MUS 069 - Music Fundamentals and Species Counterpoint
Semester Hours:2Fall
The first required course for all music majors that should be taken concurrently with MUS 061 or 061A. It is organized in two parts: 1) an intensive and comprehensive survey of the fundamentals of music theory and notation; 2) training in the writing and analysis of two-part species counterpoint in the manner of Fux. Emphasis on the development of a general understanding of fundamental principles of music theory and notation, and on the principles of voice leading and melodic structure that are most useful in the study of tonal harmony.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Corequisite: MUS 061 or 061A or permission of the department. Enrollment limited to music majors or prospective music majors. May not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis. See Notes 1, 2 in Music Department General Information.