Feb 15, 2025  
2011 Summer Sessions Bulletin 
2011 Summer Sessions Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

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BIO 11 - (NS) Introductory Cell Biology and Genetics

Semester Hours: 4
This course provides an introduction to basic cell structure and function and the genetic basis of inheritance. Topics covered include: basic biochemistry, cell structure and function, metabolism and cellular respiration, genetics and molecular biology. Students are required to prepare individual or group-based oral presentations, using appropriate computer-based technologies. Students will participate in group-based interactive workshops in which they will be expected to inform/persuade/defend viewpoints to fellow students in collaborative discussions. This course is designed to be the first required biology course for biology majors. Also recommended for majors in other sciences, pre-health professional, pre-veterinary students and undeclared students considering science as a major. Majors in other disciplines are strongly advised to take BIO 3 or 4 to fulfill a laboratory science requirement. This course sacrifices animals in laboratory. If students taking this course have moral, ethical, or religious beliefs that prevent them from participating, they need to discuss available alternatives to these activities with the chairperson of the Department of Biology. (3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory, 1 hour recitation.)

Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
CHEM 3A; BIO 12.

Summer 2011 Offering:
70748:     (Lecture): M-R, 9:30-11:45 a.m., St. Angelo, 15 Roosevelt
70749:     (Lab): T-R, 12:30-4:30 p.m., St. Angelo, 208/213 Gittleson

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