Mar 02, 2025
IB 207 - Global Business Decision MakingSemester Hours: 3 Course applies a cross functional integrative approach to analyzing, formulating and implementing organizational strategy for different sizes and types of organizations in a global setting. Course reviews the concept of global strategy and analyzes the crucial linkages between strategy development and organizational design. Production, marketing, finance, accounting, information technology, and human resources strategies are formulated and implemented in the global context. Other topics include competitive analysis, industry and firm value chain, leadership, financial and market analysis, and organizational structure and culture in the context of technological, ethical and ecological factors affecting international and global organizations. Students assess the effectiveness of different approaches to strategy by using them to examine performance of multinational companies.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: ACCT 203, FIN 203, MGT 203, MKT 203, and IT 203 or QM 203. Credit given for this course or IB 219, not both. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements.
January 2014 Offering(s): 10156: Jan. 2-23; Zhang; Distance Learning
10194: Jan. 5-23; Study Abroad: Hofstra in Venice
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