HUHC 021 A-Z - Special Topics SeminarSemester Hours: 1-4 Fall, Spring
Special Topic Seminars are specialized courses offered to students of Stuart and Nancy Rabinowitz Honors College . Each seminar is proposed, designed, and led by a member of the Hofstra faculty. Multiple seminars are offered each semester on a wide variety of topics. The purpose of the seminars is to provide HUHC students and faculty an opportunity to explore subject matter and topics that do not typically present themselves in regular departmental offerings.
Current Special Topics
The purpose of this course is to educate students on the relationship between the mind and body in exercise. Learn how the mind is related to exercise performance, enjoyment, compliance, adherence, and overall health and well-being. Discover how exercise affects thought processes, mood states, attitude, and motivational levels. Students will develop a scholarly-applied approach as contemporary principles and theories will be introduced, discussed, critiqued, and applied to real-life exercise experiences.
The director of the Physical Education & Sport Sciences has indicated this course may be counted as a departmental elective toward the completion of the requirements for Physical Education and Sport Sciences majors or minors.
Human behavior is complex and multifaceted. Understanding human behavior is of importance to social scientists, public policymakers, and businesses. This course uses advanced research technologies to gain insights into multiple aspects of human behavior. Specifically, the course will focus on advanced tools such as eye-tracking, facial analysis, voice analysis, and text analysis. Theories underlying measurements using these advanced technologies will be discussed in addition to their practical applications in various disciplines. The seminar will also have a lab component during which students will get hands-on experience using these technologies to better understand human behavior. Lab exercises will be conducted in the state-of-the-art Behavioral Research Laboratory in the School of Business. Students will design a research study, collect primary data, and write a report based on the use of advanced technologies to understand some aspects of human behavior.
The chair of the Marketing Department has indicated this course may be counted as a departmental elective toward the completion of the requirements for Marketing majors or minors.
* HUHC 021 courses are non-liberal arts classes
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Special Topic Seminars are open to Honors College students in good standing and, with the permission of the instructor and the HUHC Deans’ Office, to other students who meet HUHC entrance criteria. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Not for liberal arts credit.
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