GERM 150 - Internship in GermanSemester Hours: 1-6 Fall, January, Spring, Summer
Work-study experience either in the United States or in a German-speaking country, open to students from all undergraduate programs and schools, that aims at providing students with a broad array of opportunities to apply academic and theoretical knowledge to practical situations. Internships requiring German- and/or only English-language competence may be taken for academic credit. Internships may be arranged in approved for-profit organizations or not-for-profit academic, government, research and medical institutions.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: A minimum GPA of 2.5, approval of the director of the German program , and approval of chairperson of student’s major department required for participation in this course. Under faculty advisement and supervision, students complete a minimum of 28 hours of work for each semester hour of credit in addition to a minimum of 10 hours of academic work – for example, reading, research, and a term paper or final project, to be determined by faculty adviser in conjunction with student. Grade will be based on both academic and on-site performance. An on-site evaluation of “poor” will result in a final grade no higher than C. May be repeated for up to 6 s.h. Only 3 s.h. of this course may be applied toward a minor in German ; 6 s.h. may be applied toward a major in German . May not be taken on Pass/D+/D/Fail basis.
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