Feb 16, 2025
BIOL 148 - Plant Cell Biology and DevelopmentSemester Hours: 4 Periodically
Course is designed to emphasize the dynamic exchange of information between the environment, cells, tissues and organs that controls morphogenesis and development to establish the functional plant. Using a mechanistic approach, the course will explore how plants change developmental processes in order to survive in an ever-changing environment. The lab will be a combination of descriptive and experimental components designed to emphasize the approaches common to the study of plant development. (3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.)
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: BIO 135 or BIOL 122 ; BIO 137 or BIOL 123 ; BIO 015 or; one Laboratory Skills course (BIOL 126 , BIOL 127 , 128 , or BIOL 129 ); or permission of instructor. Fulfills one of the two upper-level lab courses required for a biology major. Lab fee additional.
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