Feb 14, 2025  
2011-2012 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2011-2012 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

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RTVF 281 A-Z - Projects in Documentary

Semester Hours: 4
Documentary has always served multiple purposes and manifested various forms, and this course provides the opportunity for advanced production in documentary. Each year, the course is taught by film, video and audio documentary professionals. The instructors focus the course on their areas of expertise in the field of documentary. These areas may include experimental autobiography; cinema verite; historical; personal/political; social issue; compilation; editing or cinematography. Student projects will reflect those areas of expertise and result in the production of individual/group video or audio projects on the specific topic. May be repeated for credit as long as there is a different letter designation each time it is taken.

Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
RTVF 241  or permission of the instructor. Lab fees additional. (Formerly AVF.)

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