Mar 06, 2025
ENGG 187 - Medical Imaging Periodically
Introduction to the fundamental principles of Image Analysis in Biological Sciences
and Medical Imaging. Emphasis on analysis techniques useful in scientific research.
Topics include impulse response, transfer function, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),
image display, 2-D convolution, 2-D Fourier Transforms, and linear and nonlinear
filters. Theory formulations of major medical imaging modalities (X-ray CT, Ultrasonic,
MRI, Radionuclide) are derived from basic principles.
Prerequisites & Notes Knowledge of a programming
language (Fortran, C, or C++) and the ability to use existing computer programs
(MATLAB) are recommended. ENGG 177 or 166B, MATH 144, PHYS 12A or permission of
instructor. No liberal
arts credit.
Credits: 3 s.h.
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