ESL 002a - Intermediate English Grammar, Reading, and Writing ISemester Hours: 0 This course is designed for non-native English-speaking students with novice-high oral and listening proficiency as defined by the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines to enhance their interpretive listening and viewing skills, interpersonal and presentational oral skills. They will learn to understand short non-complex listening and viewing texts that convey basic information and deal with basic personal and social topics to which the listener or viewer brings personal interest or experience. Students will learn to extract meaning from short connected texts featuring description and narration on familiar topics related to predictable situations, as well as from short news reports from local and national news. They will practice and improve their listening and speaking skills (interpersonal and presentational) by combining and recombining known elements and conversational input. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand spoken texts and speak on a broad range of topics, communicating their own meanings at the intermediate-mid level (ACTFL).
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Novice-high proficiency in reading and writing as defined by the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. (May be demonstrated by successful completion of ESL 001a )
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