Feb 12, 2025  
2018 Summer Sessions Bulletin 
2018 Summer Sessions Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Credit Certificate Programs for College Graduates


Hofstra University Graduate Admission working in conjunction with both the Frank G. Zarb School of Business and the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has developed a range of Credit Certificate Programs to meet the needs of lifelong learners. These Credit Certificate Programs are designed to prepare individuals for career changes, career enhancement or further academic study. All Credit Certificate Programs (with the exception of Labor Studies) require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree for acceptance into the program.

College graduates who hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree can become proficient in accounting, finance, general management, human resources management, information technology, international business, or marketing professions. Individuals may obtain a certificate in one year by completing six courses (18-19 credits) that are taught by Frank G. Zarb School of Business faculty during the day and evening. These credit certificate programs are also extremely useful for those individuals who want to add significant knowledge to their ongoing careers.

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Accounting Certificate Program (ACP)

The ACP enables college graduates with a bachelor’s degree in any major to learn the basic concepts, techniques and skills required to understand and practice accounting. Graduates of this program are eligible for positions as accountants and also meet some of the state requirements for taking the CPA examination. Advisor: Dr. Steven Petra, 516-463-4178.

Finance Certificate Program (FCP)

The FCP enables college graduates to pursue positions with brokerage and insurance firms, commercial and investment banks, corporations, government and not-for-profit institutions. Graduates may also decide to use these courses as preparation for taking the CFA examinations. Each student must take three required courses and three additional courses in one area of concentration, i.e., investment, corporate or banking. Advisor: Dr. Andrew Spieler, 516-463-5334.

General Management Certificate Program (GMCP)

The GMCP enables college graduates to advance their careers by developing high-level competencies as managers. Individuals who have recently assumed responsibility for coordinating the work of others, and those preparing for promotion to supervisory positions, will benefit from this program. Advisor: Dr. Janet Lenaghan, 516-463-6574.

Human Resources Management Certificate Program (HRMCP)

The HRMCP enables college graduates with a bachelor’s degree in any major to pursue a career in the field of human resources management. As the effective deployment of human capital becomes increasingly important for organizational viability, graduates of this program are eligible for positions in corporations, not-for-profit organizations, and government agencies in both domestic and international markets. Advisor: Dr. Janet Lenaghan, 516-463-6574.

Information Technology Certificate Program (ITCP)

The Information Technology Certificate Program prepares college graduates for career opportunities in systems analysis and information resources management. Participants learn how to analyze business needs and apply technologies to increase productivity and efficiency. No prior computer experience is necessary for people entering this fast-track program. Advisor: Dr. Hak Kim, 516-463-4529.

International Business Certificate Program (IBCP)

The IBCP enables college graduates with a bachelor’s degree in any major to gain valuable knowledge of international business. Graduates of this program are eligible to work in a variety of positions in international business (depending on previous education and experience), including international finance, human resources, marketing and trade managers, import/export managers, foreign subsidiary managers and many others. Advisor: Dr. Anil Mathur, 516-463-5706.

Labor Studies Certificate Program (LSCP)

The Certificate in Labor Studies is designed for individuals who wish only to take one or two courses per semester in a focused program of study on employment law, labor management relations, union organization and operations, and related legal and socioeconomic issues. Nearly all courses are taught by full-time professors with the most advanced degrees, and most courses are scheduled in the late afternoon or evening. A college degree is not a prerequisite for acceptance into this certificate program. The certificate is granted after successful completion of only six courses. Of these, one course must be chosen in each of the following areas:  Labor History, Collective Bargaining, Labor and Employment Law, Political Economy, Communication and Research, and Interdisciplinary Electives. Eligible courses in each area are listed on our website: www.hofstra.edu/laborstudies. An Advanced Certificate in Labor Studies can also be earned by successful completion of four additional courses beyond the six courses required for the Certificate in Labor Studies.  Courses taken for the noncredit certificate cost as little as $450. Courses may also be taken for credit at the University’s standard tuition rate.  Advisor: Dr. Gregory DeFreitas, 516-463-5040. For more information, call the Labor Studies Coordinator at Hofstra Continuing Education at 516-463-5014. Online: Visit ce.hofstra.edu to download a registration form.

Marketing Certificate Programs (MCP)

Two Marketing Certificate Programs have been developed especially for college graduates who want to pursue a career in marketing management or marketing media. One certificate program focuses on marketing management and prepares students for positions in a variety of settings, i.e., direct marketing, international marketing, sales management, retail management, marketing research and advertising. The other certificate program focuses on marketing media with emphasis on television and print advertising. Students obtain hands-on television and graphic production experience in Hofstra’s state-of-the-art television production studio and become uniquely qualified for marketing positions which require working closely with television production people and artists. Advisor: Dr. Anil Mathur, 516-463-5706.

Certificate Program in Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Studies

The Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Studies Program provides an opportunity for students who hold a bachelor’s degree, and who have not previously studied those sciences traditionally considered part of the premedical curriculum, to prepare for entrance into a health care profession of their choice. The premedical adviser, in conjunction with the science faculty, will help students develop an individualized program of study based on their career goals, previous academic work and family/work responsibilities. This flexibility allows students to pursue a variety of careers in medicine (including osteopathic, dentistry, chiropractic, veterinary medicine and optometry), as well as design a schedule that fits their unique needs. Basic science prerequisites can also be completed for some of the allied health professions, such as physician assistant, physical therapy and occupational therapy. However, in these areas, additional course work may be necessary depending on the individual school’s requirements. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the program adviser in the office of Graduate Admission.

Advanced Graduate Certificate in Business Programs

The Frank G. Zarb School of Business (accredited by AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), working in conjunction with Hofstra University Continuing Education, developed the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Business Programs to meet the ongoing, postgraduate educational and career needs of experienced professionals. These programs enable individuals who possess graduate degrees in business to refocus their careers or update and expand upon specific business skill sets. Individuals who possess professional degrees in other areas, e.g., medicine or law, may also find these programs of interest as an expedient means of achieving expertise in a particular business function. Upon admission, students are assigned to a faculty adviser from the appropriate department within the Frank G. Zarb School of Business who assists with designing a sequence of study conducive to their individual objectives.

Advanced Graduate Certificate in Business Programs are offered in the following 9 areas of specialization: accounting, corporate finance, general management, human resources management, information technology, international business, investment management, marketing and taxation.

Each specialization consists of six graduate-level courses that are taught by Frank G. Zarb School of Business faculty. A total of 18 semester hours is required (exclusive of prerequisites in some programs), and students must take 12 of these 18 credits while in residence at Hofstra. Each program may be completed in as little as one year.

Attaining a competitive edge can be a determining factor in the current corporate environment, and a broader base of knowledge acquired through a precise course of study can greatly assist in securing that edge. Individuals who are interested in enrolling in one of the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Business Programs should contact the Frank G. Zarb School of Business Graduate Programs Office at 516-463-5683.