ANTH 192 A-Z - Anthropology InternshipSemester Hours: 1-6 Periodically
A minimum of 28 hours of on-site internship work per semester hour in an approved academic, museum, government, non-governmental or research institution is combined with: regular meetings with the student’s faculty adviser; reading and writing assignments; and an in-depth term paper that situates the internship experience within a broader anthropological framework. Evaluation will be based on students’ on-site performance as well as their written and academic work; an on-site evaluation of “poor” will result in a maximum grade of C. Anthropology majors and minors who have been offered an internship may receive credit for this course if approved by the chairperson of the Anthropology Department . The internship must be training for a position in which a college degree would be necessary for full-time employment and in which a major in anthropology would be considered beneficial. The number of semester hours granted depends on the type of work and the number of hours worked and will be determined by the department chairperson.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Successful completion of at least 18 s.h. of anthropology and permission of the department chairperson. A maximum of 3 semester hours can be applied toward a major in anthropology.
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