Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2010-2011 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

**Course Information**


Educational Administration (EADM)

  • EADM 210 - Core Theory in Educational Administration

    Semester Hours: 6
    A study of concepts, theories, research methods and findings drawn largely from the behavioral sciences which can be applied in the practices of educational administration at all levels. Emphasis is given to organizational behavior including the study of roles and relationships, scientific management, bureaucracy, social systems, human motivation, decision making, leadership, organizational change, communications, and situational influences which shape education and educational administration in the context of a multicultural society. Methods of instruction include lectures, class discussion, role-playing, student presentations, guest lecturers and use of audiovisual materials. Student achievement is evaluated on the content and quality of written papers, class participation and a final written exercise.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in CBAE educational administration programs.

  • EADM 211 - Core Practicum in Educational Administration

    Semester Hours: 6
    This course moves educational administration from advanced theory into action. Using simulated materials reflecting the problems and issues of a particular school district, the course deals with administrator decision-making behavior in the context of a community which reflects a variety of multicultural characteristics and values. Political, social and economic pressures as well as educational needs are considered, and the use of group dynamics in the decision-making process is highlighted. Achievement is determined primarily through peer group and evaluations of competencies.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students in CBAE educational administration programs.

  • EADM 214 - Theories and Practices of Supervision

    Semester Hours: 3
    A systematic study of the theories and practices of supervision and the philosophies, rationales and assumptions upon which elementary and secondary school supervision is based. Theoretical concepts are conveyed by lectures and discussion; skills are acquired through role playing and case studies. Achievement is determined through papers and quality of class participation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Two years of teaching experience.

  • EADM 219 - Patterns of Building Unit Administration

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course focuses on the administrative roles and functions of elementary and secondary school building administrators. The topics include tasks of a building administrator, school organization and staff utilization, curriculum development and improvement, leadership, supervision of individual performance, personnel management, facilities management, employee organization relations, student affairs, school public relations, basic school laws and sources of legal information. Methods of instruction include lecture and class discussion, small group exercises, student and guest presentations, written exercises and a final written exercise. Evaluation of student achievement is based on the quality of class participation and quality of written exercises.

  • EADM 222 - Human Relations in School Personnel Management

    Semester Hours: 3
    The areas of motivation, group dynamics and leadership theory as well as the tasks of staff recruitment, selection, orientation and development are treated. Competencies are developed through case studies, role playing, lecture-discussions and substantive readings and reactions. Achievement is determined through the quality of work in these activities.

  • EADM 223 - School Business Administration II

    Semester Hours: 3
    An examination of the duties and responsibilities including an understanding of the role in relation to other members of the administrative team and an exploration of aspects of the business administrator’s work in regard to office management, budget procedures, financial management, accounting and auditing, purchasing and supply management, insurance programs, capital outlay and debt service, school plant operation and maintenance, food service and transportation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    EADM 270 .

  • EADM 231 - School Public Relations

    Semester Hours: 3
    Functions and responsibilities of the school administrator in the development and maintenance of effective school public relations. The meaning and purpose of school public relations, the public relations roles and functions of the board of education and all school personnel, school-community relations, communications processes, techniques and strategies, the preparation of communications materials, handling criticism and attacks, and relations with the news media. Questions and problems as they emerge during the semester. Illustrated lectures, class discussion, group interaction, role playing, student presentations, guest lectures and individual student reading, research and written assignments. Student achievement is measured by the quality of class participation, written assignments and a culminating written exercise.

  • EADM 233 - Educational Facilities Planning

    Semester Hours: 3
    Analysis of educational changes and architectural consequences, planning for flexible educational environments for present and future use, uses for underutilized schools, operation and maintenance, energy conservation and related problems. Slide lectures and visits to school are the principal methods of instruction. The achievement level of student is determined by application of the subject.

  • EADM 235 - Collective Negotiations in Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    The history of collective bargaining in the labor movement; comparison of collective bargaining, professional negotiation and collective negotiation, pertinent state legislation; representation and recognition procedures; scope and process of negotiations, impasse procedures; issues and outcomes of teachers’ strikes and sanctions; impact on administrative theory and practice. Lecture-discussion with some role playing of situations. Achievement is determined through term papers and student reports with competency assessed by course instructor.

  • EADM 236 - Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in American Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course explores historical and contemporary educational practices and policies related to various ethnic and racial groups, as well as women in the United States. We will identify the social, cultural, political, and intellectual forces that shape educational policy in the teaching and learning process. We address a fundamental question: “What should America’s public schools do to provide an educational experience that emphasizes both quality and equity for all students in a democratic, pluralistic society?”

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Same as FDED 234 . Students seeking certification as classroom teachers should not enroll in this course.

  • EADM 241 - Supervision of Instruction and Curriculum Development

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course surveys the organization, supervision and evaluation of curricular innovations and instructional programs as administered at the elementary and secondary school levels. Types of classroom arrangements (traditional, cluster and open); organization and scheduling plans (continuous progress, cross-grade grouping, departmentalization, dual progress plans, house plans, integrated day, modular scheduling, multi-age grouping, multiunit plan, nongraded and self-contained classrooms); general instructional methods (computer-based, individualized, programmed, supervised independent study, supervised work experience and team teaching); and alternative approaches (alternative schools, community schools, mini-schools and school-within-a-school). Through reading assignments, peer presentations, class discussions and written examinations, students are expected to demonstrate to the instructor their competence in these four areas.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    EADM 214 .

  • EADM 243 - School Finance

    Semester Hours: 3
    Study of the economic, political and legal aspects of financing public education, both from a general point of view and with specific attention to New York state. Areas considered include basic economic principles; local, state and federal financial support; systems analysis; taxing systems; fiscal aspects of equal educational opportunities; budgeting; purchasing; accounting; and reporting and communication of fiscal information. Lectures, class discussions, student reports, case studies. Achievement is evaluated on the content and quality of written papers, oral reports, class participation and on a final written exercise.

  • EADM 244 - School Law

    Semester Hours: 3
    Study of the legal framework (national and New York state) within which public education operates. Areas considered are church-state relations, state agencies, local school boards, financing education, tort liability, teacher-personnel administration, the Taylor Law, tenure, desegregation, and constitutional rights and freedoms of students. Case studies, lectures, class discussions and reports. Achievement is determined by the quality of written papers, oral reports, class discussion and a final written exercise.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    School attendance officers are advised to enroll in EADM 246 .

  • EADM 245 - Selected Issues in School Administration

    Semester Hours: 3
    Discussion and analysis of current vital issues in educational administration and their proposed solutions. Students are expected to research an issue, present it to the class and defend it. Achievement is determined by the quality of the written research report and the competencies demonstrated in the presentation and defense of the oral presentation in addition to other evidences.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May be taken more than once for credit.

  • EADM 247 - Data Processing for School Administrators

    Semester Hours: 3
    Consideration of the types of applications of computer systems typical to school situations. The organization of school computer equipment for the guidance function, computer-based instruction, information retrieval, school simulation for problem solving, and the development of a total information system are discussed and/or implemented. Instruction is conducted by lecture and demonstration, and assessed by instructor on basis of papers and projects submitted commensurate with evidences.

  • EADM 249 - Management Technology

    Semester Hours: 3
    An investigation into the theory and application of management technologies to the administrative process in education. Forms of systems-based technologies are considered. In addition to reading widely, contributing to class discussions and other normal expectations, students are expected to apply various technologies to case problems and simulated situations. Achievement is determined in part through peer-group assessment of projects and instructor evaluation of competencies.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    EADM 200  or 211  or by permission of instructor.

  • EADM 255 - Women in Education Administration

    Semester Hours: 3
    Acquaints students with the literature on women in educational administration in an effort to understand both how to get a job as a woman and how to keep it. Additionally, students explore the implications of gender-bias for research, theory and practice in educational administration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 256 - Curriculum Management and Evaluation for Leaders

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will explore principles and practices essential to administrative curriculum management and evaluation. Students will acquire knowledge and understandings about instructional leadership at the school and district levels. Students will examine the roles of school administrators and establish accountability procedures for the implementation of effective curriculum design and supervision of rigorous curriculum delivery. Utilizing the framework of the curriculum management audit process, students will learn how to maximize the relationship between the written, taught, and assessed curriculums for greater student performance. Participants will acquire understandings and skills to define organizational control structures, analyze curriculum documents, determine equity and equality issues, gather and utilize assessment data to evaluate and enhance productivity within schools and school districts. This course is recommended for current and aspiring school and district leaders.

  • EADM 257 - The Reflective Administrator

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course facilitates administrative performance by helping administrators to gain self-knowledge and develop self-reflection on their administrative actions. Students develop a platform or formal statement of their administrative intentions and then, with the help of the instructor and other students, examine the relationship between intentions and actual behaviors. Congruence and dissonance between intention and action are probed in a safe setting. Identified discrepancies provide points for individual decisions about changes in administrative behavior.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Permission of instructor. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 259 - The Administrator in Fiction

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Reflective course using contemporary novels to explore a variety of administrative themes, such as vision, leadership, organization, rationality and gender. Fiction is used as a lens to study personal constructions of meaning, to reflect on the spectrum of our internal lives in relation to administrative roles, and to explore the subjective experience of administration through aesthetics and imagination.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 260 - Leading Learning Organizations

    Semester Hours: 6

    Once a Year

    This first course of the CAS program will introduce prospective administrators to the concept of learning organizations and identify the skills and strategies necessary to develop learning organizations. The focus for the course will be on the following themes: the actions and pathways used by educational leaders to advance student and professional learning; the characteristics of organizations that support student and adult learning; the impact of administration and leadership on organizational effectiveness; the utilization of organizational perspectives as a frame for organizational decision-making; and the development of a reflective perspective on one’s own leadership vision and practice. Competencies are developed through case studies, role-playing, lecture/discussion, team and individual assignments and substantive readings. Performance is assessed through the quality and degree of mastery demonstrated in the undertaking of these activities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students. (Formerly Individuals in Organizations.)

  • EADM 261 - Building Learning Communities

    Semester Hours: 6
    Once a Year
    The most effective schools are those that function as learning communities. In this course, students will develop an understanding of the meaning and importance of community and the role that educational leaders play in creating these learning communities. Students will also develop communication and group process skills that nurture and maintain a culture of inquiry, collaboration, support, and continuous improvement; and consider those organizational processes including teacher selection, supervision, and professional development that directly influence the quality of educator performance in school and districts. Competencies are developed through case studies, role-playing, lecture/discussion, team and individual assignments, and substative readings. Performance is assessed through the quality and degree of mastery demonstrated in the understanding of these activities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students. (Formerly Schools as Social Organizations: Working With People.)

  • EADM 262A - Engaging External Environments: Social, Political, Economic, and Legal Contexts of Schools

    Semester Hours: 4
    Once a Year
    Schooling in the United States is heavily influenced by the social, political and legal contexts in which it takes place and occurs amidst a fragmented, multi-layered governance system. As a result, schooling is contextually specific, necessarily political, and increasingly a matter of legal concern. Often understood as forces to which leaders must react, external environments should rather be considered bounds within which proactive school and district leadership for learning can take place. In this course, students will develop an understanding of  the dynamics of family and community, professional organizations, and the larger policy environment and consider how to work effectively in these important external environments to build relationships, garner resources and adopt an effective advocacy stance to support student learning. Through readings, case studies, discussions, and small group activities, students will explore, among other topics, families and communities as stakeholders, the governance of schools, equity in education as distributive justice, and transformational ways that school leaders can engage their external  environments. Performance is assessed through the quality and degree of mastery demonstrated in the undertaking of these activities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students. (Formerly Understanding External Environments: Social, Political, Economic, and Legal Contexts of Schools.)

  • EADM 263 - Administrative Internship I

    Semester Hours: 2
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    A cooperatively guided administrative experience that focuses on the decision-making and problem-framing tasks of administrators. Students submit a plan of administrative and supervisory tasks to the departmental program and internship coordinator. These tasks are to be agreed upon by the coordinator and the school or district supervisor, with achievement to be determined against a stated list of competencies developed by the department and assessed by the school/district supervisor and the University supervisor.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Registration by permission of the departmental program and internship coordinator. EADM 262A  should be taken concurrently with, or prerequisite to this course. Open only to matriculated students in the CAS program. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 264A - Framing Problems and Making Decisions

    Semester Hours: 4

    Once a Year

    Examines the processes of problem-framing and decision-making in educational organizations. The focus is on the general ideas and concepts that decision-makers use, or could use, to think systematically about the problems they face. Frameworks for conceptualizing issues, tools for selecting alternatives, and issues of implementation are examined. Understanding how to use school and district data to make decisions and formulate policy is emphasized. A broad array of analytical tools is applied to resolve simulated and real problems. Competencies are developed through case studies, role-playing, lecture/discussion, team and individual assignments, and substantive readings. Achievement is determined through the quality and degree of mastery demonstrated in the undertaking of these activities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students.

  • EADM 265 - Administrative Internship II

    Semester Hours: 2
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    A cooperatively guided administrative experience that focuses on the external environments that impact schools. Students submit a plan of administrative and supervisory tasks to the departmental program and internship coordinator. These tasks are to be agreed upon by the coordinator and the school or district supervisor, with achievement to be determined against a stated list of competencies developed by the department and assessed by the school/district supervisor and the University supervisor.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Registration by permission of the departmental program and internship coordinator. EADM 264A  should be taken concurrently with, or prerequisite to this course. Open only to matriculated students in the CAS program. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 266 - Educational Program Development, Delivery and Assessment

    Semester Hours: 4
    Once a Year

    Introduces students to a variety of perspectives, including traditional as well as contemporary reconceptualization of curriculum and learning processes. Core educational technologies, including educational needs assessment, goal consensus testing, educational program planning (with participatory involvement, staff development, resources deployment, progress monitoring, budgeting, evaluation and accountability reporting components), educational change and risk-taking, school support services, and the nonacademic curriculum are studied. Competencies are developed through case studies, role-playing, lecture/discussion, team and individual assignments, and substantive readings. Achievement is determined through the quality and degree of mastery demonstrated in the undertaking of these activities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students.

  • EADM 267 - Administrative Internship III

    Semester Hours: 2
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    A cooperatively guided administrative experience that focuses on educational program development, delivery, and assessment. Students submit a plan of administrative and supervisory tasks to the departmental program and internship coordinator. These tasks are to be agreed upon by the coordinator and the school or district supervisor with achievement to be determined against a stated list of competencies developed by the department and assessed by the school/district supervisor and the University supervisor. Registration by permission of departmental program and internship coordinator.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    EADM 266  should be taken concurrently with, or prerequisite to this course. Open only to matriculated students in the CAS program. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 270 - School District Business Operations and Contract Management

    Semester Hours: 6
    This course examines the operational responsibilities of the school district business office. Students will develop an in-depth and experiential understanding of the business leader’s responsibilities and learn how to effectively and ethically create and manage operational functions of a district that comply with state and federal laws and regulations and support the learning goals of the district consistent with New York state standards. Specifically, the course will focus on facilities planning and management, transportation, school food services, special education, collective bargaining and contract management.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    (Formerly School Business Administration I.)

  • EADM 271 - Workshop: Middle Level Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This week-long workshop provides an overview of the essential administrative elements and strategies characteristic of an effective middle level program. Specific topics include building an exemplary instructional program, encouraging creative and effective teaching strategies, fostering academic and affective growth in adolescents, and making the transition from a Junior High School to a Middle School. Nationally and locally known speakers are brought in to share their experiences and expertise.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 272 - School District Business Fiscal Planning and Management

    Semester Hours: 6
    This course focuses on the fiscal responsibilities of the school district business office. Students will develop an in-depth and experiential understanding of the business offices’ responsibilities and learn how to effectively and ethically create and manage financial conditions that comply with state and federal laws and regulations and support the learning goals of the district and the New York state standards . Specifically, the course will focus on development and management of the budget, projecting and securing revenue, purchasing, accounting and auditing, payroll operations and risk management.  

  • EADM 275 - Creating Learning Organizations

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course provides an introduction to the change process in educational settings and an understanding of the conditions that enable schools to become learning organizations. Students develop an understanding of  different analytical perspectives and utilize these conceptions to analyze their own organizations and  develop strategies to create learning organizations. Learning objectives are accomplished through individual and group projects, readings, class activities, discussions, and lectures.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a pass/fail basis.

  • EADM 280-289 A-Z - Special Topics

    Semester Hours: 1-4
    Once a Year
    Specific courses designed to explore emerging topics in educational administration. As individual subjects are selected, each is assigned a letter (A-Z) and added to the course number. Specific titles and course descriptions for these special topics courses will be available  each semester in the Semester Planning Guide. Any course may be taken a number of times so long as there is a different letter designation each time it is taken.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    (Formerly Advanced Workshops.)

  • EADM 283 - Workshop: Administration of Programs for Exceptional Populations

    Semester Hours: 3
    This workshop is a field problem course focused on the administration of programs for exceptional populations. Participants play the role of an administrator given responsibility for administering programs for exceptional populations along with other unrelated administrative responsibilities. Administrative field problems presented touch on legal, financial and operational issues related to compliance with New York state regulations. No attempt is made to discuss handicapping conditions beyond their legal definitions. Course goal is to increase understanding and awareness to a level that enables the practitioner to ask intelligent questions at critical phases of the administrative process. Evaluation of student progress is based on appropriate written work and class participation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    SPED 200  or permission of instructor.

  • EADM 290 - Facilitating Professional Growth

    Semester Hours: 3
    Professional development as a tool for school and district improvement is often misunderstood and under-utilized. This course will explore the role of professional development in facilitating teacher and leadership growth. Central to this is designing professional development as an integral part of school change and innovation efforts. Students will examine different approaches to fostering adult learning and professional growth as a foundation for creating individual and/or schoolwide professional development plans.

  • EADM 291 - Building and Sustaining Effective School-Community Partnerships

    Semester Hours: 3
    Drawing on philosophies/theories, processes, and practices that build and sustain effective school-community partnerships, this course addresses the identification and utilization of community resources and the development of effective intra- and inter-organizational strategies, community linkages, and collaborative efforts necessary to provide for the holistic needs of students and families. Special attention is focused on the role of school leaders in planning and implementing community-wide and building level communications and involvement networks, through the development of practical action learning sets and tools.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May be taken on a Pass/Fail basis only.

  • EADM 300 - Doctoral Seminar

    Semester Hours: 3
    Special topic seminar designed for doctoral students. Content varies from year to year; specific descriptions will be available at registration. Generally the course focuses on the impact of change upon the school system with an analysis of the problems arising and the development of comprehensive strategies to move forward the educational enterprise.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to doctoral students. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 310 - Administrative Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    A cooperatively guided administrative experience at the school building level. Students will submit a plan of administrative and supervisory tasks to the departmental internship coordinator. These tasks to be agreed upon by the coordinator and the school building supervisor, with achievement to be determined against a stated list of competencies assessed by the school building supervisor and a University supervisor. Monthly seminars for consideration of problems confronted in the field.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Registration only by permission of the departmental internship coordinator. Open only to matriculated students. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 311 - Administrative Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    A cooperatively guided administrative experience at the school building level. Students will submit a plan of administrative and supervisory tasks to the departmental internship coordinator. These tasks to be agreed upon by the coordinator and the school building supervisor, with achievement to be determined against a stated list of competencies assessed by the school building supervisor and a University supervisor. Monthly seminars for consideration of problems confronted in the field.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Registration only by permission of the departmental internship coordinator. Open only to matriculated students. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 312 - Administrative Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    A cooperatively guided administrative experience at the central office level. Description is the same as for EADM 310 , 311  except that experiences to be undertaken and supervisor designated is a member of the central office staff.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Registration only by permission of the departmental internship coordinator. Open only to matriculated students. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 313 - Administrative Internship: School District Business Leader

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This is a cooperatively-guided administrative experience in the school district business office. Students submit a plan of administrative tasks to the Internship Coordinator.  These tasks are to be agreed upon by the coordinator and the school district business supervisor, with achievement to be determined against a stated list of competencies contained in the New York state standards for school district business leaders.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Registration by permission of the Departmental Program Director and Internship Coordinator. Open only to matriculated students. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 320 - Exploring the Field of Educational Leadership: An Introduction to Doctoral Studies

    Semester Hours: 3
    This is the first of a two-semester sequence that introduces doctoral students to the field of educational administration.  Students develop a broad understanding of the field of educational administration, explore the history of inquiry in the field as well as current issues, and become familiar with its professional resources and organizations. Students also develop an understanding of doctoral study in the FLPS Department, articulate their own interests, and learn the skills and techniques required for doctoral study.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    (Formerly Exploring the Field of Educational Administration: An Introduction to Doctoral Studies.)

  • EADM 321 - Exploring the Field of Educational Leadership: An Introduction to Doctoral Studies

    Semester Hours: 3
    This is the second of a two-semester sequence that introduces doctoral students to the field of educational administration. Students develop a broad understanding of the field of educational administration, explore the history of inquiry in the field as well as current issues, and become familiar with its professional resources and organizations. Students also develop an understanding of doctoral study in the FLPS Department, articulate their own interests, and learn the skills and techniques required for doctoral study.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    EADM 320 . (Formerly Exploring the Field of Educational Administration: An Introduction to Doctoral Studies.)

  • EADM 325 - Leadership and Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is an exploration of the theory and practice of leadership using a variety of models from the social sciences. Drawing upon a broad interdisciplinary framework, images and representations of leadership are explored in film, visual art, biography, management literature, children’s books and organizational research for the purpose of facilitating thinking about leadership roles in society and the ways in which these considerations enter into educational discourse and the practice of administration in complex educational organizations.

  • EADM 351 - Independent Study in Administration

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    The advanced doctoral student will identify and define special projects or studies, approved by the adviser, related to school administration. The student then works independently, conferring with the adviser on an appropriately agreed upon schedule and produces the final report by the date stipulated.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 352 - Independent Study in Administration

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    The advanced doctoral student will identify and define special projects or studies, approved by the adviser, related to school administration. The student then works independently, conferring with the adviser on an appropriately agreed upon schedule and produces the final report by the date stipulated.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 357 - Applied Research in Educational Settings

    Semester Hours: 4
    This is the first of a two-semester sequence of courses is designed to prepare educational leaders to use data as a fundamental tool to improve the experiences of children and adults in schools and other learning institutions. Participants will learn to use data to develop a culture of high standards and equity in learning organizations and monitor student achievement and learning. Students in this class will build an institutional instructional student data base; monitor an educational intervention within an organization; use data to describe institutional processes, practices, and progress; examine institutional belief systems, underlying assumptions, and behaviors; speculate on ways to use results to mobilize the school community for action; and provide a record of personal and institutional accountability. The class covers measures of central tendency and dispersion, normal curve, correlation, linear regression, chi-square, t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, partial and multiple correlation and multiple regression, factor analysis.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • EADM 358 - Applied Research in Educational Settings

    Semester Hours: 4
    This is the second of a two-semester sequence of courses is designed to prepare educational leaders to use data as a fundamental tool to improve the experiences of children and adults in schools and other learning institutions. Participants will learn to use data to develop a culture of high standards and equity in learning organizations and monitor student achievement and learning. Students in this class will build an institutional instructional student data base; monitor an educational intervention within an organization; use data to describe institutional processes, practices, and progress; examine institutional belief systems, underlying assumptions, and behaviors; speculate on ways to use results to mobilize the school community for action; and provide a record of personal and institutional accountability. The class covers measures of central tendency and dispersion, normal curve, correlation, linear regression, chi-square, t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, partial and multiple correlation and multiple regression, factor analysis.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    EADM 357 . May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • EADM 359 - Naturalistic Inquiry in School Leadership I

    Semester Hours: 4
    The first semester of a two-semester course designed to provide an in-depth study of qualitative research focused on educational leadership issues, this course introduces students to qualitative traditions, research design, data collection and data analysis. Students will have opportunities to practice data collection and analysis strategies throughout the semester, both in class and in their work. This course will also help students to develop a pilot research project as a preliminary step in the design of their dissertation. Finally, students will gain an appreciation for the philosophical and theoretical roots of qualitative research as distinct from other research traditions.

  • EADM 360 - Naturalistic Inquiry in School Leadership II

    Semester Hours: 4
    The second semester of a two-semester course designed to provide an in-depth study of qualitative research focused on educational leadership issues, this course builds on concepts and skills introduced in the first semester, but concentrates on developing understanding of and skill in the use of various strategies for data-gathering and analysis. Students will gather data, using multiple methods, in class and in their work, and engage in intensive analysis and writing. Students will implement the pilot research project developed in the fall and, if applicable, continue designing their dissertation research. Finally, students will develop a deeper understanding of the philosophical and theoretical roots of qualitative research as distinct from other research traditions.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    EADM 359 .

  • EADM 380 - Structure and Process in Educational Organizations

    Semester Hours: 3

    Once a Year

    This course helps the advanced graduate student develop a strong background in modern and emergent organizational theory as it applies to educational practice and administrative inquiry. Lays the groundwork for the advanced student to conceptualize either research into contemporary educational problems or improving administrative practice.

  • EADM 601 - Dissertation Seminar

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring      
    Clarification and structuring of a dissertation topic as a research undertaking. Presentation, analysis and critique of participant’s research outlines leading to departmental acceptance of the research proposal.  Orientation to dissertation organization and writing format.  

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Successful passing of the Doctoral Oral Qualifying Exam. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • EADM 604 - Dissertation Advisement

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer     
    Doctoral candidates enroll in 604 upon departmental acceptance of the dissertation proposal. Registration in 604 is continuous until the dissertation is accepted. Once the dissertation is accepted, students may apply up to 6 semester hours to satisfy dissertation advisement requirements.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only.

Elementary Education (ELED)

  • ELED 202 - Teaching Reading, Writing, and Language Arts: PreK-Grade 3

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course is designed to prepare students to teach reading and writing in the elementary school. The focus is on the acquisition of language and literacy in young children from diverse backgrounds, and the teacher’s active role in scaffolding this learning in accordance with New York state guidelines and national professional association Standards for the Language Arts. Theoretical and curricular issues will be considered in the context of the psychosocial nature of reading and writing, and the roles that family, culture, language, and diverse learning styles play in children’s learning. Readings and discussions address the integrated reading/ writing program, technology, assessment, and the selection and use of children’s literature. Students are placed in a classroom setting in grades 1-3 for a minimum of 15 clock hours, as participant observers, reflectively analyzing teacher and child interactions and curriculum.

  • ELED 205 - Language in the Curriculum

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    The interrelationship of the language arts with an emphasis on children’s literature and authentic writing in the upper elementary grades for learners from diverse cultures and language backgrounds. Readings and activities stress the design and assessment of a literacy curriculum based on New York state and national standards. Students spend 15 hours as participants and observers in classroom settings.

  • ELED 207 - Dynamics of Curricular Change

    Semester Hours: 3
    The implementation of curricular change through adaptation in subject matter, methodology, materials and facilities. The planning of change, models of the change process, generalizations developed in the research traditions in innovation, the diffusion process in education, status of adaptation and rejection of education innovations, organizing and implementing curricular change.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Same as SED 207 .

  • ELED 210 - Science and Technology in the Curriculum

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    Examination of the objectives, content and techniques of teaching appropriate to contemporary developments in sciences and technology. A theory of instruction based on the intellectual development of children is used as a basis for curriculum design. Classroom observations are required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
     There is a $10 materials fee.

  • ELED 211 - Children’s Movement and Rhythmic Activities in the Curriculum

    Semester Hours: 1
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    Participants acquire methods of instruction, activities, and materials for use in children’s movement and rhythmic activities. Consideration is given to curriculum integration of the arts, multicultural content, and the special learning needs of diverse student populations.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Sneakers required.

  • ELED 211A - Young Children’s Movement, Rhythmic Activities, Music and Play

    Semester Hours: 1
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    Theories concerning how young children learn and participate in creative movement, music, aesthetic, and rhythmic activities are stressed. Integrative learning experiences, constructivist teaching, and the role of play as a condition for learning are discussed. Consideration is given to multicultural content. Emphasis is also placed on constructing movement, music, and rhythmic activities for children with special learning needs.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Sneakers required.

  • ELED 212 - Art in the Curriculum

    Semester Hours: 1
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    Explore modes of integrating the creative arts into the elementary school curriculum. Study art forms that engage students on a multitude of levels, thereby clarifying and enhancing required academic curriculum. Subjects covered include perception, developmental stages in art, multiple intelligence theory, adaptation for included children with handicapping conditions, curriculum mapping and art history. Art forms explored include painting, sculpture, collage, and poetry.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    There is a $10 materials fee.

  • ELED 213 - Critical Perspectives in Human Development

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    One of the two courses that critically examines human development within the context of culture and schooling, designed for prospective teachers who need to take seriously the idea that cultural context is crucial to understanding development. Teachers’ preconceptions of school and children are identified and problematized. Traditional theories are explored and critiqued and the idea of a natural developmental progression is questioned. Emphasis on the individual is broadened to include the ways in which school/social structures limit and support development. 15 hours of field work required.

  • ELED 214 - Critical Connections: Human Development and Schooling

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    One of the two courses that critically examines human development within the context of culture and schooling, designed for prospective teachers who need to take seriously the idea that cultural context is crucial to understanding development. Emphasis is placed on changing those aspects of the school and classroom environment to support and enhance the development of children. Students consider notions of development that are grounded in concerns for equity and social justice. 15 hours of field work required.

  • ELED 215 - Methods for Study of and Research With Young Children

    Semester Hours: 3
    Methods for study of and research with children (birth-grade 2) in the school setting, family, and community. Research and assessment methods with particular attention to early education. Critical study of child development theories; child study of social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, physical, health, and aesthetic processes. Attention to sociocultural and personal contexts is integrated in assessing the learning of children with diverse experiences and abilities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Admission to the M.S. in Education Early Childhood Education  program or permission of instructor. Thirty clock hours of Pre-K placement or ELED 216 .

  • ELED 216 - Early Childhood Curriculum

    Semester Hours: 3
    Teaching, Literacy, and LeadershipFall
    This course considers the variety of early childhood settings, rationales, programs, and organizations. The historical bases of the field are reviewed in order to identify and assess these roots in the context of present trends and practices. Participants will study and critique methods and materials, with particular emphasis on physical knowledge activities and related mathematics materials within an integrated classroom organization. There is study of how to set up, organize, and maintain active learning in decentralized ways. Fifteen clock hours of field work in PreK is required. Students must provide transportation to and from schools.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Prerequisite or corequisite: ELED 215  for Department of Teaching, Literacy, and Leadership majors or permission of the instructor. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • ELED 217 - Developing and Evaluating Innovations in Early Childhood Curriculum

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course focuses on the integrated processes and content of curriculum decision making and development. Particular attention will be given to the integration of the social studies, arts, literacy, and humanities in ways that are multicultural, and as part of a dynamic themes approach. Participants will use a variety of models of teaching in order to differentiate instruction and assessment of children of different abilities. There is study of how to set up, organize, and maintain active learning in decentralized ways.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ELED 216 . Thirty clock hours of field placement in K-1 or ELED 275 . Pass/Fail grade only.

  • ELED 219 - Supervised Teaching With Normal and Handicapped Children

    Semester Hours: 9
    Fall, Spring
    Full-time student teaching for matriculated students with no teaching certification seeking a master’s degree as well as certification in early childhood general education and special education at early childhood, childhood, middle childhood and adolescent developmental level. Students are placed in educational settings that correspond to their area of certification. University supervisors visit periodically in each setting. Mandatory weekly seminars focus on the analysis of teaching behavior using research-based best practice theory as well as the development of reflective practice skills. In addition, special state-mandated seminars address issues of child abuse and abduction, substance abuse, violence prevention, fire and arson prevention and safety education.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Must be taken concurrently with ELED 223 . Same as SPED 219A  -219B . (Physically Handicapped, Neurologically Impaired/Learning Disabled, Emotionally Disturbed and/or Mentally Retarded.)

  • ELED 221 - Student Teaching

    Semester Hours: 6
    Fall, Spring
    Full-time student teaching in cooperating schools with direction and supervision from University supervisors. Students have two placements during the semester: one on the primary level (1-3) and on the intermediate level (4-6). Weekly seminars are provided. Admission by interview and application to the Office of Field Placement by May 1 for the succeeding spring semester and February 15 for the succeeding fall semester.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Must be taken concurrently with ELED 223 . Completion of Phase 2 course work. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • ELED 222 - Supervised Teaching

    Semester Hours: 6

    Close clinical supervision of M.S. in Ed. students currently teaching in an elementary school on a full-time basis. Must be taken concurrently with ELED 223 . Admission by interview and application to the Office of Field Placement by May 1 for the succeeding spring semester and February 15 for the succeeding fall semester.


    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    18 s.h. in education. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • ELED 222A - Supervised Teaching

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Close clinical supervision of M.S. in Education students currently teaching in an elementary school on a full-time basis. Must be taken concurrently with ELED 223  (for elementary education majors) or ELED 262  (for early childhood majors). Weekly seminars are provided. In order to receive a passing grade, students must attend four New York state-mandated seminars: prevention of child abuse and abduction, prevention of substance abuse, safety education/fire and arson prevention, and school violence prevention. Admission by interview and application to the Office of Field Placement by May 1 for the succeeding spring semester and February 15 for the succeeding fall semester.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Corequisite: ELED 222B . Completion of Phase 2 course work. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • ELED 222B - Summer Supervised Student Teaching Extension

    Semester Hours: 3
    Provides close clinical supervision of M.S. in Education students teaching in an elementary school on a full-time basis during the fall or spring semester. Requires a minimum of 20 full days of student teaching during the summer with an age group that differs from the full semester of supervised teaching and conforms to the New York state teacher certification guidelines. Weekly seminars are provided. Admission by interview and application to the Office of Field Placement by February 15 for summer teaching.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase 2 course work. Corequisite: ELED 222A . Pass/Fail grade only.

  • ELED 223 - Classroom Perspectives and Issues: Elementary Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Systems of classroom interaction are studied. Students engage in self-study of their own teaching behavior while engaging in analysis of macro- and micro-issues concerning classroom structures, equity, diversity, inclusion, assessment, and integration of curriculum. Includes development of classroom management techniques, provision for aesthetic education, development of cognitive abilities, home-school relationships, and integration of computer technology. Issues of health, nutrition, and safety are studied.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Must be taken concurrently with ELED 221  or ELED 222A .

  • ELED 224 - Multicultural Literature in the Curriculum

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course examines the social contexts of language use and identity in relation to the use of children’s literature and literature based software in the integrated curriculum. Assignments and readings enable students to develop criteria for selecting and using culturally authentic literature from diverse perspectives in the language arts and content areas. Students are involved in the process of reading and writing about children’s books in content areas through journals, drama, and electronic bulletin board discussions. Curricular materials and activities that meet New York state and national standards and that utilize multiple genres of literature, including bilingual tests and texts in nonstandard dialect, are designed for urban elementary classrooms.

  • ELED 225 - Teaching English as a Second Language

    Semester Hours: 3
    An intensive study of the linguistic development of bilingual children. The problems of psychological, cognitive and psycholinguistic developmental stages as they affect the acquisition of a second language. Specific methods and materials are developed, including materials and techniques for teaching English to speakers of other languages through mathematics, science, and social studies. Classroom observations are required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:

  • ELED 231 - Curriculum and Instruction in Science

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    For experienced teachers that addresses the multiple methods of doing science with children. Teachers are encouraged to explore their own scientific selves, science in the media, and contemporary attitudes towards science and technology in society. The construction of science curriculum is embedded in a science technology-society framework where teachers examine locally relevant issues for curriculum construction.

  • ELED 232 - Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    For experienced teachers offering advanced study of mathematics curriculum. Stresses the design and implementation of instructional methodologies that actively engage the learner in elementary/middle grade mathematics. Mathematics curricula are examined with a view toward providing all students opportunities for becoming mathematically literate in a rapidly changing, culturally diverse, technological society.

  • ELED 233 - Curriculum and Instruction in Creative Arts

    Semester Hours: 3
    Spring, Summer
    For experienced teachers, this course presents methods of integrating the creative arts into the elementary school curriculum. Explores art forms that engage the student on many levels as well as clarifies and enhances required academic curriculum. Subjects covered include perceptual stages of development, creativity, multiple intelligence theory, adaptation for included children with handicapping conditions, interdisciplinary teaching, art history as a means to understand culture, aesthetics and the museum as educator. Practice painting, puppetry, drama, collage, sculpture and poetry. Museum trips and research required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    There is a $10 materials fee.

  • ELED 234 - Critical Perspectives on Curriculum and Teaching

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course addresses the child in relation to the curriculum by examining the influences of family, community, and society on the world of the learner. Students engage in self-reflection while exploring diverse perspectives on teaching and learning. Critical literacy about curriculum and teaching is developed through the collaborative study of diverse teaching/learning environments.

  • ELED 235 - Intersections of Mathematics, Science and Technology and Curriculum Design

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course examines mathematics, science, and technology (MST) curricula in the elementary school. It considers the culture of the classroom by exploring social processes and learning; the politics of curriculum construction; and justice and social change in classroom settings. This course also addresses the role of computer technology in contemporary culture.

  • ELED 239 - Technology Education in Elementary School

    Semester Hours: 3
    A course for experienced teachers which stresses the skills, knowledge, and attitudes essential to the development of technology education for the elementary grades. The human-made world is considered through an activity-based study of past, present, and future technological systems. Factors underlying the design process, supporting principles of mathematics and science, and considerations of utility and aesthetics are examined. Central to the course is the creation of a design portfolio, a form of authentic assessment.

  • ELED 243 - Multicultural Perspectives on Early Childhood Development

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course explores the physical health, nutrition, safety, social, emotional, aesthetic, linguistic, and cognitive characteristics of young children from diverse sociocultural backgrounds with an emphasis on implications for group care and education. Global perspectives on prenatal development through the primary school years frame discussion of both typical and atypical growth and learning.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Fifteen clock hours of reflective participation and observation in a high-need public or registered group setting for PreK children. 30 clock hours of field placement in PreK-2 or SPED 210.

  • ELED 246 - Methods and Materials for Bilingual Teaching of Reading in Bicultural Setting

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    An in-depth study of readiness and beginning reading including the effects of language and experience on reading instruction and the relationship of reading to child development and self-concept. Consideration of teaching strategies and organization in the classroom as well as the selecting and adapting of appropriate materials for classroom use. Methods and materials specifically analyzed, developed and designed to teach reading in Spanish, and in addition, a consideration of the techniques to ease the transition to reading and writing in English.

  • ELED 247 - Social Studies and Communication Arts for Bilingual and Bicultural Children

    Semester Hours: 3

    Once a Year

    An understanding of the regional, social and developmental variations in children’s language. Develop curricular materials and activities utilizing learner’s cultural background through the social studies curriculum in elementary school. Ways to utilize an interdisciplinary bilingual approach to these two curricular areas are explored.


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