ENGG 297 A-Z - Special Topics in Engineering Management Semester Hours: 1-3
The course discusses current topics relevant to engineering management. The course will focus on specific topics such as technology leadership & entrepreneurship, safety organization, corporate law (including contracts and patents), conflict management & negotiation techniques, and management and environmental laws and regulations.
Current Special Topics
ENGG 297A - Probability & Statistics For Engineers
The course is designed to provide students with an overview of international human rights law. The course will focus on the core international human rights instruments and mechanisms that support promoting and protecting human rights worldwide. Current States’ reports under examination by key United Nations human rights treaty bodies, as well as country-specific situations under consideration of the UN Human Rights System, will be showcased during the course to contextualize the subject matter and how international human rights standards can further social justice efforts.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Permission of instructor. It may be repeated for credit when topics vary. Specific titles and course descriptions for special topics courses are available in the online class schedule.
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