SPCH 260S - Practicum II: Speech-Language Intervention and Assessment (Preschool, K-12) Semester Hours: 2 Fall, Spring, Summer
This course is a supervised practicum at an affiliated off-campus school/clinical facility, completed with attendance at a mandatory on-campus weekly seminar. During the practicum, students evaluate, prepare and implement intervention plans for various pediatric communication disorders. Students also identify and address issues related to cultural, linguistic, and developmental diversity associated with communication disorders. The weekly seminar focuses on a variety of clinically related issues regarding the evaluation and treatment of pediatric clients, including, but not limited to: interdisciplinary interactions, service delivery models, normal development across all domains, augmentative communication, sensory integration, literacy, and dysphagia.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: SPCH 228 and 229 , and a graduate course in pediatric disorders. May be used for bilingual extension credit, by advisement. May be repeated once for credit with permission of graduate program director.
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