PHYS 001A - (NS) Elementary PhysicsSemester Hours: 3 Fall, Spring
First semester of algebra-based elementary physics, intended for non-physical science majors, and recommended for pre-medical and pre-dental students whose majors do not require the calculus-based sequence. Topics covered include the fundamental laws and principles of motion, energy, momentum, fluids, heat and thermodynamics. Students should take the laboratory component PHYS 001B concurrently, unless credit has already been received for the equivalent. Note that all students must pass this course with a C- or better to advance to PHYS 002A .
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: 1 unit high school algebra, 1 unit plane geometry. Students with AP Physics Exam transfer credits should seek advice from the Department of Physics and Astronomy before registering. No credit given for this course if taken after PHYS 011A . PHYS 001A applies toward the natural science (NS) distribution requirement only upon successful completion of the corresponding laboratory course PHYS 001B .
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