Feb 18, 2025  
2009 January Bulletin 
2009 January Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

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BIO 110A - Field Ecology: Galápagos Islands

Semester Hours: 3
In the Galápagos Islands and Ecuadorian rainforest the class will collect photographic specimens, learn field identification of plants and animals, evaluate local ecosystems, and visit local highlights such as the Cotopaxi stratovolcano and the Charles Darwin Research Station. Students will examine and document the volcanic landforms and geology of both the islands and the mainland. In addition, students will explore the impact of the Galápagos Islands on Charles Darwin and the development of modern evolutionary theory. Among other responsibilities, students will prepare a specimen collection, maintain a laboratory journal, and write a term paper on a relevant research topic.

Prerequisites & Course Notes:
Initial deposit (required to reserve a space on the trip) is due Oct. 15, 2008. BIO 14 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with BIO 203.

January 2009 Offering:
10181: Jan. 8-24; Burke

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