BAN 174 - Business InternshipSemester Hours: 1-3 Actual practical experience in an approved setting open to junior and senior business analytics majors. Students work a minimum of 40 hours for 1 credit or a minimum of 80 hours for 2 credits or a minimum of 120 hours for 3 credits in a business analytics field offered by a for-profit or not-for-profit organization.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Permission of department chairperson, a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in business analytics courses and 2.5 overall; either IT095 or IT117 or BAN101; junior class standing or above.
NOTE: Students may take this course for 1, 2, or 3 s.h., and may take the course more than once, with a maximum of 3 s.h. earned. Credits earned count toward general degree requirements but do not satisfy business analytics major requirements.
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