LING 181 - Special Studies in Linguistics A-ZSemester Hours: 1-3 Periodically
Directed investigation of topics in any of the various subfields of linguistics such as phonological rules and representations, syntactic change, semantics, language and social/psychological behavior, and artificial intelligence and natural language processing.
Current Special Topics
LING 181P: Psycholinguistics
The comprehension and production of the language of even the simplest and most commonplace language is a highly complex, almost miraculous, process. Psycholinguistics is an introduction to the study of how humans learn, represent, comprehend, and produce language. Topics covered in the course will include visual and auditory recognition of words, sentence comprehension, reading, sentence production, language acquisition, the neural representation of language, bilingualism, and language disorders. Students will also investigate how different production and comprehension processes interact while looking at how language is processed and represented and how to apply this to the analysis of data.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Open to all undergraduate and graduate students, and students in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. No previous knowledge of linguistics or psychology is required.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Subjects to be announced yearly. May be repeated when topics vary.
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