DPT 535 - Comprehensive Practical Examination Semester Hours: 1 This course integrates all previous didactic coursework and culminates in a simulated complex patient case and a practice physical therapy licensure written examination. This course will provide students the opportunity to synthesize and integrate all their didactic coursework into a simulated physical therapy examination and intervention strategy for patients with complex diagnoses. This course includes a comprehensive practical exam and a comprehensive practical exam. The purpose of the comprehensive practical examination is to emphasize that students are expected to acquire and cumulatively maintain levels of competence necessary for successful completion of the program and clinical practice after graduation. The comprehensive practical exam will test students’ knowledge, attitudes, ability to practice safely, ability to perform psychomotor skills, reasoning, problem-solving skills, time management, organizational skills, and clinical experiences completed related to coursework completed in the first two years of the program.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Prerequisites for this course include all preceding coursework in the curriculum. Any exceptions require approval from the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program Director. May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
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