HIST 177A - Special Topics in American HistorySemester Hours: 3 Periodically
Studies in periods, countries, or special themes in history. Subject and content vary from year to year.
Current Special Topics
History 177A: US Policy & Israel Palestinian Conflict
In this class, we will examine the evolution of US policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the founding of the Israeli state, up until the present time. In exploring this sensitive subject, we will attempt to contextualize US decision-making within the broader framework of US-Middle East relations. Students will be reading diverse sources and encountering competing perspectives. An important goal for this course is to deepen our understanding of US policy and to enable a free, serious discussion about its purpose and impact.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Course may be repeated when topics vary and students may register for multiple courses within this numbering scheme. Ordinarily not open to first-year students. (Formerly HIST 177, Special Studies in History.).
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