredit basis unless they receive permission of the appropriate academic chairperson and the appropriate academic dean.
  5. Students are not permitted to apply for credit by examination for any core or distribution course.
  6. Proficiency in a foreign language required of degree candidates may not be acquired through this program or through CLEP.
  7. Credits earned under this program may be considered credits taken in-residence at Hofstra.
  8. Credits earned do not count in the determination of a student’s full-time or part-time status.

The total semester hours earned under the Credit by Examination, Credit for Prior Learning and other written standardized testing programs may not exceed 60 credits.

In general, only matriculated Hofstra students are eligible for Hofstra University departmental credit by examination.

Students may obtain further details and application forms from the Office of Prior Learning, HCLAS Dean’s Office. There is a fee for taking these examinations, see Tuition, Financial Aid and Scholarships .

Updated 6/19/19