2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
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Office: Second Floor, Heger Hall
Phone: 516-463-5412
Eva Badowska, Dean
Kristin Weingartner, Vice Dean for Strategic Initiatives
Jean Dobie Giebel, Senior Associate Dean for Curriculum and Personnel
Steven Costenoble, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Planning and Program Evaluation
Mission Statement
As the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, we are dedicated to the production, analysis, and transmission of knowledge and creative works.
Empowerment. Our core mission is to empower students to pursue lifelong inquiry, to develop adaptable, creative problem-solving skills, to navigate technological advances, and to build flexible, interdisciplinary perspectives necessary for careers of the future. HCLAS students learn to shape their communities through the integration of art; literature; philosophical, geographical, and historical inquiry; social and natural scientific inquiries; and quantitative methods and reasoning. HCLAS graduates employ effective critical thinking, communication, global awareness, and cross-cultural competencies for fulfilling lives and successful careers, in pursuit of a better world.
Diversity. We recognize that the success of our community hinges upon collaboration among a diversity of peoples, perspectives, and cultures. HCLAS is committed to attracting, supporting, and retaining a diverse community of talented students and distinguished faculty.
Excellence. HCLAS faculty are devoted to excellence in teaching, mentoring, and the production and dissemination of original research, scholarship, and creative works in and across disciplines.
Foundational Knowledge. The liberal arts are the heart of Hofstra University’s programs, generating and providing foundational knowledge for fields within HCLAS as well as disciplines across the University. We are committed to developing learners’ intellectual powers alongside our values of free inquiry, resourcefulness, judgment, and character.
The Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences comprises the School of Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts; the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; and the Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs. For the college’s academic organization, see below; for the University’s academic organization, see Academic Organization.
The Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is made up of the School of Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts; the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; and the Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs. For the college’s academic organization, see below; for the University’s academic organization, see Academic Organization .
Students should consult the online class schedule or specific course descriptions for specific course offerings before registering for programs.
School of Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts of HCLAS
Students in School of Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts of HCLAS may develop their oral and written communication skills in Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and English and other languages - both classical and modern. The School also features a broad variety of stages where they can explore and enhance their talents. Examples include the annual Shakespeare Festival as well as an annual theater season with classical and contemporary plays and musicals; dance concerts; the student gallery in the Fine Arts and Art History Department; the English Department’s “Great Writers, Great Readings” series and the Music Department’s busy schedule of concerts and recitals, all of which give students the chance to perform with more than 20 large and small resident music ensembles.
In the School of Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts of HCLAS , students will develop their oral and written communication skills in English and in other languages, both classical and modern, as well as their ability to learn and think with creativity, imagination, and sensitivity, while being exposed to the best that the history of humanity has to offer in literature, theater, music, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture, and design. Students may also develop their writing skills and literary and artistic talents as a preparation for careers in the arts and other fields, such as publishing, grant-writing, curating, non-profit administration, Web design and development, and education.
The following areas and departments make up this division:
Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics
American Sign Language
Asian Studies
Greek and Roman Studies
Comparative Literature
English as a Second Language Program
Literature in Translation
Russian and Post Soviet Studies
Drama and Dance
Theatre Arts
Creative Writing
Publishing Studies
Fine Arts, Design, Art History
Music Business
Romance Languages and Literatures
French and Francophone Studies
French Literature in Translation
Italian Literature in Translation
Italian American Studies
Italian Studies
Spanish Literature in Translation
Writing Studies and Rhetoric
School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of HCLAS
In the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of HCLAS , students and faculty work together to foster the discovery and transmission of knowledge in astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, environmental studies, mathematics, physics, and psychology. Students conduct research in both the laboratory and the field under the guidance of their faculty mentors, and they go on to present their data and ideas at local, regional, and national fora. They prepare to continue their studies in advanced degree programs in their fields and for a wide array of careers as medical and mental health professionals, research scientists, educators, and entrepreneurs. The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of HCLAS prepares students for careers in the natural and physical sciences and for professional schools and offers courses to foster an understanding of science and mathematics to students outside the sciences.
The following areas and departments make up this division:
Pre-Medical Studies
Urban Ecology
Forensic Science
Natural Science
Geology, Environment and Sustainability
Environmental Resources
Sustainability Studies
Physics and Astronomy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs of HCLAS
In the Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs of HCLAS , students will prepare for their future as informed and responsible citizens of their local, national, and global communities through engagement with the rigorous intellectual traditions of social scientific inquiry in disciplines such as anthropology, economics, geography, sociology, political science, history, and philosophy. Students will conduct social scientific research to prepare them to think critically and creatively about policy issues and alternatives and, through service-learning experiences, may prepare for careers in law, in business, in public service, in governmental agencies and NGO’s, in non-profit organizations, and in public and educational institutions.
The following areas and departments make up this division:
Public History
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Law
Cognitive Science
Political Science
European Studies
International Affairs
Public Affairs
Presidential Studies
Additional Programs
The Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers undergraduate programs leading to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, and Bachelor of Science degrees. Programs in teacher education are offered jointly with the School of Education through dual enrollment.
Core Course Information
Students who entered Hofstra prior to fall 2004 must complete all requirements as stipulated in the Bulletin of first registration. Students who entered Hofstra prior to fall 2004 and who must satisfy core requirements may begin in fall 2004 and fulfill these requirements by taking Distribution Courses in the corresponding distribution categories.
Distribution Courses
A number of Hofstra University bachelor’s degree programs include distribution requirements among their general degree requirements. The distribution requirements are designed to afford the student some familiarity with the subject matter and intellectual methods used in the various liberal arts and sciences. In addition, these requirements seek to expose students to a broad range of cultural traditions and encourage students to partake in interdisciplinary studies that draw on the general resources of the liberal arts and sciences. The distribution categories and their identifying codes are listed below.
Courses taken on an optional Pass/D+/D/Fail basis may not be used to satisfy distribution requirements. Note, however, that some distribution courses are given only on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis and may be used to fulfill distribution requirements.
Students may transfer in for distribution credit courses whose content falls within one of the distribution categories (MATH courses with numbers 008 or below). No student may satisfy distribution requirements at another institution once that student has matriculated at Hofstra University, with the exception of students participating in an accredited study abroad program at another institution. (See Transfer Credit Policy, below.)
Distribution Categories
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by “LT” before the course title in this Bulletin. These courses are offered in the subject areas listed below:
Africana Studies (AFST)
Asian Studies (ASST)
Comparative Literature and Languages (CLL)
Disability Studies (DSST)
English (ENGL)
French (FREN)
French Literature in Translation (FRLT)
German (GERM)
Greek (GRK)
Hebrew (HEBR)
Hofstra University Honors College (HUHC)
Irish Studies (IRE)
Italian (ITAL)
Italian American Studies (ITST)
Italian Literature in Translation (ITLT)
Latin (LAT)
Literature in Translation (LIT)
Romance Languages and Literatures in Translation (RLLT)
Russian (RUS)
Spanish (SPAN)
Spanish Literature in Translation (SPLT)
The Arts (AA or CP )
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by either “AA” or “CP” before the course title in this Bulletin. These designations signify a difference in the type of course that may be used to satisfy this requirement. Those courses that seek to enhance the student’s appreciation and analysis of a non-literary art form are designated “AA”; those courses that require a student to creatively participate in an art form are designated “CP.” These courses are offered in the subject areas listed below:
Africana Studies (AFST)
Art History (AH)
Creative Writing (CRWR)
Dance (DNCE)
Drama (DRAM)
Fine Arts (FA)
Italian American Studies (ITST)
Irish Studies (IRE)
Music (MUS)
Musical Theater (MUTH)
Radio, Television, Film (RTVF)
Rhetoric (RHET)
Women’s Studies (WST)
Writing Studies and Composition (WSC)
Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by “NS” before the course title in this Bulletin. These courses are offered in the subject areas listed below:
Astronomy (ASTR)
Biology (BIOL)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Engineering (ENGG)
Forensic Science (FOR)
Geology (GEOL)
Geographic Information Systems (GEOG)
Meteorology (METR)
Natural Science (NSC)
Physics (PHYS)
Technology and Public Policy (TPP)
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by “MA” before the course title in this Bulletin. These courses are offered in the subject areas listed below:
Computer Science (CSC)
Engineering (ENGG)
Mathematics (MATH)
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by “CS” before the course title in this Bulletin. These courses are offered in the subject areas listed below:
Computer Science (CSC)
Social Sciences
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by “BH” before the course title in this Bulletin. These courses are offered by the departments listed below:
Africana Studies (AFST)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Economics (ECO)
European Studies (EUR)
Geography (GEOG)
Hofstra University Honors College (HUHC)
Irish Studies (IRE)
Labor Studies (LABR)
Political Science (PSC)
Psychology (PSY)
Sociology (SOC)
Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences (SPCH)
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by “HP” before the course title in this Bulletin. These courses are offered in the subject areas listed below:
Africana Studies (AFST)
History (HIST)
Hofstra University Honors College (HUHC)
Irish Studies (IRE)
Jewish Studies (JWST)
Philosophy (PHI)
Religion (RELI)
Cross-Cultural (CC)
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by “CC” before the course title in this Bulletin. These courses are offered in the subject areas listed below:
Africana Studies (AFST)
Art History (AH)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Asian Studies (ASST)
Economics (ECO)
English (ENGL)
French (FREN)
French Literature in Translation (FRLT)
Geography (GEOG)
Global Studies (GS)
History (HIST)
Labor Studies (LABR)
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ Studies (LGBT)
Linguistics (LING)
Literature in Translation (LIT)
Middle Eastern and Caribbean Studies (MECA)
Music (MUS)
Philosophy (PHI)
Political Science (PSC)
Religion (RELI)
Sociology (SOC)
Spanish (SPAN)
Spanish Literature in Translation (SPLT)
Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences (SPCH)
Writing Studies and Composition (WSC)
Interdisciplinary Studies (IS)
Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are designated by “IS” before the course title in this Bulletin and are regarded by the college as employing an interdisciplinary approach to their subject matter. These courses are offered in the subject areas listed below:
Asian Studies (ASST)
Center for Civic Engagement (CCE)
Cognitive Science (CGS)
Criminology (CRM)
Disability Studies (DSST)
European Studies (EUR)
Food Studies (FST)
Global Studies (GS)
Irish Studies (IRE)
Italian Studies (ITST)
Italian American Studies (ITST)
Jewish Studies (JWST)
Labor Studies (LABR)
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ Studies (LGBT)
Linguistics (LING)
Medicine, Culture, and Society (MCS)
Peace and Conflict Studies (PCE)
Public Policy and Public Service (PPS)
Religion and Contemporary Issues (RELI)
Sustainability Studies (SBLY)
Women’s Studies (WST)
Bachelor of Arts
The candidate for the BA degree pursues studies that have elements both of breadth and of depth. The element of breadth is made up of inquiry that ranges widely over the arts and sciences. Students are encouraged, beyond the fulfillment of minimal requirements, to explore various fields as their developing interests lead them. The element of depth in the BA program is mainly to be found in the field of specialization or academic major, chosen by the student from one of the fields listed below, after a year or two of college work. For the major, each academic department defines the special pattern of required and suggested study that suits its discipline.
BA Degree Requirements
Candidates for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Arts must fulfill the following requirements, including:
- Semester Hour Requirement
The successful completion of at least 124 semester hours and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work completed at Hofstra.
- Liberal Arts Requirement
At least 94 semester hours (93 hours for the BA major in Early Childhood Education and a liberal arts major, Elementary Education and a liberal arts major, and a Dual Certification Program in Early Childhood Education and Childhood Education and a liberal arts major) of the total must be in liberal arts. Beyond this minimum, the student may elect either non-liberal arts courses or additional liberal arts courses.
All courses in the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are offered for liberal arts credit unless otherwise noted.
- Residency Requirement
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in-residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of concentration, and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours in the major need not be included in or within the last 30 hours.
- Distribution Requirement
The fulfillment of 33 semester hours of distribution requirements is as follows. (See Distribution courses.) NOTE: No student may use the same course to satisfy two separate distribution requirements, nor may a student use the same course to satisfy the distribution requirement and foreign language requirement.
- Nine semester hours of distribution courses in the humanities. The nine semester hours must include at least three from the Literature category (LT) and at least three from either the Appreciation and Analysis (AA) or Creative Participation (CP) categories. No more than three semester hours of Creative Participation (CP) courses may be used to satisfy this requirement.
- Nine semester hours of distribution courses in the natural sciences/mathematics/computer science. Three semester hours must be chosen from the natural sciences (NS) category, three semester hours must be chosen from the mathematics (MA) category, with an additional three hours chosen from natural sciences (NS) or mathematics (MA) or computer science (CS) categories.
- Nine semester hours of distribution courses in the social sciences. The nine semester hours must include at least three from the behavioral sciences category and at least three from the history, philosophy, and religion category.
- Three semester hours of distribution course credit in the cross-cultural category.
- Three semester hours of distribution course credit in the interdisciplinary studies category. A student may satisfy this requirement with three semester hours of interdisciplinary studies course credit or with three additional semester hours taken from A-D, above.
- English Composition Requirement
Satisfactory completion of WSC 001 and 002 and the Hofstra Writing Proficiency Exam.
- Writing Intensive Requirement
Satisfactory completion of two courses designated as Writing Intensive (WI). Must be taken after completion of WSC 002 and at least 30 semester hours, and may not include courses designed for first-year students (for example, FYC clusters and seminars and Honors College Culture & Expression). Click here for instructions on how to view a list of current Writing Intensive (WI) courses.
Quantitative Reasoning Requirement
Satisfactory completion of one course designated as Quantitative Reasoning (QR). Click here for instructions on how to view a list of current Quantitative Reasoning (QR) courses.
Foreign Language Requirement
The foreign language requirement may be fulfilled by completion of level 3 of a foreign language (Option 1); placement above level 3; or completion of the Alternate Language Option (Option 2).
Students without transfer college credit in the foreign language studied in high school must take the language placement test (administered by the Language Laboratory) to determine placement in the proper level. No student shall receive credit toward graduation for any course below his or her level of placement in that language.
Students with transfer college credit in a foreign language should continue in the next level which follows that in which they have received credit or should follow Option 2 (see below) to fulfill the foreign language requirement.
International students may satisfy the foreign language requirement by placing out of the requirement by taking the placement examination in their native language.
A student may fulfill the Foreign Language Requirement in one of two ways, as specified below:
OPTION 1: Completion of course work through level 3 of one single language OR placement above level 3. (Students who do not choose to complete level 3 of a foreign language must automatically select Option 2, Alternate Language Option.)
OPTION 2: Alternate Language Option: Completion of level 2 of one single language not studied previously, plus one of the following alternatives:
♦ Completion of level 2 of another single language not studied previously;
♦ Completion of level 1 of another language not studied previously, plus 3 credits chosen from the following options:
• Three (3) credits of CLL, DSST, FRLT, ITLT, ITST, LIT, SPLT, related to the culture of the language in which the student completed through level 2 or the equivalent OR 3 credits of linguistics offered in either CLL or RLL.
Students who wish to fulfill the language requirement by completing Option 2 must file the Alternate Language Option Form with the Center for University Advisement. NOTE: The Pass/D+/D/Fail Option is not available for courses taken in fulfillment of any language requirement. No course taken in fulfillment of the foreign language requirement may be taken via Credit by Exam or Credit for Prior Learning. Courses used to fulfill the foreign language requirement may not be used to satisfy distribution requirements.
NOTE: Students who matriculated prior to academic year 2013-2014 must fulfill this requirement as it is stated in the Bulletin of their first year of matriculation at the University, unless they elect to officially change their bulletin year to 2013-2014, or later.
- Major Requirement
The fulfillment of major requirements as listed in the Bulletin under the department of specialization. A student may not count more than 45 semester hours within a single major discipline toward the 124 credits for the BA without special permission from the appropriate academic dean, except that this limit shall be 48 semester hours for those students qualifying and electing to undertake departmental honors courses. Where the major department requires more than 124 semester hours for the degree, the excess over 124 may include required work in the department additional to this 45/48 hour maximum.
BA Distribution Requirements
A total of 33 semester hours
Humanities |
9 |
* only 3 of the 9 s.h. in the Humanities may be satisfied with Creative Participation (CP) Courses |
Natural Sciences/ Mathematics/Computer Science |
9 |
NOTE: Students who matriculated prior to the academic year 2013-2014 must fulfill this requirement as it is stated in the Bulletin of their first year of matriculation at the University, unless they elect to officially change their bulletin year to 2013-2014, or later.
Note: Students who may select a co-major in teacher education will find specific New York State Education Department liberal arts requirements here . Please consult the specific education program requirements before planning the HCLAS distribution coursework.
Transfer Credit
Students who receive transfer credit for courses equivalent to those that satisfy distribution requirements may apply these courses to fulfill some or all of their distribution requirements. No student may satisfy distribution requirements at another institution once that student has matriculated at Hofstra University, with the exception of students participating in an accredited study abroad program at another institution. With permission of the department offering the distribution course or courses and the Associate Dean of Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, such students may receive credit for one distribution course per distribution category, with a maximum of two in total, upon successful completion of the course(s) and the study abroad program. In acknowledgment of the experiential component of study abroad courses, it is recognized that distribution courses taken while participating in study abroad programs may not be exact equivalents to Hofstra courses that satisfy distribution requirements.
Bachelor of Fine Arts
The Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers two Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees, one in Dance and one in Theater Arts.
The Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance .
Dance Degree Requirements
Candidates for graduation with a BFA degree in Dance must fulfill the following requirements:
- The successful completion of at least 132 semester hours.
- At least 62 semester hours of the total must be in liberal arts.
- Candidates must spend the last four semesters of full-time study in residence at Hofstra.
- Satisfactory completion of WSC 001 and 002 and the Hofstra Writing Proficiency Exam.
- Completion of Level 1 in French with an emphasis on ballet terminology.
- The fulfillment of 24 semester hours of distribution requirements is as follows (see Distribution courses in this section). NOTE: No student may use the same course to satisfy two separate distribution requirements.
A. Nine semester hours of distribution courses in the humanities. The nine semester hours must include at least three from the literature (LT) category, at least three from the appreciation and analysis (AA) category (fulfilled by completing DNCE 127 or MUS 003 or 004 ); and at least three from creative participation (CP) category (fulfilled by completing DNCE CP distribution courses).
B. Three semester hours in the natural sciences (NS) or HSCI 103 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I .
C. Three semester hours in mathematics or mathematics/computer science (MA or MA/CSC).
D. Three semester hours in the behavioral social sciences (BH).
E. Three semester hours in the history, philosophy, and religion category (HP).
F. Three semester hours in the cross-cultural category (CC).
- Demonstration of proficiency satisfactory to the drama faculty as determined by a fall and spring evaluation of majors and a senior project.
- The major requirements as listed under the BFA in Dance .
The Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater Arts .
Theater Arts Degree Requirements
Candidates for graduation with a BFA degree in Theater Arts must fulfill the following requirements:
- The successful completion of at least 124 semester hours.
- At least 62 semester hours of the total must be in liberal arts.
- Candidates must spend the last six semesters of full-time study in residence at Hofstra.
- Satisfactory completion of WSC 001 and 002 and the Hofstra Writing Proficiency Exam.
- Completion of Level 3 in a foreign language or at least 6 semester hours of one foreign language.
- The fulfillment of 24 semester hours of distribution requirements is as follows (see Distribution courses in this section). NOTE: No student may use the same course to satisfy two separate distribution requirements.
A. Nine semester hours of distribution courses in the humanities. The nine semester hours must include at least three from the literature (LT) category and at least three from the appreciation and analysis (AA) category. Three semester hours may then be chosen from either literature (LT), appreciation and analysis (AA), or creative participation (CP).
B. Three semester hours in the natural sciences (NS).
C. Three semester hours in mathematics/computer science (MC).
D. Three semester hours in the behavioral social sciences (BH).
E. Three semester hours in the history, philosophy, and religion category (HP).
F. Three semester hours in the cross-cultural category (CC).
- Demonstration of proficiency satisfactory to the drama faculty as determined by a fall and spring evaluation of majors and a senior project.
- The major requirements as listed under the Drama and Dance Department.
Bachelor of Science
The Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in the fields of specialization listed below. The objective of these curricula is to provide a broad and liberating education as well as depth and competence in a given area of knowledge. Thus, liberal arts courses are required in each program.
Applied Physics
Business Economics
Computer Science and Mathematics
Environmental Resources
Fine Arts
Forensic Science
Mathematical Business Economics
Pre-Medical Studies
Sustainability Studies
Urban Ecology
A student seeking a BS degree may earn a minor under the same guidelines as for the BA degree. Refer to the department of minor specialization for specific requirements.
BS Degree Requirements
Candidates for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science must fulfill the following requirements (see specific program for details):
- The successful completion of the required semester hours for the major and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work completed at Hofstra.
- The liberal arts requirement for the specialization.
- There are certain requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra. See specific programs for these requirements.
- The fulfillment of the following general requirements for the BS.
- Satisfactory completion of WSC 001 and 002 (See University Degree Requirements ).
- Humanities (LT, AA, and CP) distribution (at least 6 s.h.)
- Natural Sciences/Mathematics (NS, MA, CSC) distribution (at least 6 s.h.)
- Social Sciences (BH, HP) distribution (at least 6 s.h.).
- The major and additional requirements as listed under the field of study. Some programs require specific courses offered in the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Refer to specific programs for details.
See also: Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education Goals and Learning Objectives.
Academic Minors
In addition to a major, a student may choose a second field of lesser specialization, an academic minor. Minors are generally available in departments and programs that offer majors. In addition, some interdisciplinary programs offer minors alone. Like the major, a completed minor field will be listed on the student’s record. In general, the requirement for the optional minor in Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the successful completion of 18 semester hours of courses in the program, with at least six hours in residence. Only courses acceptable for the major may be applied toward the minor. Pass/D+/D/Fail credit will be given toward an academic minor for courses offered only on this basis. For optional minors, see the Frank G. Zarb School of Business , The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication , School of Education , the Fred DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science , and the School of Health Sciences . Refer to the Pass/D+/D/Fail option and the department of minor specialization for specific requirements.
Major and PreProfessional Advisement
Each academic department has faculty advisers for its student majors and minors. There are also special advisers for students who are interested in professional and preprofessional programs in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, law, and education. These specializations usually call for the student to follow a BA or BS program, using the options within it in appropriate ways. Such is the case, for example, for most students who plan to become secondary or elementary school teachers. Students should consult their pre-professional advisers early in their college work and remain in touch with them thereafter.
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education Goals and Learning Objectives
(Approved by the Faculty of HCLAS – March 11, 2015)
General Education Goals and Learning Objectives for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts Degrees
Goal 1. Critical and Analytical Thinking
Students will apply critical and analytical thinking across a broad array of liberal arts and science disciplines, designed to foster self-examination and inquiry into the outside world of nature and society. Liberal arts courses stress the development of clarity of expression, power of discovery, and creative imagination.
Objective 1A. Complete a broad-based course of study across the liberal arts disciplines within the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics.
Objective 1B. Apply relevant criteria to create, critically analyze, interpret, or reflect ethically on a text, artwork, performance, or other product of human creativity and reasoning.
Objective 1C. Demonstrate quantitative reasoning by using techniques of mathematical and statistical analysis to numerically quantify and answer a question.
Objective 1D. Demonstrate scientific reasoning by applying inductive and/or deductive analysis to evaluate a hypothesis.
Goal 2. Written Communication
Students will demonstrate proficiency in written communication.
Objective 2A. Apply principles of clarity and coherence to sentences and paragraphs.
Objective 2B. Write an effective expository or argumentative essay using appropriate style, structure, and voice.
Goal 3. Oral Communication
Students will demonstrate proficiency in oral communication.
Objective 3A. Demonstrate skill in oral communication techniques, appropriately addressing the needs of the audience and expressing ideas coherently.
Objective 3B. Demonstrate mastery of the intellectual content of an oral presentation for informing, persuading, and/or defending a point of view, or for leading or participating in a collaborative discussion of a topic.
Goal 4. Cultural and Global Awareness
Students will develop cultural competencies and global awareness.
Objective 4A. Provide and understand information on simple concrete subjects in a language other than English in both oral and written form in languages where both currently exist. (Classical languages will be assessed in their written form only.)
Objective 4B. Demonstrate the ability to explain and reflect on important political, economic, social, aesthetic, and ethical issues of at least one of the peoples in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, or of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia.
Objective 4C. Demonstrate the ability to explain and reflect on important political, economic, social, aesthetic, or ethical issues within one’s own cultural context.
Goal 5. Information Literacy
Students will demonstrate information literacy.
Objective 5A: Demonstrate the ability to research, select and properly cite a variety of appropriate sources used to support scholarly work.
Objective 5B. Make effective use of sources, showing an understanding of their meaning/significance.
Goal 6. Technological Competency
Students will demonstrate technological competency.
Objective 6A. Demonstrate the ability to use general or discipline-specific technologies to identify, retrieve, analyze, and communicate ideas and information.
General Education Goals and Learning Objectives for the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering Degrees
Goal 1. Critical and Analytical Thinking
Students will apply critical and analytical thinking across a broad array of liberal arts and science disciplines, designed to foster self-examination and inquiry into the outside world of nature and society. Liberal arts courses stress the development of clarity of expression, power of discovery, and creative imagination.
Objective 1A. Complete a broad-based course of study across the liberal arts disciplines within the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics.
Objective 1B. Apply relevant criteria to create, critically analyze, interpret, or reflect ethically on a text, artwork, performance, or other product of human creativity and reasoning.
Objective 1C. Demonstrate quantitative reasoning by using techniques of mathematical and statistical analysis to numerically quantify and answer a question.
Objective 1D. Demonstrate scientific reasoning by applying inductive and/or deductive analysis to evaluate a hypothesis.
Goal 2. Written Communication
Students will demonstrate proficiency in written communication.
Objective 2A. Apply principles of clarity and coherence to sentences and paragraphs.
Objective 2B. Write an effective expository or argumentative essay using appropriate style, structure, and voice.
Goal 3. Oral Communication
Students will demonstrate proficiency in oral communication.
Objective 3A. Demonstrate skill in oral communication techniques, appropriately addressing the needs of the audience and expressing ideas coherently.
Objective 3B. Demonstrate mastery of the intellectual content of an oral presentation for informing, persuading, and/or defending a point of view, or for leading or participating in a collaborative discussion of a topic.
Goal 4. Cultural Awareness
Students will develop cultural competencies.
Objective 4A. Demonstrate the ability to explain and reflect on important political, economic, social, aesthetic, or ethical issues within one’s own cultural context.
Goal 5. Information Literacy
Students will demonstrate information literacy.
Objective 5A: Demonstrate the ability to research, select and properly cite a variety of appropriate sources used to support scholarly work.
Objective 5B. Make effective use of sources, showing an understanding of their meaning/significance.
Goal 6. Technological Competency
Students will demonstrate technological competency.
Objective 6A. Demonstrate the ability to use general or discipline-specific technologies to identify, retrieve, analyze, and communicate ideas and information.
International Education
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences regularly offers opportunities to study abroad. During various times of the year, Hofstra faculty teach courses across the globe. Previous destinations have included the Ecuador/Galápagos Islands, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and Spain. Additionally, we offer a semester-length European Odyssey experience where students travel with a faculty member across Western and Eastern Europe. For further information, please refer to the Study Abroad Office’s website: https://hofstra-sa.terradotta.com/ or email studyabroad@hofstra.edu.
Off-Campus Education
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers students the opportunity to earn academic credit for domestic and international off-campus internships and approved study abroad programs. The program director for Domestic Off-Campus Education and International Off-Campus Education can provide information.
Academic Chairs and Distinguished Professorships
The John Cranford Adams Chair in the Humanities is held by Dr. Benita Sampedro Viscaya, Professor of Romance Languages and Literature and Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
The Donald E. Axinn Distinguished Professorship in Ecology and Conservation at Hofstra is held by Dr. Jason Williams, Professor of Biology.
The Dorothy & Arthur Engle Distinguished Professor of Literature is held by Dr. Vicente Lledó-Guillem, Profdessor of Romance Languages and Literatures.
The Sardarni Kuljit Kaur Bindra Endowed Chair in Sikh Studies is held by Dr. Balbinder Singh Bhogal, Associate Professor of Religion.
The Leo A. Guthart Distinguished Professorship in Teaching Excellence is held by Dr. Andrea S. Libresco, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Technology.
The Sardarni Harbans Kaur Chair in Sikh Musicology is held by Dr. Francesca Cassio, Associate Professor of Music.
The Msgr. Thomas J. Hartman Endowed Chair in Catholic Studies is held by Dr. Julie Byrne, Associate Professor of Religion.
The Peter S. Kalikow Chair in Presidential Studies is held by Dr. Meena Bose, Professor of Political Science.
The Robert and Florence Kaufman Endowed Chair in Jewish Studies is held by Dr. Santiago Slabodsky, Assistant Professor of Religion.
The Queensboro UNICO Foundation Professorship in Italian and Italian American Studies is held by Dr. Stanislao Pugliese, Professor of History.
The Dr. Mervin Livingston Schloss Distinguished Professor for the Study of Disabilities is currently held by Dr. Craig M. Rustici, Professor of English and Disability Studies.
The Harry H. Wachtel Distinguished Teaching Professorship for the Study of Nonviolent Social Change is held by Dr. Margaret Abraham, Professor of Sociology.
Below is a list of all additional programs/areas offered by HCLAS.