SPED 223A - Supervised Teaching in the Secondary School in Special and General Education Classes Semester Hours: 4.5 Fall, Spring
For matriculated graduate students seeking teacher certification with an extension to include teaching students with physical disabilities, learning and/or emotional disturbance. Students are periodically visited in a general middle and/or senior high school and in a special education setting. Weekly seminars are devoted to analysis of teacher’s activities, experiences and case studies. Evaluation of teaching effectiveness will be examined.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: SPED 242 and 245 . SED 264 , 205 , 213 and appropriate methods course(s); a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or better in field in which certification is sought. Admission by permission of adviser and application to the Office of Field Placement and the Department of Counseling, Research, Special Education and Rehabilitation by May 1 for the succeeding spring semester and February 15 for the succeeding fall semester. Same as SED 223 . Students must register for SPED 223A and 223B concurrently. Pass/Fail grade only.
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