GEOG 161 - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the Natural SciencesSemester Hours: 3 Periodically
This course is intended to introduce students to the principles and methods of GIS in a multidisciplinary context with applications in natural sciences (such as biology, geology) and applied sciences (engineering). Hands-on laboratory exercises with ArcView software and its extensions will allow students to acquire practical experience in editing, integration, geocoding, display, and analysis of spatial and non-spatial data through multi-layered maps using data from various sources. Emphasis on: remote sensing to collect data and integrate it with GIS; home range analysis to determine habitat usage and occupancy patterns; vegetation patterns. The course will bring the real-world experience into the class by means of case studies in land-use planning, environmental impact studies, asset management, and transportation engineering.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Sophomore class standing or above. Lab fee additional.
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