Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2010-2011 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

**Course Information**


Information Technology (IT)

  • IT 270 - Data Mining for Business Intelligence

    Semester Hours: 3
    Business intelligence is the transformation of data into information and knowledge that facilitates organizational decision-making to optimize performance and gain competitive advantage. Business intelligence requires use of structured data residing in company databases and employing mining techniques to discover hidden useful information from the data. Supervised and unsupervised learning will be discussed. The course builds upon data mining principles: problem definition, exploratory data analysis, dimension reduction, consideration of alternative models, calibration of models, and evaluation and deployment.  Principal topics covered are: classification and regression trees, neural network, association rules (market basket analysis), and clustering. Text mining and visualization techniques will also be discussed. Students are required to complete a number of projects using specialized DM software to capture the salient data mining principles covered in the course. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    IT 203 . Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra when appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • IT 304 - Advanced Research Seminar in Information Technology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Students write an integrative paper on an assigned topic based on secondary research and then formulate a written primary data research design to investigate a specific key issue. They must formulate research questions and hypotheses, construct survey instruments and experimental designs, draft sample plans, outline data handling procedures, and prepare a comprehensive research proposal, furnishing justifications for its theoretical as well as practical significance. An oral presentation of each project is required at the conclusion of the semester.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of all core competency courses, 21 s.h. of advanced core courses or above (including QM 203 , IB 207 , and at least six s.h. of the required 15 s.h. in the area of concentration), and permission of the department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.  (Formerly BCIS 304, Advanced Research Seminar in Business Computer Information Systems.)

  • IT 305 - M.B.A. Honors Research Thesis in Information Technology

    Semester Hours: 3-6

    Student selects and designs an integrative research project with the approval and guidance of a faculty member in the area of specialization. Student is required to justify the project’s significance within a decision-making framework and define the management applications of the research findings. An oral report of the research findings is presented to a faculty committee. With joint permission of the department chairperson and thesis adviser, a student may expand the M.B.A. Honors Research Thesis from 3 to 6 s.h.; the additional 3 s.h. may be counted toward elective requirements in the area of concentration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, completion of all core competency courses, 21 s.h. of advanced core courses or above (including QM 203 , IB 207 , and at least six s.h. of the required 15 s.h. in the area of concentration), and permission of the department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements. (Formerly BCIS 305, M.B.A. Honors Research Thesis in Business Computer Information.)

  • IT 309 - Research Seminar in Information Technology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students prepare a comprehensive paper in their area of specialization based upon secondary research and then formulate a written primary data research design to investigate an emerging issue in this area. They must formulate research questions and hypotheses, and construct either: 1) a survey instrument, 2) an experimental design, 3) a comprehensive plan for a case study, or 4) an outline for a formal model based on the methodology most appropriate for studying the issue involved. Students then conduct the study and prepare a written report of the results which is presented at the conclusion of the semester.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of 21 s.h. of graduate course work in the area of concentration. It is strongly recommended that this course be taken in the last semester of course work. Open only to matriculated M.S. in Information Technology students. (Formerly BCIS.)

  • IT 329 - Graduate Basic Internship

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    Fall, Spring
    This is a work-study program open to graduate students who are specializing in information technology.  Students work a minimum of 35 hours in the semester for one credit or a minimum of 70 hours for two credits or a minimum of 100 hours for three credits in a structured business program offered by a for-profit or not-for-profit organization in their area of specialization.  A written evaluation of the internship work is prepared by the student at the completion of the course. Most, but not all, internship opportunities involve some form of monetary remuneration. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Three core competency courses, one of which must be in the field of the student’s major and subject of the internship, or approved equivalents; 12 graduate-level credits with a 3.2 grade point average; and permission of department chairperson.  Note:  Students may take this course three times if taken as a one-credit class.  The maximum number of credits that can be earned with this internship is three credits.  Satisfactory completion of all three credits may help with the computation of a student’s overall grade point average; credits do not satisfy requirements in any major.  Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • IT 330 - Graduate Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    A work-study program open to graduate students who are specializing in business computer information systems. Students work a minimum of 100 hours in the semester for selected business organizations in information systems. A written evaluation of the use of information systems to support organizational operations is prepared by the student at the end of the course. Most internship opportunities involve some form of monetary remuneration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    All core competency courses or approved equivalents, 24 graduate-level credits with a 3.3 average and permission of the department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements. (Formerly BCIS.)

  • IT 401 - Information Systems for Management

    Semester Hours: 4

    An overview of the use of computer hardware, software and connectivity will progress into an investigation of how information systems are used to support work processes and decision making at all levels of an organization and across all functional areas. Special attention is given to issues frequently encountered by senior management such as the strategic use of information technology (IT), using IT to reengineer work processes and to gain a global advantage, whether or not to outsource the IT function, business advantages from the use of the Internet and of Intranets, the migration to client/server computing, managing and controlling information in distributed environments, and corporate ethical responsibilities with regard to available and rapidly evolving technologies.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated Zarb School of Business E.M.B.A. students. (Formerly BCIS.)

International Business (IB)

  • IB 207 - Global Business Decision Making

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Course applies a cross functional integrative approach to analyzing, formulating and implementing organizational strategy for different sizes and types of organizations in a global setting. Course reviews the concept of global strategy and analyzes the crucial linkages between strategy development and organizational design. Production, marketing, finance, accounting, information technology, and human resources strategies are formulated and implemented in the global context. Other topics include competitive analysis, industry and firm value chain, leadership, financial and market analysis, and organizational structure and culture in the context of technological, ethical and ecological factors affecting international and global organizations. Students assess the effectiveness of different approaches to strategy by using them to examine performance of multinational companies.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 203 , FIN 203 , MGT 203 , MKT 203 , and one additional 203-level course. Credit given for this course or IB 219, not both. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • IB 210 - Environmental Analysis for International Business

    Semester Hours: 3
    An intensive course in the techniques of analyzing the complex aspects of foreign and global business environments. Emphasis on the cultural, political and social characteristics of foreign regions, and how these affect the multinational firm, its operations and decisions. The central focus is on systematic development of skills and tools (e.g., scanning, cultural assessment, forecasting, risk appraisal) that international managers find useful in analyzing environmental conditions, threats and opportunities. Awareness of complexities involved in international business decisions.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • IB 257 A-Z - Seminar: Special Topics in International Business

    Semester Hours: 3
    An advanced in-depth treatment of special topics. Current topics are explored through a variety of methods, such as lectures, projects and case studies. As individual subjects are selected, each is assigned a letter (A-Z) which is affixed to the course number. Students may take up to two of these courses to fulfill their major requirements so long as each seminar has a different letter designation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    MKT 203  and any additional prerequisites as stated in the course schedule. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • IB 304 - Advanced Research Seminar in International Business

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Students write an integrative paper on an assigned topic based on secondary research and then formulate a written primary data research design to investigate a specific key issue. They must formulate research questions and hypotheses, construct survey instruments and experimental designs, draft sample plans, outline data handling procedures, and prepare a comprehensive research proposal, furnishing justifications for its theoretical as well as practical significance. An oral presentation of each project is required at the conclusion of the semester.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of all core competency courses, 21 s.h. of advanced core courses or above (including QM 203 , IB 207 , and at least six s.h. of the required 15 s.h. in the area of concentration), and permission of the department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • IB 305 - M.B.A. Honors Research Thesis in International Business

    Semester Hours: 3-6
    Student selects and designs an integrative research project with the approval and guidance of a faculty member in the area of specialization. Student is required to justify the project’s significance within a decision making framework and define the management applications of the research findings. An oral report of the research findings is presented to a faculty committee. With joint permission of the department chairperson and thesis adviser, a student may expand the M.B.A. Honors Research Thesis from 3 to 6 s.h.; the additional 3 s.h. may be counted toward elective requirements in the area of concentration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, completion of all core competency courses, 21 s.h. of advanced core courses or above (including QM 203 , IB 207 , and at least six s.h. of the required 15 s.h. in the area of concentration), and permission of the department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • IB 329 - Graduate Basic Internship

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    Fall, Spring
    This is a work-study program open to graduate students who are specializing in international business.  Students work a minimum of 35 hours in the semester for one credit or a minimum of 70 hours for two credits or a minimum of 100 hours for three credits in a structured business program offered by a for-profit or not-for-profit organization in their area of specialization.  A written evaluation of the internship work is prepared by the student at the completion of the course.  Most, but not all, internship opportunities involve some form of monetary remuneration. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Three core competency courses, one of which must be in the field of the student’s major and subject of the internship, or approved equivalents; 12 graduate-level credits with a 3.2 grade point average; and permission of department chairperson. Note:  Students may take this course three times if taken as a one-credit class.  The maximum number of credits that can be earned with this internship is three credits.  Satisfactory completion of all three credits may help with the computation of a student’s overall grade point average; credits do not satisfy requirements in any major.  Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate.  See specific program requirements.

  • IB 330 - Graduate Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    A work-study program open to graduate students who are specializing in international business. Students work a minimum of 100 hours in the semester for selected business organizations in their area of specialization. A written evaluation of a complex international business decision is prepared by the student at the completion of the course. Most internship opportunities involve some form of monetary remuneration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    All core competency courses or approved equivalents, 24 graduate-level credits with a 3.3 average and permission of department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

Journalism (JRNL)

  • JRNL 211 - Advanced News Reporting and Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will teach students the basic skills necessary to research, report and write news stories. Students will learn how to evaluate potential stories, use computer databases, conduct interviews and structure hard news stories for print, broadcast and the Internet. This is a writing-intensive course, which will emphasize clarity and accuracy of expression. Students will also be instructed to new trends in media and controversies surrounding them. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis.  Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective. There is a lab fee for this course.

  • JRNL 215 - Journalism on the Web

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course will teach students about the serious uses of the Internet – how to use it as a research tool to find and evaluate information, and how to design and write for various multimedia platforms. Emphasis will be placed on discrimination skills to distinguish between reliable sites and unreliable ones. Students will also learn related computer-based skills of informational graphics using contemporary software programs. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective. There is a lab fee for this course.

  • JRNL 216 - Reporting and Writing for the Broadcast News Media

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students will hone skills necessary to report and write news for radio and television.  The course will examine the differing imperatives of broadcast and print journalism, introduce students to the use of equipment and the structure of a broadcast news package, and offer practice in writing on time and using pictures and sound to convey news reports. Students will produce television and radio news packages and examine current issues facing the broadcast news media. Outside community research and reporting time is required.  

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective. There is a lab fee for this course.

  • JRNL 221 - Science and Medical Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will teach students to identify, report and write science and medical stories. In the course of writing for print, broadcast and the Web, students will become exposed to many of the major science and medical stories in journalism today. The course will also address philosophical, ethical and public policy issues raised by the media’s coverage of science and medicine.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective. There is a lab fee for this course.

  • JRNL 222 - Business Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is intended for graduate students interested in pursuing a career in reporting for newspapers and magazines on the worlds of business and finance. Through a combination of lectures, discussions and hands-on writing assignments, students will hone their understanding of and their ability to explain the business community, the people who work in it and the economic forces that govern it.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective.

  • JRNL 226 - Environmental Reporting

    Semester Hours: 3

    Students will examine the current state of environmental reporting, follow coverage of current issues in public policy and the environment, and produce newspaper and magazine articles on local environmental issues. Statistical skills will be honed, particularly as they apply to risk analysis. Outside community reporting time required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
     JRNL 211  and RES 259 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective.



  • JRNL 231 - Journalism Ethics and Law

    Semester Hours: 3
    Through the examination of significant primary sources, as well as secondary materials and case study analyses, the course will explore the historical roots and current issues and problems arising from legal regulation and ethical considerations of journalistic practice and other professional communication.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective.

  • JRNL 241 - Advanced Sports Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students will hone their ability to report, write and edit sports stories, including game, preview, feature and investigative stories and columns.  The class will examine trends in sports journalism over the past century and students will take a critical look at some of the best contemporary sports writing.  The business, medical, ethical and legal sides of sports journalism will be considered. Students will write articles for newspapers, magazines, and online venues, covering sports at the professional, college, and high school levels. Outside reporting time required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective.  Lab fee additional.

  • JRNL 250 - Advanced Feature Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students will learn the skills necessary to conceive, report, write and edit feature articles for newspapers, magazines and online publications. These include depth reporting, advanced interviewing techniques, and the application of literary techniques to nonfiction writing. Ethical issues and emerging challenges in long-form nonfiction will be considered. Off-campus community research and reporting time is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective. There is a lab fee for this course.

  • JRNL 253 - Advanced Copy Editing

    Semester Hours: 3
    This is an advanced course in copy editing, designed to improve students’ editing skills and news judgment. Course work will focus on print journalism with the understanding that the core values and skills of editing are the same in other media. These range from line editing (emphasizing grammar, punctuation, spelling and AP style) to analysis of news coverage, including story selection, layout and follow-up. Students will study and practice the multiple levels of decision making required of editors, from the mechanics of language usage to the long-term planning of coverage by issue and community.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective. There is a lab fee for this course.

  • JRNL 256 - Current Issues in Science Journalism

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is a seminar-style examination of contemporary issues in science as they are being covered in real time in various news media. A critical assessment of the medium-specific approaches to these stories will provide the focus to evaluate the factors and particular issues involves with covering science for various audiences.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take as a Pass/Fail elective.

  • JRNL 261 - Public Relations for the Health Sciences

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course, designed for students who are interested in a career in public relations in health and medicine, will examine how public relations professional communicate health and medical news to a wide range of audiences, including the news media, the medical profession and consumers at large. Special emphasis will be placed on developing the graduate student’s interest in and knowledge of the changing face of health care in the 21st century.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 , JRNL 221 . Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective. There is a lab fee for this course.

  • JRNL 271 - Professional Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    An advanced student enrolled in this course will learn to apply classroom experience in a professional setting – publication, corporation, non-profit organization or other institution appropriate to their major area of study. Students will work at least 120 hours during the internship and produce an analytical paper at the end. The student, the academic internship adviser and the professional supervisor will work together to maximize the student’s learning of practical application of course work.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211  and permission of instructor. Pass/Fail only.

  • JRNL 281 - Independent Study

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    An independent study is a specialized, individualized program involving a particular area of interest for which there is not currently an established course. A student, second-year and above, may propose an independent study to any member of the graduate faculty. Permission must be secured before registering for the course.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    JRNL 211 . May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • JRNL 282 - Media Relations Techniques for the Sports and Entertainment Industries

    Semester Hours: 3
    The aim of this course is to prepare students for careers with professional or collegiate sports teams, amateur athletic organizations, sports arenas or individual athletes.  Meshing the culture of sports with the needs of the media is an often tenuous relationship.  As athletes continue to slide into the world of “celebrity” – making news beyond the sports page – savvy public relations pros work to help athletes/organizations create, shape and enhance image through sponsorships, charitable work and fund-raising, and developing “expertise” in a field outside of athletics. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • JRNL 290 A-Z - Special Topics in Journalism

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    This course focuses on a specific subject that reflects the interests and expertise of the professional or scholar who teaches the class. The focus will change depending on the professor and events in the news. Subjects may include: presidential election campaigns and political coverage; media ownership and structures; issues of race, gender and representation in the news.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Journalism students may not take this course on a Pass/Fail basis. Students not matriculating in the M.A. Journalism  program may take the course as a Pass/Fail elective. Any course may be taken a number of times as long as there is a different letter designation each time it is taken.

  • JRNL 299 - Capstone Project

    Semester Hours: 3-6
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    The capstone project is a semester-long individual study, undertaken under close supervision of a major adviser, and culminating in a thesis-length project presented before a panel chaired by the adviser, at which the student will present and defend the nature, scope, research and writing of the work. Total semester-hour credit for the project to be determined jointly by student and faculty.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    All other degree requirements must be complete or in progress. May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

Legal Studies in Business (LEGL)

  • LEGL 200 - Legal, Political, Regulatory and Ethical Environment of Business

    Semester Hours: 2
    Fall, Spring
    Overview of the legal, political, regulatory and ethical environment of business. Legal cases involving contracts, partnerships, business ethics, etc. are analyzed and their impact is evaluated with regard to compliance with local, state, federal, and emerging international regulations.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • LEGL 200A - Business Ethics and Society

    Semester Hours: 2
    Fall, Spring
    An integrative, interdisciplinary approach to the examination of ethical dilemmas as they emerge in various functional areas, including finance, accounting, law, information technology, marketing, human resources, operations, international business, and general management. A consideration of the political and social foundations of the development of organizations, and the moral responsibilities of managers in a multicultural business environment. Topics include stakeholder theory, employment rights, responsible use of technology, e-commerce, globalism, diversity, and respect for the environment.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements. Same as MGT 200 .

  • LEGL 205 - Law of Business Organizations and the Uniform Commercial Code

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Overview of key aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code, including contractual purchases and transactions in goods under Certificate 2 of the U.C.C.; negotiable instruments and commercial paper under Article 3 of the U.C.C.; product liability; and legal principles of agency, partnership, corporations. The course also discusses the court system and alternative methods of dispute resolution.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    LEGL 200  or approved equivalent. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • LEGL 210 - Accountants’ Liability and Ethics

    Semester Hours: 3
    Focus on various types of legal liability to which accountants may be exposed including common law liability and statutory liability under federal statutory law and blue sky laws. Various ethical issues that accountants face in their practices are also discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • LEGL 224 - Real Estate Law

    Semester Hours: 3
    Legal theory of title, liens and other property interests.  Topics include: deeds and conveyances; easements; mortgages and installment contracts, including the nature of claims in default and foreclosure; financial and operating leases; legal considerations related to the development of residential and commercial property; and environmental issues and land use controls.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    LEGL 200  or equivalent. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements. Same as FIN 224 .

  • LEGL 225 - Sports and Entertainment Law

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring

    This course examines the impact of the business opportunities, economic risks, legal structures and regulatory environment associated with the entertainment business. The diverse elements of our legal system, such as contracts, employment, intellectual property, torts, etc., are applied to each of the major fields of entertainment, i.e., theater, motion pictures, television, music, publishing and advertising; and review of sports contracts, negotiation and arbitration. Further, the entertainment and sports industries are studied in conjunction with the business practices and industry standards of each particular field.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    LEGL 200 . Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • LEGL 401 - The Legal and Regulatory Environment

    Semester Hours: 2


    Overview of the United States legal and political systems and governmental regulation as they relate to modern business practice. Case analyses are actively used for discussions of business contracts, partnerships, ethics, the Uniform Commercial Code, negotiable instruments, property and banking transactions, and compliance with local, state, federal, and emerging international regulations.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated Zarb School of Business E.M.B.A. students.

Linguistics (LING)

  • LING 201 - Introduction to Linguistics

    Semester Hours: 3
    Introduction to theory and methods of linguistics: universal properties of human language; phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic structures and analysis; nature and form of grammar.                                                            

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.    

  • LING 203 - Morphology and Syntax

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is a descriptive analysis of morphological and syntactical structures in natural languages. It is an introduction to the study of morphology, the role of phonology in morphology, derivational versus inflectional morphology, and linguistic study of syntax, with an emphasis on practical skills with problem sets.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pre- or corequisite: LING 201 .  May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. 

  • LING 204 - Introduction to Historical Linguistics

    Semester Hours: 3
    All languages change and evolve over time. This course studies the dynamics of language change using time-honored techniques such as the comparative method and internal reconstruction.  Theories of sound change, grammatical change, and semantic change will also be presented. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pre- or co-requisite: LING 201 . May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • LING 211 - A Pedagogical Grammar for Teachers of English as a Second Language

    Semester Hours: 3
    Periodically    `                                   
    This course, designed primarily for teachers of English as a second language, will provide an introduction to the basic grammatical features of Standard American English, and the application of this explicit knowledge to the pedagogical needs of teaching adult and child learners of English as a second language.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • LING 220 - Forensic Linguistics: Applications

    Semester Hours: 3
    A case-based approach to solving legal and law enforcement problems through linguistic analysis.  This course augments legal analysis by applying rigorous, scientifically accepted principles of linguistic analysis to legal evidence such as letters, confessions, contracts, and recorded speech.  Topics include linguistic theory, the structure of meaning systems and their arbitrary nature, sociolinguistic analysis of variation in dialect and language, the apparent “sub-dialects” of  American males and females, gestures, inter-cultural communication, language and social organization, and the role of standard dialects, non-standard varieties, and slang in delineating social groups.  We examine schema, background knowledge, the indeterminacy of meaning, indirect speech, the role of context and inference, discourse analysis, the confession as speech event, conversational analysis, speech acts, the structure of narratives, and how these specifically relate to legal cases.                                   

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a P/F basis.

  • LING 221 - Linguistic Field Methods

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course concerns field experience in collecting naturally occurring language data,  especially vernacular narratives, through Labovian elicitation techniques and interview schedules.  It includes pragmatic communicative analysis, including introduction to Columbia School theory of linguistic meaning and its application to Labovian “real data” versus analysis of data from novels.  Difference in analysis of spoken versus written data.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pre- or corequisite: LING 201 .  May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.  May be repeated for credit.

  • LING 239 - Trademark Disputes

    Semester Hours: 3
    Case studies of linguistic issues in trademark disputes; detailed analysis of 10 trademark lawsuits, five of which had opposing linguists on each side; introduction to trademark law; and analysis of theoretical and applied linguistics concepts and approaches to data that have been, and can be, utilized in trademark disputes.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pre- or co-requisite: LING 201 . May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • LING 290 - Internship in Forensic Linguistics

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    This course is designed to provide supervised practical experience in the area of forensic linguistics via placement in an appropriate nonprofit, public-sector, or private-sector organizational setting, in which students will perform a minimum of 20 hours per week of service. Weekly classroom meetings for students in internships will be utilized to discuss substantive, professional, and logistical issues associated with their individual experiences. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pre- or co-requisites: LING 201 , 231. A research paper linked to internship activities is required. Grading is mandatory Pass/Fail. May be repeated once for credit, with permission of the graduate program director.

  • LING 301 - Master’s Essay

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This concerns the development of a substantial thesis based upon original research and theoretical conceptualization. The student will work under the supervision of an appropriate faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of 15 s.h. of graduate study in the program, or permission of program director. Open only to students in the graduate program in forensic linguistics.  Pass/Fail grade only.

Literacy Studies (LYST)

  • LYST 200A - Introduction to Literacy Studies

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course seeks to unravel some of the meanings we give to “literacy,” through an investigation of key assumptions, including socio-cultural, historical, and political learning theories. Reading selections and reflective writing focus on personal literacies, the interrelationships of language, culture, and schooling, and major thinkers.

  • LYST 201 - Long Island Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute

    Semester Hours: 3/6
    The Long Island Writing Project Summer Institute is an intensive summer program designed to assist practicing K-12 teachers from all subject areas in deepening their theoretical understandings of writing processes and writing as a cross-disciplinary tool of inquiry, within the context of exploring their own writing and by developing suitable instructional approaches/activities for the students they teach. Conducted as an experiential workshop and professional seminar.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Permission of instructor. Students taking the course for 6 s.h. of credit are required to complete additional course work.

  • LYST 202 - Literacy for Special Subjects Teachers

    Semester Hours: 1
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course addresses current issues in literacy studies of concern to teachers of art, music, health or physical education. The course addresses: reading and writing as constructive language processes; language and literacy learning; and the relationship between literacy and other sign systems (such as art, music, or movement). Pre-service and in-service special subjects teachers will explore how they can collaborate with classroom teachers to provide opportunities for students to construct meaning in a variety of expressive systems.

  • LYST 208 - Language, Culture and Identity: Literacy Issues for Teachers and Children

    Semester Hours: 3
    Spring, Summer
    This course focuses on how people use language and learn language in the communities where we live and teach. Sociolinguistic perspectives on language variation among diverse populations are examined to expose common myths and to understand the language experiences of students from multilingual and multidialectical urban settings. Course topics include language systems (phonological, orthographic, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic), language variation, language learning/language acquisition, and discourse in and outside of classrooms. Attention is given to the construction of pedagogies that promote access to language and literacy in schools. A ten hour field experience is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • LYST 209 - Language, Culture and Identity: Literacy Issues for Adolescents and Young Adults

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    Course examines the ways in which writing, as well as reading and other language processes, can become tools with which adolescents and young adults negotiate socially imposed linguistic borders based on class, race, ethnicity, previous educational attainment and/or expectation, peer regard, gender, country of origin, etc. Course explores the roles of writing, reading, and related language processes, in identity formation, values clarification, and critical consciousness. Topics include discourse theory, oral and written language variation, as well as close examination of the language strengths and needs of learners who are biliterate, bilingual, and/or bidialectical. A ten hour field experience is required.

  • LYST 212 - Family, Community, and School Literacies: Cultural Perspectives

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    Participants in this course consider the research on family literacy and explore pedagogical practices that are sensitive to the local and vernacular literacies of families and their children. Emphasis is placed on the importance of culturally responsive literacy instruction and on the importance of encouraging families to participate in the education of their children who are attending public schools. Field experiences are intended to provide participants with theoretically grounded pedagogical practices, which lead to more people working together, celebrating their own literacies while at the same time using the many forms of literacy available to them to support the literacy learning of all children in school. A ten-hour field experience is required.

  • LYST 213 - Introduction to Bilingual and Biliteracy Instruction for Children and Adolescents

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course explores the cultural, linguistic, political and pedagogical aspects involved in the process of developing school literacies in bi/multicultural classrooms. Literacy development is discussed in the perspective of supporting learners to use biliteracy as a tool to understand, to extend, and to act upon their worlds. Topics include the relationship between oral and written language processes in bilingual/biliterate students, and the interaction between languages during literacy and language learning. The course examines the literate pedagogical needs and assessment procedures of bilingual and biliterate learners within special and general education contexts. All theoretical explorations are nested in the learning processes of individuals with bicultural literacy experiences, including students who are considered to have special education needs. A ten hour field experience is required.

  • LYST 213A - Introduction to Bilingual and Biliteracy Instruction for ESL Teachers

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course explores the cultural, linguistic, political and pedagogical aspects involved in the process of developing school literacies in bi/multilingual and multicultural classrooms. Literacy development is discussed within the perspective of supporting learners to use biliteracy as a tool to understand, to extend, and to act upon their worlds. Topics include the relationships between oral and written language processes in bilingual/biliterate students and the interaction between languages during literacy and language learning. This course examines the literate pedagogical needs and assessment procedures of bilingual/biliterate learners within general and special education contexts. All theoretical explorations are nested in the learning processes of individuals with bicultural literacy experiences, including students who are considered to have special education needs.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    This course involves a 30-hour field experience.

  • LYST 214 - Language and Literacy in Early Childhood and Childhood

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course investigates issues in language and literacy for children from birth to grade six. Readings and discussions of the language processes (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are grounded in theoretical perspectives in the areas of psychosociolinguistics, social/cultural literacies, the transactional nature of literature, and critical literacy. Teaching methodologies that support language and literacy deelopment of early childhood and elementary students are studied through readings and field experiences. There is an emphasis on the role of cultural and linguistic diversity in literacy learning and teaching and how teachers can serve as advocates by working in both schools and communities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    A 10-hour field experience is required.

  • LYST 215A - Language and Literacy in Middle Childhood and Adolescence

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    This course investigates issues in language and literacy, focusing on grades 5-12. Readings and discussion of the language processes (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are grounded in the theoretical perspectives in the areas of psycho-sociolinguistics, social/cultural literacies, the transactional nature of literature and critical literacy. Teaching methodologies that support language and literacy development of middle school and high school students are studied through readings and field experiences. There is an emphasis on the role of cultural and linguistic diversity in literacy learning and teaching. Students are expected to develop their own theories of literacy learning in school and communities. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    A ten-hour field experience is required.

  • LYST 216 - Literacy Learning at Home and in School: Social Contexts of Young Children Learning to Read and Write

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course explores how the many literacies that occur in family settings can inform the ways in which we create literacy environments for children in school. Focuses on the social processes and ways of knowing through which parents and children create personal and shared literacy configurations. Explores the complexities of young children’s uses of print and the functions and forms of their early symbolic representations. The interrelationships between children’s early writing development and the emergence of phonemic awareness are examined. Particular attention is given to the literacy learning at home and in school of children of special needs. A ten hour field experience is required.

  • LYST 217A - Reading and Writing With Adolescents

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    Focuses on current theory about the nature of the reading and writing processes, and ways in which reading, writing, and literacy theory can be developed into effective reading, writing, and/or English education instruction for adolescents and children in middle childhood. Includes critical perspectives on canonical and academic literacies, language variation, standardized testing, censorship, assessment and “remediation,” student reading/writing choice, avid reading/writing, disenfranchised readers/writers, and personal literacies. A ten hour field experience is required.

  • LYST 218 - Reading and Writing Practices in Early Childhood and Childhood

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course investigates reading and writing practices in the early and childhood years. The focus is on developing teaching strategies and learning experiences for engaging children in reading and writing a wide variety of meaningful texts, including media and technology across the curriculum. Students explore the connections among oral language, reading, writing, and children’s literature in a theoretically grounded literacy framework. Teaching strategies and learning practices focus on recognizing learners’ linguistic understandings and reading and writing strategies, and developing opportunities for all readers to interrogate their world, explore their questions, and use language to act upon their learning. A ten hour field experience is required.

  • LYST 219 - Creating a Reading and Writing Workshop for Teachers

    Semester Hours: 3
    This experiential course allows pre- and in-service teachers to become participants in a socio-psycholinguistic literacy classroom in which reading and writing instruction are integrated. The pedagogical approach modeled, a “reading and writing workshop,” is grounded in socio-psycholinguistic understandings of reading and writing and provides students with an opportunity: 1) to experience the learning benefits of theoretically grounded, purpose-driven, student-centered, engaging, and authentic reading and writing instruction, and 2) to adapt/adopt the underling theoretical and/or philosophical elements of this pedagogical approach into their own literacy teaching or content-area applications of reading and writing.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    (Formerly Reading and Writing Workshop for Teachers.)

  • LYST 220 - Literature in the Lives of Young Children

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer  
    This course engages readers in meaningful response through reading, talking, and writing about literature for children. Understandings of identity, social justice, and equity are investigated through discussions of what counts as literature, whose stories are told, and who gets to tell them. Objectives for this course include read critically and aesthetically reading from a wide variety of texts, while also participating in intensive reading with others in literature groups. This course focuses on children from birth to sixth grade. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • LYST 221 - Literature for Adolescents and Young Adults

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course is designed to help teachers combine a knowledge of a reader’s interests, as well as awareness of the reader’s strengths and needs, with a transactive, socio-psycholinguistic understanding of the reading process, in order to pair readers with books that will foster successful, engaging, and willing reading practice, as well as lifelong literacy. Course explores pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading strategies that generate, sustain, and extend readers’ interest and understanding. Students will read from a wide variety of traditional texts, as well as popular alternatives to print media, including e-books, interactive texts, and digital media. Students will also create and participate in digital reader response activities, such as social networking and blogging.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    This course is recommended for students interested in working with readers from fifth grade to young adult.

  • LYST 223 - Introduction to Critical Literacy and Critical Media Studies

    Semester Hours: 3
    Exploration of literacy instruction in relation to larger social purposes of teaching, and in relations to the forces of acculturation in society. Information received from print and electronic media sources is critiqued and ways in which the words we hear and read, and the images we view, shape our subjectivities and our understanding of the world around us are explored. Participants engage the possibilities of teaching in ways that open up a more conscious and liberating approaches to literacy instruction in schools and society.

  • LYST 240 - Assessment and Evaluation of Reading and Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course provides participants with an overview of ethnographic literacy assessment theory and practice. Topics for study include ethnography, authentic classroom assessment, transactional view of language, and a critical examination of standardized tests and testing practices. Participants consider teaching, learning, and schooling from the perspective of the learner as they develop and put into practice a student advocacy model of instructional assessment which values ethnic and linguistic diversity.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    M.S.Ed. students must complete all of Phase I literacy studies courses before taking this course; M.A. students must complete 18 s.h. of course work before taking this course.

  • LYST 241 - Miscue Analysis and Retrospective Miscue Analysis

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course takes a sociopsycholinguistic perspective on the reading process and recognizes that the meanings that readers construct are both personal and social. By engaging in several closegrained observations of oral reading events, participants use miscue analysis techniques to document readers’ uses of cognitive strategies and language cue systems. Additionally, participants select and teach strategy lessons and conduct retrospective miscue analysis sessions with one student.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I courses.  LYST 214  or 215A .

  • LYST 242 - Literacy Practicum: Assessing the Complexity of Student Learning (Birth Through Grade 6)

    Semester Hours: 3

    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This practicum provides participants with the opportunity to establish a critical site of inquiry for the study of ethnographic approaches to literacy assessment. Participants develop biographic literacy profiles by using close-grained observations of literacy processes (ethnographic assessment, miscue analysis, retrospective miscue analysis and strategy lessons) to determine how individuals use literacy to solve problems in community and school settings. Participants develop and put into practice a student advocacy model of instructional assessment that values ethnic and linguistic diversity. Emphasis on grades K-6. A 30-hour practicum at the Saltzman Reading/Writing Learning Clinic is required.



    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I Literacy Studies courses and LYST 240 , 241 .

  • LYST 243 - Literacy Practicum: Assessing the Complexity of Student Learning (Grades 5-12)

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This practicum provides a critical site of inquiry for the study of ethnographic approaches to literacy assessment. Participants create biographic literacy profiles by using close-grained observations, miscue analysis, writing document analysis, retrospective miscue analysis and strategy lessons to solve problems in community and school settings. Participants develop and put into practice a student advocacy model of instructional assessment that values ethnic and linguistic diversity. Emphasis on middle school, high school, and young adult students. A 30 hour practicum at the Saltzman Reading/Writing Learning Clinic is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I courses, LYST 240  and 241 .

  • LYST 244 - Advanced Retrospective Miscue Analysis

    Semester Hours: 3

    Retrospective Miscue Analysis is a powerful tool, which enables teachers and researchers to engage in a close-grained study of a reader’s processing of written text. In this procedure, the teacher/researcher employs miscue analysis techniques to engage readers to bring the use of reading strategies at a conscious level. Teachers and students work together as co-explorers of the reading process. In this course participants are involved in planning and executing several RMA sessions and associated reading strategy lessons with a specific instructional or research focus in mind.


    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Phase I courses and LYST 241 .

  • LYST 245 - Revaluing Readers and Writers

    Semester Hours: 3 s.h.


    In this course, the construct of learning disability is critically examined in terms of its social contexts and the cultural space in which it operates. This course embraces social, linguistic and transactional views of reading and writing, language, learning, teaching, and how curriculum and “normality” shape our responses to those perceived as “struggling.” This course addresses the following strands: revaluing students who struggle with reading and writing; strategies for supporting and scaffolding meaning-making processes; and the nature of reading and language.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I courses.

  • LYST 247 - Language, Discourse, and Cinema: Implications for Schooling

    Semester Hours: 3
    By examining a number of English-language films and television shows, students will explore American-language variation (accent, dialect, and second-language use) and other linguistic features (such as discourse communities and biculturalism) to learn more about the relationships between language, culture, identity, and learning, as well as to examine the ways in which film entertainment has shaped perceptions about different varieties of ENglish. Course features an exploration in the pedagogical implications of these linguistic insights on language and literacy instruction in American schools.

  • LYST 248 - Writing Practicum: Assessing and Supporting Children as Writers

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This practicum provides participants with a critical site of inquiry for the study of ethnographic approaches to literacy assessment and teaching. Participants develop biographic profiles of young writers by using close-grained observations of literacy processes (ethnographic observations, document analysis, developmental portfolios, etc.) to determine how children use writing to solve problems in community and school settings. Participants develop and put into practice a student advocacy model of evaluation and instruction that values ethnic and linguistic diversity. Emphasis on K-6. A 30 hour practicum at the Saltzman Reading/Writing Learning Clinic is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I courses in M.A. in Teaching of Writing , LYST 240  and 262  .

  • LYST 249 - Writing Practicum: Assessing and Supporting Adolescent Writers (Grades 5-12)

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    This practicum provides a critical site of inquiry for the study of ethnographic approaches to literacy assessment. Participants create biographic literacy profiles of writers using close-grained observations of literacy processes (ethnographic observations, writing document analysis, developmental portfolios, interview and conferences, etc.) to determine how individuals use writing to solve problems in community and school settings. Participants develop and put into practice a student advocacy model of instructional assessment that values ethnic and linguistic diversity. Emphasis on middle school, high school, and young adult students. A 30 hour practicum at the Saltzman Reading/Writing Learning Clinic is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I courses in Writing (Grades 5-12), The Teaching of, M.A., LYST 240  and 262 .

  • LYST 250 - Literacy Teacher as Researcher

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course explores classroom-based teacher inquiry in literacy education as a method of professional development and responsive teaching. Students develop a baseline knowledge of the philosophical underpinnings and methodological techniques for conducting and critically responding to teacher research. A ten hour field experience is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I courses.

  • LYST 251 - Children and Adolescents as Ethnographers in Communities and Schools

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course focuses on the ways in which teachers can engage children and adolescents in ethnographic and sociolinguistic research to explore the literacies of their communities and schools. Focuses on how ethnographic and sociolinguistic research is linked to social action and can become an essential part of reading and writing instruction in schools. A ten hour field experience is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I courses.

  • LYST 252 - Digital Literacies: Implications for Research and Pedagogy

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is designed to help educators explore the ways in which new digital technologies affect students’ literacy uses and learning, and have fostered new modes of textual practices. The course will provide participants with an overview of research and pedagogical implications of the new digital literacy practices. Specifically, course participants will investigate the hybrid nature of online textual forms, and examine the complex understanding of the relationship between verbal and visual images. Additionally, course participants will discuss and examine the ways digital literacies have become a part of children’s everyday lives and identities. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • LYST 260 - Cultural and Historical Perspectives of Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course explores the cultural and historical roots of written language as well as the social practices which help shape the use of written language in society. The course investigates how written conventionalities emerge from the shared uses of written language, as well as the interplay between individual and social development of writing in sociocultural settings. Following the theoretical premise that writing is a complex symbolic and representational system, students in this seminar engage in learning experiences where they are asked to reflect about the nature of written language and its role in the organization of social life.

  • LYST 261 - Writing Pictures Painting Stories as Mindful Social Practice

    Semester Hours: 3
    This research course focuses on the interrelationships between literacy and creativity.  Students will participate in research projects which explore the interface between functional texts and aesthetic scripts, illustration as visual story, photography as visual poetry, writing as an art form, lettering as design, the physicality of print, how tools and materials influence composition, and the production of texts as mindful social practice.  Students will participate in: [1] studio activities which focus on the construction of a variety of functional and aesthetic texts; [2] research seminars which focus on the implications for pedagogy of the physical, technological and social practices associated with multi-media text construction; and [3] ethnographic field work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  A ten-hour field experience is required. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    There is an additional materials fee. Completion of Phase I in the MA in the Teaching of Writing  Program, or completion of Phase I in the MSED in Literacy Studies  Program; or permission of the instructor.

  • LYST 262 - Understanding What a Writer Knows

    Semester Hours: 2
    This course addresses writing assessment, focusing specifically on the ways in which writing assessment is linked to instruction, and the manner in which writing serves as a means of identity development in young writers. The course addresses standardized and mass writing assessments and provides practice with descriptive assessment procedures, such as writing process observations, document, narrative and discourse analysis, linguistic analysis, portfolio, and self-evaluation. A module on reading process evaluation, specifically reading miscue analysis, is included. This course provides a seminar for a 20-hour practicum internship, LYST 262A  or 262B , taken concurrently.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of Phase I courses in the M.A. in The Teaching of Writing .

  • LYST 262A - Writing Internship: Evaluating Young Writers

    Semester Hours: 1


    In this 20-hour practicum internship, M.A. in the Teaching of Writing students work closely with one or more young writers (Pre-K-2).  Graduate interns document the writing processes and practices of young writers within home, community, and school settings, with a focus on students’ strengths and abilities and communicating information to families and other professionals. Interns prepare instructional support that is informed by writing assessment.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    This course is normally taken concurrently with LYST 262 . Pass/Fail grade only.

  • LYST 262B - Writing Internship: Evaluating Adolescent Writers

    Semester Hours: 1


    In this 20-hour practicum internship, M.A. in the Teaching of Writing students work closely with one more adolescent writers (grades 7-12). Graduate interns document the writing processes and practices of writers within home, community, and school settings, with a focus on documenting strengths and abilities and communicating information to families and other professionals. Interns prepare instructional support informed by writing assessment.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    This course is normally taken concurrently with LYST 262 . Pass/Fail grade only.

  • LYST 263 - Teachers as Writers

    Semester Hours: 3
    This experiential course provides teachers with opportunities to pursue their own writing strengths and interests. In a workshop setting, students write original fiction and non-fiction in order that they might find the rewards a writing life holds for them, as well as overcome reservations they have about their own writing. They engage in teacher and peer conferencing, revision, publishing, and reflection about their history as writers both within and beyond their formal education.

  • LYST 264 - Teachers as Poets

    Semester Hours: 3
    In this course, students experience reading and writing poetry in a classroom workshop environment. In order to develop understandings of poetry’s possibilities in the lives of the children we work with students work at seeing themselves as readers and writers of poetry through writing their own original poetry and developing their own abilities to identify poetry around them. The course provides opportunities for teacher and peer conferencing, revision, publishing, and reflection upon their experiences with poetry.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    An elective in Phase I of the M.A. in the Teaching of Writing .

  • LYST 265 - Introduction to the Teaching of Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    The course is designed to help teachers of writing develop a theoretical framework that will inform their work in the classroom. Students will examine the ways in which writing is a transactive, social political, and personal process, and the implications of introducing process-oriented pedagogical practices in both receptive and non-receptive environments. Additional emphasis will be placed on the interrelationships among reading, writing, and other symbolic systems as communicative processes. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • LYST 270 - Revaluing Language, Language Learning, and Language Learners

    Semester Hours: 3
    The primary purpose of this broad-based course is to engage Professional Diploma students in an intensive study of literacy as a language process and then to apply this information to constructing optimal classroom environments that support literacy growth. The course focuses on nurturing insights about how language works and how to document the development of learners. A primary mode for exploration is to study language in use-that is, how language works as we observe our students and ourselves using language.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    LYST 273A  is taken concurrently with this course. Admission to the Professional Diploma in Literacy Studies  or permission of instructor.

  • LYST 271 - Family, Community, School and Workplace Literacy

    Semester Hours: 3

    In this seminar, participants explore how our understandings of the plurality of literacies in family, community, and workplace settings can inform the ways in which we create literacy environments: 1) for children in school; 2) for adults in “basic” education programs; 3) for students in college; and 4) for adults in the workplace. Participants are encouraged to establish critical sites of inquiry in which they can document the ways in which people use literacy in a variety of everyday settings. The underlying premise of the course is that 1) all literacies are situated; 2) all uses of written language can be seen as located in particular times and places; 3) all literate activity is indicative of broader social practices; and that 4) it is through literacy, in all its complexity, that difficult problems can become amenable to human action.


    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    LYST 273B  is taken concurrently with this course. LYST 270  or permission of instructor.

  • LYST 272 - Community Literacy Project

    Semester Hours: 3
    In this course, professional diploma students teach collaboratively in the Summer Community Literacy Project. The project engages K-12 students in an investigation of literacy practices in their community. Course work includes collaborative planning for the project, child study discussions of K-12 grade students’ literacy practices and literacy development, experience based discussions of community literacy, and related readings on community literacy programs. The Summer Community Literacy Project and the course culminate with publication of writings.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    LYST 271  or permission of instructor. LYST 273C  is taken concurrently with this course.

  • LYST 273A - Supervised Field Work in Literacy: Teacher to Student I

    Semester Hours: 1
    In this course, Professional Diploma students assume the role of educational advocate for a K-12 student having difficulties with reading and writing. Assessment and instruction build upon the linguistic understandings, strengths and abilities of the K-12 student. Students meet in small groups with a faculty member, functioning as a “child/learner study” team. This course includes a minimum of 10 hours of field work and 6 hours of supervision.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Corequisite: LYST 270 . Pass/Fail grade only.

  • LYST 273B - Supervised Field Work in Literacy: Teacher to Student II

    Semester Hours: 1
    In this course, Professional Diploma students continue to work as mentor and educational advocate for a K-12 student. The course focuses on assessment informed instruction. Students meet in small groups with a faculty member, functioning as a “child study” team. This course includes a minimum of 15 hours of field work and 6 hours of supervision.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Corequisite: LYST 271 . Pass/Fail grade only.


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