CRWR 190 A-Z - Advanced Topics in Creative WritingSemester Hours: 3 Fall, Spring
Special topics related to the creative writing genres. Subjects to be selected yearly.
Current Special Topics
CRWR 190O Opening a Novel (a fiction workshop)
This is a traditional fiction-writing workshop in which we will be exploring the art of the novel, specifically how to start one and build the momentum that is necessary for sustaining a longer work. We’ll be exploring character, point of view, tense, the idea of chapters, and plot as we feel our way toward grasping the novel’s possibilities and expanse, the many different ways there are to approach the form. Additionally, there will be assigned readings from various novels that we will explore in order to both learn to read like writers and to understand how others begin the long-form in fiction. Among the authors, we will read are Jane Austen, Toni Morrison, Tommy Orange, Virginia Woolf, Tim O’Brien, Emile Zola, and others.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: WSC 001 and CRWR 133 . May be repeated for credit when topics vary. As individual subjects are selected, each is assigned a letter (A-Z) which is affixed to the course number. Specific titles and course descriptions for special topics courses are available in the online class schedule.
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