Feb 10, 2025
CSC 197B - Independent Senior Design IISemester Hours: 1 Continuation of CSC 197A. Under faculty advisement students complete an integrative project in an area of computer science or computer engineering. A final project report, a poster, and a CD project portfolio are required. The course has an oral communication component.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: CSC 197A. Corequisites: CSC 198F or 198S. May not count as a technical elective. May not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis. Laboratory fee required. No liberal arts credit. Grade upon completion of CSC 197A is PR; final grade for CSC 197A will be the same as final grade for CSC 197B, and assigned upon completion of 197B.
Summer 2011 Offering: SSI
60645: TBA, Doboli
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