ELED 219 - Supervised Teaching With Normal and Handicapped Children Semester Hours: 9 Fall, Spring
Full-time student teaching for matriculated students with no teaching certification seeking a master’s degree as well as certification in early childhood general education and special education at early childhood, childhood, middle childhood and adolescent developmental level. Students are placed in educational settings that correspond to their area of certification. University supervisors visit periodically in each setting. Mandatory weekly seminars focus on the analysis of teaching behavior using research-based best practice theory as well as the development of reflective practice skills. In addition, special state-mandated seminars address issues of child abuse and abduction, substance abuse, violence prevention, fire and arson prevention and safety education.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Must be taken concurrently with ELED 223 . Same as SPED 219A -219B . (Physically Handicapped, Neurologically Impaired/Learning Disabled, Emotionally Disturbed and/or Mentally Retarded.)
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