2025 Summer Sessions Bulletin
Courses for High School Students and Incoming First-year Students
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Courses Suitable for High School Students
Summer Session I
- AH 003 - (AA) Gods and Kings
- ASTR 011 - (NS) The Solar System
(MATH 050 placement on placement exam to qualify – see Physics Department.)
- BIOL 111 - (NS) Introduction to Big Ideas in Biology
- BIOL 112 - (NS) General Biology II
- BIOL 122 - (QR) Genetics
- BIOL 134 - (QR) Microbiology
- CHEM 003A - (NS) General Chemistry I
(Pre-requisite MATH 006A or math placement test score of 16 or higher or ALEKS score of 55 or higher.)
- CHEM 003B - (NS) General Chemistry Laboratory I
(Prerequisite/Co-requisite: CHEM 003A – see Chemistry Department.)
- CLL 044 - (LT) Greek and Roman Epics (DL)
- CLL 172 - (LT) European Literature of 17th and 18th Centuries (DL)
- CRM 007- (IS) Delinquency and Juvenile Justice (DL)
- DNCE 127 - (AA) Dance Appreciation
- DNCE 128 - History of Dance
- ECO 001 - Principles of Economics
- ECO 002 - Principles of Economics
- ENGG 010 - Computational Methods in Engineering
- ENGL 198S - (LT) The Hate U Give: Learning from Young Adult Literature
(Prerequisite: WSC 001 or HS AP Credit – see English Department.)
- FA 045 - (CP) Beginning Painting
- FA 080 - (CP) Beginning Ceramics
- FREN 003 – Intermediate French (DL) (Pre-requisite of FREN 002 or equivalent placement test score)
- FRLT 046 (LT) – Sex, Gender, and Love in 20th Century French Prose (DL)
- GEOG 003 – (BH) Geography of a Globalizing World
(HS AP credit – see Global Studies and Geography Department. Same as GS 001)
- GEOG 106 - (BH, CC) Urbanization in the Developing World
(HS AP credit – see Global Studies and Geography Department.)
- GEOL 001 – (NS) Planet Earth
- LIT 071 - (LT) Russian Culture and the West (DL)
- MATH 030A - (MA) Mathematical Excursions
- MATH 040 - (MA) Linear Mathematics and Matrices
- MATH 050 - (MA) Precalculus
(Must have prerequisites - see Math Department.)
- MATH 071 - (MA) Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
(Must have prerequisites - see Math Department.
- PHYS 001A - (NS) Elementary Physics
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 001B - (NS) Elementary Physics Laboratory
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 011A - (NS) General Physics
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 011B - (NS) General Physics Laboratory
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PSY 001 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSY 034 Organizational Psychology
(Prerequisite: PSY 001 Introduction to Psychology or PSY AP credit)
- PSC 001 – (BH) American Politics (DL course)
- SOC 004 -(BH) Contemporary Society (Hybrid: Meets IP TR and Online Synchronous MW)
- SPAN 002 Elementary Spanish 2
(Pre-requisite of SPAN 001 or equivalent placement test score)
Summer Session II
- ANTH 116 - (BH, CC) Religion in Cross-Cultural Perspective
- ASST 011 - (CC, IS) Introduction to Chinese Culture (DL)
- ASTR 012 - (NS) Stars and Galaxies
(MATH 050 placement on placement exam to qualify – see Physics Department.)
- BIOL 113 - General Biology II
(Pre-requisite: C- or better in Chem 3A and BIOL 112)
- BIOL 123 - (QR) Cell Biology
(Prerequisite: Biol 112, Pre- or Co-requisite: Chem 131)
- BIOL 124 - (QR) Biostatistics
(Prerequisite: lab skills course (chosen from Biol 125-129)
- BIOL 124 - (QR)Biostatistics
(Prerequisite: lab skills course (chosen from Biol 125-129
- CLL 039 - (LT) Goddesses, Gods, & Heroes (DL)
- CLL 151 - (LT) Studies in Lit
- CRWR 133 (CP) General Creative Writing (DL)
(Prerequisite: WSC 001 or HS AP Credit – see English Department.)
- DNCE 127 - (AA) Dance Appreciation
- ENGL 072 (LT) The American Experience in Context (DL)
(Prerequisite: WSC 001 or HS AP Credit – see English Department.)
- FA 080 - (CP) Beginning Ceramics
- GEOG 145 - (BH, CC) Geography of Africa
(HS AP credit – see Global Studies and Geography Department.)
- GEOL 015 (NS) Global Climate Change
- HIST 020 - (HP) Why History Matters
- ITLT 042 - (LT) Lie, Cheat, and Steal: Short Stories of Decameron (DL)
- ITST 141C -(AA) Comedy, Italian Style (DL)
- LIT 087 - (LT, CC) Modern China in Fiction and Film
- MATH 045 - (MA) Logic, Sets, and Probability
- MATH 071 - (MA) Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
(Take placement exam to qualify - see Math Department.)
- MATH 072 - (MA) Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
(Pre-requisite: MATH 071 – see Math Department.)
- MATH 073 - (MA) Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
(Pre-requisite: MATH 072 – see Math Department.)
- MATH 131 - (MA) Elementary Differential Equations
(Pre-requisite: MATH 072 – see Math Department.)
- PHI 014 - (HP) Ethics
- PHYS 002A - (NS) Elementary Physics
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 002B - (NS) Elementary Physics Laboratory
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 012A - (NS) General Physics
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 012B - (NS) General Physics Laboratory
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- SOC 172 - (BH) Punishment and Society
- SPAN 003 - Intermediate Spanish 1
(Pre-requisite of SPAN 002 or equivalent placement test score)
Summer Session III
- ANTH 150 - (BH, CC) Pre- and Non-Industrial Technology, Economies and Material Culture
- ASTR 011 - (NS) The Solar System
(MATH 050 placement on placement exam to qualify – see Physics Department.)
- CLL 182 – (LT) Robot Dreams (DL)
- CRM 009 - (IS) Surveillance (DL)
- ECO 001 - Principles of Economics
- GEOG 003 – (BH) Geography of a Globalizing World
(HS AP credit – see Global Studies and Geography Department. Same as GS 001)
- GEOG 106 - (BH, CC) Urbanization in the Developing World
(HS AP credit – see Global Studies and Geography Department.)
- GS 001 - (IS) Introduction to Global Studies
(HS AP credit – see Global Studies and Geography Department.)
- HIST 014C - (HP) United States History: Reconstruction to the Present
- ITLT 041 - (LT) To Hell and Back: Dante’s Inferno (DL)
- LING 101 - (IS) Introduction to Linguistics (DL)
- SOC 004 – (BH) Contemporary Society
Courses for Incoming First-year Students
Summer Session I
- AH 003 - (AA) Gods and Kings
- ASTR 011 - (NS) The Solar System
(MATH 050 placement on placement exam to qualify – see Physics Department.)
- BIOL 111 - (NS) Introduction to Big Ideas in Biology
- BIOL 112 - (NS) General Biology I
(Requires a high school GPA of at least 3.4. Students with a high school GPA < 3.4 must take BIOL 111 first
- CHEM 003A - (NS) General Chemistry I
(MATH 006A or math placement test score of 16 or higher or ALEKS score of 55 or higher.)
- CHEM 003B - (NS) General Chemistry Laboratory I
(Prerequisite/Co-requisite: CHEM 003A – see Chemistry Department.)
- CLL 044 - (LT) Greek and Roman Epics (DL)
- CLL 172 - (LT) European Literature of 17th and 18th Centuries (DL)
- CRM 007 - (IS) Delinquency and Juvenile Justice (DL)
- CRWR 184G (CP) Finding Your Voice (DL)
(Prerequisite: WSC 001 or HS AP Credit – see English Department.)
- DNCE 127 - (AA) Dance Appreciation
- DNCE 128 - History of Dance
- ECO 001 - Principles of Economics
- ECO 002 - Principles of Economics
- ENGG 010 - Computational Methods in Engineering
- ENGL 198S - (LT) The Hate U Give: Learning from Young Adult Literature
(Prerequisite: WSC 001 or HS AP Credit – see English Department.)
- FA 045 - (CP) Beginning Painting
- FA 080 - (CP) Beginning Ceramics
- FREN 003 - Intermediate FREN 1
(Pre-requisite of FREN 002 or equivalent placement test score)
- GEOG 003 – (BH) Geography of a Globalizing World
- GEOG 106 - (BH, CC) Urbanization in the Developing World
(For HS AP credit, see the Global Studies and Geography Department.)
- GEOL 001 – (NS) Planet Earth
- GS 001 - (IS) Introduction to Global Studies
- HPR 063 - Health Care Systems and Services
- HPR 065 - Ethical, Legal, and Critical Health Problems
- LIT 071 - (LT) Russian Culture and the West
- MATH 030A - (MA) Mathematical Excursions
- MATH 040 - (MA) Linear Mathematics and Matrices
- MATH 050 - (MA) Precalculus
(You must have prerequisites; see Math Department.)
- MATH 071 - (MA) Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
(You must have prerequisites; see Math Department.)
- PHYS 001A - (NS) Elementary Physics
(You must have prerequisites; see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 001B - (NS) Elementary Physics Laboratory
(You must have prerequisites; see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 011A - (NS) General Physics
(You must have prerequisites; see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 011B - (NS) General Physics Laboratory
(You must have prerequisites; see Physics Dept.)
- PSC 001 – (BH) American Politics (DL course)
- PSY 001 - Introduction to Psychology
(Prerequisite: PSY 001 Introduction to Psychology or PSY 001A (BH) General Psychology)
- PSY 034 Organizational Psychology
(Prerequisite: PSY 001 Introduction to Psychology or PSY AP credit)
- PSY 159 Social Psychology
(Prerequisite: PSY 001 Introduction to Psychology or PSY AP credit)
- SOC 004 -(BH) Contemporary Society (Hybrid: Meets IP TR and Online Synchronous MW)
- SPAN 002 Elementary Spanish 2
(Pre-requisite of SPAN 001 or equivalent placement test score)
Summer Session II
- ANTH 116 - (BH, CC) Religion in Cross-Cultural Perspective
- ASST 011 - (CC, IS) Introduction to Chinese Culture
- ASTR 012 - (NS) Stars and Galaxies
- BIOL 113 - (NS) General Biology II
(Pre-requisite: C- or better in Chem 3A and BIOL 112)
- CHEM 004A - (NS) General Chemistry II
- (Pre-requisite: CHEM 003A – see Chemistry Department.)
- CHEM 004B - (NS) General Chemistry Laboratory II
(Pre-requisite: CHEM 003B. Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: CHEM 004A – see Chemistry Department.)
- CLL 039 - (LT) Goddesses, Gods, and Heroes Mythologies and Literature of the Ancient World (DL)
- CLL 151 - (LT) Studies in Lit
- CRWR 133 (CP) General Creative Writing
(Prerequisite: WSC 001 or HS AP Credit – see English Department.)
- DNCE 127 - (AA) Dance Appreciation
- ECO 142 - International Economics
(Pre-requisite: ECO 001 or 002 – see Economics Department.)
- ENGL 072 (LT) The American Experience in Context (DL)
(Prerequisite: WSC 001 or HS AP Credit – see English Department.)
- FA 080 - (CP) Beginning Ceramics
- GEOG 145 - (BH, CC) Geography of Africa
(HS AP credit – see Global Studies and Geography Department.)
- GEOL 015 – (NS) Global Climate Change
- HIST 020 - (HP) Why History Matters
- HPR 073 - Framework and Design in Healthcare Studies
- ITLT 042 - (LT) Lie, Cheat, and Steal: Short Stories of Decameron (WDL)
- ITST 141C -(AA) Comedy, Italian Style (DL)
- MATH 071 - (MA) Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
(Take placement exam to qualify - see Math Department.)
- MATH 072 - (MA) Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
(Pre-requisite: MATH 071 – see Math Department.)
- MATH 073 - (MA) Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
(Pre-requisite: MATH 072 – see Math Department.)
- MATH 131 - (MA) Elementary Differential Equations
(Pre-requisite: MATH 072 – see Math Department.)
- PHI 014 - (HP) Ethics
- PSY 011 – Behavior Modification
- PHYS 002A - (NS) Elementary Physics
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 002B - (NS) Elementary Physics Laboratory
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 012A - (NS) General Physics
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- PHYS 012B - (NS) General Physics Laboratory
(Must have prerequisites - see Physics Dept.)
- SOC172 - (BH) Punishment and Society (DL)
- SPAN 002 Elementary Spanish 2
(Pre-requisite SPAN 001 or equivalent by placement test score)
Summer Session III
- ANTH 150 - (BH, CC) Pre- and Non-Industrial Technology, Economies, and Material Culture
- ASTR 011 - (NS) The Solar System
(MATH 050 placement on placement exam to qualify – see Physics Department.)
- CLL 182 – (LT) Robot Dreams (DL)
- CRM 009 - (IS) Surveillance (DL)
- CSC 005 - (CS) Overview of Computer Science
- ECO 001 - Principles of Economics
- GEOG 003 – (BH) Geography of a Globalizing World
- GS 001 - (IS) Introduction to Global Studies
- HIST 014C - (HP) United States History: Reconstruction to the Present
- HIST 030 - (HP) Contemporary American Lives
- ITLT 041 - (LT) To Hell and Back: Dante’s Inferno (DL)
- LING 101 - (IS) Introduction to Linguistics
- SOC 004 - (BH) Contemporary Society