Feb 07, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]




Associate Professor Seabold, Chairperson
Professors Costenoble, Ismailescu, Sunic, Wu
Associate Professors Adaricheva, Cole, Elston, Franklin, Mammo, Silberger, Warner
Assistant Professor Rowland

The mathematics major or minor can be an entry to many fields. Recent graduates with majors in mathematics have begun careers in finance, actuarial science, teaching, medicine, and law, as well as graduate work in math, business, statistics, and the sciences. Students should develop a plan of study tailored to their interests as early as possible in consultation with an adviser in the Department of Mathematics. Here are a few guidelines.

The department offers the following undergraduate programs:

  • Mathematics: for students with a strong interest in mathematics, a track for those interested in careers requiring graduate education in mathematics.

  • Actuarial Science: for students interested in actuarial science and other applications of mathematics to business. Prepares the student for the first examinations administered by the Society of Actuaries, and thus begins the path toward Fellowship in the Society of Actuaries.

  • Applied Mathematics: for students with a strong interest in applied mathematics, an excellent track for those interested in careers requiring graduate education in applied mathematics or the sciences.

  • Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics: for students interested in combining their study of mathematics with an interest in the sciences. 

Students interested in actuarial science should take the statistics sequence, MATH 137  and 138 , in their sopohomore or junior year. With appropriate study and advice, they may be able to complete several actuarial examinations before graduation. Summer internships in actuarial science are widely available for students with good records through the junior year. Professor Franklin advises actuarial students.

Students seeking careers in elementary and secondary education should consult the Department of Teaching, Learning and Technology  in the School of Education of HCLAS  to be advised on the education sequence that culminates with student teaching. Students seeking a double major in mathematics and either elementary or secondary education should also consult the mathematics department chairperson as early as possible. Professor Whitton of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Technology  acts as adviser with Department of Mathematics advisers for these students.

Careers such as college teaching and advanced industrial research often require the PhD degree. Our best students frequently qualify for fellowships for PhD study. Students seeking these careers are encouraged to obtain research and science experience early in their careers. Many internships are available for well qualified students after their junior year. Interested students should see the chairperson of the Mathematics Department during their junior year.

Students seeking careers in medicine or law should consult University advisers in these areas. Premedical students should take a one-year sequence in each of the following: biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry and physics.