Feb 01, 2025
ENGL 192C - Readings in Literature: How The Simpsons Saved American LiteratureSemester Hours: 3 The Simpsons are a cultural phenomenon that have explored, adapted and
parodied many works of American literature. Many have been overt uses,
easily recognizable, but most often the allusions have been subtle. All
this points to one thing as if the references are important enough to
be lampooned by the Simpsons, these works must be important cultural
milestones. The following titles examine themes in American literature
important to the American self-image as well as considering the
observed image to which Americans are subjected. Some of the works that
this class will use to gauge this phenomenon include: Readings from the
Simpsons and Philosophy: The D’oh! of Homer, A Streetcar Named Desire,
The Devil and Daniel Webster, The Scarlet Letter, The Natural, The
Music Man, The Old Man and the Sea, “Howl,” “The Telltale Heart,” “The
Raven,” “The Fall of the House of Usher,” and “Citizen Kane.”
January 2007 Offering: 10103: M-Th, 9 a.m.-12:10 p.m.; Pioreck; 135 Gallon Wing
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