LYST 215A - Language and Literacy in Middle Childhood and AdolescenceSemester Hours: 3 This course investigates issues in language and literacy, focusing on grades 5-12. Readings and discussion of the language processes (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are grounded in the theoretical perspectives in the areas of psycho-sociolinguistics, social/cultural literacies, the transactional nature of literature and critical literacy. Teaching methodologies that support language and literacy development of middle school and high school students are studied through readings and field experiences. There is an emphasis on the role of cultural and linguistic diversity in literacy learning and teaching. Students are expected to develop their own theories of literacy learning in school and communities.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: A 10-hour field experience is required. Course is cross-listed with LYST 101 .
Summer 2011 Offering: SSI
60169: MW, 4:30-7 p.m., Henry, 284 Hagedorn
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