Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

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HUHC 021 A-Z - Special Topics Seminar

Semester Hours: 1-4

Fall, Spring

Special Topic Seminars are specialized courses offered to students of Stuart and Nancy Rabinowitz Honors College . Each seminar is proposed, designed, and led by a member of the Hofstra faculty. Multiple seminars are offered each semester on a wide variety of topics. The purpose of the seminars is to provide HUHC students and faculty an opportunity to explore subject matter and topics that do not typically present themselves in regular departmental offerings.

Current Special Topics


This seminar is designed for students who are interested in new emerging technologies including augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), drones, smart assistants, and other IoT devices. It is aimed to give students broad knowledge and hands-on experience of these new technologies.

(The chair of the Information and Business Analytics Department has indicated that this course may be counted as a departmental elective toward the completion of requirements for majors or minors.)


Truth is stranger than fiction. The stories behind many business and finance films and books are both entertaining and instructive. The headlines blare of fraud at Enron and WorldCom but do not discuss the important role of capital markets in improving individual and global welfare. Surprisingly, movies (and often originally a book) like “Moneyball” while entertaining discusses the core concepts of valuation albeit in a baseball setting (and best actor nomination for Brad Pitt). These and other stories contribute to our collective understanding that finance is not about greed (but there is some!) but about helping individuals, investors, and collectively nations improve their standard of living and quality of life. Students will gain an understanding that raising capital is necessary to fund new and critical technologies and start new ventures. Markets develop to more efficiently allocate capital and channel resources ultimately to their highest-value use. This course provides an entertaining but important lens to view the important role of finance in modern times.

(The chair of the Finance Department has indicated that this course may be counted as a departmental elective toward the completion of requirements for majors or minors.)

* HUHC 021 courses are non-liberal arts classes

Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
Special Topic Seminars are open to Honors College students in good standing and, with the permission of the instructor and the HUHC Deans’ Office, to other students who meet HUHC entrance criteria. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Not for liberal arts credit.

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