Mar 10, 2025
CSC 058 - Fundamentals of Web Application DevelopmentSemester Hours: 3 Spring
Web applications are task-specific application programs available from Web servers. Examples include online stores and auctions, student registration systems, and Webmail. This course introduces students to the essential concepts of Web application development, primarily using the rapid application development (RAD) tools for JavaServer Faces and ASP.NET. It covers basic concepts of client-server systems, Web protocols and software. Coverage includes user-interface development with JSF/HTML tags, forms and images, validation, event-handling, Java Beans, navigation, database access and tables, and XML. Course requirements include completion of homework exercises and several laboratory programming projects.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: CSC 050 , 054 . May not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis. (Formerly Fundamentals of JavaScript Programming.)
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