Feb 18, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

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PRMD 021A - Clinical Research Internship

Semester Hours: 2-4
Students will learn, in the lecture portion, basic methodology in clinical research, including basic data collection, statistical analysis and research design as well as regulations and ethics unique to the clinical setting. Students will also participate in clinical research projects and will spend a variable number of hours (3-9) in clinical shifts. Students will gain experience as a research assistant by working regular shifts in the emergency department at either North Shore University Hospital or Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
Undergraduate junior status or post-baccalaureate program, minimum of 20 semester hours of natural science requirements completed, 3.0 overall and science GPA and permission of pre-medical advisor. The lecture portion of the course meets one hour per week.  Students taking the course for two credits will add three hours of clinical work per week; students taking the course for three credits will add six hours of clinical work; students taking the course for four credits will add nine hours of clinical work.  No liberal arts credit. Pass/Fail grade only; students must earn a passing grade in both the lecture and the clinical portions of the course.

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