Feb 18, 2025  
2006-2007 Law Catalog 
2006-2007 Law Catalog [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Subject Matter Areas

The School of Law offers a wide and diverse range of courses. The courses listed below are arranged by general topical areas. Not every course listed below is offered during each academic year.


Advanced Appellate Advocacy
Advanced Legal Research
Advanced Legal Writing
Advanced Mediation Seminar
Advanced Trial Advocacy
Advanced Trial Techniques: Use of Expert Witnesses
Alternatives to Litigation
Appellate Advocacy
Child Advocacy Clinic
Civil Procedure
Conflict of Laws
Courtroom Criminal Procedure
Criminal Justice Clinic
Discovery and Depositions
Ethics and Economics of Law Practice
Externship Program
Family Law Practice Workshop
Federal Courts
Housing Rights Clinic
International Commercial Arbitration
International Civil Litigation in U.S. Courts
Introduction to Child and Family Advocacy
Lawyer Malpractice
Lawyers’ Ethics
Legal Interviewing, Counseling, and Negotiation
Litigation Drafting Skills
Mediation Clinic
Moot Court Competition Seminar
Political Asylum Clinic
Pretrial Litigation
Pretrial Skills
Scientific Evidence
Selected Problems in NY Civil Practice
Trial Competitions
Trial Techniques

Commercial and Corporate Law

Accounting for Lawyers
Advanced Bankruptcy
Banking Law
Business Drafting Seminar
Business Organizations
Business Planning Seminar
Commercial Paper
Commercial Transactions Survey
Comparative Consumer and Products Liability Law
Complex Corporate Transactions Seminar
Consumer Transactions
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance Seminar
Debtor Rehabilitation Seminar
Environmental Law in Commercial and
Real Estate Transactions
Ethics and Economics of Law Practice
International Business Transactions
International Commercial Arbitration
Law in Cyberspace
Law of International Trade
Mergers and Acquisitions
Nonprofit Corporations
Product Regulation and Liability in the U.S. and the European Union
Public Finance Seminar
Regulation of Securities Markets and Broker/Dealers
Secured Transactions
Securities Regulation
Seminar on Contracts and Torts
Telecommunications Law and Policy
Transactional Lawyering: Translating Deals Into Contracts

Constitutional Law

Civil Liberties and the War Against Terrorism:
Continuity and Change in the Aftermath of September 11th
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Theory
Current Problems in Constitutional Law
Death Penalty
First Amendment: Speech, Association and the Religion Clauses
Foreign Affairs & the U.S. Constitution
Law and Race
Legal Issues in Public Education
Mass Media and the First Amendment
Religion and Constitution
Sex-Based Discrimination
Voting Rights and Election Law

Criminal Law

Advanced Criminal Procedure
Comparative Criminal Punishment
Courtroom Criminal Procedure
Crime and Communities
Criminal Justice Clinic
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Death Penalty
Federal Criminal Law
International Criminal Law
Juvenile Justice Seminar
Scientific Evidence
Sentencing Reform Seminar
The Prosecutor’s Role: Prosecuting a Criminal Case

Environmental and Natural Resources

Energy, the Environment and the Global Economy
Environmental Law
Environmental Law in Commercial Real Estate Transactions
Health and Safety Regulation
International Environmental Law
Land Use Regulation
Law of the Sea
Preservation Law
Scientific Evidence

Estate Planning

Advanced Problems in Estate Planning
Aging and the Law
Estate Planning Seminar
Federal Estate and Gift Tax
Wills, Trusts and Estates

Family Law

Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Advocacy Clinic
The Child, the Family and the State: Legal Issues Affecting Minors
Comparative Family Law: Marriage, Civil Unions and Registered Partnerships
Divorce: Comparative and International Perspectives
Domestic Violence
Family Law
Family Law Practice Workshop
International Family Law
Introduction to Child and Family Advocacy
Juvenile Justice Seminar
Legal Decision Making for Children and Incompetent Adults
Property Division in Divorce Proceedings
The Law’s Response to Reproductive Technology
Negotiation, Mediation, and the Family Lawyer

Governmental Law and the Legislative Process

Administrative Law
Admiralty Law
Citizenship and Nationality Law
Civil Liberties and the War Against Terrorism:
Continuity and Change in the Aftermath of September 11th
Employment Law
Energy Law and Policy
Energy, Environment and the Global Economy
Environmental Law
Health and Safety Regulation
Housing and Community Development
Housing Rights Clinic
Immigration Law
Labor Law
Land Use Regulation
Law and Race
Law and the Welfare State
Legislative Process
Patent Law
Political Asylum Clinic
Public Finance
Securities Regulation
State and Local Government
Telecommunications Law and Policy
Voting Rights and Election Law


Health Law

Aging and the Law Seminar
Bioethics and the Law
Biotechnology: Law, Business and Regulation
Health and Safety Regulations
Health Law
Legal Decision Making for Children and Incompetent Adults
Managed Care and the Physician-Patient Relationship
Medicare and Medicaid Law
Products Liability
Representing Health Care Providers
Scientific Evidence
Sexuality and the Law
The Law’s Response to Reproductive Technology

Intellectual Property Law

Advanced Patent Law
Entertainment Law
Intellectual Property Survey
Patent Law
Sports Law

International Law

Citizenship and Nationality Law
Comparative Constitutional Law
Comparative Consumer and Products Liability Law
Comparative Criminal Punishment
Comparative Family Law: Marriage, Civil Unions and Registered Partnerships
Comparative Human Rights Law
Comparative Law
Energy, the Environment, and the Global Economy
European Union Law
Foreign Affairs and the Constitution
Immigration Law
International Business Transactions
International Civil Litigation in the U.S. Courts
International Commercial Arbitration
International Criminal Law
International Criminal Law Enforcement*
International Environmental Law
International Family Law
International Human Rights Law Seminar
International Institutions
International Law
International Taxation Seminar
Law and International Economic Development
Law of International Trade
Law of the Sea
Political Asylum Clinic
Product Regulation and Liability in the U.S. and the European Union
The Use of Force in International Law: From Peacekeeping to Terrorism

Labor and Employment Law

Advanced Problems in Labor and Employment Law
Collective Bargaining
Dispute Settlement
Employment Discrimination
Employment Law
ERISA and Pension Rights Seminar
Internal Union Affairs
Labor Arbitration
Labor Law
Public Sector Labor Law
Sex-Based Discrimination
Sports Law
Strikes, Boycotts and Picketing and Injunctions

Legal History and Social Science

Economic Analysis of the Law
History of Women and the Law
Law and the Popular Culture
Law and Psychiatry
Law and Race
Legal History

Philosophy and Ethics

Classics in Law and Rhetoric: A Close Reading Seminar
Ethical Problems in Federal Tax Practice
Ethics and Economics of Law Practice
Feminist Jurisprudence
History of Women and the Law
Law and Literature
Lawyers’ Ethics

Real Estate and Property Law

Commercial Leasing
Cooperatives, Condominiums and Homeowner Association
Environmental Law in Commercial Real Estate Transactions
Housing and Community Development
Housing Rights Clinic
Land Use Regulation
Preservation Law
Real Estate Finance Seminar
Real Estate Negotiation Techniques
Real Estate Transactions
State and Local Taxation
Taxation of Real Property Transactions


Advanced Corporate Tax
Advanced Problems in Estate Planning
ERISA and Pension Rights Seminar
Estate Planning
Ethical Problems in Federal Tax Practice
Federal Estate and Gift Tax
Federal Income Taxation of Corporations
Federal Income Taxation of Individuals
Federal Tax Procedure
International Taxation Seminar
State and Local Taxation
Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions
Taxation of Partnerships
Taxation of Real Property Transactions


Comparative Consumer and Products Liability Law
Conflict of Laws
Economic Analysis of the Law
Environmental Law
Insurance Law
Intellectual Property Survey
Lawyer Malpractice
Products Liability
Scientific Evidence
Seminar on Contracts and Torts


* Offered at Summer Law Program in Nice, France or Sydney, Australia, and Winter Law Program in Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles.