2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin
Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics
The following areas are administered by this department: American Sign Language, Arabic, Asian Studies, Chinese, Greek and Roman Studies, ESL, German, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Latin, Linguistics, Literature in Translation, Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, and World Literature. Each language or area is listed alphabetically.
Associate Professor Krapp, Chairperson
Arabic (ARAB)
Associate Professor Krapp, Chairperson, and Adviser
Asian Studies (ASST)
Professor Welch, Director of Asian Studies
Chinese (CHIN)
Associate Professor Krapp, Chairperson, and Adviser
Greek and Roman Studies
Professor Steven Smith, Director of the Greek and Roman Studies Program
Comparative Literature (CLL)
Professors Donahue, Krapp, Lekatsas, Smith, Welch, Advisers
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Associate Professor Krapp, Chairperson
German (GERM)
Professor Donahue, Director of the German Program
Greek (Ancient) (GRK)
Professor Smith, Adviser
Hebrew, Modern (HEBR)
Associate Professor Krapp, Chairperson and Adviser
(The Hebrew minor is not accepting new students in the 2025-2026 academic year. Courses in Hebrew language [HEBR] may not be offered in the 2025-2026 academic year.)
Japanese (JPAN)
Professor Welch, Director of the Japanese Program
Latin (LAT)
Professor Smith, Adviser
Linguistics (LING)
Professor Leonard, Director of Linguistics Programs
Professor Gales, Assistant Professor Visonà, Advisers
Literature in Translation (LIT)
Literature in Translation courses are available under the prefix LIT, as well as in French (FRLT), Italian (ITLT), Romance Languages and Literatures (RLLT), and Spanish (SPLT). See Course Descriptions for more information.
Russian and Post-Soviet Studies (RUS)
Associate Professor Krapp, Chairperson, and Adviser
World Literature
Associate Professor Krapp, Chairperson, and Adviser