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January Session 2006 at Hofstra University
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Provides students with the opportunity to take new and exciting courses or popular existing courses and earn up to three credits in three weeks. As you will see by looking at this schedule, we offer a broad range of courses. The emphasis of this session is on diversity - there are beginning, advanced and graduate courses, and courses of general interest; one-, two- and three-credit courses; day, evening or weekend courses; on- and off-campus courses and those that involve travel.
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library
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Students attending the January Session will find readily available resources and services including 1.2 million volumes (1.6 million with volume equivalents) in the collection. A vast electronic library with over 21,000 electronic books and 24,000 full-text journals is available via the Internet on campus and from home or office. Computer equipment is up-to-date, service is helpful and friendly, stacks are open and furnished with work tables and group study rooms. Come to study, read and work with friends at Hofstra University.
Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
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As the focal point of student activities, the Student Center stands on the University’s north campus opposite the Axinn Library. The two buildings are linked by the Clifford L. Lord Unispan, a covered footbridge over Hempstead Turnpike.
The University Bookstore is in full operation during the January Session.
The Winterfest Program provides social events which include movie and bowling trips, as well as game room activities. All events are available to both undergraduate and graduate students. Please call (516) 463-6914 or stop by 260 Student Center to pick up a January calendar of events.
During the January Session, all residential facilities at Hofstra are open to any resident who would like to remain on campus. Hofstra’s residence facilities offer a comfortable, pleasant blend of privacy and small community life. The residence halls have multiple occupancy rooms with all necessary furnishings except linens. The halls are self-contained except for meal service, which is available on campus.
General Information
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Students attending the January Session may not earn more than three semester hours of credit, or four semester hours if a course is offered on that basis.
Students may attend the January Session on one of four bases:
- as former or continuing students in good standing;
- as students who are attending Hofstra University for the first time;
- as visiting students from other colleges or universities for January Session only, provided they are enrolled and are in good standing at their college;
- as high school graduates interested in taking a January Session course.
NOTE: Undergraduate students are not permitted to enroll in graduate courses at Hofstra University.
The Hofstra Online Information System,, offers a quick and simple way to register. Looking up classes, registering for open classes, and dropping or adding classes are all just a click away via the Internet. Payments can also be made by electronic check or credit card through this site.
Pre-advised, matriculated, and continuing graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Communication, School of Education and Allied Human Services, Frank G. Zarb School of Business and Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences* may register using the Hofstra Online system. Law School students should refer to the registration material provided by the Law School. New College, School for University Studies and NOAH students are not able to register online. To access the Hofstra Online system, log on to with your network ID and password.
All freshmen as well as those graduate students who have not been pre-advised must obtain an alternate PIN from their adviser prior to accessing the online registration system. Non-matriculated graduate students must register in person or by mail. Students on academic probation (GPA below 2.0) are not eligible for Web registration, and must register in person after meeting with an adviser from the Office of Academic Advisement. Visiting and non-matriculated students please see the attached Student Registration Form.
* With the exception of graduate students in the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, and Applied Linguistics (TESOL) programs.
Tuition and other fees are payable as specified in the following schedule. Checks and money orders are to be made payable to Hofstra University for the exact amount of tuition and fee payment. Electronic checks, VISA and MC payments are also accepted.
To pay online, visit the Hofstra University Web site at Select the Hofstra Online Information System link. The privileges of the University are not available to a student until he/she has completed his/her registration and payment of all fees and tuition due at the time of registration. No registration can be accepted for a student whose account remains unpaid for a prior semester. Returned checks are not redeposited. Hofstra University reserves the right to alter the schedule of charges without notice.
- Tuition per semester hour, payable at registration: for 1-199 numbered courses, $670. For 200 and above level courses in HCLAS, School of Communication, and School of Education and Allied Human Services, $690. For 200 and above level courses in the Zarb School of Business, $720.
- University fee: $50. This fee is not refundable except in cases where the University has cancelled the course(s).
- University activity fee: $10. This fee is not refundable except where the University has cancelled the course(s).
- Late registration fee: $100 for Student Accounts Office-approved registrations beginning Thursday, January 5.
- Late program change fee: $25 for Student Accounts Office-approved program changes beginning Thursday, January 5.
- No registrations will be honored after Friday, January 6.
- Residence hall fees: for information, contact Residential Life, (516) 463-6930.
- Transcript fee: No charge for official transcripts. Transcripts ordered through the Hofstra Online Information System are free of charge. Upon written application to the Academic Records Office and payment of $5 for each student copy ordered, the University will furnish transcripts of each student’s scholastic record. (A student in good standing may receive a transcript required by the armed forces without charge.) No transcript may be issued for a student who is in arrears.
Remission of Tuition
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Refunds will be calculated on the basis of the date of application for withdrawal or reduction in total semester hours due to program change.
Students enrolled in a course that is cancelled by the University must contact the Student Administrative Complex before any applicable refund of tuition and other fees can be processed.
The University will remit tuition as follows: If the application for withdrawal or reduction in total semester hours is received on the first or second day of the session, 100 percent will be returned; on the third day of the session, 75 percent will be returned; on the fourth day of the session, 50 percent will be returned; on the fifth day of the session, 25 percent will be returned. This remission policy is for those courses that last the full three weeks. For one- or two-week courses, there will be a 100 percent refund if there is withdrawal during the first or second day, respectively. After that time, there will be no tuition refund.
Change of Program, Withdrawal
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Change of program of study may be made during the first three days of the session for those courses scheduled for three weeks. For those courses scheduled for shorter periods, change of program may be made no later than the second day of the session. The last day to drop a course is Friday, January 6. The first day of withdrawal is Monday, January 9.
All preregistered students may withdraw from courses before classes begin. Should a student wish to withdraw from a course or from the University during the session, he/she must first secure the appropriate forms at the Student Administrative Complex and complete the withdrawal by the last day of class prior to the start of the designated final examination period. During the January Session and the Summer Sessions, the designated final examination period is the last day of classes. See W Grade, Undergraduate Bulletin, and Graduate Studies Bulletin.
NOTE: Non-attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal, and does not relieve the student of his or her financial obligation, or entitle the student to a refund.
The last day to file the Repeated Course form is Tuesday, January 17.
Pass/D+/D/Fail Option
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The student has sole discretion to elect this option for the first one-third of the course (deadline is Monday, January 9).
Veterans and dependents of deceased or disabled veterans, and active duty personnel drawing veterans educational benefits should contact the Repayment Office, 021 Memorial Hall, (516) 463-6838, several months before the semester begins.
Unless otherwise noted, January Session courses meet January 3 through January 24. January 25 and 26 are snow/study/reading days, if needed. Class hours and days for each course are listed immediately below the course title.
See Undergraduate Bulletin, page 48; Graduate Studies Bulletin, page 19.
Courses numbered from 1 to 199 are for undergraduates only. Courses numbered 200 and above are for graduate students only, unless special permission is received. (Some 200 and above level business courses are open only to graduate business students.)
Calkins Hall is open from 9 a.m.-10 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Saturday; and noon to midnight on Sunday. The Hammer Lab, located across from the Axinn Library is open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Hofstra ID is required for admission to labs. |