ELED 129A - Integrated Teaching of Science in Early and Childhood Education Fall, Spring
Introduces students to the purposes, selection, organization, and guidance of
science experiences suitable for PreK-6 children. Explores the connection between
science and technology with respect to contemporary themes in environmental science
and communication. Emphasis on the development of skills in the construction and
administration of science and technology investigations for children. Methods
of instruction that address the needs of children with special learning needs
and diverse language backgrounds are integrated. Students participate in the reflective
study of their teaching under close clinical supervision.
Prerequisites & Notes Completion of the science distribution course requirement; ELED 134, 135, 136
or ELED 125A, 126A, 127A. Corequisites: ELED 128A and either ELED 129E or ELED
129L. There is a material fee of $10. Credit given for this course or 129, not
both. May not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis.
Credits: 3 s.h.
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