Sep 24, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2017-2018 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Course Descriptions


Accounting (ACCT)

  • ACCT 203 - Accounting and Financial Reporting

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    A comprehensive overview of the basic financial statements and how they and other accounting information are utilized for managerial decision making in a global economy. Topics include, but are not limited to, financial reporting and analysis, profit analysis, capital budgeting, planning and forecasting, and cost control. Environmental factors and ethical implications are integrated throughout the course.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 208 - Accounting Information Systems

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Course addresses key concepts and trends in information systems technology and how they affect accountants, as well as how the business environment is affecting and stimulating the trends in development. Students gain an understanding of computer-based accounting information systems and the impact of information technology on the practice of accounting and auditing. Topics include development and documentation techniques of computer-based accounting systems, auditing and control in common computer environments, database systems, and financial reporting systems.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:

    Corequisite: ACCT 233  or approved equivalent. Open only to matriculated MS in accounting  and MS in taxation  students. May be taken by MBA students majoring in accounting  in lieu of IT 203 . Credit given for this course or ACCT 135, not both. Same as IT 208 .

  • ACCT 210 - Financial Accounting Perspectives

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course enables the student to develop an understanding of the practical application of accounting principles and the communication of challenging accounting issues. Case studies are selected by the instructor to reflect a broad range of practical accounting issues in different industries in order to sharpen students’ analytical skills. Students gain an appreciation for the role of the accountant as a reporter of financial information and events.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 124 or approved equivalent and graduate standing. Credit given for this course or ACCT 150, not both. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 215 - Income Tax for Business Entities

    Semester Hours: 3
    Analysis of federal income tax laws, regulations, and rulings which affect partnerships and corporations (regular and Subchapter S).

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 143 or 214  or approved equivalent. This course is open to BBA students in the second semester of their senior year provided that they have been admitted to either the MS or MBA program. Credit given for this course or ACCT 144, not both. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 218 - Financial Statement Analysis

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course introduces students to methods of utilizing external financial statements for investment and other business decisions. It explores financial accounting topics from the standpoint of a financial statement user and enables students to interpret various financial statement disclosures in an informed manner. Financial reporting issues are discussed in terms of its effect on assessments of a firm’s profitability and risk. Topics will include analytical tools and concepts in competitor analysis, credit decisions, bankruptcy prediction, and valuation. This course is designed for both MBA and MS students who expect to use financial statements as part of their professional responsibilities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 203  or approved equivalent, except for MS in accounting  students, who may take ACCT 203  as a corequisite. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 224 - Financial Reporting and Analysis

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course presents an in-depth study of the fundamental concepts and principles underlying financial accounting and reporting. Students will develop skills in the preparation and use of accounting information, financial accounting modeling and applied accounting research. Students will also develop an understanding of how financial accounting information is used in investment and credit decisions.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 203  or approved equivalent. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 228 - Strategic Accounting for Managers

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course uses a case-based approach to analyze classic and contemporary topics in tax planning and financial and management accounting to examine their relevance to strategy development and implementation. The topics covered in the cases may include: the implications of accounting policies on areas such as tax planning, intangible asset measurement, and revenue recognition; financial management control systems; performance measurement and incentive systems; integrated business reporting; and global and ethical issues.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 203 .

  • ACCT 231 - Cost Accounting Systems

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course introduces students to the concepts, conventions, and principles underlying cost accounting and analysis for use by managers for making decisions. At the end of this course, students will understand cost behavior and cost allocation techniques, appreciate internal profitability reporting and analysis, and understand both job order costing and process costing systems utilizing actual, normal and standard costing applications. Also, students will learn standard and flexible budgeting, cost volume profit analysis, and unit cost measurement. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 203  or approved equivalent. MS in accounting  students who have not waived ACCT 203  may take ACCT 203  as a corequisite. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 232 - Accounting in a Global Environment

    Semester Hours: 3
    Discussion of contemporary debates regarding convergence of accounting standards and analysis of the differences among countries regarding their economic and social practices and corresponding accounting systems. Specific countries and specific auditing and accounting practices and theories are discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 224  or approved equivalent. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. Credit given for this course or ACCT 128, not both. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 233 - Auditing Theory

    Semester Hours: 3
    The ethical, social, economic and political forces that have influenced the philosophy and conceptual foundations of auditing are covered in depth. Pronouncements by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, rulings by regulatory agencies and court decisions are analyzed. Standards that guide the auditor and the methodology used in conducting an audit are covered and illustrated. Audit sampling and the impact of computerized management information systems are also analyzed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 203  or approved equivalent or permission of the department chairperson. This course is open to BBA students in the second semester of their senior year provided that they have been admitted to either the MS or MBA program. Credit given for this course or ACCT 133, not both. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other schools at Hofstra where appropriate.  See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 234 - Advanced Auditing

    Semester Hours: 3
    Philosophy, postulates and concepts of auditing theory and their relationship to recent developments in auditing practice, such as the expansion of management advisory services, greater use of electronic data processing and computerized management information systems, are analyzed. The impact on the profession of professional pronouncements on auditing standards will be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 133 or 233  or approved equivalent; Credit given for this course or ACCT 134, not both. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 242 - Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice

    Semester Hours: 3
    Advanced accounting theory and financial reporting for business acquisitions, partnerships, securitizations and derivative transactions. . Consolidated financial statements; mergers and acquisitions; partnership formation, operation and termination; foreign currency transactions and translated foreign financial statements are analyzed. Statements and pronouncements issued by standard-setting organizations are analyzed. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 124 or 224  or approved equivalent. Not open to students who have taken ACCT 125 or equivalent. This course is open to BBA students in the second semester of their senior year provided that they have been admitted to either the MS or MBA Program. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 243 - Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting

    Semester Hours: 3
    Examination of accounting principles unique to governmental and not-for-profit organizations. Topics include the operation of the governmental funds and account groups, the GASB and FASB Standards, and the accounting for not-for-profit entities such as hospitals, colleges and universities. International perspectives and ethical issues are integrated throughout.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 124 or 224 , or approved equivalent. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. Credit given for this course or ACCT 126, not both. See specific program requirements. 

  • ACCT 257 A-Z - Seminar: Special Topics in Accounting

    Semester Hours: 3
    An advanced in-depth treatment of special topics. Current topics are explored through a variety of methods, such as lectures, projects and case studies. As individual subjects are selected, each is assigned a letter (A-Z) which is affixed to the course number. Specific titles and course descriptions for special topics courses are available in the online class schedule. Students may take up to two of these courses to fulfill their major requirements so long as each seminar has a different letter designation. These courses do not qualify for CPA examination credit.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ACCT 203  and any additional prerequisites as stated in the course schedule. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 304 - Advanced Research Seminar in Business

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students write an integrative paper on an assigned topic based on secondary research and then formulate a written primary data research design to investigate a specific key issue. They must formulate research questions and hypotheses, construct survey instruments and experimental designs, draft sample plans, outline data handling procedures, and prepare a comprehensive research proposal, furnishing justifications for its theoretical as well as practical significance. An oral presentation of each project is required at the conclusion of the semester.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of all core competency courses, 21 s.h. of advanced core courses or above (including BAN 203 , IB 207 , and at least 6 s.h. of the required 15 s.h. in the area of concentration), and permission of the department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 305 - MBA Honors Research Thesis in Accounting

    Semester Hours: 3-6
    Student selects and designs an integrative research project with the approval and guidance of a faculty member in the area of specialization. Student is required to justify the project’s significance within a decision-making framework and define the management applications of the research findings. An oral report of the research findings is presented to a faculty committee. With joint permission of the department chairperson and thesis adviser, a student may expand the MBA Honors Research Thesis in Accounting from 3 to 6 s.h.; the additional 3 s.h. may be counted toward elective requirements in the area of concentration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, completion of all core competency courses, 21 s.h. of advanced core courses or above (including BAN 203 , IB 207 , and at least 6 s.h. of the required 15 s.h. in the area of concentration), and permission of department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 309 - Research Seminar

    Semester Hours: 3
    Supervised research in the field of accounting on an approved topic and the preparation of a formal paper. Students formulate a research question, determine the methodological approach, review prior work, and, where appropriate, specify the sample data and research techniques. An oral presentation of the paper is required at the conclusion of the semester.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of 21 s.h. of graduate course work in the area of concentration. Open only to matriculated MS in accounting  students.

  • ACCT 329 - Graduate Basic Internship

    Semester Hours: 0.5-3
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    This is a work-study program open to graduate students who are specializing in accounting.  Students work a minimum of 35 hours in the semester for one credit, a minimum of 70 hours for two credits, or a minimum of 100 hours for three credits in a structured business program offered by a for-profit or not-for-profit organization in their area of specialization.  A written evaluation of the internship work is prepared by the student at the completion of the course.  Most, but not all, internship opportunities involve some form of monetary remuneration. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Nine graduate-level credits with a 3.2 grade point average; and permission of department chairperson.  Note: Students may take this course three times if taken as a one-credit class.  The maximum number of credits that can be earned with this internship is three credits.  Satisfactory completion of all three credits may help with the computation of a student’s overall grade point average; credits do not satisfy requirements in any major.  Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate.  See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 330 - Graduate Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer 
    A work-study program open to graduate students who are specializing in accounting or taxation. Students work a minimum of 100 hours in the semester for selected business organizations in their area of specialization. A written evaluation of a complex, relevant managerial decision is prepared by the student at the completion of the course. Most internship opportunities involve some form of monetary remuneration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Successful completion of 18 graduate-level credits (6 credits in the area of concentration) with a 3.3 average and permission of department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 331 - Master of Science Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    A work-study program open to MS students with majors in all areas except marketing research. Students work a minimum of 100 hours during the semester for selected business organizations in their area of specialization. A written evaluation of a complex specialization-related decision is prepared by the student at the completion of the course.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Nine graduate-level specialization s.h., including the advanced core in that specialization, with a 3.3 GPA and permission of appropriate department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business  and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. Students may only count 3 s.h. of internship courses toward their degree requirement. See specific program requirements.

  • ACCT 401A - Financial Reporting and Managerial Accounting

    Semester Hours: 3
    An intensive and comprehensive overview of financial and managerial accounting information. Emphasis is placed on strategic concepts for financial reporting to investors and creditors in a global economy. Topics include, but are not limited to, foundations of financial reporting and the classified balance sheet, accounting for inventories, receivables, and long-term assets, costing systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, and the budgeting process.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated Zarb School of Business EMBA  students. (Formerly 401; 4 s.h.)

Administration and Policy Studies (APS)

  • APS 245 - Legal Aspects of Managing Healthcare Programs for the Aging

    Semester Hours: 3
    Examination of legal issues commonly encountered by administrators of health care facilities and programs serving older people. Among topics discussed are the legal aspects of government regulation and corporate governance of the program, contractual reimbursement, tax and staffing issues, liability, quality assurance, risk management matters, and patient care policies and procedures.

  • APS 351 - Independent Study

    Semester Hours: 3
    The student will develop a project or study related to his/her field of study.  With approval and continuing supervision of the adviser, the student then works independently to complete the project or study.  This course is particularly appropriate for students who must complete a project as a final requirement for the degree.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Permission of adviser. 

  • APS 352 - Education Research Capstone Project

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course project provides an opportunity for students to synthesize and apply the principles and concepts from the master’s program in health professions pedagogy and leadership to a workplace project. The topic will be one that is related to a real-world problem or issue that the student experiences or witnesses in his/her professional health care setting and will demonstrate content knowledge and instructional practices relevant to the student’s professional goals in an academic health science setting. The project should incorporate curriculum design, instructional strategies and assessment plans. Encompassing the design, development, implementation and evaluation of the project topic, it will culminate in a final written document and multimedia presentation worthy of dissemination as scholarship.   

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of 21 s.h. in the MS in health professions pedagogy and leadership program . (Formerly Independent Research Capstone Project.)

  • APS 371 - Economics and Finance of Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    Provides prospective administrators with a conceptual and practical understanding of fiscal and economic concerns which directly and indirectly influence institutions of higher education. Examination of the role of postsecondary institutions in the economic growth and development of society, the influence of socioeconomic and political conditions and changes on the maintenance and growth of postsecondary institutions; major contemporary fiscal issues; and basic principles and processes of fiscal management.

  • APS 372 - Governance in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    Examination of the structure and processes surrounding decision making in American colleges and universities and review theories and methods for evaluation and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of various governance mechanisms. Particular attention given to the role and influence of governing boards, administrators, faculty, students, governmental agencies and community.

  • APS 373 - The Student in American Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    Examination of student enrollment patterns in higher education in the United States; explores the relationship between demographic, economic and social characteristics such as age, academic aptitude, gender, race, religion, ethnology, social attitudes, socioeconomic background and career expectations on student behavior, attitude, and motivation; and assesses the impact of these changes on education policies, programs and services.

  • APS 375 - Contemporary Issues in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    A comprehensive study of current issues facing higher education leading to an analysis of its current strengths and weaknesses and projections of where the enterprise is likely headed. Employing an inherently eclectic approach with widely ranging foci (e.g., funding and cost, calls for increased accountability, assessment, evolving governmental and other external forms of oversight, enrollment trends, access, new missions and institutional types responsive to new challenges, the status of the professoriate, new modalities of instruction, societal expectations, strategic planning, etc.), the course aspires to a coherent understanding and critique of the overall viability of current higher education, thus equipping its employees and practitioners with the insights and means to advance its positive agenda and to participate knowledgeably and constructively in emergent reform initiatives.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. (Formerly FDED 285A, Special Topics: Contemporary Issues in Higher Education.)

  • APS 376 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    The course will explore legal and ethical issues in higher education from multiple perspectives and points of view. College and university campuses are governed by a multitude of laws and regulations in a variety of ways. In the United States there are public, private, and religiously-affiliated campuses which can be affected by these laws in different ways. Jurisprudence in higher education is broad and complex involving students, faculty, administration and trustees in areas involving faculty and student rights, academic freedom, copyright, unions, affirmative action, due process, tenure and property rights, as well as the dichotomy between public and private colleges. The course will provide an overview ofthe organizational structure and administrative nature ofthe U.S. judicial system. Ethical practices and behavior in higher education will be discussed. The course involves the discussion of case law and cases unique to higher education. Course readings, discussions, and assignments are geared toward increasing student knowledge about legal and ethical issues in the U.S. system of higher education.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. (Formerly FDED 285B, Special Topics: Legal and Ethical Issues in Higher Education.)

  • APS 377 - Student Affairs Leadership in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the organization, management, and functions of student affairs administration and its role within American higher education. The history, philosophy, purpose, and functions of student affairs in varied higher education settings as well as specific programs, contemporary issues and trends will be explored.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • APS 378 - Planning, Assessment, Accreditation in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course explores the relationships of strategic planning, assessment and accreditation in Higher Education from multiple perspectives. Strategic planning and assessment methodologies will be discussed. The importance and role of regional and specialized accreditation will be examined. The course will provide a working knowledge of the preparation of a strategic plan, an assessment model, and a self-study report.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • APS 380 - Curriculum Development Using a Competency Based Framework

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    This course will prepare students to develop a new curriculum in a content area of expertise. The six-step approach for curriculum development in medical education will be applied to all aspects of curriculum development. Each of the steps will be elaborated on as a core component of the process to assure a quality outcome.

  • APS 390 - Leading Change in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course examines change in higher education in its many forms and areas. The difference between managing and leading an institution of higher education is explored. Management styles will be discussed. The attributes of an effective leader will also be studied. Case studies will be used to examine a broad spectrum of changes in an institution of higher education and how to effectively deal with the need for change arising from the hiring of new personnel, changes in leadership, new programs, new technology, new federal/state regulations and change arising from emergencies/disasters. The leader as a change agent will be examined from a wide variety of aspects. The course will explore middle managers as the implementers of responses to change.

  • APS 391 - Public Policy in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will examine the extant policies that affect colleges and universities and the federal, state, local, and other bodies or organizations that have the responsibility and power to create policies. Issues in higher education will be discussed from an economic and public policy perspective. Ways to measure the results of public policies will be examined as well as the difficulties associated with measuring them.

  • APS 392 - Organizational Theory and Decision Making

    Semester Hours: 3
    The course will prepare students to understand and apply principles of decision making and leadership that are core to the successful administration and oversight of academic settings. The unique demands of education, service, and research will be considered in developing an academic environment that supports a progressive organization prepared for the millennial learner.

  • APS 393 - Student Development Theories in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will examine the major theories related to college student development and the context in which that development occurs. Student outcomes can be significantly enhanced when programs and services are designed by those who understand and intentionally apply theoretical framework to their work. Exposure to student development theory is essential in the academic preparation of higher education administrators as students must be the primary focus of higher education. Through this lens, various college student development theories will be reviewed and discussed in this course.

  • APS 394 - International Perspective and Globalization in Higher Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will explore how globalization and internationalization are impacting the world, and, subsequently, the mission and vision of higher education. Students will explore several models of higher education in a comparative perspective, including the history and structure of different national systems, the variety of students and institutions, along with the political and economic factors impacting the growth and development of the systems. The specific issues of internationalization, including the demand for greater access, accountability, management, and the challenges and benefits of international exchange, will be examined.

American Sign Language (ASL)


Anthropology (ANTH)

  • ANTH 218 - People and Cultures of Latin America

    Semester Hours: 3
    An integrated study of the institutions, culture groups and literary traditions of Spanish America. Social and economic functions of the “hacienda,” church, politics, university, and others in combination with literary works that exemplify these topics. Specific regions or countries are examined individually.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Credit given for this course or SPAN 218 , not both.

  • ANTH 272 - Sociology of Juvenile Corrections

    Semester Hours: 3
    Analysis of the social organization of juvenile corrections and rehabilitation in the United States. Includes: visiting lecturers, field trips and class lectures on the historical development of juvenile corrections; the social obstacle to rehabilitation of minors; class struggle and youth crime and correction; corrections as a career; social implications of a separate rehabilitation system for youth and related areas. An exploration of alternatives.


Art History (AH)

  • AH 218 - Islamic Art and Archaeology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Origins and development of Islamic art in the Near and Middle East, through the 18th century. Emphasis is on the study of Islamic art in Iran and its spread throughout the world in architecture, sculpture, pottery and textile design.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Credit given for this course or AH 118, not both. May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. (Formerly Pre-Islamic and Islamic Art.)

  • AH 265 - Asian Art and Archaeology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Art forms of India, China and Japan with reference to philosophical, religious and social influences from the prehistoric through the 19th century. Architecture, sculpture, painting and ceramics are analyzed; themes, styles and techniques distinctive of the art tradition of each country are stressed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Credit given for this course or AH 165, not both. May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. (Formerly Asian Art.)


Astronomy (ASTR)

  • ASTR 280 A-Z - Fundamentals of Astronomy for Teachers

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    Topics may vary from year to year and may include: the sky around us; early history; the Copernican revolution; the solar system; the sun and stars; star clusters; nebulae and galaxies; the big bang and after-effects; and life in the universe. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    A methods course in the teaching of science or permission of the instructor. Intended for elementary, middle school, and secondary school teachers. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Specific titles and course descriptions for special topics courses are available in the online class schedule.

Audiology (AUD)

  • AUD 501 - Advanced Audiology

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will integrate theoretical and practical aspects of audiologic assessment. The standard audiometric battery (pure tone air and bone conduction testing, speech testing, and acoustic immitance testing) will be presented in detail, preparing students with the skills necessary to administer these tests and to interpret test results.  Current ASHA documents concerning the scope of practice of audiology, practice patterns in audiology, and guidelines for audiometric assessment and screening will be discussed.  An overview of selected topics in audiology with discussion of other specialized diagnostic audiometric tests will also be provided. 

  • AUD 506 - Genetics of Communication Disorders

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course explores embryologic development and the various teratogenic agents that affect development, particularly those related to genetic mutations affecting speech, language, and/or hearing.  The application of clinical and molecular genetics to the diagnosis and treatment of syndromic and non-syndromic communication disorders will be discussed.  The clinical features of genetic syndromes and disorders associated with speech, language, and hearing disorders will be described, and management strategies will be introduced.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program .

  • AUD 507 - Aural Rehabilitation

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course provides an advanced level of study of the effects of hearing loss, noise, and reverberation on the process of auditory (and auditory-visual) speech perception.  Also discussed are the factors involved in amplification selection (including cochlear implants) and the benefits of assistive listening devices and sensory aids.  Issues concerning the Deaf and Deaf Culture are covered, but the emphasis of the course is on auditory approaches to aural (re)habilitative assessment and intervention.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    (Formerly Aural Rehabilitation Across the Life Span.)

  • AUD 508 - Acoustics and Instrumentation for Audiologists

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students learn fundamental concepts of acoustics in clinical audiology practice and its related clinical and research instrumentation. Topics related to sound measurement, noise legislation, and hearing conservation are also discussed.  Laboratory exercises are required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. (Formerly Electronics and Instrumentation for Audiologists.)

  • AUD 509 - Speech-Language Pathology for Audiologists

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will provide students with an appreciation of the diversity of speech and language disorders across the lifespan, and the relationship of cultural factors to communication and speech and language disorders.  Students will learn to identify symptoms and behaviors associated with specific speech and language disorders and will be prepared to screen for them and to make appropriate referrals for more comprehensive evaluations.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Minimum GPA of 3.0. May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • AUD 510 - Amplification I

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will provide a background on the effects and management of hearing loss using amplification. Hearing aid design, electroacoustic characteristics of hearing aids, and recent advances in hearing aid technology will be covered. State and federal hearing legislation, including current ASHA guidelines on amplification systems will be discussed. Circuit options and components of personal hearing aids will be studied in detail. Laboratory exercises in the areas of electroacoustic analysis, otoscopic examination, and earmold acoustics/impressions/modifications will be required.

  • AUD 511 - Pediatric Audiology

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will provide an advanced level of study of the audiological principles and practices specific to children. Topics will include embryological and fetal development of the auditory and vestibular structures; the development of auditory behavior; identification audiometry; and pediatric audiological evaluation procedures, including behavioral protocols, immitance testing, ABR testing, and OAE testing. Counseling families with hearing-impaired children will also be covered. Lectures will be accompanied by laboratory exercises, allowing students to make informed decisions about test protocol selection and implementation for the pediatric client.

  • AUD 512 - Electrophysiology I

    Semester Hours: 3
    Procedures for evaluating the auditory system in children and adults, including the recording techniques, interpretation, clinical application, and synthesis of results using auditory evoked potentials will be covered. This will be accomplished via lectures and hands-on workshops. Students will be required to perform laboratory exercises and demonstrate proficiency in performing each test. Case examples will be studied.

  • AUD 515 - Deafness

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will examine and compare the complex nature and effects of severe to profound forms of hearing impairment that are present at birth with those acquired adventitiously. The anatomical and physiological mechanisms underlying congenital versus acquired forms of “deafness” will be studied, and the effects of each form on speech production, perception, language, human relationships, and culture will be explored.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • AUD 516 - Central Auditory Processing Disorders

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will describe the anatomical and neurophysiological aspects of auditory processing. The course will discuss the nature and causes of auditory processing disorders, including their symptomatology, assessment, treatment, clinical management and referrals. The impact of auditory processing disorders on language and learning will be discussed and recommendations for maintaining treatment efficacy data will be presented.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program .

  • AUD 518 - Vestibular Assessment and Management I

    Semester Hours: 3

    This course will provide a theoretical understanding and practical knowledge of the vestibular system, and its objective diagnosis via Videonystagmography (VNG) and Electronystagmography (ENG). This is accomplished via lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on laboratory workshops using VNG instrumentation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program . (Formerly Electrophysiology III.)


  • AUD 519 - Cochlear Implants

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is designed to give students an understanding of the medical, surgical, engineering, and audiological aspects of cochlear implants, including speech processor programming, and the (re)habilitative programs and strategies used with infant, child, and adult implant recipients.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program .

  • AUD 522 - Vestibular Assessment and Management II

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course explores advancements in the evaluation of balance function beyond electronystamography including Rotational and Posturographic tests, and Vestibular Evoked Potentials. Programs and protocols for vestibular rehabilitation will also be detailed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program . (Formerly Current Issues in Advanced Vestibular Practices.)

  • AUD 523 - Leadership and Supervision

    Semester Hours: 1
    This course explores advancements in the evaluation of balance function beyond electronystamography including Rotational and Posturographic tests, and Vestibular Evoked Potentials. Programs and protocols for vestibular rehabilitation will also be detailed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program . (Formerly Leadership and Supervision of Clinical Audiology Programs.)

  • AUD 540 - Early Intervention

    Semester Hours: 1
    This course will cover the elements needed to ensure early identification and management of hearing loss in infants.  The course will begin with an overview of the issues including the purpose and rationale for early detection and intervention. Included in this discussion will be an analysis of factors that led to the transition from risk-based to universal screening, including a discussion of landmark position statements and legislation. Procedures for early identification, including neonatal hearing screening and implementation of effective follow-up procedures will be described. The appropriate diagnostic tests to confirm hearing loss in identified infants between 0 and 6 months of age will also be covered.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only. Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program .

  • AUD 541 - Intraoperative Monitoring: Audiology in the Operating Room (OR)

    Semester Hours: 1
    This course is designed to introduce the advanced audiology student to the growing field of neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring. The course will present the anatomic and physiologic bases of monitoring for spine, neck, cranial, and cardiothoracic and peripheral nerve surgeries. The techniques include SSEP, MEP, ABR, CNAP, CMAP and EMG tools; the evaluation of the data from these tools; and the effects of surgical, patient, and anesthesia control on the interpretation of these data.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only. Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program . (Formerly Neurophysiologic Interoperative Monitoring.)

  • AUD 542 - Forensic Audiology

    Semester Hours: 1
    The purpose of this course is to provide the student/professional with an understanding of the legal, ethical, legislative, and forensic issues that may be encountered in the practice of audiology. The legal rights of communicatively disordered persons and provisions of the ADA will be explored. Other issues, such as due process, federal and state mandates, managed care, educational entitlements, the role of professional organizations and support groups, support personnel, external forces impacting on the professions, and advocacy for the professions will be addressed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only. Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program 

  • AUD 544 - Business Practice in Audiology

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course examines planning and execution of a comprehensive, quality, cost-effective private practice in audiology.  Content includes variables such as the physical layout, location, organization and marketing of a private practice. Methods of procuring instrumentation, retaining patient populations, and the business of audiology including hearing aid dispensing will be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only. Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program .

  • AUD 545 - Industrial Audiology

    Semester Hours: 1
    This course describes the audiologist’s role in noise assessment and abatement, and in hearing protection in industrial, educational, military, and community settings. Topics will include noise measurement, regulations and laws related to noise, noise control, physiological and psychological effects of noise, hearing conservation, and hearing health care. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only. Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program .

  • AUD 546 - Pharmacology/Ototoxicity

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course explores theories in pharmacology, including drug absorption, bioavailability, administration and treatment, mechanisms of interaction, and toxicity related to the ear, hearing and the vestibular mechanism. Methodologies and technologies for monitoring use of ototoxic medications will be explored.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program . May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • AUD 547 - Cerumen Management

    Semester Hours: 1
    This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for proficiency in cerumen management.  In accordance with ASHA 1992 guidelines,  students will acquire practical, supervised training in the use of hand-held, video, and pneumatic Otoscopy, recognition of the external auditory canal (EAC) and tympanic membrane (TM) condition, and removal of cerumen when it can be performed comfortably and safely.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Pass/Fail grade only. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required.

  • AUD 549 - Counseling in Audiology

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective audiologic counseling to patients and their families/caregivers based on individual patient need and cultural sensitivity. Counseling techniques will be tailored to specific audiologic diagnoses and services.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to matriculated students enrolled in the AuD program . May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • AUD 550 - Current Issues in Audiology

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will provide in-depth discussion on topics important to today’s audiologists, and will include invited lecturers.  Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: auditory neuro-anatomy, geriatric audiology, tinnitus management, deafness, global audiology, multicultural and bilingual audiology, legislation, and inter-professional education. Additionally, in order to be responsive to developments in the field, topics are subject to change. 

  • AUD 560 - Clinical Instruction in Audiology

    Semester Hours: 2
    Fall, Spring
    This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic principles and procedures involved in assessment of the auditory system and rehabilitation of auditory disorders. Students will learn clinical procedures for conducting a diagnostic behavioral evaluation using pure tone, speech and immittance audiometry. Procedures for the various tests will be described and students will begin to gain hands-on experience in their home institution clinics. Interpretation of clinical data and generating a diagnostic statement and recommendations will be stressed. Issues involved in counseling and taking case histories for diverse populations will be addressed.  Various professional and legal issues, such as licensure and certification requirements, Code of Ethics and confidentiality will be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Lab fee additional.

  • AUD 561 - Clinical Practicum in Audiology I (Internship)

    Semester Hours: 1
    Supervised practice and seminar at the Hofstra Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic. Students administer evaluation and provide treatment to individuals of different ages from infancy through adults. A weekly seminar focuses on methods and models for diagnosis and management of children and adults.  Seminar topics may include screening procedures, tympanometry, ABR and OAE, CAP, habilitation and educational issues, impairment. Legal, ethical, and sociocultural and linguistic issues are explored. In order to meet the requirement of this practicum, students should be available at least 50 hours/semester.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Prerequisite clinical course AUD 560 .

  • AUD 562 - Clinical Practicum in Audiology II

    Semester Hours: 1
    Supervised practice at affiliated consortium university clinic. Complete along with a weekly on-campus seminar. Students gain hands-on experience in clinical management of individuals at different developmental levels, who have hearing impairments. Issues investigated in a seminar include specialized hearing aid measurement such as Real Ear and programmable hearing aids. Selection and fitting of aids, ear mold modification, hearing aid orientation and counseling issues are discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Prerequisite clinical course work: AUD 560  and 561 .

  • AUD 563 - Clinical Practicum in Audiology III (Externship)

    Semester Hours: 2
    A clinical externship and seminar for audiology majors in rehabilitation and/or assessment of auditory disorders. Supervised clinical practice with individuals at different developmental levels takes place on campus and at off-campus affiliated hospital and clinical sites. The seminar investigates special diagnostic procedures including ENG, posturography, vestibular disorders, ABR and OAE methods and models. Implications of cultural and linguistic diversity are addressed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Prerequisite course work: AUD 560 , 561  and 562 .

  • AUD 564 - Clinical Practicum in Audiology IV (Externship)

    Semester Hours: 2
    An advanced seminar and clinical externship for audiology majors in management of auditory disorders. Students are responsible for development of alternative assessment and intervention techniques. Seminar topics are varied each semester based on current clinical research and technology; topics may include cerumen management, auditory neuropathy, and interoperative monitoring. Implications of cultural and linguistic diversity are addressed. Supervised clinical practice with individuals at different developmental levels takes place on campus and at off-campus affiliated health care and clinical sites.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Prerequisite clinical course work: AUD 560 , 561 , 562  and 563 .


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