Mar 31, 2025  
2007-2008 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2007-2008 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Tuition and Fees

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Graduate Tuition and Fees


Hofstra University reserves the right to alter its policy and schedule of charges without prior notice. The privileges of the University are available to students only upon completion of registration and the payment of all tuition and fees. Students may not register for a new semester until all prior financial obligations have been satisfied and paid. The University shall withhold diplomas, certificates, and transcripts until all financial obligations have been met.

Tuition and fees are payable by check or money order submitted either by mail or in person at the Office of Student Accounts, in the Student Administrative Complex of Memorial Hall. Checks and money orders shall be drawn to the order of Hofstra University for all amounts due. In addition, for your convenience, payments may be made by credit card, MasterCard and Visa only, through the University Web site, by fax (516-463-4847), by mail or in person. Payments shall be applied first to past-due balances and then to current charges.

Listed below are the charges for 2007-2008, which were in place at the time of this bulletin’s publication. Hofstra University reserves the right to alter this schedule and other fees without notice.

Graduate Fees

Description if applicable


Application Fee Payable upon application for admission to the University - nonrefundable (including International Students)

$60 *

Tuition For 200 and above level courses, per credit hour **


  For 200 and above level courses taken by graduate business students, per credit hour


Tuition Deposit Payable upon acceptance to the University See specific Doctoral/Master’s Programs


University Fees, per semester Students registering for 12 or more credit hours


  Students registering for 8-11 credit hours


  Students registering for 1-7 credit hours


  Maintaining Matriculation


Health Center Fee, per semester Students registering for 12 or more credit hours


  Students registering for 8-11 credit hours


  Students registering for 1-7 credit hours


Technology Fees, per semester Students registering for 12 or more credit hours


  Students registering for 8-11 credit hours


  Students registering for 1-7 credit hours


Graduate Activity Fee, per semester full-time




Late Filing Fee for Application for Graduation Filing after October 1 for December graduates; March 1 for May graduates; June 15 for Summer I; July 16 for Summer Session II and August 16 for Summer Session III for August Graduates.


Program Change Fee After the first week of the regular semester or after the first three days of a January/summer session


Credit by Examination *    
  Per 1 credit


  Per 2 credits


  Per 3 credits


  Each additional credit


Prior Learning * Up to 3 credits per assessment in one department


  For each additional credit in the same assessment in the same department


Diploma or Certificate Replacement Once a student has graduated from Hofstra, a replacement diploma or certificate with a name other than the name shown on the original diploma or certificate will be ordered upon request if the student can provide proper documentation that he/she was legally entitled to use the proposed name change on or before the date of graduation.


Transcript Fee Student Copy


  Official Transcripts, no charge  
  Upon written application to the Office of Academic Records and the payment of the above fee for each Student Copy ordered, the University will furnish transcripts of each student’s scholastic record. (A student in good standing may receive a transcript required by the armed forces without charge.) No transcript may be issued for a student who is in arrears. Official transcripts are not given to students or mailed to private addresses, but are mailed directly to institutions or persons considering the applicant for admission or for employment. NOTE: during peak periods, particularly at the end of each semester and each summer session, there may be a two-week delay. Transcripts are processed in the order in which applications are received at the Office of Academic Records.  
Course Description Fee (copy per page) Requests for course descriptions processed through the Office of Academic Records upon written request and payment of the appropriate fee amount.


Fee for Uncollected Check Returned by Bank A personal check returned by the bank will be charged back to the student’s account and the student’s account will be assessed a $25 returned check fee. In addition, a hold will be placed on the student’s account prohibiting many of Hofstra University’s services.

In cases where a personal check has been returned, the student must remit payment in the form of cash, certified bank check, money order or credit card to satisfy the outstanding balance or the student will also be subject to account restrictions, including, but not limited to, cancellation of current term and future term classes for non-payment, restriction from payment by personal check, etc.

Hofstra University reserves the right to rescind the option to pay via personal check.



For further information and a schedule of current rates, please call the Residential Life Office at 516-463-6929.
NOTE: The deadline for filing a housing application is May 1.

Residence Hall Fees, per person


Per Semester


  Super Single $6,000 $12,000
  Suite Single $4,800 $9,600
  Single $4,500 $9,000
  Suite Lounge $4,300 $8,600
  Apartment $3,900 $7,800
  Suite without lounge $3,625 $7,250
  Tower Double $3,450 $6,900
  Suite Triple $3,350 $6,700
  Tower Triple $3,000 $6,000
  Tower Quad $2,775 $5,550

Board, (for residence students, per term; optional)

Plan 1 (not available to freshmen) $495 $990
  Plan 2 (not available to freshmen) $985 $1,970
  Plan 3 (not available to freshmen) $1,050 $2,100
  Plan 4 $1,300 $2,600
  Plan 5 $1,450 $2,900
  Plan 6 $1,600 $3,200
  Plan 7 $1,700 $3,400
Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Fee, per term
(2004-05 rates subject to revision August 2006)
$53 $ 106
Organization of Resident Student Activity Fee, per term   $5 $ 10
Room Damage Deposit, paid once per year     $ 300

Payment Policy


Tuition and fees are due and payable by August 2 for the fall semester and January 2 for the spring semester. Students will be billed in July for the fall semester and in December for the spring semester. Students are responsible for all charges regardless of billing, and may access their student account through the Hofstra Web site. Students are required to notify the Office of Academic Records of any change in billing address, and/or update their billing address through the web. All payments must be made in accordance with prevailing University policy. Students should consult with the Semester Planning Guide and the University Web site for current policy.

Deferred Payment Plan


Students may defer up to 50 percent of total current term charges, less pending approved financial aid, to a maximum of $2,500 for undergraduate and graduate students. Any amounts deferred must be paid in full by October 15 for the fall, and March 15 for the spring. Students must complete a Deferred Payment Agreement, available through the Office of Student Accounts, or through the Hofstra Online Information System. The completed agreement, along with a nonrefundable fee of 2% of the amount deferred (a minimum fee of $50) and the balance due must be submitted to the Office of Student Accounts.

Monthly Payment Plan


For your convenience, Hofstra University allows students to use a payment plan service to spread their payments out over a period of several months. If you wish to participate in a payment plan, call (800) 635-0120 or visit If you have any questions, please call (516) 463-6680 option 3 or visit the Office of Student Accounts located in Memorial Hall, 2nd floor.

Late Payment Fees


Tuition and fees are due and payable by August 2 for the fall semester and January 2 for the spring semester. For new students accepted and registered after the established payment dates, payments are due at registration. Failure to make payments on time will result in the assessment of late payment fees. Moreover, students with balances due will not be permitted to register, receive a transcript, or receive a diploma or certificate. Federal and state regulations, along with University policy, preclude the use of current financial aid for the payment of past due charges.

Fall Semester
Payments after August 2


Payments after September 16

additional $100

Payments after October 15

additional $100

Payments after term ends will be subject to interest at the rate of 1% per month of the outstanding balance due.
Spring Semester
Payments after January 3


Payments after February 15

additional $100

Payments after March 17

additional $100

Payments after term ends will be subject to interest at the rate of 1% per month of the outstanding balance due.

Late Registration Fees


(See current Semester Planning Guide for specific registration dates)

Continuing students are expected to register during the scheduled registration periods, which are outlined in the Semester Planning Guide and on the University’s Web site for each term. Students wishing to register after the appointed periods are subject to Late Registration Fees.

All Graduate Students: For registration, after the first week of classes (additional fee), per term


Refund Policy


(Law School students should consult the Dean’s Office for the Law School policy on refunds.)

The University shall refund student payments, other than Title IV aid, in accordance with the following schedule. Please note that the University fee is nonrefundable. Students must apply for all eligible refunds in writing. An application for refund is available in the Office of Student Accounts or on the University Web site.

Students wishing to withdraw from the University must meet with an adviser in the Office of Graduate Admission, 105 Memorial Hall. All official withdrawals must be certified by the Office of of Graduate Admission prior to the processing of refunds.

Date of Withdrawal

Refund of Tuition & Fees
(less nonrefundable fees)

Prior to 1st day of classes


1st week of classes


2nd week of classes


3rd week of classes


4th week of classes




The refund policy associated with housing and meal plans is available from the Office of Residential Life.

Students are required to withdraw from classes in accordance with established policy. Students may not withdraw from classes or the University without official notification. Non-attendance from classes does not constitute withdrawal. Students remain fully responsible for all financial obligations, subject to the refund schedule above.

Note: Non-attendance of classes does not classify as official withdrawal, and does not relieve the student of his or her financial obligation, or entitle the student to a refund.

Title IV Refund Policy for Undergraduate and Graduate Students


Students who withdraw from the University and have received, or were eligible to receive, funds from the Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Family Education Loan Program (Unsubsidized, Subsidized and/or PLUS), are subject to federal regulations relating to the Return of Title IV aid, and to the University’s refund policy for all other payments. The amount of refundable institutional charges shall follow the University’s refund schedule detailed above.

Upon official withdrawal from the University, the University shall compute the amount of Title IV aid that has been earned by the student, and the amount that must be returned to the program(s). This federal formula considers the date of withdrawal, the form of aid, and the amount of aid credited to the student or previously refunded to the student.

Unearned financial aid dollars, which must be returned to the federal aid programs, may create a balance owed by the student to the University. Students remain responsible for all such financial obligations.

In addition to the amount of federal aid that the University must return, students receiving federal aid directly from Hofstra or otherwise toward other educational costs, including off-campus living expenses, may be required to repay a portion of those funds to the federal programs. Failure to return the aid to the federal aid programs may result in loss of eligibility for additional financial aid assistance.

Federal aid funds to be returned are distributed to the programs in the following order:

Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans
Federal Perkins Loans
Federal PLUS Loans
Federal Pell Grant
Federal SEOG
Other Title IV Programs

Sample worksheets are available in the Financial Aid Office.


** Excluding graduate business students