MUS 069A - Music Fundamentals and Species CounterpointSemester Hours: 3 Fall
May be substituted for MUS 069 as the first required course for music majors in the music theory sequence, and should be taken concurrently with MUS 061 or 061A . It is intended for students who, on the basis of a placement examination, have demonstrated a need for intensive training in music fundamentals beyond that normally covered in MUS 69. It is organized in two parts: 1) an intensive and comprehensive survey of the fundamentals of music theory; 2) training in the writing and analysis of two-part species counterpoint in the manner of Fux. Emphasis is given to the development of a general understanding of fundamental principles of music theory and to the principles of voice leading and melodic structure that is most useful in the study of tonal harmony.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Corequisite: MUS 061 or 061A or permission of the department. Enrollment limited to music majors or prospective music majors.
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