Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2010-2011 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

**Course Information**


Physician Assistant (PHA)

  • PHA 290 - Elective Clerkship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This clinical clerkship will provide the opportunity for students either to explore a medical or surgical sub-specialty or to gain intensive experience in one of the core practice areas of medicine. The Physician Assistant Program must approve placements for this clerkship.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to students enrolled in the professional phase of the Physician Assistant Studies Program. May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • PHA 301 - Research Design and Analysis

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course guides the student in acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary for formulating a clinical research question and a research protocol. Basic research topics will include concepts of measurement, research design, and data analysis. An emphasis is placed on the development of a testable research hypothesis or proposal, based on an extensive analysis of the available literature. The role of proper statistical analysis will be discussed for each proposal/hypothesis and the student must provide a rationale for the type of statistical analysis chosen. Topics are chosen in consultation with specific faculty members whose expertise allows them to make informed decisions and constructive criticism of the proposal and analysis. Students must develop and submit for program and mentor approval, a clinical project topic and a complete project protocol. Implementation of the project occurs in PHA 302  and 303  (Master’s Research Project).

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    At least 12 s.h. of graduate credit in the master’s program in Physician Assistant Studies  and permission of instructor.


Physics (PHYS)

  • PHYS 280 A-Z - Fundamentals of Physics for Teachers

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    Periodically, Summer
    Topics may vary from year to year. They deal with concepts, facts, theories, and applications relative to the natural phenomena around us and their effects on everyday life. Courses cover the fundamental laws and principles of mechanics, sound, electricity, magnetism, and light, and provide basic knowledge of the evolution of physical laws and the underlying concepts that are rapidly changing the way we live. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Intended for elementary, middle school, and secondary school teachers. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. (Formerly Workshop in Physics and Technology.)

Political Science (PSC)


Psychology (PSY)

  • PSY 201 - Graduate Statistics I

    Semester Hours: 3
    A first-level graduate course designed to cover such topics as exploratory data analysis, sampling and probability theory, statistical inference (hypothesis testing and confidence intervals) for one- and two-samples, correlation, partial correlation, and multiple regression, and issues in power and robustness.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 202 - Graduate Statistics II

    Semester Hours: 3
    Designed to provide in-depth coverage of analysis of variance (ANOVA). Topics covered are: one-way and two-way ANOVA, multivariate approach to the repeated measures and split-plot designs, multiple comparison and trend analysis, issues in probing an interaction (partial interaction and interaction contrasts vs. simple main effects tests), and issues in power and robustness.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 203 - Research Design I

    Semester Hours: 4
    Fall, Spring
    Emphasis is on true and quasi-experimental designs for psychological research and evaluation. Illustrative designs are presented with discussion concerning the internal and external validity questions. Students are expected to defend the design of an original research project.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 205 - Multivariate Statistics in Psychological Research II

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Second course in multivariate statistical techniques that have direct application in experimental and industrial/organizational settings. Focus is on multivariate descriptive statistical techniques including factor analysis, cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 204  or permission of instructor. Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 209A - History, Basic Concepts, and Classical Issues in Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3

    Fall, Spring
    Classical issues and basic concepts in psychology, with an analysis of the current perspectives that psychologists take on these issues. These include topics such as the roles given to behavioral, cognitive, genetic, and physiological processes in basic and applied psychology, memory, social issues, methodological and radical behaviorism, private events in scientific and professional psychology, trends in data analysis and publication, assessment and measurement, etc. Examination of these topics by analyses of articles, published primarily in major journals, which span the entire history of psychology.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Credit given for this course or PSY 209 , not both. Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.


  • PSY 216 - Behavior and Personality—Normal and Abnormal

    Semester Hours: 3
    Evaluation and comparison of the dynamic and behavioral approaches with regard to the study of normal and abnormal personality syndromes. Emphasis on the ability of these two approaches to explain, predict and control behavior. Review of current research.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program. Permission of Program Director.

  • PSY 217 - Organization Development

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Foundations of organizational development. Discussion of topics dealing with the need for change in organizations, how to initiate procedures for organizational change and measure the effect of the change agents, the influence of change at both a formal and informal level and how to overcome resistance to change.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 218 - Applied Behavior Analysis in Industry

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Operant approaches to industrial behavior with emphasis on practical applications to management. Use of response contingent reinforcement, behavioral assessment and stimulus control to improve industrial productivity is taught from a foundation in behavioral learning theory.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 208 . Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 219 - Organizational Psychology: Leadership

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    The course examines both classic and contemporary perspectives on leadership. The course also reviews research evidence related to each approach. A theoretical foundation enables the student to deal with leadership-related problems encountered in organizational settings. In addition, the course considers strategies used to measure and assess leadership potential.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 220 - Consultation in Schools and Health Service Settings

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    This course covers the methods and processes by which psychologists function as consultants within schools and health service settings. Emphasis is placed upon indirect service models, methods of identifying specific needs and problems within school and other organizations, implementation of solutions which are then enacted by the organizations, and on methods of evaluation of outcomes.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 222 - Research Methods I: Designs for Professional Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Emphasizes group and single subject designs as commonly used in clinical, school and community psychology. Attention is paid to research epistemology and to research design. Illustrative designs from professional psychology journals are reviewed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 224 - Research Designs for Health Service Programs

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for the analysis of physical and mental health service delivery programs in the school and community. Procedures and research designs to assess community needs and to translate research findings into social policy. Focus on time series and small n studies, as well as classic between and within subject models.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 225 - Multivariate Statistics in Psychological Research III

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Course trains students to perform multivariate statistical analyses of time series, spatial distributions, causal models of behavior and complex contingency tables as they apply to psychological research. Computer analyses for these problems are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 204 , 205  or permission of the instructor. Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 227 - Interviewing and Counseling in Professional Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Clinical and school psychology techniques with emphasis on the initial interview and on adult and child diagnostic interviewing. Use of rational-emotive and behavioral methods for counseling persons with emotional, behavioral, educational and marital/familial problems.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology. Practicum experience required.

  • PSY 228 - Behavior Deviations I: Clinical Psychopathology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Biological, ecological and psychological factors leading to emotional and mental disorders. Feeling, thinking and behavioral aspects of neuroses, psychoses and personality disorders in childhood, adolescence, maturity and later maturity. Practicum observation and interaction arranged.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology. Permission of instructor.

  • PSY 230 - Group Counseling and Group Leadership

    Semester Hours: 3

    This course focuses on the nature and treatment of stuttering, cluttering, and acquired neurogenic disfluency. Emphasis is placed on critical assessment of historic and current literature and trends in stuttering research and treatment, and on the integration of students’ existing clinical and general knowledge and skills with stuttering-specific information from the class. Students learn to develop and implement assessment and treatment protocols for children and adults who stutter.


    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 231 - Theory and Practice of Intellectual Evaluation

    Semester Hours: 3
    Basic theory of intelligence. Psychometric elements of intellectual assessment including item selection sampling, reliability, validity, measurement error and norm development. Administration, scoring and interpretation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, and other tests of cognitive skills. Practicum hours are required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology. Permission of instructor.

  • PSY 232 - Intellectual, Academic and Vocational Evaluation

    Semester Hours: 3
    Continued consideration of psychometric elements of test construction. Administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and other tests of academic, cognitive, and vocational skills. Practicum hours are required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 231 and permission of instructor. Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 233 - Assessment and Intervention Strategies

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course trains students in the clinical use of the Thematic Apperception Test, Sentence Completion Test, and Projective Drawings. Students will be taught the quantitative scoring and coding principles needed to standardize the clinical use of these assessment instruments.  Illustrative case materials, class demonstrations, and field work experiences will be utilized to demonstrate how to organize, conceptualize, and interpret test data within a cognitive-behavioral framework.  The course will examine the specific use of evidence-based cognitive-behavioral intervention strategies which have been developed for children, adolescents, and adults across a variety of settings. The integration of assessments and treatments will be emphasized throughout the course.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.  May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • PSY 234 - Theory and Application of Personality Evaluation

    Semester Hours: 4
    General orientation to personality testing. Theories of personality. Administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Thematic Apperception Test, Children’s Apperception Test, Bender Gestalt, Sentence Completion and Draw-a-Person Tests. Laboratory hours to be arranged..

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 234B - Laboratory in Projective Personality Assessment

    Semester Hours: 1
    Fall, Spring
    Provides students with experience in the administration and interpretation of unstructured personality assessment techniques, and the relationship of test findings to therapeutic interventions. Primary emphasis is placed on the Thematic Apperception Test and the Rorschach Test. Illustrative protocols are used to present and discuss normative responses, and to compare them with responses given by persons with various Axis 1 and Axis 2 disorders. Focus is placed on the relationship of formal response categories to diagnoses from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and/or the International Classification of Diseases.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 241 - Intellectual and Cognitive Assessment

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    The course covers the theory and practice of abilities assessment with an emphasis on administration and interpretation. Psychometric theory serves as the foundation for developing proficiency in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of intellectual, cognitive, and achievement measures such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, the Stanford-Binet Test, the Woodcock Johnson and Wechsler Scales of achievement, as well as other tests of cognitive abilities. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to students matriculated in the doctoral program in clinical psychology, or permission of instructor. Course credit given for PSY 241or both PSY 231  and 232 .

  • PSY 242 - Laboratory in Assessment I

    Semester Hours: 2
    This practicum in psychological assessment takes place under the direct, individual supervision of a faculty member in the Psychological Evaluation, Research, and Counseling (PERC) clinic. In consultation with their supervising professor, trainees must initiate contact, clarify presenting problems, schedule appointments, and interview patients in the clinic. After selecting appropriate psychological instruments, the student must then administer, score, interpret, and integrate the findings, with recommendations, into a comprehensive psychological report. An informing conference is held with the patient, trainee, and faculty supervisor present before a final report is issued.  

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 240 , 241  or equivalents. Corequisite: PSY 242A . Open only to students matriculated in the doctoral program in clinical psychology , or permission of instructor.  

  • PSY 243 - Laboratory in Assessment II

    Semester Hours: 2

    This practicum in psychological assessment takes place under the direct, individual supervision of a faculty member in the Psychological Evaluation, Research, and Counseling (PERC) clinic. In consultation with their supervising professor, trainees must initiate contact, clarify presenting problems, schedule appointments, and interview patients in the clinic. After selecting appropriate psychological instruments, the student must then administer, score, interpret, and integrate the findings, with recommendations, into a comprehensive psychological report. An informing conference is held with the patient, trainee, and faculty supervisor present before a final report is issued.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 240 , 241  or equivalents. Corequisite: PSY 243A . Open only to students matriculated in the doctoral program in clinical psychology , or permission of instructor. 


  • PSY 250 - Health Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    In preparation for research and practice in the field of health psychology, this course examines the relationship of psychosocial and cognitive variables to physical health and disease. Areas to be covered include conditioned illness behaviors, stress and coping, addictions, pain management, and health promotion and disease prevention. Review of the current research in the field.

  • PSY 257 - Psychology of the Emotionally Disturbed Child

    Semester Hours: 3
    Theoretical foundations in the study of emotional disturbance in childhood. Study of the nature and needs of the emotionally disturbed child with specific reference to extreme states of anxiety and withdrawal, and to severely aggressive acting out of behavior. Motivation, ego structure, limit setting, frustration tolerance, need-acceptance theory, therapeutic approaches and other concepts and practices will be examined.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 258A - Social Psychology and the School System

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    This course explores the roles of school and community psychologists as consultants, direct service providers and change agents within educational settings. Organizational structures (such as school boards, parent-teacher organizations, administrator and faculty committees, etc.) that pertain to the school system are examined and evaluated as contexts for service delivery by psychologists.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 261 - Behavior Therapy and Applied Behavior Analysis in Professional Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3

    Fall, Spring
    This course examines the methods of behavior therapy and applied behavior analysis in relation to various forms of psychopathology (including minor and major mental disorders). It shows how application of these methods can change dysfunctional behaviors, including dysfunctional nonverbal behavior, speaking, listening, and thinking. Practicum or laboratory experiences are required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 208  or 255 . Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.


  • PSY 264 - Aging and Human Behavior

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Provides an understanding of old age and the vital processes affecting behavior. Exploration of the biological, social and psychological factors affecting the aging process centering around such areas as personality, intelligence, learning and memory, sexuality, longevity and pathological aging. A comprehensive integration of research findings reflecting behavioral stability and change are also examined.

  • PSY 265 - Aging and Personality

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Explores the aspects of personality as they relate to the aging process. Theoretical notions and issues, intra-psychic phenomena and personality dynamics are examined. Attention is given to continuity and change in the aging personality. Psychological, sociological and cultural implications affecting the aging personality are also examined.

  • PSY 269 - Psychology and the Criminal Justice System

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Examination of the individual, social, and cultural factors that contribute to criminal behavior. Theories of criminality are reviewed as are a number of specific criminal acts. A required practicum experience within the criminal justice system clarifies the role of the psychologist in dealing with criminal behavior.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 282 - Preventive Mental Health

    Semester Hours: 3

    Once a Year

    The goal of this course is to present the students with a variety of models of preventive psychology that may be used in combating a number of risk factors. In addition, implementation issues such as organizational structures, systems ecology, and the logistics of getting started will be addressed. A common theme will be the identification of risk factors and population at-risk, and an exploration of how to prevent the developmental progression towards poor adjustment or psychopathology. The interventions we will discuss will attempt to modify these developmental trajectories by a) enhancing people’s resistance to the stressors, b) teaching new coping strategies to sucessssfully negotiate “high risk” situations, and c) reducing the risk factors themselves. By the end of this course students will be able to implement and evaluate prevention programs in a variety of settings.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Doctoral students only. May not be taken on Pass/Fail basis.

  • PSY 283A - Foundations of Industrial/Organizational Psychology I: Industrial Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Extensive review of theoretical, research and applied issues in the field of industrial psychology. A combination of lecture and discussion strategies is utilized to cover the topics of legal issues, psychological measurement, job and task analysis, selection and recruitment, performance appraisal, training, compensation and job evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 283B - Foundations of Industrial/Organizational Psychology II: Organizational Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Survey of the major topics in organizational psychology including work motivation, job satisfaction, stress, leadership, communication, job design, organizational development and organizational theories.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 284 - Personnel Selection

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    General overview of personnel selection. Lectures and discussions relating to the following topics: legal issues and EEOC, job analysis, selection techniques (e.g., interviews, assessment centers, biographical data banks, psychological tests, honesty testing, drug and genetic screening) and measurement of work performance.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 286 - Measurement of Work Performance

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Review of current research, methods and applications of performance appraisal. Appraisal methods and rating formats are discussed in relation to issues of criteria relevance, legal considerations, and the distinction between subjective ratings and objective measures of performance.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 287 - Training and Development

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Review of research and theory related to training models, needs analysis, learning principles and transfer of training, instructional methodology, career development and the evaluation of training programs. Students are expected to develop and deliver a training program related to performance in the work environment.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 290 - Internship in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Supervised placement in industrial, business, or other organizational setting, typically a two-day-per-week internship. Weekly exploration and discussion of professional and ethical issues pertaining to the internship experience. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 291 - Internship in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Supervised placement in industrial, business, or other organizational setting, typically a two-day-per-week internship. Weekly exploration and discussion of professional and ethical issues pertaining to the internship experience. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 293B - Psychology of Human Resources Management

    Semester Hours: 3

    Once a Year
    Lectures and discussions relating to the following components of human resources: role of human resources in organizations; human resources planning; staffing (recruitment, selection, diversity, EEOC guidelines, career planning, training and development, terminations); benefits (health care, income protection, retirement); performance management (job evaluation, compensation programs, pay issues, performance commitment process); employee and labor relations (union representation, collective bargaining, alternative dispute resolution, creating a proemployee environment); international human resources management (culture, expatriation and repatriation).


    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 283A . Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program. May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • PSY 295 - Psychotropic Medication

    Semester Hours: 3
    Provides an understanding of pharmacological treatments for psychological disorders in individuals with Axis 1 and Axis 2 diagnoses, as defined by either the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual or the International Classification of Diseases.  Focus is placed on the role of psychotropic medications in the therapeutic process and the physiological bases for their psychotherapeutic effects.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to students matriculated in the doctoral program in clinical psychology, or permission of the instructor.

  • PSY 296 - Occupational Health Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    This course provides an in-depth treatment of the literature of occupational health psychology, focusing mainly on stress and safety in the workplace. The purpose of this course is to review the major theories and empirical research showing the effects of the work environment on employees’ health and well-being. The primary emphasis will be on the development and maintenance of healthy people within healthy organizations focusing on prevention of illness, disease, health problems, and injuries in the work environment. Specific topics covered include occupational safety and health hazards, organization of work factors and their relation to employee safety and health, safety climate and training, the etiology of job stress and burnout, workplace health promotion programs, and the interface of work and non-work factors in maintaining occupational health.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 201  and 203 . May not be taken on a P/F basis.

  • PSY 298 - Child Advocacy

    Semester Hours: 3
    Course goal is to facilitate the development of the skills necessary for child and family advocacy. Emphasis will be placed on educational advocacy, including the Committee on Special Education process, and education law such as IDEA and section 504. Training will occur through a combination of discussion, simulations, role playing and interacting with school administrators and legislators.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Doctoral students only. May not be taken on Pass/Fail basis.

  • PSY 302 - Practicum: Advanced Research Methodology

    Semester Hours: 1
    Once a Year
    Concern with current developments and contemporary issues in industrial/organizational research methodology. A major emphasis is to give the student practical experience involving an experiment in an industrial/organizational setting.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 203  and 223 , or permission of the instructor. Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.

  • PSY 310 - Family Mediation

    Semester Hours: 3
    Development of the knowledge and skills necessary for mediating custody, visitation, and othe child-related disputes. Will review the writings of prominent mediation researchers and theorists, as well as current research on the effects of divorce on family members, domestic violence, and conflict resolution. Discussions of the principle issues and techniques in family mediation, skill building through simulation and field experiences.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Law 2769. Course is open only to matriculating doctoral students from the Department of Psychology or from the Law School. May not be taken on Pass/Fail basis.

  • PSY 330 - School Psychological Services Internship I

    Semester Hours: 3
    Lectures cover methods of school counseling and psychotherapy, functional behavior analysis, public school law, the Individuals with Educational Disabilities Act, child abuse, ethics, and diversity. Discussions center on lecture material and experiences students are having on internships, including adjustment to the demands of different institutions and supervisors. Practicum: role playing and intervention with patients at the Hofstra Psychological Evaluation, Research and Counseling Clinic. Internship: two days per week in a public or special school setting.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of M.A. in Psychology and permission of instructor. Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.

  • PSY 331 - School Psychological Services Internship II

    Semester Hours: 3

    Methods of behavioral counseling, psychotherapy, and educational interventions. Continued discussion of core issues in school psychology including ethics and diversity, education of gifted children, consultation, and preschool assessment. Practicum: role playing and intervention with patients at the Hofstra Psychological Evaluation, Research and Counseling Clinic. Internship: two days per week in a public or special school setting.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 330 . Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.


  • PSY 332 - Clinical Psychological Services Internship I

    Semester Hours: 3

    Theories, techniques and empirical findings related to various procedures used in behavior therapy. Emphasis on in-vivo, imaginal and contingency management techniques. Practice of assertion training, deep muscle relaxation, systematic desensitization and covert conditioning during individual and group meetings. Discussions center on lecture material, ethics and diversity, and experiences students are having on internships. Individual behavior therapy with patients at the Hofstra Psychological Evaluation, Research and Counseling Clinic. Internship: three days per week in an approved clinical psychology placement including mental health clinics, hospitals, behavioral medicine and rehabilitation facilities, or drug and alcohol treatment programs.


    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 331 . Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.


  • PSY 333 - Clinical Psychological Services Internship II

    Semester Hours: 3

    Theories, techniques and empirical findings related to various forms of cognitive behavior therapy emphasizing rational-emotive psychotherapy. Practicum: independent cognitive and behavior therapy with child and adult clients at the Hofstra Psychological Evaluation Research and Counseling Clinic. Role playing and review of therapy tapes. Internship: three days per week in an approved clinical psychology placement including mental health clinics, hospitals, behavioral medicine and rehabilitation facilities, or drug and alcohol treatment programs.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    PSY 332 . Open only to matriculated students in a doctoral program in psychology.


  • PSY 334 - Internship: Applied Research

    Semester Hours: 3
    On-site experience in applied research, evaluation research, and/or program evaluation through supervised projects in the following areas of research: physical health, mental health, social services and industrial/organizational settings. This practicum course and its continuation courses include lectures, conferences and project discussions in addition to a two day per week internship.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Permission of instructor. Open only to matriculated students in a graduate psychology program.


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