NUR 271 - Principles of Evidence-based Diagnostic Testing Semester Hours: 2 This course uses evidence-based guidelines, scientific principles, and clinical examples to promote and develop student nurse practitioner ability to use patient data, as part of clinical reasoning and diagnostic and therapeutic decision making, to order and interpret diagnostic tests. Using the theory, principles, tools and methods presented during the course, students will apply knowledge gained to synthesize patient data and appropriately select and interpret diagnostic tests, justifying their selections and rationales using the scientific literature, costs, risk-benefit profiles, and other forms of supporting evidence. Students will also be exposed to the psychomotor skills required for performing advanced diagnostic procedures, including the principles that promote safer, higher quality technical skill performance and minimize risks to patient and operator. The knowledge, psychomotor skills, and attitudes gained in this course will enable students to better formulate clinical diagnoses, construct sound clinical decisions, use diagnostic testing wisely, and perform diagnostic tests more safely.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: For graduate nursing and DNP majors only.
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