Feb 16, 2025
RUS 151 - (LT) Masterpieces of Russian LiteratureSemester Hours: 3 RUS 151-154 is a three-year cycle, one course each semester (may be taken in any order). The primary objective is to develop each student’s ability in the critical reading of outstanding authors in Russian literature, taken essentially from the 18th century to the present. Readings will be chosen according to each student’s prior experience and interests. Rather than a chronological approach, with division into literary movements, the student will choose, upon advisement, one or more themes (e.g., social problems, the role of “the superfluous man,” the Father and Son theme, freedom and happiness, love and fate, the problems of goodness and evil) which will be pursued by private reading followed by written and/or oral reports to the class. The student who has taken the four courses in this sequence will have gained an adequate insight into literary genres and movements as well. A detailed personal record of reading progress will be maintained to assure the systematic development of each student’s facility in literary criticism.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Prerequisites for 151 through 154: RUS 101 and 102 , or permission of instructor.
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