Feb 06, 2025
HPR 115 - Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Global PerspectiveSemester Hours: 3 Once a Year
This course provides an overview of women’s sexual and reproductive health issues around the world, presented in the context of a woman’s lifecycle, beginning in childhood and moving through the reproductive years to aging. The approach takes into account economic and social factors, and human rights as they influence women’s ability to have good sexual and reproductive health, and to manage their lives in the face of societal pressures and obstacles. Particular attention will be paid to discrimination and violence against women, poverty, and unequal access to resources such as health care. Course materials will be drawn from a wide variety of sources worldwide so that students can begin to develop an appreciation of how sexual and reproductive health issues for women in the U.S. compare to those of women around the world, in addition to developing an understanding of some of the work that is being done to ameliorate the problems women face. This will be an interactive class with a mixture of lecture, video and discussion.
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